FRRR: More than Money – The Know & The How

While FRRR is well-known for its grantmaking, the work that we do is much more than simply getting money to the right places. But don’t just take our word for it. See what our donor partners and the community groups say they find most helpful about working with us and where they see that we add value.

FRRR’s value – for Communities

1. Community-Led

FRRR walks with and beside communities to listen, understand, amplify and support not-for-profit organisations to implement local solutions to local problems because we know that communities have the greatest understanding of their challenges and how they can overcome them.

2. Knowledge & Experience

The majority of FRRR’s team members live and work outside the big cities, and all staff have genuine understanding and empathy around the needs of remote, rural and regional communities. They volunteer for local community groups and service organisations, are involved with their kids’ schools and sporting clubs and importantly have a keen interest and desire to see remote, rural and regional communities thrive.

3. Building Capacity

FRRR builds capability and capacity in the communities we serve by:

  • Listening to and amplifying community needs;
  • Delivering grantseeker workshops and connecting community leaders with resources and networks;
  • Utilising networks and knowledge to direct communities to other funding bodies and navigate the funding environment in times of volunteer fatigue and crisis; and
  • Providing tailored feedback on project ideas and applications to upskill applicants and increase their success rate of accessing funding in the future.

4. Support

FRRR’s support leverages other funding for remote, rural and regional communities. Other funders recognise the quality of FRRR’s review process and due diligence, which instils confidence and our grants spur on others to provide funding and support. Last financial year, FRRR team members collectively spent more than 360 hours on the phone supporting applicants with their applications and providing feedback.

FRRR’s value – for Funders

1. Governance & Transparency

FRRR has the governance, structures, protocols and a long track record to ensure that the right funds get to those communities who need it most.

2. Knowledge & Experience

As a regionally-based team, with a long-history of working with remote, rural, and regional communities, FRRR has a unique understanding of the needs of these areas. We share our insights with Government and other sectors to advocate for remote, rural and regional organisations and communities.

3. Leverage

FRRR’s grants are known to leverage other sources of funding and in-kind support. FRRR has a unique position to be able to pool funds from a number of different donors to invest more broadly and deeply.

4. Flexibility & Reach

Our long-standing relationships and unique knowledge of rural and remote communities means we can reach organisations and projects that other funders either are unlikely to know about or can’t support. We can also be flexible to the needs of funders, their areas of interest and corporate social responsibility strategy.

What it takes for FRRR to Engage & Deliver

When you make a donation to FRRR, you are supporting the aspirations of remote, rural and regional communities. Donations to our programs fund grants and the delivery & engagement costs of FRRR.

The delivery and engagement component enables FRRR to provide our grantees and applicants with a high level of support, and to undertake the necessary due diligence to ensure that our donors’ generous contributions get to where they are of most value. This component varies from program to program and covers a portion of our costs.

We regularly review the operation and delivery of our programs and consult with grantees, applicants and partners, to identify efficiencies to keep our costs to a minimum, without sacrificing our support for both donors and grantees.

For instance, for every $10 donated to our Strengthening Rural Communities program, $8 is granted out to communities, with $2 funding the delivery of the program, the support we provide to our applicants and grantees, and the information provided to our donors.

For further information on our Delivery & Engagement Component, please contact the FRRR Partnerships team.