Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR)

In this quarter’s update for FRRR’s donor partners, read about:

  • Grants in Action: Bootstraps working to strengthen community social fabric
  • FRRR launches Heartbeat of Australia Study
  • Partnering Opportunity – Building resilience to drought
  • Donor Spotlight: Portland House Foundation
  • Insights from the bush
  • Community Partner Spotlight: St Paul’s Carcoar Community Facility Ltd.
  • Our progress, with your support

At the southern tip of the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia, Coffin Bay is a small town of about 600 people. Known around the world for its fresh oysters and beautiful fishing spots, Coffin Bay is a popular tourist destination. For years the town has relied on the Community Hall as a place where residents can gather and socialise. In the last few years, a long list of required repairs has meant that the Hall hasn’t been being used to its full potential.

Coffin Bay Community Hall

Coffin Bay Progress Association wanted that to change. They act as a collective voice for the community to help sustain and maintain the values of their unique, relaxed, and caring residents. With a $5,914 Strengthening Rural Communities (SRC) grant funded by Australia Post, the Association has been able to kick off their six-stage upgrade and renovation plan for the hall. They used the SRC grant to fund the installation of a new hot water system and ceiling fans. The grant has also enabled them to update the men’s toilet facilities that were in much need of repairs.

The improvements have already seen the Hall host an array of activities and services for the community. For example, the renovations provided the opportunity for several Community Health services to be held under one roof. The town doctor, who needed to relocate due to SA Rural Health not renewing the lease of the practice, has been able to use the space to see patients and support the community. Additionally, mental health clinics and AA meetings have all moved to the hall as well. 

Carol Fathers, president of the Coffin Bay Progress Association said, “We had an old storeroom which we were able to clear out and turn into a bright & cheerful clinic, everyone is happy.”

The Progress Association is happy to see works on their beloved Community Hall continue with hopes to tile their kitchen, plant a community garden, and create a men’s shed in the future. There are also plans to get local schools involved in painting a mural. The Community Hall has so much potential to help fight social isolation and boost the sense of community spirit for the residents of Coffin Bay.

Moree is a major agricultural centre in northern New South Wales, noted for its part in the Australian cotton-growing industry. Community workshops conducted by both Moree Secondary College and Moree Plains Shire Council during their strategic planning forums found public perception of the local high school at an all-time low. 

In YEAR, The newly-formed Moree Secondary College P&C Association has a committee of 12 parents, who work together to improve the facilities, equipment and uniforms for the 400 students at both the junior and senior campuses of Moree Secondary College (MSC). They developed a comprehensive communications plan designed to turn the negative perceptions around and to convey a more positive image of the school. Their aim was to showcase Moree Secondary College as an option for a quality local education, and improve the community’s relationship with the school to ultimately increase enrolments and keep more families in Moree.

A $5,000 Aussie Cotton Farmers Grow Communities grant, funded by the Monsanto Fund, helped to implement the communication plan, funding a multi-pronged campaign designed to change perceptions and raise awareness of the great things about the school, to improve engagement with the school. The campaign included a promotional video, student and teacher profiles, print and web media publications, and community engagement events. Moree Plains Council committed $3,000 to the project, and the College also contributed funding.

The P&C engaged a freelance journalist to write student and teacher profiles that were posted onto social media, as well as media releases covering various school events and articles to celebrate success in arts, sports and academic excellence.

An event was organised to launch the new video. Attended by the Executive Director and Regional Director of Education, Local Members of Parliament, Moree Plains Shire Council Mayor and more than 100 community members, the MSC P&C was able to showcase the achievements of past students. Four shorter videos were also developed to showcase Drama, Hospitality, Woodwork and Metalwork capabilities and achievements at the school.

In reporting on the project, MSC’s P&C representative Kelly James said that the 2019 year 7 and 10 intakes were at record levels.  “It’s hard to know what direct benefit our promotional campaign has had on student numbers, but we believe it has had some positive impact. “The student profiles we’ve shared on social media have been excellent, with many comments often added to a post, which reinforces the dedication of the MSC teachers, the resources available and quality students graduating from Moree Secondary College.”

The town of Stanthorpe, in Queensland is no stranger to hardship. After years of drought and bushfires, the community was already feeling the pressure when COVID-19 hit. Like many rural, remote, and regional towns, social isolation is a huge issue, now more than ever with strict rules on social interactions and gatherings. These restrictions made it particularly difficult for visitors to come to the area and spend money at local businesses, putting more financial pressure on the community already feeling the effects of years of severe drought. It was so bad, the town was even trucking in water for residents.

The Granite Belt Art and Craft Train Inc (GBART) was determined to push through all these challenges. GBART’s purpose is to support community wellbeing and economic diversity through improving the Granite Belt’s cultural vibrancy and identity. The region stretches from the Great Dividing Range in Queensland all the way to the New England region of New South Wales. 

Thanks to a $20,000 Tackling Tough Times Together (TTTT) grant, GBART was able to hold the highly anticipated annual culture and tourism event, Open Studio, which took place over three days and attracted approximately 4,000 visitors.

Open Studio involved hands on workshops, classes and demonstrations, while also engaging with Australian art and craft in active, inclusive ways. The events were hosted at 27 different venues, including wineries that saw visitors stopping to taste, shop and eat.

The TTTT grant allowed GBART to fund a range of supporting resources such as the training and up-skilling of volunteers, purchasing office and IT equipment, venue hire, advertising and marketing material, COVID-19 cleaning equipment and training, plus salaries for an event coordinator, administration support, and a media consultant.

The event was a major success, bringing the community together and engaging visitors from surrounding towns. Best of all, there were little to no changes needed to their original plan. Event organisers said they were “proud of the venues, the accommodation and hospitality businesses that supported the artisans and hosted them in their venues, and we are proud of the artisans who provided the engagement that brought everyone here.”

In the last 12 years, the beloved community garden in Devonport, Tasmania has become a hub for local residents, where they come together for a range of activities. The garden is very popular among volunteers, seniors and the elderly, schools and people with disabilities in the community. For these groups in particular, the Community Garden is a place to socialise, grow and harvest local produce and get some fresh air.

Devonport Community House (DCH) has overseen the care and maintenance of the garden and surrounding areas since 1938. When they noticed the deteriorating condition of the wooden sleepers containing each of the more than 30 garden beds, they knew it was time for an upgrade.

 With a $10,909 donation by the Thyne Reid Foundation, the DCH were able to purchase “ewood” sleepers to replace the rotten wooden sleepers. The ewood sleepers are more durable and are made of recycled plastic that will ensure at least 50 years of garden bed life, making them a sustainable investment for the Community Garden. 

The process of replacing the wooden sleepers took only a few weeks and has helped to give new life to the Community Garden that has already given so much to the residents of Devonport. These improvements have not only increased the longevity of the garden but have also increased food security for the 20-50 people a week who access the garden through FoodShed, a food distribution organisation that helps farmers make profit.

In the 12 years that the garden has been operational, DCH has been able to see the joy it has given many of the residents. With the long life expectancy of the ewood sleepers, the success and activity around the garden looks set to continue long into the future.

35 projects funded in drought-affected communities

FRRR’s long-running Tackling Tough Times Together (TTTT) program, has awarded grants totalling $1,086,794 to 35 not-for-profit organisations to support drought recovery projects in remote, rural and regional communities across Australia.

Communities tackling drought to share in more than $1 million in grants

Now in its eighth year, the award-winning[1] and collaboratively-funded TTTT program supports drought-affected communities to undertake a broad range of grassroots initiatives that help locals access the resources needed to support one another through the ongoing effects of the drought. To date, thanks to the support of FRRR’s donor partners, the program has granted out more than $17.3 million.

Nina O’Brien, FRRR’s Disaster Resilience and Recovery Lead, said that for many communities, drought is still a very real and significant issue, and communities are dealing with a variety of factors as they continue to stand strong and keep their community connected and supported.

“Capacity within rural communities has been significantly hampered by both the long-running drought, and more recently, the uncertainty of COVID-19. Fundraising is a real challenge, and volunteers are really fatigued. However, they remain committed to bringing people together to support one another at a time when doing so is perhaps more important than ever.

“So, programs like Tackling Tough Times Together are an important source of funding, as it means community groups can continue to run programs and events that help to reduce feelings of social isolation. The grants also help alleviate volunteer fatigue, as community-minded people are so often very stretched and stressed by not being able to offer the services they know are so valuable to their community,” Ms O’Brien said.

Successful projects include the Warramboo Community Club’s playground replacement on the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia. Like many remote areas, the Community Club is a focal point of the district for events, sports, celebrations, training and information days. They are receiving a $25,000 grant to encourage children’s learning and development by replacing the deteriorated playground on the grounds. This creates a key meeting point for the important social contact that binds isolated farming families together.

On the other side of the country, in the Central region of Queensland, the Flinders Shire Council has devised a plan to boost local tourism and support the economy by fitting out the Agricultural Zone at the Flinders Discovery Centre redevelopment in Hughenden. With their $150,000 grant, they aim to increase tourist activity and enhance economic recovery and renewal by completing the revitalised regional Centre’s new agricultural zone with fit out displays including an interactive sheep shearing display, touchscreens showing agriculture practices and paddock to plate processes.

Some of the other projects awarded this round include:

  • Wandoan Community Commerce and Industry Group, QLD – Illuminating Wandoan – $46,073 Boost local tourism and support the local economy through establishing an outdoor illuminated mural on silos in Wandoan.
  • Red Cliffs Historical Steam Railway Incorporated, VIC – Red Cliffs Historical Steam Railway Infrastructure Strategy project, Stage One – $18,000 – Reduce volunteer fatigue and build the capacity, capability, and sustainability of an important historical asset through the development of Infrastructure Strategy – Stage One for future usage planning and facility enhancements.
  • Karridale Primary School, WA – Growing our Sense of Place – $6,000 – Support opportunities for connection through a bushland art project.
  • Shire of Mingenew, WA – Town Beautification with Children’s Art Workshop – $5,240 –Encourage children’s learning and development with art workshops and mural paintings for town beautification.

The Tackling Tough Times Together program is possible thanks to the collaborative support of several donors, including the Australian Government which committed $15M to be distributed from 2019-2021. Generous contributions have also been made by The Pratt Foundation, Stockland CARE Foundation, Paul Ramsay Foundation, The Snow Foundation, Tim Fairfax Family Foundation, Henroth Group and private donors from across the nation. To join these donors, and support grants like this through FRRR, you can make a tax-deductible donation here.

Applications are currently open for Round 22 of TTTT and groups in areas experiencing prolonged dry conditions are encouraged to apply for funding to help their community support one another. Applications close 5pm AEST, 24 August 2021.

More information on the Tackling Tough Times Together grant program is available here.

The full list of grant recipients and their projects are below.

Jump to: NSW | QLD | SA | VICWA

Up to $20,000
Northern Slopes Landcare Association IncorporatedRural Women's Catch-up
Encourage more local involvement in the community by delivering a series of workshops in Gwydir and Moree Plains area.
Upper Horton$16,975
Up to $150,000
Flinders Shire CouncilFlinders Discovery Centre Agricultural Zone
Enhance economic recovery and renewal through the interior fit out of the Agricultural Zone at the Flinders Discovery Centre redevelopment in Hughenden, QLD.
Up to $60,000
St. Patrick's School Parents & Friends AssociationSt Patrick's Primary School Playground Upgrade
Reduce social isolation by facilitating social connection through the installation of a playground at St Patrick’s school.
Wandoan Community Commerce and Industry IncIlluminating Wandoan
Boost local tourism and support the local economy through establishing an outdoor illuminated mural on silos in Wandoan.
Emerald & District Historical Association. Capella Pioneer Village IncOur Collections Matter
Support opportunities for volunteer learning and capacity building with site-based museum training.
Charleville & District Community Support Association IncorporatedThree Communities - Three Christmas Trees
Boost and strengthen the local economy and reduce social isolation with town beautification in Charleville, Augathella and Morven each Christmas.
Maryvale Community Hall IncorporatedFreshening Up our Community Hub
Rejuvenate a meeting space that supports community connectedness for drought affected residents.
Begonia Golf & Sports Club IncCommunity Hall Air Conditioner Supply and Installation
Reduce volunteer fatigue and increase the capacity of the organisation through the replacement of air conditioning at the Begonia Hall.
Up to $20,000
The Creche and Kindergarten Association LimitedC&K Millmerran’s Dry Creek Bed
Encourage opportunities for quality outdoor learning with the installation of a Dry Creek Bed at the Creche and Kindergarten Association, Millmerran branch.
North Burnett Community Service IncConnecting Community
Improve the North Burnett Community Service ability to support and service the community through purchase of IT equipment.
Topology IncBigger than Texas - Growing Creative Communities of Texas, Inglewood, Yelarbon, Kindon
Support opportunities to grow creative communities in Texas, Inglewood, Yelarbon and Kindon.
South Downs Steam Railway Assoc IncRain water storage within the SDSR precinct
Support volunteers and organisational capacity at the South Downs Steam Railway by installing rainwater storage within the precinct.
Dirranbandi Arts Council IncCreative Art Workshops for the Community
Enhance opportunities to participate in creative activities for the Dirranbandi community through the delivery of art workshops.
QCWA Branch DirranbandiFacilities Upgrade
Grow climate resilience and secure the future of the Dirranbandi QCWA rooms for future generations with infrastructure works.
Wandoan and District Kindergartenassoc IncWandoan Camel Races - Children's Entertainment
Reduce social isolation and boost community spirit through the provision of children’s entertainment at the Wandoan Camel Races.
The Cecil Plains Crier Association IncorporatedPurchase a New Printer
Help locals stay informed and connected by purchasing a printer to continue to produce a community newsletter.
Cecil Plains$5,800
Richmond Primary P and C AssociationSlime Spectacular Fun Run
Encourage more local involvement in the community by hosting a Slime Spectacular Fun Run.
Up to $150,000
Brinkworth Management Committee IncorporatedBrinkworth Community Bus
Reduce social isolation by purchasing a community bus to facilitate strong social cohesion and connection.
Up to $60,000
Pinnaroo Community IncorporatedThe Pinnaroo Project
Boost and strengthen health and wellbeing with an arts initiative in the Pinnaroo community.
The Flinders Ranges CouncilFringe in the Flinders
Support economic growth and community connection through the Fringe in the Flinders event in Quorn, SA.
Peterborough Art Prize Committee IncorporatedPeterborough Art Centre - Garden Redevelopment
Strengthen economic recovery and renewal through improvements to the Peterborough Art Centre - Garden Redevelopment.
Warramboo Community Club IncorporatedPlayground Replacement
Encourage children’s learning and development though play by installing playground equipment at the Warramboo Community Club.
Up to $20,000
Minnipa and Districts Swimming Pool IncorporatedCommunity Pool Concourse Replacement
Support the longevity of the Minnipa community pool with infrastructure works.
Wudinna Play GymEquipment and Family Day
Support opportunities for development and learning with a play gym in Wudinna.
Up to $60,000
SEED Lakeside Community Garden IncorporatedActivation and Pathways
Improve social and emotional health and build resilience in the Sale community with an Activation and Pathways project.
Up to $20,000
Red Cliffs Historical Steam Railway IncorporatedRed Cliffs Historical Steam Railway Infrastructure Strategy - Stage One
Reduce volunteer fatigue and build the capacity, capability, and sustainability of the Red Cliffs Historical Steam Railway Inc through the development of Infrastructure Strategy - Stage One for future usage planning and facility enhancements.
Red Cliffs$18,000
Red Cliffs Centenary Committee IncRed Cliffs Centenary Celebrations 2021
Encourage people to come together and celebrate at a Red Cliffs Centenary Celebrations 2021 community event.
Red Cliffs$10,000
Up to $60,000
The Ravensthorpe Community Centre IncorporatedOpening Spaces Stage 1 - Restoring the Ravensthorpe Community Centre Veranda and Blue Room
Improve volunteer vitality and support strong social connection by restoring the Ravensthorpe Community Centre’s veranda and adjoining Blue Room.
Noongar Land Enterprise Group IncorporatedWattle Seed Harvesting Training for Drought Resilience on Noongar Country (SW WA)
Support and engage the community in leadership development and skills training in harvesting wattle seed from a land rehabilitation project.
Country Music Club of Boyup Brook WA IncBoyup Brook Country Music Festival - Engaging Regional Business
Strengthen economic diversity and support cultural engagement by hiring equipment to support the 2022 Boyup Brook Country Music Festival.
Boyup Brook$56,020
Up to $20,000
Brookton Old Time Motor ShowBrookton Old Time Motor Show 2022
Boost the local economy by providing support for the Brookton Old Time Motor Show 2022.
Leeman Green Head Community Resource Centre IncorporatedIncreasing the Capacity of the Leeman Green Head Community Resource Centre
Build the capacity, capability, and sustainability of Leeman Green Head Community Resource Centre through building upgrades
Pemberton Mill Hall Restoration CommitteeKitchen For Catering
Reduce volunteer fatigue and build the capacity of the Pemberton Mill Hall through kitchen upgrades.
Karridale Primary SchoolGrowing Our Sense of Place
Support opportunities for connection through a bushland art project; Growing Our Sense of Place.
Shire of MingenewTown Beautification with Children's Art Workshop
Encourage children’s learning and development with art workshops and mural paintings for town beautification.

[1] 2020 Australian Philanthropy Awards – Best Grant Program

In this quarter’s update for FRRR’s donor partners, read about:

  • Grants in Action: Sitting together and speaking up in WA’s mid-west
  • Partnering Opportunity – Building resilience to drought
  • Donor Spotlight: Thankful4Farmers
  • Insights from the bush
  • Community Partner Spotlight: Foundation Barossa
  • Our progress, with your support

27 locally-led projects funded

Rural communities across Australia are sharing in $1,060,404 in grants for 27 projects that will help them access the resources they need to tackle the ongoing effects of the Big Dry thanks to FRRR’s award-winning grants program[1], Tackling Tough Times Together (TTTT).

Rural communities still tackling drought
William Creek Gymkhana Committee – TTTT Round 17 grant recipient

While water storage levels in the northern Murray-Darling Basin and northern Australia have improved, parts of south east Queensland and southern Western Australia still face serious or severe rainfall deficiencies[2]. Although other areas and states have had some rain, recovery from drought requires at least 18 months of average to above average rainfall. So much of the country continues to need support to tackle the impacts of the prolonged dry.

The 27 funded projects will help rural communities across Australia, from Charleville in Queensland, Moulamein in New South Wales, Keith in South Australia, to Manjimup in Western Australia, strengthen social connections, boost economic recovery, and build community and organisational capacity and disaster resilience.

Nina O’Brien, FRRR’s Disaster Resilience and Recovery Lead, said that on top of the effects of the drought, the ongoing impacts of the pandemic has seen volunteer fatigue emerge as a key priority in many places.

“For those areas still in drought, volunteers and local groups have had to find ways to sustain and engage the community,” Ms O’Brien explained.

“Maintaining this optimism and drive is no small feat, and we are pleased to be able to support the places and the people that are working to make their community thrive amidst the complexities of drought and the pandemic.

This includes groups like the Bundaleer Forest Community Areas Association in Jamestown, South Australia, who will be able to support their volunteers and boost economic sustainability by upgrading infrastructure and purchasing new equipment. The funding will provide equipment and storage areas needed to maintain the Maple and Pine event centre. The Bundaleer Forest project will provide strong, genuine and ongoing economic benefit, regardless of seasonal conditions, making Jamestown a more attractive place to live, work and play.

In New South Wales, Moulamein Community Development Incorporated has developed an inspiring project that will encourage tourism activity to the area through the restoration of the Werai Horse Stables and Moolpa Blacksmith shop in the Moulamein Heritage Village. The primarily volunteer-run organisation has been awarded a $149,930 grant for their initiative, which will boost the region’s economic recovery and build community wellbeing.

Some of the 27 projects awarded this round include:

  • Monaro Farming Systems CMC Incorporated, NSW – Building Resilient Relationships for Farmers – $29,610 – Help locals stay informed and connected through the delivery of workshops in the Monaro region.
  • Charleville & District Cultural Association Inc, QLD – Charleville Creative Lane 2021 – $20,000 – Encourage more local involvement in the community by delivering up to 30 creative arts workshops in Charleville.
  • Back to the Bush Festival Incorporated, QLD – Miles Back to the Bush Festival – It is the people that make it – $23,452 – Support opportunities for social and educational participation and address disadvantage caused by the drought, for children and young people of Miles, QLD through the delivery of the Back to the Bush Festival in September 2021.
  • Cadell Community and Tourist Association, SA – Cadell Op-Shop Amenities Block – $11,000 – Support volunteers at the community owned and operated Cadell Op-Shop by installing running water and an onsite toilet.
  • Shire of Manjimup, WA – Youth Engage and Empower Project – $60,000 – Support opportunities for social and educational participation through employment of a Project Facilitator to build local youth resilience and establish a youth council for the Shire of Manjimup.

Applications for the TTTT program are always open and groups in drought-affected areas are encouraged to apply for funding to help their community come together to tackle the drought. Grants are available for a broad range of grassroots, community-led initiatives that directly and clearly benefit local communities.

The cut-off dates for the next round of TTTT are:

  • 24 August 2021. (Note: Stage One for the $150,000 grant tier must be received by 12 August). Outcomes will be advised late November 2021.

Tackling Tough Times Together is possible thanks to the collaborative support of several donors, including the Australian Government which committed $15M to be distributed over three years. Generous contributions have also been made by Pratt Foundation, Stockland CARE Foundation, Paul Ramsay Foundation, The Snow Foundation, Tim Fairfax Family Foundation, Henroth Group and private donors from across the nation. To join these donors, and support grants like this through FRRR, you can make a tax-deductible donation here.

More information on the Tackling Tough Times Together grant program is available here.

The full list of grant recipients and their projects are below.

Jump to: NSW | QLD | SA | WA

Up to $150,000
Moulamein Community Development IncorporatedMoulamein Heritage Village Stage Two
Enhance economic recovery and renewal through the restoration of the Werai Horse Stables and Moolpa Blacksmith shop in the Moulamein Heritage Village.
Up to $60,000
Monaro Farming Systems CMC IncorporatedBuilding Resilient Relationships for Farmers
Help locals stay informed and connected through the delivery of Building Resilient Relationships for Farmers workshops in the Monaro region.
Up to $20,000
Dunoon Men's Shed IncorporatedModelling the Renewable Energy Lifestyle
Support climate resilience and sustainability of the Dunoon Men’s Shed by installing solar power with a battery back-up system.
Crescent Head Community Hall CommitteeInterior Refurbishment of Crescent Head Community Hall
Encourage better use of the community hall by repairing and restoring the interior to make the community space more comfortable and welcoming.
Crescent Head$14,133
Macleay Choristers IncorporatedMacleay Choristers Piano Grant
Enhance cultural activities that increase local connectedness, through purchase of a piano for local choir and wider community.
Up to $60,000
Texas P-10 State School Parents and Citizens AssociationTexas State School Middle School Playground Facility
Encourage children’s learning and development through play by installing play equipment for grades 3-6.
South Burnett Mountain Bike Club IncorporatedGordonbrook Dam Mountain Bike Park
Support eco-tourism opportunities to strengthen the local economy through construction of a mountain bike track at Kingaroy.
Friends of the GalleryBooringa Action Group IncorporatedBooringa Fire and Water Festival
Boost and strengthen the local economy with the Fire and Water Festival.
Swan Creek School of Arts Committee IncorporationSwan Creek Hall Floor Replacement
Increase safety and amenity at local meeting space, through upgrading the flooring at Swan Creek Hall.
Swan Creek $41,501
Thallon Progress Association IncorporatedSculptures in the Scrub - Thallon Art History Trail
Boost and strengthen the local economy and increase connection to place through development of a sculpture trail in Thallon.
Roughlie Community Centre IncorporatedShaded Outdoor Area
Increase local capacity to support community activities and connectedness, through construction of an outdoor meeting area at Roughlie Community Centre.
Amiens History Association IncorporatedMulti-function solar shed and access pathways
Boost and strengthen the organisation’s capacity and sustainability by constructing a multi-purpose shed with solar panels at the Aththe Amiens Legacy Centre.
Back to the Bush Festival IncorporatedMiles Back to the Bush Festival – It’s the people that make it
Support opportunities for social and educational participation and address disadvantage caused by the drought, for children and young people of Miles, QLD through the delivery of the Back to the Bush Festival in September 2021.
Up to $20,000
Charleville & District Cultural Association IncorporatedCharleville Creative Lane 2021
Encourage more local involvement in the community by delivering up to 30 creative arts workshops in Charleville.
Farm 2 Fork Collective IncorporatedFuture Proofing the Farm 2 Fork Collective
Boost and strengthen organisation and volunteer capacity with professional development to ensure growth and sustainability.
Killarney Bowls Club IncorporatedPurchase New Kitchen Appliances
Improve volunteer vitality and organisational resilience by replacing appliances at the Killarney Bowls Club.
C&K Middlemount Community Childcare Centre
The Creche and Kindergarten Association Limited
C&K Middlemount’s Solar-wise Childcare Project
Support climate resilience and the sustainability of the community childcare centre through the installation of solar panels.
Up to $60,000
Milang & District Historical Society IncorporatedThe Port Milang Museum Upgrade
Increase volunteer safety and comfort at Milang Museum and Men's Shed, through building repairs.
Bundaleer Forest Community Areas Association IncorporatedStorage and Equipment for Efficient and Sustainable Volunteer Management of Newly Opened Event Centre Maple & Pine, Bundaleer, SA
Reduce volunteer fatigue and boost the sustainability of the Maple and Pine community centre through purchase of equipment.
Keith Golf Club IncorporatedKeith Golf Club Renovations - Stage 2
Improve the comfort, amenity and function of the local community meeting area, through upgrade to Keith Golf Club building.
Bute 2000 Onwards Committee
Barunga West Council
Bute's "Beaut" Silo Art Project
Boost and strengthen the local economy through silo art at Bute.
Riverland Connect Association Enhancement of Paringa Silo Art
Enhance the silo art attraction at Paringa, through installation of lighting and sheds for shelter.
Up to $20,000
Purnong District Hall IncorporatedUnderpinning
Grow community resilience and secure the future of the Purnong District Hall for generations with infrastructure works.
Guyra Garden Club Guyra Spring Flower Festival 2021 - Memorial Avenue & Mandala GardenBoost and strengthen the local economy with the Guyra Spring Flower Festival 2021 including a Memorial Avenue and Mandala Garden to honour service people.Guyra$50,000
Cadell Community and Tourist AssociationCadell Op-Shop Amenities Block
Support volunteers at the community owned and operated Cadell Op-Shop by installing running water and an onsite toilet.
Up to $60,000
Shire of ManjimupYouth Engage and Empower Project
Support opportunities for social and educational participation through employment of a Project Facilitator to build local youth resilience and establish a youth council for the Shire of Manjimup.
The Moore Catchment Council (Inc)Building a BIG Carnaby's Black Cockatoo Sculpture in Moora
Enhance local tourism and diversify economic opportunities at Moora, through construction of large sculpture featuring the Carnaby Black Cockatoo.

[1] 2020 Australian Philanthropy Awards – Best Grant Program

[2] Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology. Drought Rainfall deficiencies and water availability. 10 May 2020. Retrieved from

$200,000 available to fund community-led mental health initiatives

FRRR, in partnership with CCI Giving, is once again offering grants to support grassroots initiatives that improve and strengthen the mental health of communities in remote, rural and regional Australia, through the In a Good Place (IAGP) program.

Grants available to support rural mental health

The IAGP program, now in its fourth year, is the centrepiece of a five-year partnership between FRRR and CCI Giving. To date, IAGP has awarded $600,000 in grants to 42 community-led projects that foster good mental health and wellbeing in remote, rural and regional communities.

This year, $200,000 is available, with grants up to $20,000, for projects to ensure that communities have access to mental health services and support; to build and nurture social connections and community participation; and provide access to mental health training and education.

Jeremy Yipp, General Manager, General Insurance Claims at CCI and Chair of CCI Giving, said social connectedness is so important for the mental wellbeing of those living in rural communities, particularly during times of crisis.

“In the last three years, the In a Good Place program has funded a range of community-led projects that have encouraged people to stay connected, seek help and feel supported, especially in rural areas recovering from events such as drought, flooding and now COVID-19.

“Like CCI Giving, FRRR shares our belief in the value and importance of remote, rural and regional communities and recognises that maintaining good mental health is a multi-faceted and lifelong process, requiring a range of approaches to accommodate for different needs and priorities – like responding to an unprecedented event,” said Mr Yipp.

Natalie Egleton, FRRR’s CEO, said that COVID-19 has amplified the need for equitable access to services and trained support in rural Australia.

“As the impact of the pandemic on people’s mental health and wellbeing continues to evolve, it’s more important than ever that those living in remote, rural and regional Australia have access to mental health services, tools and support,” Ms Egleton said.

These tools include mental health training and education, which can then go on to ensure greater access to critical services and professional support.

“One of the very first grants funded through this program was led by Lifeline Tasmania’s Suicide Bereavement Support Group. Their project expanded its program outside of Hobart and into four rural Tasmanian communities that had been identified as having heightened risk of impacts from suicide deaths in the community,” Ms Egleton explained.

“Through the project, locals were empowered to provide access to mental health support in their own community and were given training and resources to increase community understanding and knowledge of suicide postvention.

“Our partnership with CCI Giving means that we can support these kinds of community-based, non-clinical mental health approaches, which we know are more approachable for people in rural areas who may be unwilling to seek help due to a culture of self-reliance, and fear of the stigma associated with asking for help,” Ms Egleton said.

FRRR expects this will be a highly competitive program and so there is a two-stage application process. A brief Expression of Interest must be submitted no later than 8 June 2021. The Expression of Interest form and more information is available here. Applicants can also call 1800 170 020.

29 projects funded to support drought-impacted communities

FRRR has awarded $1,264,396 in grants to 29 projects that will support communities across the country that are experiencing prolonged rainfall shortages. The funding is through its award-winning grants program[1], Tackling Tough Times Together (TTTT).

Tackling Tough Times Together
Quilpie Outback Fringe Festival

The grants will help drought-impacted regions access the resources needed to bring people together, so they can feel connected and supported. These places, like many parts of remote, rural and regional Australia, continue to face the real and persistent challenges caused by Australia’s Big Dry. Despite rainfall across some areas, these extended dry periods and long-term rainfall deficits may continue for some time.[2]

Nina O’Brien, FRRR’s Disaster Resilience and Recovery Lead, said that the TTTT program encourages communities experiencing the Big Dry to take the lead in their recovery and renewal.

Many places facing long-term rainfall shortages have seen their local economy hit. These resilient communities are finding ways to strengthen their economy and encourage local spending and tourism. For Orroroo Carrieton, the District Council is boosting the local economy by developing the Black Rock Wool Press Rotunda as a local attraction. The Rotunda will showcase local historic artifacts including the restored Black Rock Wool Press.

“Other places like Washpool in South Australia and Cecil Plains in Queensland, are renewing their regions by upgrading local facilities to give people a place where they can come together in safety and comfort.

“We are delighted to be able to award these grants to help turn local ideas into reality. We know it’s challenging to get these projects off the ground in the midst of a pandemic, especially when many are dealing with reduced local fundraising capacity, and fatigued volunteers.

“We want people experiencing drought to know that there is still funding available. TTTT is a flexible grant program specifically designed to support communities as they move to recovery. Our team will work with you to help make your project happen, even if it might look a bit different to what you’d initially planned, in light of COVID-19,” Ms O’Brien explained.

Some of the 29 projects awarded this round include:

  • District Council of Orroroo Carrieton, SA – Black Rock Wool Press Rotunda – $143,252 – Boost local economy and tourism opportunities by supporting the development of the Black Rock Wool Press Rotunda to showcase local historical artefacts including the restored Black Rock Wool Press.
  • ABC Foundation Limited, WA – AWRAE: Aboriginal Women’s Research Assistant & Evaluation Training Project – $60,000 – Create opportunities for Indigenous women of Carnarvon and surrounds to develop leadership skills by training them to research and evaluate projects delivered in Indigenous communities.
  • Gooloogong Historical Society Incorporated, NSW – Stage 1 – Restoration and revitalisation of Gooloogong’s meeting place – $59,752 – Reduce volunteer fatigue and increase community connections and sense of place by restoring the Gooloogong Clubhouse to house the Gooloogong Historical Society.
  • Drillham Primary Parents and Citizens Association, QLD – Along the Garden Path – $13,000 – Reduce social isolation and encourage people to come together and connect through a two-day creative arts workshop program.
  • Wheatbelt Business Network Incorporated, WA – Accredited Mental Health First Aid Training in the Wheatbelt – $26,300 – Develop community leaders’ skills and training to provide support for their communities by engaging them in Mental Health First Aid training.

Applications for the TTTT program are always open and groups in drought-affected areas are encouraged to apply for funding to help their community come together to tackle the drought. Grants are available for a broad range of grassroots, community-led initiatives that directly and clearly benefit local communities.

The cut-off dates for future rounds are:

  • 24 May 2021. Outcomes will be advised late August 2021. (Note: Stage One for the $150,000 grant tier must be received by 13 April). Outcomes will be advised late November 2021.
  • 24 August 2021. (Note: Stage One for the $150,000 grant tier must be received by 12 August). Outcomes will be advised late November 2021.

Tackling Tough Times Together is possible thanks to the collaborative support of several donors, including the Australian Government which committed $15M to be distributed over three years. Generous contributions have also been made by Pratt Foundation, Stockland CARE Foundation, Paul Ramsay Foundation, The Snow Foundation, Tim Fairfax Family Foundation, Henroth Group and private donors from across the nation.

To support grants like this through FRRR, make a tax deductible donation here.

The full list of grant recipients and their projects are below.

Jump to: SA | NSW | QLD | VIC | WA






Up to $150,000

District Council of Orroroo Carrieton Black Rock Wool Press Rotunda
Enhance economic recovery and renewal through the development of the Black Rock Wool Press Rotunda showcasing local historical artifacts including the restored Black Rock Wool Press.
Orroroo $143,252
Wilmington Progress Society Incorporated Wilmington Community Multipurpose Gym Facility Project
Reduce social isolation by facilitating strong social cohesion and connections and increase organisational capacity through the construction of a multipurpose community facility.
Wilmington $108,367

Up to $60,000

Auburn Southern Gateway Committee
Auburn Community Development Committee
Auburn Southern Gateway
Enhance economic recovery and renewal through the installation of town entrance statement signage for the Auburn township in the South Australia Clare Valley.
Auburn $43,826
Washpool Hall Management Committee
Spalding District Incorporated
Washpool Hall Kitchen and Rear Lobby Revitalisation
Reduce volunteer fatigue and build the capacity of the Washpool Hall through the upgrade of the kitchen and rear lobby area.
Washpool $60,000


Up to $60,000

Gilgandra Museum and Historical Society Incorporated Experience our Amazing History @ Gilgandra Rural Museum
Reduce volunteer fatigue and build the capacity, capability and sustainability of the Gilgandra Museum and Historical Society Incorporated through upgrading the kitchen, exhibition/meeting room flooring, lighting, audio equipment and promotional brochure.
Gilgandra $50,909
Gooloogong Historical Society Incorporated Stage 1 – Restoration and Revitalisation of Gooloogong’s Meeting Place
Reduce volunteer fatigue and increase opportunity for community cohesion through
the restoration of the Gooloogong Clubhouse to house the Gooloogong Historical Society.
Gooloogong $59,752
Lower Lachlan Community Services Incorporated Roof Over Community
Support the capacity and sustainability of Lower Lachlan Community Services through the replacement of the roof.
Lake Cargelligo $50,000
Mandagery Public Hall Land Manager Improved Amenities for the Mandagery Hall
Build the capacity of the Mandagery Public Hall Land Manager with upgrades to the amenities with an Eco-Flo toilet system.
Mandagery $55,000

Up to $20,000

Coleambally Community Club Limited Installation of Tesla Battery for Solar Power Storage
Support climate resilience and sustainability of the Coleambally Community Club through the purchase of a Tesla power wall battery for excess power storage.
Coleambally $19,841
Tullera Community Hall Incorporated No Y17180 27  RAMP US UP
Reduce social isolation and support strong social cohesion and connection with an upgrade of a disabled access ramp at the Tullera Community Hall.
Tullera $18,000


Up to $60,000

Bloomin Beautiful Blackbutt Festival Incorporated Blackbutt Arts Strategy, Big Avocado and Arts Project Officer: Towards a Strategic Future
Support stronger economies and sustainability of local tourism events with the development of the Blackbutt Art Strategy and a Project Plan to build a Big Avocado in Blackbutt.
Blackbutt $58,744
Broxburn Music Club Staged for Success
Reduce volunteer fatigue and build the capacity of Broxburn volunteers with the repair and upgrade of the stage and the construction of a lockable shed at The Broxburn Community Grounds.
Broxburn $58,401
Cecil Plains History Group Relocation and Restumping of Norwin CWA Hall
Build the capacity of the Cecil Plains History Group through the relocation and restumping of Norwin CWA Hall to provide an all-weather space for historical displays and a community meeting space.
Cecil Plains $55,000
Goondiwindi Pastoral and Agricultural Society Fencing for the Future
Reduce volunteer fatigue and build the capacity of the local organisation to support their community through drought with the installation of internal zone fencing at the Goondiwindi Showgrounds.
Goondiwindi $60,000
Mondure Public Hall Committee Incorporated The Mondure Public Hall Amenities Refurbishment including a Disabled Toilet
Support the capacity and sustainability of the Mondure Public Hall Committee with upgrades and refurbishment to amenities.
Mondure $58,680
Mulga Mates Centre Incorporated Playground upgrade
Reduce volunteer fatigue, and support sustainability and capacity of Mulga Mates Centre with the installation of a playground to improved early childhood development.
Quilpie $53,958
Outback Festival Incorporated ‘Giants of the Outback’
Reduce social isolation and enhance economic recovery through the delivery of the 2021 Outback Festival in Winton, QLD.
Winton $45,000
Roma Historical Precincts Incorporated Preparation of a Business Case to be used as a Supporting Document for the Development of the Roma Butter Factory
Support organisational capacity and sustainability with the development of a business case to support the redevelopment of the Roma Butter Factory as a visitor experience to boost economic activity and visitation in Roma.
Roma $49,800
Tansey Show Society Incorporated Purchase Shaded Grandstands and Water Troughs for Tansey Showgrounds
Build the capacity of Tansey Show Society through the purchase of two transportable shaded grandstands.
Tansey $23,848

Up to $20,000

Bullyard Hall, Sports and Recreation Club Incorporated Assisting the disabled
Reduce social isolation and build community participation opportunities through the installation of an access ramp at Bullyard Hall.
Bullyard $9,460
Drillham Primary Parents and Citizens Association Along the Garden Path
Reduce social isolation through the provision of creative arts activities enabling the community of Miles to come together and connect during times of hardship.
Miles $13,000
Guides Queensland – Warwick District
Guides Queensland
Refresh and Replacement of the Floor Coverings in 1st Warwick Girl Guide Hut
Reduce volunteer fatigue and build the capacity, capability, and sustainability of the 1st Warwick Girl Guide Hut through refreshing and replacing floor coverings
Warwick $9,878
Outback Gondwana Foundation Limited Futureproofing with a Forklift
Reduce volunteer fatigue and build the capacity of Outback Gondwana Foundation by supplying a forklift.
Eromanga $20,000
Stanthorpe Agricultural Society Gotta get a Gator!
Reduce volunteer fatigue and build the capacity of Stanthorpe Agricultural Society through the purchase of a ‘Gator’ utility vehicle to support community events held at the facility.
Stanthorpe $19,140
Warra Tennis Club Incorporated Serving for Sustainability with Solar Panels
Reduce volunteer fatigue and build the capacity and sustainability of the Warra Tennis Club through the purchase and installation of a solar panel system.
Warra $8,710
Maranoa Regional Council Ignite and Excite: Career Pathway Taster
Support opportunities for learning and education participation at Roma, Mitchell, Injune and Surat with the Ignite & Excite: Career Pathway Taster project.
Roma $5,530


Up to $20,000

Yaapeet Community Club Incorporated Turkey Bottom Lake – Picnic Shelter
Reduce volunteer fatigue and enhance opportunities for social cohesion and connection through the construction of picnic shelter at Turkey Bottom Lake.
Yaapeet $20,000


Up to $60,000

ABC Foundation Limited AWRAE: Aboriginal Women’s Research Assistant & Evaluation Training Project
Enhance opportunity for leadership development and skills training for Indigenous women of Carnarvon and surrounds, through the delivery of the Aboriginal Women’s Research Assistant and Evaluation Training Project (AWRAE) focused on research and evaluation for projects delivered in Indigenous communities.
Carnarvon $60,000
Wheatbelt Business Network Incorporated Accredited Mental Health First Aid Training in the Wheatbelt
Support leadership development and skills training in Wheatbelt Business Network through the delivery of Mental Health First Aid Training.
Quairading $26,300

[1] 2020 Australian Philanthropy Awards – Best Grant Program

[2] Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology. Drought Rainfall deficiencies and water availability. 7 October 2020. Retrieved from