Patrons, Board and Governance

FRRR is fortunate to have a number of highly respected people as our Patrons and Board, guiding our activities.

All members of the FRRR board and our staff are passionate about enhancing communities in remote, rural and regional Australia. Many members of our team have grown up in rural communities and most now live and work in regional Victoria, operating from the Bendigo office. We also spend a lot of time on the road, visiting the organisations and projects that FRRR funds so we can continue to strengthen our knowledge and understanding of the many and varied challenges that face rural and regional communities.

Our Patrons

Our Patron in Chief is the Governor-General of the Commonwealth Of Australia, and is joined by the Hon John Anderson AC, as well as founding retired board members the Rt Hon Ian Sinclair AC and Bill Kelty AC.

The Board

FRRR is fortunate to have highly respected and skilled people volunteer their time for our Board, guiding our activities. Most Directors have extensive experience in the philanthropic sector and strong connections to rural communities. Others are experienced and knowledgeable people who have strong backgrounds in government or business.


FRRR’s policies and practices provide the framework that enables the Board’s principal governance role to be achieved. FRRR’s policies ensure that its activities are conducted ethically and in accordance with the law, including well managed and transparent annual financial statements.


John Anderson AC is also a Patron.

The Board

FRRR has had a long history of generous people volunteering their time to serve on our Board.
We are grateful for their advice and support.
Will Myer
James Flintoff
Donna Digby
David Hardie


The Role of the Board

FRRR’s Board of Directors exercises the powers vested in it by the Corporations Law and the Company’s Constitution. The Board is directly responsible to its members for the long-term health and prosperity of the Company.

FRRR’s policies and practices provide the framework which enables the Board’s principal role to be achieved while ensuring that FRRR activities are conducted ethically and in accordance with the law, including well managed and transparent annual financial statements.

The Board charts the direction of FRRR and monitors management’s performance. Its responsibilities include:

  • Setting the vision and providing strategic direction, ensuring there is rigorous analysis and substantiation of thinking supporting the strategy and reviewing the effective implementation of the strategy.
  • Establishing and maintaining appropriate governance structures, including evaluating the performance of Directors, appropriate audit & risk management, etc.
  • Ensuring resources are available to achieve the Company’s strategic plan and its annual business plans and budgets.
  • Regularly monitoring the Company’s operational key performance indicators and its financial performance against these plans and budgets.
  • Identifying and recommending an appropriate Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and reviewing the performance of the CEO.
  • Ensuring that the Company’s financial and other reporting mechanisms result in adequate, accurate and timely information being provided to the Board.
  • Ensuring significant business and other risks to the Company are identified and appropriately managed and adequate internal controls are in place.
  • Ratifying the appointment, removal and remuneration of direct reports to the CEO.
  • Monitoring management’s activities and performance to ensure the strategic plan and direction are being achieved.
  • Ensuring the Company’s Occupation, Health and Safety (OH&S) policies and processes are clearly articulated, all employees are adequately trained in them and there is continuous monitoring and evaluation to ensure OH&S risks are proactively identified and mitigated.
  • Ensuring the Company’s activities are conducted ethically and transparently through setting business standards and codes of ethical behaviour.

The Board has a Nominations and Appointments Committee, which meets as required, and a Finance and Audit (F&A) committee, which meets quarterly. The F&A Committee oversees all aspects of financial investment and management of the Foundation. Our financial reports are independently audited to confirm our financial processes meet all statutory requirements.

Explore our most recent Financial Statements lodged with ACNC.