Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR)

$2 million Fund to respond to the needs of the Clarence Valley and surrounding regions

A new partnership between the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR) and The Yulgilbar Foundation will give rural and regional communities in the Clarence Valley and surrounding regions in Northern New South Wales a much-needed boost.

New partnership to help turn community groups’ ideas into reality
Clarence Landcare Inc

A total of $2 million will be invested across the region over a three-year period, through multi-year and one-off grants. Priority will be given to projects that are optimistic and forward-looking, led by locally-based community groups and not-for-profit organisations (NFPs).

The Yulgilbar Foundation Fund will assist community organisations to implement a wide range of initiatives. The Fund will focus on supporting projects that foster artistic collaborations, encourage educational participation, support environmental sustainability, and build capacity for communities to respond to recent bushfires and persistent drought.

Natalie Egleton, FRRR’s CEO, said that The Yulgilbar Foundation shares FRRR’s belief that local people are best placed to know what is needed to strengthen and support their community.

“Like much of rural New South Wales, the Clarence Valley has worked really hard to overcome a long run of persistent challenges, including the 2019-20 bushfires, ongoing drought, and the complexities of COVID-19. This Fund means communities can address the needs that these challenges have created, in ways that make a real difference. 

“We have a long history with The Yulgilbar Foundation and look forward to seeing this Fund further strengthen communities in the Clarence Valley and beyond,” Ms Egleton said.

Community groups and NFPs can apply for the grants through an Expression of Interest (EOI) process. with Round 1 opening on Thursday 18 February.

More details, including the program guidelines and EOI form, are available here.

Plus FRRR-supported coaching program gets underway

FRRR, in partnership with the Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation (VFFF), has awarded $276,963 in grants to four of Leeton’s not-for-profit organisations (NFPs). The funding will help these local groups build and strengthen the ways in which they are able to support the community.

Grants for Leeton

The grants are part of FRRR’s Investing in Rural Community Futures (IRCF) program – a five-year program to strengthen Leeton’s NFPs and support them to make lasting impacts in their areas of focus for the community.

As part of the program, FRRR works with the groups to roadmap their aspirations, and provides funding to help bring these plans to life.

Alli Mudford, IRCF Program Manager, said that the IRCF program, now in its second year, is helping Leeton NFPs become stronger.

“Leeton’s NFPs have been working hard to identify common issues and develop strategies that will support their long-term sustainability,” Ms Mudford said.

“These latest grants will help these local groups with much-needed resources to employ locally skilled people to support growth, organisational efficiencies and take the pressure off their amazing volunteers.

“For Western Riverina Arts, this means helping the six museums in the region to better serve the community by employing a Development Officer. Leeton Multicultural Group will also get some much-needed funding and be able to employ an Operations Manager to help support the rapid regional migration to the area. Both these projects are driven by a desire for long-term solutions, so with this in mind, the funding will be granted over three years.

“The Rotary Club of Leeton is addressing volunteer fatigue by coming up with new ways to encourage and diversify the number of local volunteers. While Leeton Community Op Shop is working to ensure their #oneleeton and #ngumbaayleeton projects are both sustainable and safety-compliant by using their grant to invest in new equipment.

“We look forward to continuing to work with Leeton NFPs, supporting them as they implement their community roadmap,” Ms Mudford explained.

Tailored NFP coaching program kicks off

As part of the IRCF program, FRRR and SEFA Partnerships have teamed up to pilot a tailored coaching program for the Leeton NFPs. The sessions will coach three groups to build skills in their local leadership teams and work on areas including effective communication, strategic planning and governance.

Leeton Arts Society, Leeton Community Op Shop and the Rotary Club of Leeton are the first three groups to be selected to participate, which begins in February.

The coaching program combines group workshops, followed by a series of tailored one on one coaching sessions with local FRRR IRCF Facilitator Claire Williams and Hannah Miller from SEFA Partnerships.

“We are pleased to be able to offer this support after such a trying 2020 and if successful we hope to expand the coaching support to others,” Ms Mudford said.

In addition to Leeton, the rural communities of Junee and Nambucca Valley are taking part in the VFFF-funded IRCF program. FRRR has also partnered with The Snow Foundation to expand the program into the Shoalhaven communities of Batemans Bay, Nowra and Ulladulla.

Ongoing Partnership Grants




Leeton Community Care Development Inc #oneleeton #ngumbaayleeton
Increase organisational capacity by enabling the upgrade and purchase of vital equipment to ensure compliance and sustainability of #oneleeton operations.
Leeton Multicultural Group Inc Organisation of the Leeton Multicultural Group
Enable locally-led solutions to regional migration by building organisational strength in the Leeton Multicultural Group through the recruitment of an Operations Manager.
Rotary Club of Leeton Step-Up Leeton: Building Capacity from the Ground Up
Respond to volunteer fatigue by building a diverse volunteer bank for the Leeton community through providing new pathways for partnerships and learning.
Western Riverina Arts Inc Leeton Museum Development Officer
Increase the capacity of six Museums in the Leeton region by funding the employment of a Museum Development Officer to provide pathways to sustainability. 

Up to $5,000 available, plus free grantseeker workshops

Gardiner Dairy Foundation, in partnership with the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR), is inviting community organisations in Victorian dairy regions – Gippsland, northern Victoria and south-west Victoria – to apply for grants of up to $5,000.

The annual Gardiner Dairy Foundation Community Grants Program is delivered through FRRR, which has partnered with Gardiner Dairy Foundation for the past 19 years.

Grants are made available to registered not-for-profit groups and can be used for a wide variety of community activities including community arts, health and wellbeing, environment, infrastructure, education, history and much more.

To assist community groups in preparing their grant applications, Gardiner Dairy Foundation and FRRR are running free grant seeker workshops in each of the three Victorian dairy regions. A webinar will also be hosted. (see details below). These workshops provide invaluable advice on how to put together a competitive grant application.

In 2021 Gardiner Dairy Foundation will make available a total funding pool of $120,000. Since launching the program with FRRR in 2002, Gardiner Dairy Foundation has distributed almost $2 million to Victorian dairy communities and has supported a total of 471projects.

“With better seasonal conditions in most regions, morale in dairy communities has improved over the past 12 months,” said Gardiner Dairy Foundation Chief Executive, Clive Noble. “People can breathe a little easier and now is a good time for community groups to look at some of the projects they may have deferred.

“I’d like to encourage community leaders to take advantage of these grants, to leverage the money available with other inputs and to continue to improve and enrich their dairy communities.

“Strong and vibrant dairy communities are vital to a strong dairy industry and vice versa.”

Sarah Matthee, Acting CEO of FRRR, said that the grants are designed to give dairy communities the boost they may need to make great things happen.

“Last year was tough for most rural communities, and Victorian dairy communities were no exception. We’ve seen from previous grant recipients that a small grant can open doors for further funding, and it will be great to visit some of last year’s grants recipients to see what kind of opportunities have grown from the funding, and how they have used the grants to help address the needs of their communities.

“We know that these communities are determined, inspiring and resilient and full of great ideas. That’s why the Gardiner grants are deliberately flexible – to allow local leaders to respond to what’s happening, and address the biggest priorities. In previous years, that’s been anything from community gardens to festivals, small infrastructure to training. I look forward to seeing what this year’s applications bring.”

Applications for the Gardiner Dairy Foundation Community Grants Program open Monday, 1 February and close Tuesday, 16 March 2020 at 5 pm AEDT.

Grant seeker workshop timetable

Join Gardiner Dairy Foundation and FRRR at one of our free grant seeker workshops. Find out how to put together a competitive grant application.

The webinar will be held:

Date: Thursday 4 February 2021
12:00pm – 2:00pm
Register at:

Workshops will be held at:

Monday 8 February 2021
6:30pm – 9:00pm
Mercure Hotel, 23 Mason St, Warragul

Wednesday 10 February 2021
10:30am – 1:00pm
Colac Bowling Club, 4 Armstrong St, Colac

Thursday 11 February 2021
10:30am – 1:00pm
Location: Tallangatta Integrated Community Centre, 33 Towong St, Tallangatta

For more information or to register for the workshops, visit  

Over $1 million in News Corp Bushfire Fund grants awarded to date

The Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR), in partnership with News Corp, has awarded 18 communities impacted by the Black Summer bushfires a total of $341,280 in grants for 20 projects that will support the recovery of their communities.

The News Corp Bushfire Fund has had an impressive impact in bushfire-affected regions this year, having awarded $1,119,825 in grants to date to support 61 recovery-focused initiatives across affected communities, as they continue to rebuild and recover. The next round of grants will be the final round for the News Corp Bushfire Fund and will bring the distributed funds to a total of $1.5 million.

The News Corp Bushfire Fund grants, of up to $25,000, are awarded to community groups in regions impacted by the 2019-20 bushfires for projects that address a range of needs and priorities for each community. This round saw 20 community groups from bushfire-affected regions across Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria awarded grants for initiatives that build community resilience and preparedness for future disasters, help people connect and support their wellbeing as well as practical upgrades to emergency infrastructure and equipment.

Natalie Egleton, CEO of FRRR, said that the demand for a wide range of community resilience projects demonstrates how important it is to let local people decide what the need and priorities are for their community’s recovery.

“We know that local leaders are best placed to know what their community needs, especially as recovery happens at different rates for each impacted place. While projects may vary from place to place, building community resilience and making sure the community is prepared for future emergencies is a common goal for regions that have already been impacted by disaster.

“For some communities, building community resilience means repairing infrastructure damaged by the fire or purchasing emergency equipment such as generators and solar battery systems for use in future emergency situations. For other places building resilience means improving amenities or increasing the capacity of community infrastructure where people connect, engage and support one another.

“It’s great to be able to partner with News Corp to support these communities and their inspiring ideas, which will help bring people together and make recovery meaningful to them,” Ms Egleton explained.

News Corp Australia’s community ambassador Penny Fowler said these grants were especially significant considering the timing.

“Almost a year on, we know some of these communities are feeling like they lived through a ‘forgotten crisis’. But there is still so much work to be done, now and in the long-term.

“This third round of grants builds on the ongoing needs of each community to recover at their own pace – whether that be upgrading essential town halls, providing mental health programs for firefighters, or bringing people together through drive-in movie sessions.”

“Recovery takes years, not months and we are committed to standing by these communities, remembering their loss, their stories, their pain and their bravery.”

Some of the 20 projects awarded include:

  • Mann River Men’s Shed – Diehard, NSW – Empowering Community Resilience and Recovery – $25,000 – Support community preparedness and build resilience by installing a solar system to generate power.
  • 4 Aussie Heroes Foundation – Boonah, QLD – “Triumph over Trauma” – $23,000 – Support individual wellbeing of first responders with programs to address trauma from bushfire fighting experience.
  • Stokes Bay Community Hall – Strokes Bay, SA – Stokes Bay Community Hall Volunteer Hub – $23,279 – Provide a welcoming and functional space by upgrading volunteer facilities.
  • Buchan Mechanics Institute and Free Library Reserve – Buchan, VIC – Hall Re-Stumping and Upgrade Kitchen Facilities – $22,042 – Build community resilience with infrastructure improvements to enable group gatherings.

The final round of the News Corp Bushfire Fund grants will open 12 January 2021 and closes 11 February 2021. In total, there is a further $380,175 available. Applications are invited from community groups in Local Government Areas with a bushfire disaster declaration from September 2019 to February 2020. FRRR encourages all grant seekers to subscribe to our eNews and social media channels to be alerted when other funding opportunities are announced, and to be inspired to develop their own community-led projects.

The full list of grant recipients and their projects are below.

Jump to : NSW | QLD | SA | VIC

Bermagui Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism IncPower to the People … of Bermagui
Build community resilience with the purchase of portable generators publicly available for use in emergency situations.
Love Long Beach IncorporatedSummer Sundays @ Long Beach
Support community connectedness and wellbeing through COVID Safe drive-in events.
Long Beach$5,682
Mann River Men’s ShedEmpowering Community Resilience and Recovery
Support community preparedness and build resilience by installing a solar system to generate power.
Moruya Antique Tractor & Machinery Association IncRebuild & Restoration of MATAMA
Build community resilience and pride through the rebuild of a museum of community significance for local residents. 
Utungun Community Hall Section 355 Committee of Management
Nambucca Valley Council
Room to Move at the Utungun Community Hall
Build community facility capacity with a storage shed to keep social areas clear of equipment.
Southcoast Health and Sustainability AllianceRebuilding Community Resilience Through the Establishment of a Eurobodalla Repair Cafe in Moruya
Connect and support community wellbeing by establishing a volunteer social enterprise.  
Tomakin Sports & Social ClubSolar Battery System
Build community resilience with the supply and installation of a solar battery system to guarantee power in emergencies.
4 Aussie Heroes Foundation Limited“Triumph Over Trauma”
Support individual wellbeing of first responders with programs to address trauma from bushfire fighting experience.
Stokes Bay Community Hall IncStokes Bay Community Hall – Volunteer Hub
Upgrade volunteer facilities to provide a welcoming and functional space.
Stokes Bay$23,279
The Cudlee Creek Soldiers Memorial Ground IncorporatedCudlee Creek Soldiers’ Memorial Hall – Roof Replacement
Upgrade community facilities with a new roof to mitigate risk and maintain a functional space. 
Cudlee Creek$25,000
Bairnsdale Neighbourhood House IncMobile Catering Support for East Gippsland Communities Following Natural Disasters
Build organisational capacity by fitting out a mobile van to cater for communities in times of crisis. 
Benambra Dinner Plain Omeo Landcare GroupBDPO Landcare Equipment Improvements
Sustain community facilities for everyday use and preparedness by purchasing safety equipment and repairing aging equipment. 
Buchan Mechanics Institute and Free Library ReserveHall Re-Stumping and Upgrade Kitchen Facilities
Build community resilience with infrastructure improvements to enable group gatherings.
Buchan Recreation ReserveFire Pumps for Community Safety
Build community resilience with new equipment to increase safety and disaster preparedness.
Cassilis Recreation Reserve Committee of ManagementFire Ready Project
Improve community infrastructure for disaster preparedness with a large tank to improve access to water.
Koala Island Foundation IncA Stronger Community and Sustainable Future for Raymond Island
Support economic recovery by upgrading park entrances for local and tourist patronage.
Raymond Island$17,718
Lucyvale Tennis Club IncMaking Lucyvale Hall a Safe Place for our Community in Times of Risk & Need
Build community resilience with air condition and quick water access to aid in disasters.
Nowa Nowa Pony Club IncorporatedFriendships Beyond Fire
Maintain community infrastructure with new equipment to allow social gatherings and events. 
Nowa Nowa$11,500
The Man from Snowy River Tourist Association IncTake a Seat and Savour the Serenity
Upgrade community infrastructure to enhance local and visitor experience at a historic site.
W Tree Promotion and Progress Association IncW Tree Food Cooperative Improvements
Build volunteer capacity with facilities equipment to reduce community food insecurity. 
W Tree$15,493

30 communities share in small grants

Schools, sports clubs and a rural fire brigade are among the 30 not-for-profit organisations in rural and regional cotton-growing communities to receive a $5,000 boost from the Aussie Cotton Farmers Grow Communities program.

This year marks the seventh round of the Aussie Cotton Farmers Grow Communities program, which the Crop Science division of Bayer delivers in partnership with the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR). This year’s program takes the total investment into cotton communities to more than one million dollars.

Local cotton growers nominated each of the not-for-profits that are receiving funds, which will help strengthen community resilience and positively impact the wellbeing of cotton-growing communities. 

FRRR CEO Natalie Egleton said a consistent theme across nominations this year was a strong desire to boost morale and maintain community spirit in the face of drought.

“Local cotton-growing communities, already dealing with the stresses of sustained drought, have told us of the additional strain caused by COVID-19 restrictions. For these groups, normal fundraising activities have been turned on their head with local businesses, already struggling to survive, unable to lend their support to these community organisations,” Ms Egleton said. 

“It’s wonderful to have partners like Bayer to be able to help to alleviate some of their fundraising challenges as they work hard to keep their communities connected and address critical community needs.

“There are so many not-for-profit groups and local charities doing wonderful things to make cotton-growing communities great places to live and work. This year we’ve seen many groups seeking support to develop and build organisational and community resilience. Their determination to see their communities thrive, despite the challenges they face, is inspiring,” Ms Egleton said. 

Bayer Crop Science Head of Customer Marketing for Australia and New Zealand Tony May congratulated the winners and said the funding will assist in bringing people together again after being disconnected by COVID-19 restrictions.

“Many of the projects being funded will ensure cotton-growing communities can interact and connect with one another safely during the pandemic,” Mr May said.  

“The grants will help build community gardens, upgrade facilities for digital learning and enhance outdoor areas to foster connections.”

Gogeldrie Rural Fire Brigade in central north Riverina NSW, was a recipient of one of the 30 Aussie Cotton Farmers Grow Communities grants. The brigade plan to use the grant to invest in suitable gym equipment to ensure the safety of its users. Currently gym users are improvising, including dragging around spare tyres tied on with rope.   

On hearing they had been successful, Gogeldrie Fire Brigade Captain David Pike said it was fantastic news and would make a big difference to their small community.  

“Providing appropriate gym equipment will be a nice reward for our volunteer fire fighters and motivate our farmers to come together and put their health and wellbeing first, more often,” Captain Pike said.

The full list of grant recipients and their projects are below.

Jump to : NSW Communities | QLD Communities

Darling River Food & Fibre (Bourke)
Bourke & District Children’s ServicesEnhance community identity and connection through the installation of a culturally relevant outdoor space.Bourke$5,000
Gwydir Valley
Moree & District Historical SocietyDevelop organisational resilience and capacity through the installation of solar panels.Moree$5,000
St Philomenas Catholic School Moree P & FSupport school engagement and enhance learning outcomes through the construction of an outdoor classroom.Moree$5,000
Lower Namoi
Wee Waa Branch Country Women’s Association of NSWIncrease community inclusion through construction of a safety ramp to support access to the CWA hall.Wee Waa$5,000
Wee Waa Rotary Club IncSupport organisational capacity through the purchase of a portable coolroom.Wee Waa$5,000
Trangie Country Women’s Association – Country Women’s Association of NSWIncrease community inclusion through the installation of safety railing to a newly installed ramp at the CWA hall.Trangie$5,000
Warren Central SchoolSupport life long learning through the establishment of a kitchen garden program.Warren$5,000
Warren Youth Support Group IncorporatedFacilitate positive engagement and support of young people through the installation of a permanent gazebo and outdoor furniture.Warren$5,000
Mungindi Water Users
Mungindi Junior Rugby League Club IncFoster social wellbeing and connectivity through a kitchen upgrade.Mungindi$5,000
Southern Valleys
Coleambally Central School P&C AssociationEnhance educational opportunities through the construction of a covered area linking classrooms and providing a safe all-weather play area.Coleambally$5,000
Gogeldrie Rural Fire BrigadeSupport individual and community health and wellbeing through the purchase of gym equipment.Gogeldrie$5,000
Griffith Public School Parents and Citizens AssociationIncrease educational opportunities through the purchase of readers for junior classrooms.Griffith$5,000
Hillston Billylids IncEnhance educational opportunities and social skill development through the purchase of digital learning resources and upgrade to play area.Hillston$5,000
Country Education Foundation of Coleambally-Darlington Point Incorporated (CEFCPD)Support lifelong learning, education and training through the support of a grants program that enables young people to complete post secondary education.Coleambally$5,000
Murrumbidgee Shire CouncilFoster community health and wellbeing through fencing of a community garden.Coleambally$5,000
Upper Namoi
Carroll Community Bus IncorporatedFoster community connectivity and resilience through repairs to the community bus.Carroll$5,000
Ooranga Family Mobile Resource Unit Assoc IncProvide access to diverse learning environments through the replacement of the existing kitchen.Gunnedah$5,000
Spring Ridge Public School Parents and Citizens AssociationEnable participation in educational opportunities through support of an annual student trip to Canberra.Spring Ridge$5,000
Central Highlands
Rolleston Cricket Club IncBuild community resilience through the purchase of a defibrillator and ice making machine.Rolleston$5,000
Darling Downs
11th Light Horse Darling Downs Troop Inc.Support the preservation of local history by upgrading facilities that house historical memorabilia.Highfields$5,000
Cecil Plains History GroupSupport organisational resilience and the promotion of local history through the installation of a rainwater tank and purchase of display stands.Cecil Plains$5,000
Friends of Jondaryan Woolshed IncEnhance the preservation and promotion of local history through exhibit fencing to protect historical artifacts.Jondaryan$5,000
Rotary Club of Dalby IncIncrease organisational capacity through upgrade of existing catering trailer.Dalby$5,000
Wheatlands Primary P&C AssocEnhance student learning opportunities and support community connection, through the provision of a protected outdoor space.Wheatlands$5,000
Dawson Valley
Theodore Bowls Club IncorporatedDevelop organisational resilience and capacity through the provision of a ride on mower and outdoor vac.Theodore$5,000
Dirranbandi Arts Council IncorporatedIncrease volunteer comfort and safety through the installation of meeting room air conditioning and security cameras to community spaces.Dirranbandi$5,000
Macintyre Valley
Lundavra Primary P&C AssociationSupport student wellbeing and community resilience, through the purchase of a water tank to maintain school grounds.Lundavra$5,000
Macintyre Ag Alliance Inc.Support environmental outcomes through the purchasing of weed spraying equipment.Goondiwindi$5,000
St George
St George Tourism and Museum Association Inc.Support community resillience and raise community morale through restoration of a historical building.St George$5,000
Northern Australia (North of Latitude 21.15 degrees South)
Cowboys Charity LimitedSupport learning opportunities for Indigenous students through fit out of boarding room accomodation.Townsville$5,000

17 November 2020: ANZ and the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR) today announced 26 community groups across regional Australia will share $250,000 in grants.

The ANZ Seeds of Renewal program has been running since 2003 and in 2020 the program specifically focussed on supporting groups running projects to address environmental sustainability, financial wellbeing and accessible housing initiatives in remote, rural and regional Australia.

ANZ’s technology partner Lenovo contributed more than $18,000 in IT equipment to five community groups, which was in addition to the money ANZ provided.

This year special consideration was given to projects that were in bushfire affected areas, with eight of the 26 grants awarded to groups in those regions.

ANZ General Manager Business Banking Jenefer Stewart said: “Australia’s regional, remote and rural communities have been hit particularly hard this year with the pandemic and the bushfires and we are proud of our track record in supporting them with these grants.

“The applicants show a real passion for their local communities and we are honoured to play a small part in helping these important projects come to fruition and make a positive impact to people’s lives,” Ms Stewart said.

FRRR CEO Natalie Egleton said it was inspiring to see so many groups finding innovative ways of practicing environmental sustainability in their communities and offering support to more vulnerable groups.

“The environment, housing equity and financial wellbeing, are national priority issues and are all critical to maintaining the social and economic vitality of rural Australia. It’s wonderful to partner with ANZ to provide this targeted support for local groups as they seek better ways for their communities to live,” Ms Egleton said.

Some of the locally-led projects funded this round include:

  • Community Maker Space – Plastics rePurposed – Berry Springs, NT – $15,000 – Build community capability to recycle and repurpose plastic to address the environmental issues.
  • Gunbower & District Development Group Inc – Gunbower Lions Park Wetlands Project – Gunbower, VIC – $12,700 – Improve the environmental sustainability of community facilities by enhancing the native vegetation and habitat.
  • Pambula Beach Surf Life Saving Club Inc Environmental assessment for a healthy sustainable environment, and a fire-ready club and community – Pambula, NSW – $3,390 – Support community preparedness and environmental sustainability with review of habitat and use.
  • Gunida Gunyah Aboriginal Corporation- Responsive Emergency Accommodation Service – Gunnedah, NSW – $15,000 – Provide additional crisis accommodation support that enables the organisation to support those most in need and bring them back into systems for more permanent housing.
  • Sisterworks Inc – Remote Activities Project – Bendigo, VIC – $10,800 – Support the economic empowerment of migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking women in regional centres by addressing isolation issues.

The full list of recipients is below:

ApplicantsProject LocationGrant
Barnabas House Crisis Care Incorporated
Barnabas Community Garden and Composting Program
Build capability in program participants to improve environmental sustainability of community garden.
Pambula Beach Surf Life Saving Club Inc
Environmental assessment for a healthy sustainable environment, and a fire-ready club and community.
Support community preparedness and environmental sustainability with review of habitat and use.
Pambula Beach$3,390
National Indigenous Culinary Institute LimitedMuswellbrook Skills for Success Program
Provide training and mentoring opportunities for indigenous youth at risk to develop skills for employment in hospitality and agriculture. 
Early Links Inclusion Support Service IncorporatedTeen Life Skills
Develop the life skills of young people who live with a disability to improve their independent living capability.  
Gunida Gunyah Aboriginal CorporationResponsive Emergency Accommodation Service
Support individual and community housing access with additional crisis accomodation options.  
Western Murray Land Improvement Group Incorporated
Laptop resources contributing to vibrant and sustainable communities in the mid-murray region.
Build community capacity for youth and seniors with 3 laptops to develop IT and Employment skills
Tirkandi Inaburra Cultural & Development Centre Inc
Work Readiness Support
Build capability with access to 2 laptops for youth who are training for employability. 
Weddin Landcare Steering Committee Incorporated

Setting the Weddin Community Native Nursery up for Success with a Lenovo Laptop
Build organisational capacity to enhance environmental sustainable practice at the Weddin Community Native Nursery
The trustee for Karrkad-Kandji TrustMayh Recovery Project – protecting culturally important species in west Arnhem Land
Improve organisational capacity to protect biodiversity by monitoring vulnerable habitats in Arnhem Land.
Berry Springs School Council IncPlastics rePurposed – Community Maker Space
Build community capability to recycle and repurpose plastic to address the environmental issues.
Berry Springs$15,000
Balkanu Cape York Development Corporation Pty Ltd
Life Skills Development Program for Families and Women distressed with Domestic Violence (DV) and Homelessness
Support individual and community financial wellbeing with lifeskills programs for vulnerable women and families.
Mossman Botanic GardenToday’s seeds for tomorrow’s trees – Identification, collection and propagation of locally-sourced tropical, lowland rainforest trees.
Build organisational capacity by developing capability in classifying and preserving native habitats.
Daintree National Park
The Creche and Kindergarten Association LimitedSupporting Environmental Sustainability at C&K Middlemount
Develop organisational capability to better manage and use water with a new irrigation system
Tablelands Regional CouncilTablelands Smarter with our Water
Support community education on water conservation for environmental sustainability through an engagement and training program.
LifeChanger Foundation LimitedLifeChanger Community Programs with Tree-planting (Tribe Event) Workshop Celebration Support individual and community wellbeing through engaging local mentors with youth to deliver environmental projects. Penneshaw, Kingscote, Pengilly$15,000
Wangaratta Community Toy Library
Recyclable Party Time
Enable sustainable environmental practice in the ommunity with the purchase of recyclable party ware for lending for childrens parties.
Barham-Koondrook Historical Society IncUpgrading a Community Multi-Purpose Facility
Build community resilience by supporting local residents to live well in place with upgraded community facilities. 
Western District Employment Access IncorporatedSolar Power Systems supporting employment equality at WDEA Works Social Enterprise – Nigretta Disability Employment
Strengthen environmental practices in disability enterprise spaces through solar power installations.
Gunbower & District Development Group Inc
Gunbower Lions Park Wetlands Project
Improve the environmental sustainability of community facilities by enhancing the native vegetation and habitat.
YWCA AustraliaMoney Savvy – Empowering young women in Broken Hill through financial literacy education
Build resilience of young women with a program to develop their financial literacy.
Broken Hill$15,000
Country Fire Authority – HeadofficeWoodend CFA Fire Resistant Garden Education Project
Build community resilience with education in fire resistant and sustainable species through a demonstration garden at the Woodend CFA Station.
Stanhope & District Development Committee Inc

Upgrading Computer and Printer Facilities
Build community capacity by upgrading public IT facilities to support education and personal use.
Cann River Community Centre IncIT  Upgrade
Build community capacity with public access to 2 laptops for personal tasks, education and employment seeking.
Cann River$5653
SisterWorks IncRemote Activities Project Support the economic empowerment of migrant, refugee and asylum seeking women in regional centres by addressing isolation issues.Bendigo$10,800
Bendigo Family and Financial Services IncBFFS Student Financial Resilience Program
Support the financial wellbeing of young people experiencing financial hardship through a program of emergency relief, case management and advocacy.
Karajarri Traditional Lands Association (Aboriginal Corporation) RNTBCQuality Foundations for Indigenous Enterprise in Native Botanicals – Caring for Country through Sustainable Harvest Practices
Build organisational capability and implement environmentally sustainable practice to manage nature resources on country.
Karajarri Country

$250,000 donation to fund bushfire recovery initiatives

16 November 2020: The Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal’s (FRRR) Black Summer bushfire recovery funding has been bolstered thanks to a $250,000 donation from the Waislitz Foundation, in partnership with Australian Community Media (ACM). These funds will go towards supporting projects that focus on the recovery of the people and places impacted by the 2019/20 summer bushfires.

bushfire recovery

Distribution of this donation will be via the bushfire recovery stream of FRRR’s Strengthening Rural Communities (SRC) program. This dedicated stream of funding offers grants of up to $25,000 for a broad range of projects that seek to support the recovery of affected communities. These community-led projects can include the repair and replacement of infrastructure damaged during the fires, support for the mental health and wellbeing of people affected by the bushfires, alleviation of volunteer burnout, initiatives to build economic development, and events that bring affected communities together.

Natalie Egleton, CEO of FRRR, said thanks to generous support of partners, like the Waislitz Foundation and ACM, the Foundation is able to fund a wide range of projects that support the different recovery journey of each fire-affected community.

“Recovery from of the 2019/20 summer bushfires is a process that has no end date and that is different for every affected place and person. We know that local leaders are therefore best placed to understand the priorities and recovery needs of their community.

“Having previously partnered with ACM through their South Coast is Calling Initiative, we are fortunate to be working with them again to support these bushfire-affected communities, as we know ACM shares our passion for supporting locally-led solutions. We are also delighted to have the opportunity to partner with the Waislitz Foundation, who also understands the value of philanthropic partnerships when it comes to helping these communities to renew and rebuild,” Ms Egleton said.

Mr Waislitz said he felt privileged to be able to help people in fire-affected communities rebuild their lives and the local connections that gave them strength.

“Every Australian couldn’t help but be touched and inspired by the stories of loss and courage we saw last summer, and I’m keen to contribute to the healing,” he said.

“Through my involvement as a co-owner of ACM, which serves local audiences and advertisers in many regions affected by the bushfires, I have developed a keen awareness of the challenges those communities face and a deep admiration for their resilience.”

“The foundation’s hope is that by supporting a range of different grassroots, community-led initiatives through the FRRR, we can help these local communities renew and strengthen for the future.”

Read Australian Community Media’s full announcement here.

Community Foundations and local organisations encouraged to apply

6 October 2020: The Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR) is seeking local partners in bushfire-affected communities to assist with the distribution of a special bushfire recovery stream of its long-running Back to School program.


Thanks to generous support from donors, FRRR has more than $767,000 in $50 vouchers to distribute in areas affected by the Black Summer bushfires. These vouchers can be redeemed for school essentials, such as school uniforms, shoes, school bags and stationery, which may have been lost during the bushfires. The aim is to help students start the 2021 school year with the key items they need to be ready to learn.

To ensure support reaches people truly in need, FRRR partners with Community Foundations and locally-based community organisations that can distribute the vouchers discretely, without parents having to apply for them.

Natalie Egleton, CEO of FRRR, said that one of the key reasons the program has been a success over the past 15 years has been the involvement of local organisations to help coordinate voucher distribution.

“Having run this program since 2005, we know that it’s critical for us to have local partners, on the ground in communities, who can coordinate the distribution of these vouchers through schools, welfare organisations and community support networks, so the funds really get to those in need,” Ms Egleton said.

“We already have many long-standing partnerships, but we are seeking to expand them so that we have a partner in each of the LGA’s impacted by the Black Summer bushfires to help coordinate voucher distribution on behalf of their Shire. We are encouraging Community Foundations and backbone community organisations in these bushfire-affected communities to apply.

“This year has been full of extreme disruptions for these students and families impacted by last summer’s bushfires. As they slowly go back to face-to-face schooling, these children will not only be re-engaging in their education, but also re-establishing social connections with friends, both of which are very important steps in the recovery process,” Ms Egleton explained.

While $50 dollars may not seem much, in FRRR’s experience, it makes a practical difference. For families in need, it can mean that they can buy the books, shoes, uniform items, and even equipment like steel-capped boots or sleeping bags, so students can participate fully in things like work experience or school camps. For students and families doing it tough, it means they can focus on their recovery, education and on building a strong support network, rather than on the stress of not having basic school items or missing out on extracurricular activities.

FRRR’s Back to School Bushfire Response stream is possible thanks to the support of a number of donors, including News Corp Australia, Australia Post, Fire Fight Australia Fund, Portland House Foundation, UNICEF Australia and Origin Energy Foundation.

Community Foundations and local not-for-profit community organisations can apply for vouchers via the FRRR website. Applications close Friday, 30 October 2020. Grants will be announced at the end of November 2020 and vouchers will be distributed in January 2021, ahead of Term 1. 

FRRR’s focus is on medium to long-term recovery of disaster-affected communities. FRRR has already awarded more than $2 million in support for Black Summer bushfire recovery, with further grants to be announced in early 2021.

Since 2005, FRRR’s Back to School program has helped nearly 170,000 disadvantaged students by giving them a $50 gift voucher that can be redeemed for school necessities, such as uniforms, shoes, school bags and stationery. FRRR waives its administration fee on the Back to School program, so that every dollar donated to the program goes directly to the vouchers. The Back to School Bushfire Response stream ran earlier this year, providing nearly 4,000 students impacted by the Black Summer bushfires with a $50 voucher to help with replacing school necessities

20 community-led projects support Black Summer recovery efforts

The Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR), in partnership with News Corp, has awarded a further $410,159 in grants to 20 community-led projects that will support the recovery of rural communities impacted by the Black Summer bushfires.

With the incredible impact the News Corp Bushfire Fund is making on local recovery, News Corp will be adding a further donation of $500,000 to top up the Fund to $1.5 million. There have been over $750,000 in grants awarded to date.

The News Corp Bushfire Fund grants, of up to $25,000, help bring to life a range of recovery-focused initiatives that are designed to encourage people to connect, improve community spirit and increase community preparedness in the event of future bushfires.

In Round 2 of this program, grants have been awarded to local organisations in bushfire-affected communities from across Australia, including Glenreagh and Bermagui in New South Wales, Gipsy Point and Biggara in Victoria, Kingscote and Mount Torrens in South Australia and Beechmont in Queensland.

Natalie Egleton, CEO of FRRR, said that the resilience and determination of these communities to recover from the Black Summer bushfires, and thrive, is evident by the number of inspiring project ideas and applications that the Foundation has so far received.

“Recovery happens at different rates and there are different needs in each impacted community. So, it’s great to see communities like Onkaparinga, Cudlee Creek and Parndana, in South Australia, seeking out support as they move into their next phase of recovery.

“For some places, recovery means building community resilience with projects that will strengthen local identity and create tourist attractions for economic recovery. While another local collaboration will activate an environmental sustainability project and bring many people together, with a particular focus on supporting vulnerable members of the community, by offering support from mental health professionals.

“For the Biggara community in Victoria, upgrading their community hall was a recovery priority. The facility is central to the lives of residents and the upgrade includes expanding it to accommodate everyone in the community in one sitting. This will ensure that there is capacity for the community to come together and connect in times of celebration and in times of crisis.

“Getting funds out to all these bushfire-affected communities is crucial, especially now with the added challenges that COVID-19 has presented in small local economies,” Ms Egleton explained.

News Corp Australia’s Community Ambassador Penny Fowler said seeing the impact that this funding has on these communities makes partnerships like the one with FRRR so rewarding.

“Through the News Corp Bushfire Recovery program we get the opportunity to see the wonderful difference that funding local groups to champion the recovery of their own community has on these towns.

“We continue to be inspired by their passion and their determination to not let the recovery process, which has been significantly impacted by COVID-19, get the better of their community,” Ms Fowler said.

Some of the 20 projects awarded include:

  • Merrimans Local Aboriginal Lands Council – Bermagui, NSW – The ‘Moodji’ Regional Drought, Bushfire & Mental Health Recovery Project – $25,000 – Improve community wellbeing by enabling Grub Club and various gardening activities and events for a wide local audience to participate in and be supported by mental health professionals.    
  • Buxton Volunteer Fire Brigade – Buxton, VIC – RFS Memorial – Telopea Park – Buxton – $16,600 – Support community resilience with a memorial playground that will honour the brave lives lost in the fires.
  • The Little Pocket Association – Beechmont, QLD – Scenic Rim – Memorial and Mural Project – $25,000 – Build community resilience with a Mural project that will engage visitors and locals in the town’s story of the bushfire.  
  • Royal South Australian Deaf Society – State-wide – Talking Hands for Frontline Responders – $25,000 – Build organisational capacity and deaf community resilience with skill development of frontline responders in basic Auslan.

The News Corp Bushfire Recovery Program will provide further funds to Round 2 applicants before the end of the year. FRRR encourages all grant seekers to subscribe to our eNews and social media channels to be alerted when other funding opportunities are announced, and to be inspired to develop their own community-led projects.

The full list of grant recipients and their projects are below.

Jump to : NSW | VIC | QLD | SA


Project & Summary




Bega Local Aboriginal Land Council

Essential Fire Equipment and Safety Gear for Bega’s Local Aboriginal Cultural Burning Team

Building organisational capacity with equipment for the Cultural Burning Team will increase individual safety and local preparedness.



Connecting Communities Australia Ltd

Bega Valley Bushfire Recovery Program – Restore Jewfish Beach Walkway

Building community resilience, the restoration of the walkway will improve local infrastructure and enable community connection.  



Country Women’s Association of NSW

A Mobile Big Screen Theatre for Community, Cultural and Educational Events

Building community connectivity and capacity the mobile big screen will enable community social activity and cultural vibrancy.



Four Wheel Drive NSW & ACT Incorporated

Recreational Road to Recovery

Improving community infrastructure and nature areas with trailers & chainsaws for dedicated working bees to clear and repair fire damage sites.

Batemans Bay


Glenreagh HeartStart Inc

Emergency Management and Training Room Equipment

Building organisational capacity to deliver enhanced community volunteer training with new equipment to enable effective facilitation and presentation. 



Merrimans Local Aboriginal Lands Council

The ‘Moodji’ Regional Drought, Bushfire & Mental Health Recovery Project

Improve community wellbeing by enabling Grub Club and various gardening activities and events for a wide local audience to participate in and be supported by mental health professionals.



Tomerong School of Arts

Making the Tomerong School of Arts Accessible to all in our Community

Building resilience by upgrading infrastructure for improved community with accessible toilets to support all community members use of the facilities.




Albury Wodonga Regional Foodshare

2nd Freezer for FoodShare

Building organisational capacity the purchase of a second freezer will improve operations for meeting the increased demand for FoodShare’ services.



Buxton Volunteer Fire Brigade

RFS Memorial – Telopea Park – Buxton

Supporting community resilience, the memorial playground will honour the brave lives lost in the fires.  



Biggara Recreation Reserve Committee of Management

Biggara Valley Community Recovery Project

Building community capacity with an upgrade of Biggara Hall to increase the space twofold for community use.



Corryong Historic Machinery Club

Development of the Corryong Historic Machinery Club Museum

Strengthening economic recovery by developing local heritage infrastructure will support tourism and build local pride. 



Gippsland Disability Advocacy Inc

East Gippsland Bushfire Recovery for Persons with Disabilities

Building organisational capacity to facilitate volunteering, mental health and well-being supports for people with a disability in fire affected communities.



Gipsy Point Cemetery Trust Inc

Replacing Burnt and Damaged Boundary Fences and Upgrading Entrance Points at Gipsy Point Cemetery Trust

Building community resilience, the upgrade of Gipsy Point Cemetery will ensure the space is maintained for the local community.   

Gipsy Point



The Little Pocket Association

Scenic Rim – Memorial and Mural Project

Building community resilience, the Mural project will engage visitors and locals in the town’s story of the bushfire.  




Advance Kingscote Progress Association

Kangaroo Island Silo Art Project

Driving tourism and fostering a sense of community pride the silo art project will welcome locals and visitors. 



Disaster Relief Australia

Resilience and Capacity Building for South Australian Communities

Building organisational capacity the new equipment will expand the numbers of volunteers able to be deployed during emergencies. 

Cudlee Creek


Parndana Agricultural Horticultural and Floricultural Society Inc

Parndana Show 2020

Enabling community social connection and access by making the Parndana Show a free event for the community.



Royal South Australian Deaf Society Inc

Talking Hands for Frontline Responders

Building organisational capacity and deaf community resilience with skill development of frontline responders in basic Auslan.

South Australia (statewide)



SAVEM Field Hospital Essential Equipment Project

Building organisational capacity by preparing the mobile Field Hospital with equipment to treat animals of all species affected during bushfires.



Spring Head Trinity Lutheran Church Inc

Spring Head Fire Prevention

Improving community preparedness by removing debris and building fences for stock that will reduce the fuel load and protect this emergency shelter site.

Mount Torrens


28 August 2020: The Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR) has received support from the US-based Center for Disaster Philanthropy (CDP) to assist in addressing the medium to long-term recovery needs of bushfire affected communities across rural, regional and remote Australia.

bushfire recovery

CDP’s mission is to leverage the power of philanthropy to mobilize a full range of resources that strengthen the ability of communities to withstand disasters and recover equitably when they occur.

The US$500,000 grant will be distributed over the next three years through a stream of FRRR’s Strengthening Rural Communities (SRC) program dedicated to bushfire recovery.

Natalie Egleton, CEO of FRRR, said that like FRRR, CDP knows just how important it is for funding and support to be available in the years following a disaster, not just in the immediate aftermath.

“CDP is a thought-leader when it comes to the role that philanthropy can play in disaster preparedness and recovery. Their experiences and insights following catastrophic events in the US, including Cyclone Katrina, have helped inform and validate FRRR’s approach to disaster recovery.

“Their experience confirms that every place’s needs are different, communities recover at different speeds and recovery needs evolve over time. We know this too from our experience in supporting the Victorian communities affected by the 2009 bushfires. Given the extent of the impacts of last summer’s bushfires, recovery will take a decade, if not more.

“This generous donation from CDP will ensure that we can provide the critical support needed, when it’s needed in the years to come to ensure these communities have what they need for their recovery,” said Ms Egleton.

Brennan Banks, director of Disaster Recovery Funds at the Center for Disaster Philanthropy, says that typically almost two-thirds of philanthropic disaster donations are directed towards the immediate disaster response and relief.

“From our extensive experience over the last 10 years, we know that funding for long-term recovery and disaster preparedness is frequently scarce.

“We are therefore pleased to provide FRRR with flexible support to serve affected communities over the medium to long term. It is important for these communities to have resources to rebuild and recover from bushfires,” said Banks. “The funding can also be used to enhance preparedness efforts, which are just as important.”