Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR)

Young people affected by the 2009 Victorian bushfires emerged as some of the most vulnerable and at-risk in affected communities. In 2014, the Victorian Department of Human Services partnered with FRRR to develop a program to address some of the key challenges affecting young these young people.

Known as School and Beyond, the program was delivered from 2015 to 2020 across 11 LGA’s in 2009 bushfire-affected regions.

The aims included removing financial and psychological barriers to participation and completion of study, supporting pathways to vocational training and employment; and to support the cost of education and training costs.

In total, 43 grants saw $496,250 in funding go toward supporting education and/or mental health initiatives that benefited 2,589 youth in 2009 bushfire-affected areas.

Details of the funded projects are summarised below:

School and Beyond Project Summary

Amount Awarded

Bright & Myrtleford – North East Support and Action for Youth Inc

F17 Hairdressing

Enable further employment opportunities, through engagement in Certificate 3 in Hairdressing as a pathway to Hairdressing Apprenticeship training at local TAFE.


Laptop Purchase

Increase school engagement through provision of laptop to support disadvantaged 14-year-old student.


SOAR Group Program

Increase support for disengaged students, through delivery of an adventure-based program that aims to build leadership and resilience. 


School Based Counselling Program

Increase support for mental health issues through access to secondary school –based, generalist Youth Counselling Program for Bright P-12 and Marion College, Myrtleford.


School Based Counselling Program

Increase access to mental health support through delivery of secondary school–based, generalist Youth Counselling Program for Bright P-12 and Marion College, Myrtleford.


Drouin – Drouin Secondary College

Work Ready Program

Increase skills and confidence for students to remain engaged with secondary education, work towards a career and achieve employment on leaving Drouin Secondary College.


Eaglehawk – Eaglehawk Secondary College

Connected Circus

Increase social and emotional competence through the delivery of the Connected Circus program to 30 male students attending Eaglehawk secondary College.


Tutoring and Technology

Increase technology resources and tutoring support to expand supported and alternative learning programs for ‘at risk’ and disengaged youth.


Kinglake Ranges – Ellimatta Inc

WWC & CPR Individual Brokerage

Increase support to gain employment for local youth, through upskilling through short courses in CPR and Working with Children.



Increase access to educational resources for disadvantaged student studying bachelor’s degree of Dermal Sciences through purchase of textbooks. 


Software & Laptop

Increase independence, confidence and, engagement with education, through text to speech software and laptop for a VCE student with a learning disorder.


Tutoring 1 to 1

Increase in confidence and learning capacity, through private tutoring for a student with developmental delay.


Maths Tutoring with Drums

Increase in self-esteem, school attendance and learning outcomes, through access to maths tutoring utilising drums for a student with ADHD.


VCE English Tutoring

Increase student school attendance, self-reported self-esteem, and confidence, through access to qualified tutor to aid a Year 12 student in VCE English.


Bach Early Learning – Laptop Camera and Textbooks

Increase access to technology and educational resources for disadvantaged student studying Bachelor of Early Childhood Education, through provision of a laptop, camera, and textbooks.


Tutoring and OT Sessions

Improve short term emotional, social, and learning functioning through access to tutoring and occupational therapy to assist student management of PTSD, APD and anxiety.


Morwell & Churchill – Kurnai College

Textbooks for Senior Students

Relieve financial barriers to participation through provision of Year 11 & 12 Textbooks for loan to VCE students.


Mental Health First Aid Training

Increase awareness and support for mental health through delivery of Teen Mental Health First Aid training program to 180 Year 10 students and teachers.


We’re Learning

Increase access to learning resources through access for VCE Students to participate in University delivered revision lectures in the various VCE subject areas during the September 2016 school holidays.


See the Future

Build belief and aspiration levels among students through ‘aspirational’ posters influenced by past successful Kurnai College students.


Literacy, Numeracy, Life Skills

Increase engagement with education through delivery of specialised literacy and numeracy support program for struggling students in years 7-10. 


Bike Fleet

Increase alternative avenues for students to engage and remain in education, through bicycles to resource flexible learning program.


Aspire Higher

Improve aspiration and academic outcomes, through delivery of after school tutoring and mentoring project by university students from the Gippsland Campus of Federation University. 


Aspire Even Higher Top of Form

Increase tertiary study aspirations and academic skills of year 11 and 12 VCE students attending Kurnai College, through the delivery of tutoring and mentoring sessions.   


Boys to the Bush

Build relationships and re-engage students in education through delivery of one-week, hands-on skills and team building activities at farming camp in rural NSW.


Hands on Learning Machinery Shop

Increase subject choice for students attending the Flexible Learning Options program through building a shed to support the delivery of woodwork and construction activities.


Traralgon – Traralgon College

Traralgon College Relationships, Engagement and Resilience Project

Increase resilience, school engagement and connections through funding participation at school camp for year eight students.


Whittlesea – Whittlesea Secondary College

Transport to Careers Expo 2018

Increase understanding of future learning opportunities, job seeking and work experience through transport for 60 VCAL students to attend Youth Employment Opportunities Fair and Expo 2018.


Year 7 & 8 Textbooks

Increase school attendance, through provision of essential textbooks for students in year 7 and 8.


Transport to Year 9 Careers Expo 2018

Create stronger understanding of career pathways, jobs, apprenticeships, and traineeships through transport for 108 Year 9 students to Careers Expo at Assumption College


VET Engineering Students Excursion

Create stronger understanding of career pathways in the engineering industry, through transport for 21 students studying Certificate II Pre-apprenticeship Engineering Studies, to attend a tour of two major engineering industries.


VET Hospitality Students Excursion

Create stronger understanding of career pathways within the hospitality industry, through transport for 24 Whittlesea Secondary College students in Years 10 – 12 who are completing Certificate 11 in Kitchen Operations, to attend a behind the scenes tour of the Langham Hotel.


Transport to VCE Expo 2017

Increase understanding of future learning opportunities, job seeking and work experience for 160 Year 10 students and 9 staff from Whittlesea Secondary College through travel to state-wide VCE and Careers Expo.


Whittlesea Township Young People Engagement

Increase student engagement through program designed to inform local youth services about the needs, issues, priorities, and ideas, of students in years 9 and 10.


Phoenix in Flight

Increase student engagement and mental health support through delivery of therapeutic interventions and hands on learning program to at risk students at Whittlesea Secondary College.


Yarra Valley – Cire Services Inc

Youth Program Officer – ECOSS Yarra Valley

Increase engagement with education through employment of a part-time Youth Program Officer to deliver skill building activities including the construction of a small sustainable building.


Horticulture Pathway Program

Build resilience and vocational pathways for Year-10 students from Yarra Ranges Shire secondary schools through delivery of Certificate II in Horticulture.


Yarram – Yarram Secondary College

Excursion Transport – Careers Expo

Increase awareness and provide more options for work experience through educational/ careers-based excursions for 65 students from years 8-10 to the Melbourne Zoo, Science Works, and the Harbour Town precinct.


Learn About Work: Yarram!

Increase students’ career aspirations and connections to local employers through delivery of ‘industry taster’ event for 60 senior secondary students from Yarram Secondary School. This event will be run by Gippsland East Local Learning and Education Network and encompass visits to major industry employers, employment skill development and facilitation of networking with local businesses. 


Yarram Ag Program

Improve employment pathways for local youth and provide alternative opportunities to engage in education through expansion of agricultural studies area at Yarram Secondary College through the purchase of a cattle ramp, cattle crush, and vermin proof feed bin.


Yarram’s Yummy Yard

Increase delivery of hands on activities that build wellbeing and resilience in the student and school community through the construction of a food garden at Yarram Secondary College.


Short Course Program Week

Increase problem solving capacity and resilience through delivery of Short Courses Program.


Yea – Yea High School

Psychological support for improved student outcomes

Increase support for senior students impacted by the 2009 bushfires through provision of face to face Psychologist sessions at Yea High School.


