Grant & Develop
minutes on the phone to grantseekers
in FY2020/21
grants awarded
in FY2020/21
grantseeker workshops
reaching 661 people
Grants by activity area
The majority of funding went toward projects that strengthen community resilience, particularly by investing in community assets or infrastructure. We were pleased to provide increased funding to initiatives that develop organisational resilience and capacity, again with an emphasis on investing in infrastructure and equipment. Community-led efforts to improve access, quality, and outcomes around lifelong learning, education or training were also supported to a high level.
Grants awarded by state
Grants continue to be awarded predominantly on the east coast, although this year that was not unexpected, given the significant support for areas affected by the 2019/20 bushfires. There is a commitment to continue to increase investment in other states.
For more details on grants awarded by state, view our interactive grants map on the Impacts page.