Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR)

FRRR and Gardiner Foundation offer grants up to $5,000 to local not-for-profits

Community groups in small dairy communities across Gippsland, South-West and Northern Victoria can now apply for Gardiner Foundation Community Grants up to $5,000 to strengthen and build capacity in their dairying region.

Kyabram Development Committee Incorporated and Rochester Community House were awarded Gardiner Dairy Foundation Community Grant Program grants in 2022. Pictured here with FRRR’s Jill Karena and Fiona Bradshaw.

Over the last 22 years, FRRR and Gardiner Foundation have granted more than $2.2 million to 560 projects that have helped these farming communities to be more connected, sustainable, and vibrant places to live and work.

This year, the Gardiner Foundation Community Grants Program is offering grants totalling $120,000 to not-for-profit organisations (NFPs) for a broad range of projects that help their dairying communities to thrive.

Allan Cameron, Gardiner Foundation CEO, said that the Foundation is committed to continuing to invest in the local groups that are working to enhance the liveability of small Victorian towns reliant on the dairy industry.

 “We know that year in, year out, community volunteers are committed to the work of local community groups which meet local challenges and create opportunities to strengthen the fabric of their communities.” Mr Cameron said.

Historically, the community grants have funded a diverse range of projects, including initiatives that support education and training, health and social wellbeing or the amenity of a public setting.

Last year’s Community Grants Program provides some examples of the range of initiatives that are funded. In Leongatha, the local Men’s Shed, which hosts a range of community groups, including the local choir, received funds for an air conditioner. In Gellibrand, the local Hall Committee received a grant to buy new chairs to improve the amenity and safety of the community’s meeting space. Warrnambool College and Grasmere Primary School received a grant to establish an Indigenous sensory garden, which has provided students with hands on experience to enhance their educational outcomes.

“I look forward to seeing the impact that is delivered from this year’s grants,” Mr Cameron said.

Natalie Egleton, CEO of FRRR, said it’s wonderful to have partners, like Gardiner Foundation, that understand the impact that small grants can have on rural places.

“We know from past recipients that these grants have enabled communities to achieve more than they would otherwise. Groups also tell us how it can often be a catalyst for further funding. This reaffirms the importance of this program, and it shows that with just a small amount of seed funding, communities can build resilience and thrive.

“I encourage community groups to take advantage of these grants and consider how they can leverage the funds, so that they have the capacity to inspire, engage and strengthen their dairy communities,” Ms Egleton said.

Applications for the Gardiner Foundation Community Grants Program close 21 March 2024 at 5 pm AEDT.

An online grantseeker workshop will be held Monday, 19 February 2024 from 2-3pm AEDT.

For more information about the grants, or to register for the grantseeker workshop, please visit the Gardiner Foundation Community Grants Program webpage.

In 2020 the Bruny Island District School Parents & Friends committee identified the need to upgrade the ‘Billabong Playground’, which caters for children up to five and their families.

Working with a local landscaper, the plan was to retain the swings, cubby house, bike path and sandpit and add an above ground timber tunnel with climbing grips over it, a small princess castle and artificial grass covered seats/jumping pods. They also intended to create a safe water play area incorporating a cauldron that fills with water and can be released via a plug. This flows into a wetland area beyond the playground fence. All this would be surrounded by plants and surfaces that stimulate sensory play.

While there were some changes along the way, the main installation and repair took place in early October 2022 and was ready for use mid-October. The work was undertaken by a local contractor, with volunteers adding plants and the artificial grass seats, as well as some timber sleeper steps in mid-October 2022.

The project was supported by a $10,000 SRC grant, thanks to the support of the Bertalli Family Foundation. However, local businesses were also asked to contribute to the project, which meant they could also install a timber shelter. The Playground is now fully functional with the 65+ students from the school and wider community being able to access it.

But the project resulted in far more than just a great play space for the children. It has strengthened the connections between the school and local businesses and the community more broadly. Additionally, the project gave a small group of volunteers the confidence to know that they can achieve great outcomes to improve their community. They displayed courage and aspiration, values that have been included in Bruny School’s values and it’s fantastic for the students to see the results they can bring, not only individuals but the entire community and future generations.

By Jeanice Henderson, In a Good Place Program Coordinator

Despite the many positive aspects of living in remote, rural, and regional communities, there are also distinct challenges associated with distance and isolation, which place these communities at greater risk of poorer mental health outcomes.

These include:

  • Lack of available service or long wait times;
  • Poor, interrupted or lack of digital services and access;
  • Reduction in volunteers, business closures, job losses, loss of agricultural markets;
  • Poorer outcomes in the social determinants of health;
  • Life on the land can be hard – drought, fire, flood, mouse plague, cyclones; and
  • Stigma, shame, and ‘stiff upper lip’ attitudes to mental health.

The compounding and accumulative effects of some or all of these things take their toll – on individuals, families and the communities they live in.

Local solutions need support

At FRRR, we have found that the most effective responses to these challenges are often community centered but lack access or visibility to government or philanthropic funding.

Simple, flexible and accessible funding is required to support projects, programs and activities that create supportive environments, strengthen communities to act, develop personal skills and support services to re-orientate their programs to be both inclusive and appropriate for all.

This is where philanthropy can play an important enabling role, especially for grassroots organisations that often can’t access traditional philanthropy.

Small grants can be the straightforward and friendly ‘front door’ through which grassroots organisations can step to build their capability, connect their community and navigate and drive change.

In fact, for many communities experiencing disadvantage, small grants are one of the few ways that they can get the resources and opportunities to launch new ideas or approaches in their communities.

While not always ‘sexy’, the projects and the needs met through these grants, can address areas of disadvantage and inequity in communities that often have little visibility to funders and policymakers.

We’ve seen this be particularly effective when those small grants are targeted toward addressing specific needs. A case in point is in the area of mental health.

In A Good Place

In a Good Place is a national philanthropic grant program, delivered by FRRR and funded in partnership with CCI Giving.

This aim is to support people living in remote, rural and regional communities seeking help who are at risk of, or are experiencing, mental health issues.

The program has a relatively small, flexible funding pool of $250,000 per year, and offers grants of up to $20,000 to enable rural communities to action their ideas and solutions.

Our focus is to support efforts to strengthen the mental health of at-risk or vulnerable people via services or activities that are preventative or responsive in nature and designed to engage those less likely or unable to participate in mental, social and emotional wellbeing activities.

This program truly reflects the FRRR ethos that local communities are best placed to identify local needs, local opportunities and lead local responses.

We have run the program since 2018 and have so far funded 84 projects  – that’s $1.25 million in small grants invested into remote, rural and regional communities to support non-clinical approaches to mental health and wellbeing.

We’re very proud of it, but it’s really a drop in the ocean, as demand for this kind of support is very strong – and only increasing. Between 2018 and 2023, 397 applications requested over $6,443,348 in grant funding for combined total project cost of $18,981,059.

Further, 24.8% of these were first time applicants to FRRR, as this is one of the few programs of its type. And, in reality, they are not seeking very much funding – the average request was $16,230.

Of the successful applications:

  • The smallest grant was $2,970.
  • The average grant was $14,935.80.
  • 23.8% were awarded the full grant amount ($20,000).
  • Our $1.25 million support projects valued at over $4.5 million.
  • Local communities are still putting in a lot – the estimated value of in-kind support for funded projects is $1,126,082.

Every dollar granted by the In a Good Place program was matched by an additional $2.61 in other funding or in -kind support.

Demand is high

Since the program opened, more than 400 organisations have applied, requesting nearly $6.5 million towards projects with a combined value of over $19 million.

Remember, these are for relatively small grants – up to $20,000 – so it’s clear that there is a strong appetite out there to support community mental health and wellbeing.

Who benefits

So, just who is applying for these grants?

The short answer is grassroots community groups. FRRR doesn’t require applicants to have any special status, such as DRG1. This means we receive applications from community groups that are working directly with community members, families, young people, older people, veterans, gender specific focus groups, mental health and suicide awareness groups, community houses and school councils.

The word cloud above comes directly from the themes listed in this year’s In a Good Place applications. While there are different ideas that appear each round, there are some consistent themes and project approaches each round, including:

  • Suicide prevention.
  • Capacity building such as Mental Health First Aid training.
  • Alleviating loneliness and isolation.
  • Projects focused on the mental health of specific cohorts – men, youth, aged, students, families, farmers, culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.
  • Community gardens / horticulture, animal therapy, art therapy nutrition and exercise as integral parts of overall mental health and wellbeing programs.
  • Mental health and wellbeing awareness activities.
  • Events that bring people together, connect with each other.
  • Responding to the impacts of cumulative economic, social and emotional impacts of successive natural disasters and COVID.

Emerging themes of late have included:

  • Community based support programs for ADF Veterans / First Responders.
  • Supporting those affected by domestic violence.
  • Responding to social determinants of mental health, such as food security, housing security / homelessness, disability and under / insecure employment.
  • Increased recognition and use of lived experience and peer volunteers.

Proven impacts

There are many stories that we could share about the impacts of these grants and how they have contributed to building healthier, resilient and better-connected communities by supporting and promoting mental health awareness, and building individual and community resilience.

I’m Not Afraid To Talk

For example – University of South Australia partnered with a community group called I’m Not Afraid to Talk to pilot and evaluate a Men’s Mental Health program. It sought to challenge the stigma surrounding mental health – by doing so in an environment that is very familiar to local men and adolescents – the football club. The aim was to improve mental health and reduce the risk of suicide by providing a safe and informed environment in which to connect with others and normalise self-help seeking. 

Working around COVID restrictions, cancellation of the football season, harvesting and extreme weather events, the workshops were held in Kimba, Tumby Bay and Cowell in SA.

Each four-hour workshop featured local speakers who shared their experienced, which was followed by a series of activities that focused on how men may be perceived by others and how they perceive themselves, shared experiences and the importance of ongoing open conversations about mental health.

Comments received after the football club presentations were interesting, but we particularly liked the insight from one man  –  “mental health discussion rarely starts without a major poke.:

Subsequently, a toolkit was developed by UniSA and INATT to guide the footy clubs in continuing the mental health conversation. The steps and strategies listed in the resource were based on community development principles.

INATT ran an additional workshop for women. This was  extremely popular, with more than 80 women attending from Kimba and surrounding communities.

The project leveraged the extremely strong links INATT has with the Greater Flinders and Eastern Eyre communities, which was evident by their excellent leadership and facilitation of the workshops and high attendance, and the expertise of Uni SA in capturing the insights from each workshop and developing the community tool kits for clubs to use.

Melodies, Mates and Mental Health

In another example, Mullewa is a small agricultural community in WA, which experiences the challenges of rural isolation, declining population, long distances and dependence on the weather for economic success in farming and tourism. These challenges were putting many at risk of poor physical and mental health, exacerbated by the consequences of COVID which saw events cancelled that traditionally brought people together and sustained strong social connections.

The Mullewa Community Resource Centre used their grant to deliver six free, community concerts in the smaller remote locations in the district. Each event brought people together for a BBQ, music and an interval during which there was a presentation regarding mental health. There was always a collection of resources that people could take home. They also conducted events in Mullewa at the end of the year and at the Mullewa Agricultural Show, which not only attracted the locals but visitors who were in town.

To really drive home the mental health message and develop the skills and capacity of the locals, the Resource Centre engaged a facilitator to run a Mental Health First Aid course. While only nine people attended, it actually meant that one additional skilled person was now available for every 50 adults in their community.

With the remaining funds, they engaged professionals to facilitate “Gather with the Women of Mullewa” and “A Night with the Blokes of Mullewa”, with both workshops focused on open, honest communication about how you are feeling with loved ones, family or friends.

Overall, they estimate about 500 people participated, sometimes more than once. The music events brought people together and built shared memories, while the training events built vital skills and networks and the confidence to use them when needed.

Creating a Safe Space

Another great example is local suicide prevention group, Every Life Matters (ELM), who teamed up with the Castlemaine Neighbourhood House to establish the Castlemaine Safe Space. It has become an inclusive venue for people to connect with others when feeling vulnerable.

Working with the local health services, ELM identified when there were local spikes in calls for assistance and pinpointed two evenings per week where there seemed to be a greatest need and aimed to operate over those times.

While the challenge was on to find a suitable location, the group worked with Roses in the Ocean and Living Works to develop a training schedule to support lived experience volunteers to work at the Safe Space during opening times. The In a Good Place program provided seed funding to support the training and purchase some basic equipment for the space.

Eighteen peer volunteers were trained in the first instance, and the centre welcomed more than 30 people through the doors in the first three months. Interestingly, most of them were male.

The Safe Space is now an independent group and has found a more permanent home. They have received additional funding to train more volunteers with lived experience to enable extended opening times and guard against fatigue, and to increase the visibility of the space in the local community. They have also gained funding support from the local Council. This is an innovative project and one that we watch with interest as it develops and progresses.

Small grants, big impact

The In a Good Place program – and targeted small grants more generally, have a definite and important role to play in supporting rural communities to activate their ideas and solutions.

Analysis of final reports confirm that at a community level, the program has increased the knowledge and understanding of mental health issues in those rural communities, and helped to reduce stigma for those experiencing mental health challenges.

It is a relevant, responsive and proactive program within the greater scope of positive mental health promotion and early mental ill-health intervention.

We acknowledge that it is a relatively small contribution. But the communities we work with tell us they are forever grateful that the funds were available to support them.

One grantee sums this up perfectly, “If just one person can be supported through a crisis without a tragedy, then the program is a success.”

If you’d like to add your support to these kinds of impactful community-led projects, please contact our partnerships team.

By Jill Karena, Place Portfolio Lead

Philanthropy invests significantly in communities by making grants right across Australia. In FRRR’s case, we are focused on supporting remote, rural and regional communities, especially grassroots organisations that often can’t access traditional philanthropy. However, there is no one-size-fits-all solution, which is why we offer a range of programs – some where we work deeply over multiple years through place-based initiatives to build the capacity of a group of local not for profits, and others where we work broadly through our small grants programs – offering up to $25,000, although most are around $10,000.

These small grants programs are our most in-demand which are well suited to co-funding approaches that enable collective contributions to achieve more together and create leverage for funders and communities. While not always ‘sexy’, the needs met through these grants address areas of disadvantage and basic quality of life in communities with little visibility to funders and policymakers. They range from upgrading toilets and kitchens, which improves accessibility of community facilities, to installing air-conditioners to manage climate extremes, and seed funding new ideas to stimulate new approaches to volunteering, health services, and disaster preparedness. Moreover, their value goes far beyond the dollars themselves. From more than 20 years of experience, we can safely say that in the case of many grassroots community groups, small is good.

Valuing community connection between generations: Arts Deloraine’s WinterFire 2023 Festival was awarded $25,000 from the Strengthening Rural Communities 2022 Flood Recovery Fund.

Small grants, big impact

By their very nature, small grants are simpler to navigate and have lower barriers to entry, making them more appealing to a wider range of organisations. Some grant programs, like FRRR’s Strengthening Rural Communities, also offer expert support by phone or email, making the process even easier.

Small grants can be the straightforward and friendly ‘front door’ through which grassroots organisations can step to build their capability, connect their community and navigate and drive change. In fact, for many communities experiencing disadvantage, small grants are one of the few ways that they can get the resources and opportunities to launch new ideas or approaches in their communities. And they deliver far more than just money.

Dipping a toe in, learning as they go

For communities that have not applied for funding before, small grants build their experience and confidence in developing project ideas, applying for funding, project management, budgeting and meeting reporting requirements. In the last 12 months, more than a third of Strengthening Rural Communities grant applicants (503 organisations) were first time applicants.  Even if they aren’t successful the first time around, constructive feedback, such as the detailed information we always offer to unsuccessful applicants, can give them the confidence to apply again.

Biting off just what they can chew

Many communities are great at developing a long-term vision for their community that might focus on local services, economic development, environmental sustainability or climate change adaption but much as they’d like to do so, it’s simply not possible to achieve everything at once. Small grants enable a community to tackle making those big changes one project at a time. This supports them to make incremental progress against their long-term goals, while the lower scrutiny and risk associated with a small amount of funding can be less anxiety-inducing for organisations who are new to grant seeking.

Attracting more funding

Securing their first small grant is a pivotal moment for an organisation. It’s not just about funding support – it is also a recognition of the value of an organisation’s work and its ability to contribute to their community’s future. Once they’ve been successful, it’s often a catalyst for aiming higher and developing self-belief and self-reliance to create positive change in their community.

Demonstrating that they can successfully manage their first small grant and deliver tangible results builds an organisation’s credibility and can help open the door to securing larger grants to scale-up their project or take on a more ambitious idea. Often, it’s also the vote of confidence that other donors need to see to also come in and support the group’s work.

Getting to work sooner

Small grants usually have shorter application and approval timelines and offer more flexibility to enable communities to tailor projects to meet local priorities and needs, or quickly respond to unexpected disasters and other shocks. Smaller grants also usually come with fewer restrictions and reporting requirements compared to larger grants, which can often make it easier to negotiate with the funder to adapt their project if conditions change.

Finding and piloting local solutions

The flexibility of small grants also encourages communities to experiment with local problem solving, potentially sparking new approaches that are scalable or portable to other communities. Often small grants are seed funding to pilot locally generated or adopted ideas that are not of interest to larger grant programs. Using small grant funding to demonstrate the viability of a community idea can generate the evidence needed to secure larger grants or other support to bring the idea to reality.

“Thank you so much for providing the funds for this grant. This renovation has given Council initiative to support the Toy Library by maintaining the building so we can provide an inviting space and nurturing space for the community. The Toy Library has had many, many years of dedication by passionate volunteers to support and nurture the children of Tamworth and I think it deserves it!

When I started as president the library looked awful and didn’t reflect the commitment, love and pride that our small but dedicated group deserved. Now I feel like our space reflects our organisation. An important community organisation that cares and values the children, parents and carers of Tamworth and feels that learning through play is core to a child’s life and development! Another positive change is that the renovations have been a catalyst for council to complete much needed (and much requested) maintenance on the building by fixing gutters, replacing doors and cracked tiles and replacing the old sink and toilet.”

Tamworth Toy Library Incorporated

Connecting the Community

Fostering unity by recovering together and increasing tourism: Performers at WinterFire 2023, Deloraine, in Tasmania.

Small grants also offer a reason for different groups in the community to work together to develop and deliver projects that are meaningful and manageable. When community members, other community organisations and Local Government see the results from a small grant project that makes their community better, it is a great morale booster, and they are more likely to be motivated to get involved in future community initiatives.

“The event’s success lies in its ability to bring the community together, boost the local economy, and celebrate cultural heritage. The event provided a platform for residents to come together after the floods, share their experiences, and rebuild social connections. Through artistic workshops, events, and exhibitions, community members bonded over shared creative experiences, fostering unity and a sense of belonging.”

Arts Deloraine – festival / youth workshops (flood recovery)

Building local capacity

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The Rotary Club of Kinglake Ranges was awarded $1,100 through the Community Group Futures Program. This funded governance training to improve management and support of local community groups.

It’s not just the mere fact of offering smaller-value grants that makes an impact. It’s what those grants fund that also helps to build local capacity, especially in small communities or where a new group has formed. For example, many of the grants FRRR funds are about helping groups build their own capacity – whether that’s the likes of governance training or strategic planning support.

“The grant received for strategic planning has paid for itself many times over. We had members who had ideas in their head but didn’t know how to plan or implement them. Since receiving the grant, we’ve been able to increase attendance of our market to over 5000 visitors in November 2021! We’ve also been able to provide free stalls to local community groups to increase their outreach. This also has a flow on effect to small businesses in the town. The pub is booked out for lunch, little local businesses thrive due to the amazing success of the market.”

Rotary Club of Kinglake Ranges

Bigger is not always better

Often, we hear suggestions that larger grants are better – but the reality is that many of the most deserving groups in the smallest and most remote locations simply will not – or indeed simply are not able to – apply for many of those grant opportunities.

While it’s great to see larger grants made available to communities, especially through Government programs, it is critical that we not lose sight of how important small grants are in strengthening capability and capacity in remote, rural and regional communities. Small communities, as you might guess, are, well… small! This can make it hard to compete with larger communities, especially when it comes to demonstrating measures of impact which funders often ask for – small communities can’t point to economies of scale or large numbers of beneficiaries.

With fewer people to draw on, volunteers are often stretched and there are less likely to be paid resources or an experienced grant writer to chase high-value grants or manage large-scale projects. Groups often won’t apply because they don’t have the capacity to meet the reporting requirements or to manage the other governance expectations, such as the frequency of reporting or detailed probity plans. Even the prospect of managing large sums of money can be scary for a first-time grant applicant and some small communities can find it simply overwhelming!

What makes small grants so impactful in rural and remote Australia is their flexibility and relative simplicity, which means they’re more accessible and attractive to those communities that don’t have the resources to wrestle with the complexities of large grants. So we urge all those who are working so hard to grow the funds that are directed via the social sector to make sure that small grants continue to be a key stream of funding. If you’re funding large grants, consider coupling that with some smaller grant funding as well – they may well become organisations you’re able to fund in the future. Or, if you’re funding with a very tight focus, consider how small grants with more flexibility may bring unexpected pathways to that impact. Of course, we always welcome more partners for our collaboratively-funded Strengthening Rural Communities program, so get in touch if you’d like to know more.

Additional $150,000 per year going into canola-growing areas to support sustainability initiatives

FRRR has welcomed a three-year commitment from canola seed business, Nuseed, to support its flagship small grants program, Strengthening Rural Communities.

Nuseed Australia General Manager, Rachel Palumbo, and FRRR’s Place Portfolio Lead, Jill Karena

Announced at an event in Horsham on Wednesday 11 October, Nuseed Australia GM, Rachel Palumbo, said that with deep roots in rural communities, they wanted to give back to causes and organisations that are important to the farmers who invest in their seed, particularly around sustainability initiatives.

Ms Palumbo said, “Our team works hard to develop high-performing canola varieties for Australian farmers, and we know that we are successful because of the support we get in the local communities in which we operate. By partnering with FRRR we can support canola-growing communities in a tangible and significant way. The majority of our Nuseed team are also based in communities just like these, and see the benefits that community-focused projects can bring.”

“Nuseed is delighted to be adding our name to the list of organisations that are partnering with FRRR to ensure that funds get to the projects that really need support. Our funding will be directed at projects in canola-growing areas across the country that focus on sustainability related initiatives, in line with our strategic intent to provide plant-based solutions to some of food and fuel challenges we’re facing.”

Jill Karena, FRRR’s Place Programs Portfolio Lead, said the $150,000 annual donation will mean that many more community groups can invest in projects that they know will make a difference to the liveability and vitality of their communities.

“We are seeing more and more requests from community groups to help them respond to their changing needs, so it’s wonderful to be able to have dedicated funding available in canola-growing areas to be able to support these great projects.

“In some communities, that might look like installing air-conditioning in community owned buildings to reduce energy costs, providing sustainability focused education, undertaking tree planting, or waterway restoration initiatives. For other communities, it could be that the priority is to have a backup generator, solar panels or water tanks to ensure community gardens can be maintained.

“That’s the value of small grants programs like Strengthening Rural Communities. They are flexible and allow communities to get the funding to support the projects they prioritise, so we are really grateful for Nuseed’s support of this program. Our partnership will also mean that community groups get access to advice and support that builds their confidence and enables them to lodge a great application. We look forward to awarding many more grants thanks to their contribution,” Ms Karena said.

The Nuseed funding will be included in the next round of SRC, which is open now and will be announced by late February 2024. Community groups can already apply for SRC support, as this program is always open, with quarterly assessments. The program offers grants up to $10,000 through the Small and Vital stream for projects that strengthen community connections and meet local priorities.

Funds support communities to prepare, recover, rebuild and thrive

FRRR has awarded a record $2,728,993 in grants to support and strengthen more than 200 remote, rural and regional communities across Australia through this quarter round of its flagship Strengthening Rural Communities (SRC) program. This is the most funding awarded in any one round in the 25 years of FRRR’s small grants programs, and demand for support continues to rise.

Lots of people sitting in a circle around a campfire, with two buses and a sunset in the background.
Somerset StoryFest received an SRC grant in 2022 to provide opportunities for remote communities to come together and celebrate story telling at the inaugural Storyfest Out West writers’ festival in Longreach.

Thanks to donations from many generous supporters, 213 grassroots not-for-profit organisations (NFPs) across rural Australia will receive grants ranging from $465 to $50,000.

The projects will address diverse needs, including ongoing COVID and disaster recovery, strengthening community resilience and preparedness, and address small, yet vital, needs of remote, rural and regional communities.

Jill Karena, FRRR’s Place Portfolio Lead, said that wonderful volunteers in local groups continue to find meaningful ways to support their communities.

“One of the best parts of my job is seeing the way people in remote, rural and regional areas come together to support one another. We see it time and again in the projects that are put forward, usually led by volunteers, all of whom want to make things better for their community. So I want to acknowledge all those people and thank them for all they do.

“I know it’s tough, as the diverse impacts of successive shocks – COVID and various disaster events – continue to ripple through remote, rural and regional communities. The mental health implications of this sustained stress are clear but so too is the commitment to improving things, especially by combatting social isolation.

“Finding ways to connect with others and with their community is an important part of the healing and growing process and there are some creative solutions. In the southern Arnhem Land community of Ngukurr, in the Northern Territory, Wanta Aboriginal Corporation’s Ngukurr Bagai Barista Social Enterprise Cafe project is an inspiring example of the community working to reduce social isolation and foster resilience. The Corporation will use a $47,075 grant to create a community gathering space by fitting-out a café to be used as a vocational teaching site.

“We are also noticing an increase in creative recovery projects, as communities shift from responding to the immediate impacts of the pandemic or other disasters and begin to look at the longer-term recovery and resilience needs of their region.

“Mapleton State School in Queensland will use a $6,588 grant will support a therapeutic drumming program. The program is a creative way for the learning community to improve social connectedness, reduce levels of anxiety and enhance the process of recovery for young people from the pandemic. Similarly, the people of Gingin, Western Australia, will use their $10,000 grant to include wellbeing activities in the Flavours of Gingin Festival to help the community connect and build resilience.

“Our research has confirmed these kinds of arts projects have a unique ability to build long-lasting community resilience and wellbeing, and local capacity for disaster preparedness, response and recovery.[1]

“Not all the projects we’re supporting relate to disasters. There are also a range of initiatives that capitalise on opportunities or help to bridge service gaps, while other projects like a mural in Smithton will honour local Aboriginal heritage, culture and identity and help attract more visitors to the town.

“Since 2000, FRRR has delivered more than $155 million to nearly 13,000 projects, most of which are funded by small grants through programs like Strengthening Rural Communities. And we see the amazing impact that these small grants can have on a rural community.

“So it’s great to be awarding record funding this round and we look forward to seeing the difference it will make in the future,” Ms Karena said.

Record demand for grants

The reality is, FRRR would have liked to support far more projects, as there were many great initiatives seeking funding, with the impacts of inflation adding pressure to already small budgets and the capacity of locals to contribute to projects. However, FRRR simply didn’t have the funds to do so.

Ms Karena explains that projects like those that this program supports are often catalytic, so FRRR is actively seeking additional partnerships to enable more of these initiatives to get the support they need.

“Remote, rural and regional areas make up nearly a third of Australia’s population and generate approximately two-thirds of its net exports,[2][3][4] so ensuring the vitality of these communities is not only critical to the wellbeing of those who live in these places, but it’s also vital for a sustainable Australian economy.

“Grant programs, like SRC, are one way that we can work with government, business and philanthropy to ensure those communities remain attractive places to live and work. Flexible programs like SRC mean that communities can access funding to develop and lead projects that meet locally identified needs and priorities – which are often about bridging gaps in services that many in the cities take for granted, like public transport or being able to access health services, without travelling hundreds of kilometres. So we’d love to hear from anyone who might like to join with us to fund more of these initiatives.”

The SRC program is collaboratively supported by donors, ranging from private individuals to larger foundations, who are acknowledged on the FRRR website.

FRRR always accepts applications to this program, which awards funds roughly four times a year. Local NFPs and community groups are encouraged to review the program guidelines and apply. More information about the SRC program is available at

To support grants like this through FRRR, make a tax-deductible donation at





The full list of grant recipients and their projects are below.

SRC Round 17 - September 2023
Small & Vital
Circartus Incorporated Systems Set Up
Enhance organisational capacity to support the arts in Wingham by investing in office equipment and programs enabling efficient administration, communication and processing systems.
Coolamon Community IncorporatedCoolamon Crib - Northern Rivers Casino Lismore Remote Expansion
Aid 64 Indigenous mothers and infants in Northern Rivers with Coolamon Cribs and midwife services via Aboriginal Health Services, alleviating financial and emotional strain.
Eurobodalla Shire CouncilBe Well Eat Well - Building Connections Through Food
Enhance community capacity and connection with weekly hands-on food education coaching sessions for six groups of 10 participants targeting seniors, parents and people living alone, led by a food educator and facilitator promoting health, nutrition and wellbeing.
Give Them a ChanceGive Them a Chance to Be Their Best
Create a youth life skills program connecting foster care youth (ages 10-19) with local retirees, fostering skill development, training, job prospects, and reducing social isolation while promoting wellbeing for both participant groups.
Glenreagh Public SchoolAboriginal Art Mural Installation & Dance Lessons 
Promote cultural growth and connection, and celebrate Gumbanggirr culture for the underserved communities at Glenreagh Public School by commissioning an Indigenous mural by a local Elder and holding Aboriginal dance classes.
Griffith Post School Options LimitedGriffith Post School Options Program Workshop
Upgrade Support inclusive work and gardening programs for people with disabilities by upgrading the Griffith Post School workshop and building an accessible pathway.
Hunter Fighter Collection IncorporatedHistoric Bellman Conservation Hangar Mural
Enhance tourism, foster community pride and promote awareness of Australia's cultural heritage and military history by painting a large mural at the Hunter Warbirds Restoration Facility in Scone.
Lennox Community GardenLennox Community Gardens Signage
Enhance visitation and knowledge by developing a self-guided educational journey through Lennox Community Gardens' rare fruit tree orchards, featuring welcome info and informative botanical signage.
Lennox Head$4,382
Mudyala Aboriginal CorporationYugaamgan Festival - Raising Awareness of our Coastal Emu
Host a full-day festival with local paid presenters sharing cultural stories, with a focus on education to raise awareness about coastal emus and address disadvantage in the community.
Parkinson's NSW LimitedParkinson's Education and Support - Narrabri
Improve the wellbeing of people with Parkinson's Disease in Narrabri through a community education seminar with allied health and Parkinson’s Disease specialists sharing information on managing symptoms and slowing progression.
Rotary Club Of Tocumwal IncorporatedWAAAF Creek Walk Picnic Tables Installation and Car Park Refurbishment
Enhance tourism and engagement in natural and cultural history through refurbishing amenities at the Women’s Auxiliary Australian Air Force Creek Walk, an outdoor museum and WAAAF interpretive trail.
Tomaree Neighbourhood Centre IncIndigenous Adult Art & Cultural Canvas Workshop, Plus Exhibition
Build economic and cultural sustainability of the Woorimi Indigenous community and address disadvantage in the broader community through a culturally safe two-day canvas workshop by a local artist, including story, art and cultural education, culminating in a public art exhibition.
Tanilba Bay $6,407
Uralla Pre School KindergartenEco-space: An Outdoor Classroom
Convert an unused structure into an outdoor classroom space for sustainable, environmental and ecological education, promoting discovery and experimentation for the preschool children and their families.
Warren Chamber Music Festival IncorporatedSING Warren-2-Sydney
Enhance choir's technical skills and membership via workshops, performances and community sharing, cultivating an inclusive, all-ages singing environment to promote wellbeing and positive ageing.
Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre IncLithgow Community Lunch
Strengthen social engagement and connection by purchasing a freezer and kitchen equipment to prepare and offer free nutritious meals to community members, helping to alleviate poverty and disadvantage.
Wiradjuri Wellington Aboriginal Town Common (Aboriginal Corporation)Social Inclusion
Create a secure on-country space in Wellington for cultural programs, offering training in Aboriginal practices and art to drive community's social, cultural and economic aspirations.
Prepare and Recover - 2019/2020 Bushfire Recovery
Araluen Progress Association IncorporatedStrengthening Community Fundraising Capacity by Developing an Outdoor Venue to Complement the Newly Restored Araluen Federal Hall
Support bushfire recovery and hall running costs by installing a pergola and water tank in the rear garden of the Araluen Federal hall, creating an outdoor venue for hire and community functions.
Bangalow Men’s Shed IncorporatedConnecting Generations and Communities
Boost bushfire recovery with two inclusive community lunches and weekend gatherings four times a year to connect residents of all generations in a fun and relaxed setting.
Bega AP & H Society Incorporated2024 Bega Show Talent Festival
Boost the local economy and support bushfire recovery by holding the Bega Talent Festival to showcase local artists, musicians and performers, fostering diversity and connectedness while increasing visitation.
Bellingen Community Arts Council Incorporated Bellingen Shire Arts Trail Weekend
Boost arts and culture in the bushfire-affected Bellingen Shire, promote tourism and honour creative workers with an Arts Trail weekend, featuring music, poetry, open studios, galleries and workshops.
Blicks Community IncorporatedCommunity Connection
Improve community information sharing in Clarence Valley and Bellingen by creating an emergency plan, Facebook page and communication strategy for isolated areas to ensure reliable communication during bushfires.
Caldera Farmers Market Murwillumbah IncVibrant Community Hub and Farmers Market for a Healthier Future
Boost visitation and the local economy in a bushfire impacted area by creating a dining, meeting and entertainment community hub within the farmers market.
Community Power Agency Co-Operative Limited Guide to Biodiversity & Solar
Contribute to bushfire recovery by producing a printed guide for residents and landowners on reducing land-use conflict and enhancing biodiversity and wildlife habitat on solar farm sites.
CWA of NSW Toukley Country Womens Association of NSWToukley Hall Refurbishment
Support bushfire recovery by refurbishing the decaying windows and doors at the Toukley Hall, ensuring its continued availability for community events and gatherings.
Darkwood Disaster Resilience Group (DDRG) Neighbourhood Care Network IncorporatedThe Safer Valley Project
Enhance bushfire preparedness with a community-led Community Disaster Plan (CDP) and cultivate community connectedness by launching the draft CDP at a fun community gathering for feedback and discussion.
Diamond Women LtdMum2Mum Community and Connection Perinatal Program
Improve support for young and vulnerable women in bushfire impacted Tumbarumba with the monthly Mum2Mum community-based mental health support and wellbeing program.
Disability Club Connections Plus Australia IncorporatedDisability Club
Create and promote a mobile app and upgrade the Disability Club web version to enhance the accessibility of the disability platform, fostering social wellbeing, inclusivity and connections in the bushfire-affected community.
Eden Services & Social Club IncStafford McGovern Historic Brickworks Site Rehabilitation
Restore a historic site damaged in the 2019/20 bushfires by restoring the 1890’s mobile brickworks site through removing debris, recovering relics and installing an informative plaque and table with seating for walkers and cyclists.
Edith Recreation Reserve Land ManagerEdith Recreational Kitchen and Heater
Enhance disaster preparedness by installing a community kitchen in Edith Hall to serve as a catering facility, marshalling and logistics area and rest space for emergency services.
Federal, Goonengerry and Eureka Community Resilience Team Federal Community Centre IncorporatedFederal, Goonengerry and Eureka Hinterland Community Resilience Teams Emergency Communication System
Enhance local disaster readiness and empower the community to manage communication disruptions caused by bushfires and other disasters by purchasing a portable UHF communication system.
Forster Neighbourhood Centre IncReturn of Child and Family Support to Vulnerable Families in Outlying Communities
Enhance organisational capacity by purchasing a vehicle to provide support to isolated families and in-home assistance for vulnerable families, facilitating reconnection and rebuilding in bushfire-affected communities.
Global Care AustraliaIncrease our Chilled and Frozen Food Capacity
Strengthen organisational capacity to store and distribute chilled, frozen and other perishable food to support disadvantaged people in the bushfire-affected community of South Grafton.
South Grafton$24,987
Iluka Community Organisation Planning for Emergencies (ICOPE) IncBalanced Connections: An Exercise and Social Connections Program for Older Adults
Enhance wellbeing in fire-affected Clarence Valley through a seven week exercise program for residents aged over 55, boosting mental and physical health, strength and balance.
Killabakh Public Hall Land MangerUpgrade of Kitchen Stove
Support bushfire recovery and fundraising efforts by upgrading the gas stove at the Killabakh Hall, improving facilities for volunteers to cater for community events.
Lanitza / Kungala Community Hall Committee IncorporatedBoredom Relief
Create a vibrant youth centre in bushfire-affected Lanitza, providing essential resources for children to study, unwind, socialise and foster positive mental health and relationships.
Lions Club of Tea Gardens IncService Community Safe Storage Project
Support bushfire recovery by replacing and upgrading the damaged storage container used by volunteers to ensure safe and secure storage of equipment for community events.
Tea Gardens$23,882
Mongarlowe Volunteer Bushfire BrigadeCompleting the Mongarlowe Fire Shed Kitchen
Enhance bushfire preparedness through the completion of the Mongarlowe Fire Shed kitchen extension to expand capacity for disaster response.
Moruya Antique Tractor and Machinery Association IncorporatedMogo Artisans Project
Rebuild the Mogo museum and workshop destroyed by the 2019 bushfires, replenish lost equipment and incorporate a food bank and pantry, creating a community and visitor space.
Mullumbimby Sustainability Education and Enterprise Development IncorporatedSeasonal Gatherings Celebrating Our Community Resilience and Diversity
Enhance resilience, social inclusion, and diversity post-bushfire through quarterly workshops, events and activities celebrating Indigenous culture, diverse communities and environmental education.
Music Theatre Projects LimitedFire - Reclaiming Another Forgotten Play by Playwright and Farmer, Millicent Armstrong
Contribute to bushfire recovery by hosting a first reading of Millicent Armstrong's award-winning yet forgotten play "Fire" as part of the Gunning Arts Festival, fostering socialisation and community engagement with the arts.
Neighbourhood Care Network IncorporatedPlan, Connect, Protect - Community Disaster Preparedness Across the Bellingen Shire
Enhance local risk awareness, including bushfires and weather events, and bolster household and neighbourhood disaster preparedness through organising readiness events.
New England Garden Festival IncorporatedNew England Garden Festival
Enhance tourism, community connection and bushfire recovery through educational talks, youth activities, cultural performances and hands-on workshops at the New England Garden Festival celebrating cool climate and high-country gardens.
Nimbin Neighbourhood and Information Centre IncorporatedNimbin Disaster Resilience - Energy Security Project
Enhance bushfire preparedness at the Nimbin Neighbourhood House and Information Centre by upgrading the solar system to ensure uninterrupted delivery of essential services with backup power during emergencies.
Pambula Beach Surf Life Saving Club IncExpansion of Emergency and Bushfire Response Capabilities
Strengthen emergency and bushfire response capacities at Pambula Beach Surf Life Saving Club by purchasing a 4WD vehicle for lifesaver patrols, search and rescue, and to assist residents and tourists during disasters.
Pambula Beach$25,000
Port of Yamba Historical Society IncStrengthening and Consolidating Our Connection with the Local Yaegl Community
Support Yamba's bushfire recovery and foster a stronger relationship with Yaegl Elders through collaborating to expand the museum timeline with oral history / storytelling and cultural artefact donations.
Rocky Hall Community Association IncorporatedRocky Hall Kitchen Upgrade
Contribute to bushfire recovery by upgrading the Rocky Hall's kitchen, encouraging increased use, fostering community spirit and facilitating gatherings and activities for residents.
Rocky Hall$9,191
Scone Neighbourhood Resource Centre IncorporatedArt Trail in Our Garden
Promote community inclusion and creative bushfire recovery with a local workshop on starting a street art business and collaborating on a neighbourhood centre native animal mural.
South East Arts (NSW) IncGiiyong Festival 2023
Aid bushfire recovery by assisting local First Nations people to join the Gilyong Festival production team, acquiring event management and production skills while delivering a multi-arts Aboriginal cultural event in Eden.
Southcoast Health and Sustainability AllianceHeatwave and Bushfire Haven Priority 1 Anglican Campus Batemans Bay
Contribute to emergency preparedness following the 2019/20 bushfires by establishing a heatwave and bushfire haven community space offering a safe refuge with a focus on helping the most disadvantaged individuals.
Batemans Bay$24,657
Towamba Rural Fire BrigadeEssential Improvements for an Internal Office and a Base Station Communication Room
Enhance bushfire preparedness and organisational capacity at the Towamba Rural Fire Brigade by acquiring and outfitting a stand-alone flat cuby to serve as an office and base station communication room, creating additional space for vehicle parking.
Upper Lansdowne Memorial Hall Committee IncorporatedHardening the Hall Against Bushfires
Enhance bushfire preparedness and protection for the Upper Lansdowne community by upgrading the Hall to transform it into a neighbourhood emergency shelter.
Upper Lansdowne$10,944
Prepare and Recover - 2021 & 2022 Floods
Armidale Family Support Service IncBe Well Tools 4 Us
Strengthen isolated New England towns’ resilience post flooding with after-hours and weekend social BBQs that also offer information about support networks and coping methods to enhance social wellbeing.
Barkers Vale, Lillian Rock, Wadeville & Cawongla-Community-led Resilience Teams Wadeville (R91046) Reserve Land Manager'Bounce Back' Community Communications Network
Enhance flood preparedness with two permanent disaster management hubs for local emergency information sharing, distribution of 60 UHF handsets in high-risk areas, and UHF radio training in Kyogle.
Barkers Vale$24,290
Bugaldie War Memorial Site Land ManagerLet's Light Up the Future
Improve the safety and use of the Bugaldie Hall as an emergency and community gathering place through electrical and lighting upgrades.
Cawongla Playhouse IncCawongla Community Centre - Where the 3 Roads Meet - Equipping Our Centre
Upgrade the Cawongla Community Centre’s furnishings and equipment to ensure it continues to be a key community point, aiding post-flood recovery.
Crabbes Creek Community Hall Inc Crabbes Creek Hall Committee IncCrabbes Creek Community Communications (CCCC)
Enhance flood recovery and preparedness by installing an emergency CB repeater covering Crabbes Creek, Wooyung and Yelgun, ensuring isolated community members can communicate during emergencies.
Crabbes creek$23,500
Eugowra Community Children's Centre IncorporatedSupporting Superheros to Learn and Grow
Support flood recovery by purchasing equipment for the Eugowra Community Children's Centre, fostering children's learning, wellbeing, social development and resilience-building.
Eugowra Promotion and Progress Association IncorporatedShipping Containers for Storage
Support flood recovery by purchasing three shipping containers to store community assets from local organisations that have lost storage space due to water-damaged buildings.
Murwillumbah CORE Hub 2484 Murwillumbah Core IncorporatedM|CORE Connecting Community Grill
Foster recovery and social connectedness post-flood with a purpose-built BBQ / kitchen and trailer to offer meals to vulnerable residents.
Parkes Community Arts IncWho Is Parkes?
Aid flood recovery via tourism and community engagement with a shire-wide photography project displaying resident portraits and stories in a gallery and on large buildings, showcasing community diversity at Parkes' 150-year naming anniversary.
Raise the Heart LtdHere for heART - A Free Mental Health Education and Wellbeing Project for the Northern Rivers
Connect wellbeing providers and community agencies to host a depression-comedy theatre show and wellbeing forum to support flood recovery and provide mental health education on suicide prevention.
Richmond Landcare IncorporatedGarden Habitat Heroes: Restoring Hope, Wildlife and Community Resilience
Support Lismore's flood recovery with workshops for self-healing, garden restoration, wildlife-friendly habitats and biodiversity to reconnect communities and bring back joy to gardeners.
Save Nambucca River OZ Green-Global Rivers Environmental Education Network (Australia) IncorporatedNambucca Riverwatch - Citizen Science Water Testing
Boost flood recovery and preparedness with a Nambucca River Riverwatch project, conducting monthly water monitoring and sharing change-driven data with the community through two workshops.
Nambucca Heads$22,942
The Bridge Art Project IncActivation of 17ha of Bridge Art Project Rrecinct - Developing a Community Resource
Enhance community involvement and gallery fundraising by clearing flood debris and vegetation from a designated bush block for the upcoming art gallery.
Wardell Community Organised Resilience Effort IncHelp Them Home - Wardell Recovery
Boost community resilience by equipping locals with skills, resources, networks and project management to restore their flood-damaged homes.
Whian Whian Memorial Hall IncorporatedMore Solar, Better Prepared for Future Disasters and Making us More Power Efficient
Enhance flood recovery and preparedness, and organisational sustainability by reducing operational costs through installing additional solar panels, battery system and solar hot water in the Whian Whian Memorial Hall.
Whian Whian$24,275
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Bathurst Information and Neighbourhood Centre IncorporatedRebuilding Oberon Community's Volunteer Base
Sustain Oberon organisations post-pandemic by reinstating a volunteer program with a dedicated support worker recruiting, training and matching volunteers with community roles.
Bellinger Valley Historical Society Bellingen Shire CouncilImproving Ventilation in the Urunga Museum
Sustain the historic Urunga Museum and their work post-pandemic and improve safety and amenity by replacing old windows.
Carries Place Domestic Violence and Homelessness Services IncorporatedTherapeutic and Wellbeing Group-work Sessions
Facilitate healing and recovery from domestic and family violence exacerbated by the pandemic, reduce social isolation and foster resilience through therapeutic wellbeing sessions for women.
Coonamble Neighbourhood CentreCoonamble Womens Paint, Play and Bend - Women's Wellness Event to Reengage after COVID
Rebuild connections, reduce social isolation and foster a stronger, more resilient Coonamble region after COVID-19 through women's yoga, music and mental wellbeing events.
Hay Mardi GrasLGBTQIA+ Flag Interactive Exhibition
Reduce social isolation and foster a stronger, more resilient community by encouraging acceptance, diversity and inclusion through an LGBTQIA+ Interactive Flag Exhibition as an extension of the Hay Rainbow on the Plains Festival.
Murravale Retirement Home LtdReconnecting Murravale with the Community
Foster reconnection, boost volunteerism and decrease post-pandemic social isolation via networking events uniting local interest groups to enhance community resilience and organisational capacity.
NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors (STARTTS)Multilingual Info Co-Op (MICO)
Enhance emergency response, public safety and social connectedness post-COVID-19 by engaging bi-cultural volunteers to offer in-language information and resources to CALD refugees, asylum seekers and migrants.
Coffs Harbour $8,195
Queer Family IncThe Sign Project
Encourage connection, reduce social isolation and increase inclusion post-pandemic through a series of art workshops to create emblematic signage for a new LGBTQIA+ community space.
St Vincent De Paul Society NSWVinnies Wagga Wagga - Connect and Play Playgroup
Enhance the recovery of socially isolated refugees, asylum seekers and disadvantaged residents post-pandemic by enabling an inclusive playgroup to provide weekly sessions with free transport for participants.
Wagga Wagga$10,000
Tantrum Youth Arts Co-op LtdOutpost Singleton
Increase equity of access and reduce social isolation post-pandemic by facilitating a series of free weekly creative arts workshops aimed at disadvantaged young people.
The Black Stump Craft Shop Coolah Craft Shop Proposed Alternations - Kitchen and Bathroom Areas
Rebuild connections, reduce social isolation and foster a stronger community post-COVID-19 with kitchen and bathroom upgrades at a community hub.
The Mend & Make Do Crew IncThriving Together: Building Capacity for Sustainable Communities
Ameliorate effects of COVID-19 on a community arts hub and sustain their work through training and support to build organisational and volunteer capacity, skills and governance.
Tullamore IncNew Vinyl - Fresh Look - Safe Environment
Increase safety, amenity and hygiene and sustain the work of the Tullamore Preschool post-pandemic by installing new vinyl floorcoverings.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Large
Broken Hill Community FM Association IncUpgrading Broken Hill's Community Radio Studio
Expand the capacity of 2DRY FM to continue providing an inclusive community media platform and sustain the work of volunteers post-pandemic through accessible studio upgrades.
Broken Hill$30,000
Northern Gomeroi Aboriginal CorporationFacilities for Boggabilla Men's Shed
Support mental health and wellbeing, reduce social isolation in a regional border community post-pandemic, and provide an inclusive, safe place for men to gather and learn new skills by connecting utilities to a Men's Shed site.
The Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation LimitedThe Early Language and Literacy (EL&L) Far West Project
Address educational disparity and aid post-COVID-19 recovery of children in a remote region with an innovative adult upskilling program, empowering them to boost early language and literacy skills.
Small & Vital
Mataranka Primary SchoolMataranka School - Outdoor Learning and Cultural Engagement Space
Increase the community’s involvement in their children’s education by developing an outdoor classroom for cultural activities and intergenerational transfer of knowledge.
Remote and Isolated Support in Education LtdAccessible Early Education Experiences for Rural & Remote Families - Pilot Project
Help families living remotely to engage with their peers while accessing early childhood educational resources and specialists by creating an interactive website and online playgroup.
Jervois Homestead, Anatye$10,000
Tangentyere Council Aboriginal CorporationHeart of Akngwertnarre
Support residents to connect and encourage children's learning and development through play by revitalising the Town Camp’s playground.
Alice Springs$10,000
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Dundee Beach School CouncilEnhance Community Playgroup - Early Learning Equipment
Enhance the process of recovery of an isolated community post-pandemic by purchasing age-appropriate play-based resources and equipment for a community playgroup to ameliorate educational and social disadvantages.
Dundee Beach$10,000
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Large
Jilamara Arts and Crafts AssociationLegally Strong Tiwi Artists and Art Centres
Enhance the process of recovery for Tiwi Island communities post-COVID-19 and strengthen the local economy by boosting the ability and skills of three local art centres to provide high quality legal advice.
Milikapiti, Melville Island$20,000
Wanta Aboriginal CorporationNgukurr Bagai Barista Social Enterprise Cafe
Create a community gathering space to reduce social isolation and foster resilience in the southern Arnhem Land community of Ngukurr post-pandemic through the fit-out of a café to be used as a vocational teaching site.
Small & Vital
Blackbutt & Benarkin Aged Care Assoc IncFeasibility of Building Independent Living Units for Aged Care Residents
Strengthen social connection for aged residents by exploring opportunities to develop custom-built housing within the community.
Burke Shire CouncilStage 1 - Community Garden for Burketown Residents
Help the community reconnect following significant flooding and enhance food security during the wet season by establishing a community garden.
Butchers Creek Hall Association IncorporatedReplace Incorrect Old Signage
Celebrate and build community spirit by replacing inaccurate hall establishment signage for the centenary event.
Butchers Creek$973
Cairns Region Toy Library IncDigitisation of Services and New Toys
Build volunteer capacity by digitising the toy catalogue and borrowing process to increase children's access to high quality toys and learning aids.
Canungra Men's ShedShipping Container for Safety
Improve the experience of shed members by improving the working and storage areas through installing a shipping container.
Disability Matters IncSoundplay Expansion
Enable all community members to participate in creative and musical activities by building a wheelchair accessible performance space.
Kumbia Neighbourhood Watch - Rural Association IncorporatedMulti-Purpose Facility Upgrade
Expand the use of Kumbia Memorial Hall through purchasing new chairs and tables to make the community’s meeting space more functional.
Maryborough and District Animal Refuge Society IncWaterproof Shade Cloth for Volunteer Area
Support volunteers by providing an undercover space to use during rest breaks.
Mundubbera Show Society IncSupporting our Country and Community
Improve the organisation’s ability to hold community events by purchasing IT, kitchen and storage equipment to support volunteer roles.
Napranum Aboriginal Shire CouncilNapranum Early Childhood Centre - Edible Garden
Enhance First Nations children’s health and wellbeing outcomes and build cultural connections with community Elders through establishing an edible garden.
Returned & Services League of Australia (Queensland Branch) Esk Sub Branch IncEsk RSL Sub Branch Refrigerator
Provide a safer environment for social connection by replacing the old fridge to improve food safety.
Returned & Services League of Australia (Queensland Branch) Tiaro Sub Branch IncTiaro RSL Sub Branch New Front Stairs
Rejuvenate the 1930’s building by replacing the front stairs to make the community meeting space safer and more welcoming.
Roadvale School of Arts IncPurchase of Two Fridges to Support Community Activity at the Roadvale Hall
Enhance community hall use by upgrading fridges to improve food safety.
Stanthorpe International ClubInstallation of Solar Panels
Improve the Club's financial capacity to support the community with power cost savings created by installing a solar system.
The Townsville Toy Library Association IncTownsville Toy Library Solar Installation
Enhance the library’s ability to support the flood-impacted community by installing a solar system to reduce operational costs.
Westmar State School P&C AssociationEnhance Inquiry-Based Learning at Westmar State School with STEM Resources
Foster students’ curiosity and lifelong learning by purchasing a STEM activity cart and engaging critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Prepare and Recover - 2019/2020 Bushfire Recovery
A-Choired TasteScenic Rim Sings 2023
Boost spirits and help recovery of bushfire-impacted community by hosting a public singing workshop.
Canungra Sports and Recreation Reserve Grounds IncUpgrade Driveway to our Creek Camping Area and Holding Yards
Improve emergency services access and livestock evacuation during disasters by sealing the driveway at a Black Summer Bushfires staging area.
Tarome Rural Fire Brigade Queensland Fire and Rescue AuthorityFire Fighting Accessories & Upgrades for Buggy
Strengthen the community’s fire-fighting ability with the purchase and fit out of an all terrain buggy and buggy trailer for transporting equipment.
The Yoga Partnership LtdYoga for Granite Belt Support Services
Strengthen mental and physical health of the bushfire-impacted community with fortnightly yoga and mindfulness classes for all ages and all abilities.
Prepare and Recover - 2022 Floods
Burdekin Singers & Theatre Company IncReplacing 'The Lighthouse' Roof
Create a safe environment for the community to come together for social and creative activities post flooding by repairing the aged theatre roof.
Forest Hill School of ArtsForest Hill Floor Treatment and Repairs
Ensure the continued use of the hall for community gatherings and as an evacuation centre by re-sealing the floor, which was damaged during the last flooding event.
Forest Hill$7,500
Greenup Events Group Inglewood Lions Club IncShowcase at Greenup
Nurture recovery and social wellbeing for a flood-impacted community by offering creative workshops at the local arts festival.
Heart of Gold International Short Film Festival IncBoredom Relief
Enhance young people's wellbeing and career opportunities in a flood-impacted community by sharing their creative works at a local film festival.
Lanescape Goondiwindi IncIlluminate the Flow
Provide an opportunity for the flood-impacted community to reconnect, strengthen their resilience and boost tourism through creating a mural illustrating the community’s ability to overcome adversity.
Mulgowie Public Hall Association IncorporatedRepairs to Grounds
Revitalise the hall’s flood-damaged outdoor space by replacing playground softfall and concreting below seating.
Mungindi Community Preschool IncCelebrating 50 Years of the Mungindi Community Preschool
Reconnect residents and provide a sense of identity and belonging post floods by holding a community fair.
Neighbourhood Centre Maryborough IncOut & About
Help young people impacted by flooding learn about and connect to support services by holding an informal youth day in the ‘skate’ park event.
Theebine Memorial Recreational Centre IncorporatedCommunity Safety and Wellbeing
Boost the community's ability to respond to future floods by purchasing a generator and installing communication and security equipment at the hall, which is used as a recovery centre.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Biloela State High SchoolEasy Access
Support young people and enhance recovery post-pandemic by creating a labyrinth as a safe space for students to engage with others and to conduct psychosocial support activities.
Kuranda Amphitheatre Society IncAmphitheatre Enquiry-by-Design
Re-energise the community venue post-pandemic by facilitating an inclusive, community-based design process for an updated facility master plan and maintenance schedule.
Mapleton State School P&C AssociationRhythm to Recovery: Building Resilience and Social Connectedness Through African Drumming
Improve social connectedness, reduce levels of anxiety and enhance the process of recovery for young people from the pandemic by establishing a therapeutic drumming program.
North Burnett Community Service IncBorn To Play
Support a new regional playgroup and sustain their work to encourage social connection and improve educational outcomes after COVID-19 through purchasing activity resources and play equipment.
Steaming on the Downs IncCommunity Lost Trade Skills Workshop & Demonstrations - Container for Transport
Boost pandemic recovery and social connectedness through procuring a shipping container to transport metalworking equipment by rail to use in skill building workshops with young people.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Large
Binthi Land Holding Group Aboriginal CorporationMt Baird Station Homestead Water Infrastructure
Enhance post-pandemic recovery and improved economic opportunities, health conditions and morale of a remote First Nations community by providing a potable water supply.
Ingham Meals On Wheels IncMaking Meals and Making Connections
Sustain the work of volunteers post-pandemic to provide meals and essential social connections to vulnerable residents through the purchase of a commercial dishwasher.
Kalbar School of Arts & Memorial Hall IncUpgrading the Kalbar School of Arts Memorial Hall to Promote a Vibrant Rural Community
Enhance the process of recovery for the Kalbar community post-pandemic and provide a safe and inclusive community hub by undertaking essential hall repairs and preserving its all-ability access.
Small & Vital
Cradock Heritage Group The Flinders Ranges CouncilRe-print of the Cradock Heritage Trail Booklet
Boost visitation to a historic township and enhance community pride by updating a walking trail guide that celebrates local heritage.
Glendambo District Sports Club IncorporatedSecretary's/ R FDS Shed and Kids' Play Container
Enhance wellbeing outcomes and sustain organisational capacity by installing a shipping container to provide storage and a space for pop up RFDS health clinics at community events.
Quorn Mercury Association IncorporatedNew Computers for the Quorn Mercury
Build connections and keep the community informed by updating IT equipment for the publication of a monthly community newsletter.
Prepare and Recover - 2019/2020 Bushfire Recovery
Art Museum of Kangaroo Island Establishment Association IncorporatedEquipment and Storage for Planning Stage of AMKI Project
Increase volunteer and organisational capacity and support community recovery after bushfires by providing storage and digital equipment for an art gallery.
Edithburgh Museum IncEdithburgh Jetty 150th Anniversary Celebration
Support recovery from bushfires and boost community connections by commemorating local history through a photographic exhibition and book publication.
Palmer Collier Park Community Association Davenport Rest Stop & Historical Landmarks Trail
Enhance connection to place and boost visitation in a bushfire-impacted region through installing signage for a historic trail.
Stansbury Sports and Community Club IncInternal Salt Damp Repairs
Provide a safe and comfortable facility for senior citizens and enhance social connections to support bushfire recovery by repairing salt damaged walls at a community hub.
The Warooka Progress AsscnMoving Murals: Augmented Reality
Strengthen cultural connection and encourage tourism in a bushfire-impacted region through the installation of an innovative mural trail.
TULKA Progress AssociationSecurity for New Infrastructure and Increase Water Harvesting Capacity
Strengthen bushfire preparedness and organisational capacity at a community hub by upgrading facilities and water storage for firefighting.
Unity College IncPlayground Shade Structure
Rejuvenate a place to gather and support bushfire recovery of young people in a disadvantaged community by installing a shade structure in a play area.
Murray Bridge$10,000
Prepare and Recover - 2022 Floods
Mid Murray Support Service IncorporatedWelcome to The HUB
Strengthen community recovery in a flood-impacted region and sustain organisational capacity by upgrading the reception area at a support service to create a welcoming and inclusive space for community members.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Bay Town Group Association IncorporatedChris Blowes - Motivational Speaker
Strengthen social connections and foster resilience in young people following the pandemic by holding an event with a motivational speaker.
Port MacDonnell$1,600
Lipson Progress AssociationPreserving the Past, Preserving the Future
Encourage social connection at a key community hub following the pandemic by repainting the interior spaces of the historic Lipson Big and Small Halls.
Sandalwood Recreation Association IncorporatedEase of Access for All
Enhance community connection after COVID-19 by installing a ramp and new doors to improve access for all abilities at a community hall.
West Coast Youth and Community Support IncorporatedSecure, Safe and Vibrant Youth Hub
Improve safety and amenity and boost opportunities for social connection after COVID-19 by upgrading facilities and furniture at a youth hub.
Port Lincoln$10,000
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Large
Kyancutta Community Club IncorporatedNew Outdoor Area for the Kyancutta Community Club
Reduce social isolation and foster resilience post-pandemic in a very remote community through developing a family-friendly outdoor play space at a community hub.
Small & Vital
Great Lake Community Centre IncGreat Lake Community Centre Extension Project
Expand skills to provide locally grown food for people living in a remote, high-altitude township by purchasing a trailer and building materials for a community greenhouse garden.
Queenstown Community Men's Shed West Coast CouncilQueenstown Community Permaculture Garden
Build social connections and skills to 'grow your own food' through the establishment of a community garden in an isolated and under-served region.
The Circular Head Aboriginal CorporationCommunity Mural Project
Celebrate First Nations history by creating a storytelling mural depicting Aboriginal heritage, culture and identity significant to the Circular Head district.
Youth Family and Community Connections IncorporatedARVOs Program - Activity Costs
Reduce social isolation and strengthen connections between young people by supporting an out of school activity program to deliver workshops and excursions.
Prepare and Recover - 2019/2020 Bushfire Recovery
Seymour Community Action Group IncSeymour Community - Wetlands Restoration Project
Strengthen community bushfire recovery activities to restore natural habitat and enhance community connection to the environment through a weed eradication project.
Prepare and Recover - 2022 Floods
Meander Valley Connect IncMeander Valley Connecting Up
Foster social connection and skill development by delivering digital training and outreach for seniors and under-served community members in a flood-impacted region.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Rural Alive & Well IncCountry Outreach - King Island Connection
Strengthen mental health and wellbeing after the pandemic in a remote island community by delivering in-person mental health and suicide prevention outreach services.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Large
Rural Health Tasmania IncEmbracing Community
Rebuild social connections and enhance wellbeing following the impacts of COVID-19 by delivering a facilitated social inclusion program and activities in partnership with a community house.
Small & Vital
Alexandra Primary SchoolAlexandra Primary School Sensory and Nature Play Garden
Expand educational enrichment opportunities and create a space for school children to connect with the natural environment by installing a sensory and nature play garden.
Arapiles Historical Society Inc No A0037695MCommunity and Infrastructure Protection
Sustain the work of older volunteers to collect, preserve and celebrate local history by repairing a damaged roof of an historic building.
BCYF – Bethany LimitedAgeless Connections
Support relationship building and provide a social outlet for older people through the delivery of an intergenerational activity program at a local kindergarten.
Callignee and Traralgon South Emergency CommitteeRaising Awareness Program 2023
Augment community knowledge and strengthen disaster response by distributing a free emergency services brochure to residents living in a bushfire prone district.
Foster Primary SchoolReinvigorating our Kitchen Garden Program Equipment
Boost health outcomes and student knowledge in growing and cooking nutritious food from the school's garden by upgrading kitchen equipment.
Grants Only Group IncDigital Solutions
Sustain community groups in South Gippsland and strengthen volunteer capacity to seek grants through upgrading IT equipment.
Venus Bay$2,423
Leongatha Childrens Centre IncShade Umbrellas Encourage play-based learning by providing sun protection at a new community-run childcare and kindergarten centre.Leongatha$6,497
Murray Valley Aboriginal Co-operative LimitedMVAC Bush Kinder
Enhance access to First Nations cultural practices and nature-based play by installing a dual toilet / wash basin facility for a new bush kinder program.
Noojee Parks & Reserve Committee of ManagementMeet & Move for Health
Enhance older people’s health and social wellbeing by delivering a weekly exercise class at Noojee Hall.
Rupanyup Primary SchoolShade Protection for our Outdoor Inclusive Learning, Sensory & Play Space
Improve health, safety and comfort of school children by providing protection from UV exposure through installing shade sails.
St Arnaud Community Resource Centre IncFoodShare and Volunteer Kitchen Completion
Enhance food security and wellbeing outcomes for under-served community members and sustain the work of volunteers by upgrading a kitchen to meet health regulations.
St Arnaud$5,000
Surf Lifesaving Lakes Entrance IncUpgrade of First Aid Facilities
Improve volunteer safety and emergency response capability by upgrading training and medical equipment at a surf lifesaving club.
Lakes Entrance$5,522
Tarwin Lower Primary SchoolPlayground Revival
Create a safe environment and foster greater school engagement by replacing an aged and unsafe playground with new play equipment for the school, playgroup and wider community use.
Tarwin Lower$10,000
Venus Bay and District Community Emergency Response Team IncAdvanced Medical Manikins Training Equipment
Build capability of emergency first aid volunteers and strengthen community health and safety outcomes by purchasing CPR training equipment.
Venus Bay$9,751
Yea & District Historical Society IncPrinter / Scanner for Yea Historical Society
Enhance volunteer capacity to preserve and catalogue historic data and contribute to local cultural celebrations by purchasing compatible digital equipment.
Zoe Support AustraliaUpgrading our Centre for Learning
Encourage young mothers and their children to participate in programs and access support services by installing a shade sail to improve safety and comfort.
Prepare and Recover - 2019/2020 Bushfire Recovery
Bairnsdale Chamber of Commerce and Industry IncBairnsdale Laneway 3875 Festivals
Encourage people to come together and enhance economic recovery of a community impacted by bushfires, by hiring entertainment for four seasonal festival events.
Bemm River Mens Shed Bemm River Progress and Improvement Association IncorporatedSmart TV for Educational and Instructional U-tube and for Relaxation
Increase volunteer skills and reduce social isolation in a community impacted by Black Summer bushfires through purchasing IT equipment for training and community activities.
Bemm River$3,222
Branjee Fire Brigade Country Fire AuthorityThermal Imaging Camera
Boost volunteer emergency services capacity and increase community safety in a bushfire-impacted region through purchasing a thermal imaging camera to detect fire threats.
Buchan Mechanics Institute and Free Library ReserveImprove Community Wellbeing and Social Development Through Improving Infrastructure
Enhance a community gathering place and strengthen disaster preparedness in a bushfire-impacted region by upgrading the Buchan Hall kitchen.
Dartmouth Community Progress AssociationLighting Dartmouth in Dark Times
Provide a safe environment and enhance bushfire preparedness by installing a generator at a public hall for power back-up during outages.
Euroa Community Action GroupMosaic Display
Support health and wellbeing of a community impacted by bushfires through the development of a recovery arts program to beautify a community garden.
Leneva Fire Brigade Country Fire AuthorityLeneva Fire Station Improvements
Improve safety and access for volunteers and community members at the Leneva Fire Station by installing fencing and paths to rejuvenate the outdoor space.
Line Wangaratta IncStrong Communities: LGBTQIA+ in the North-East
Enhance resilience and recovery of LGBTQIA+ people in bushfire-impacted regions through the delivery of programs, events and activities to build connections, confidence and emotional wellbeing.
Mallacoota and District Historical Society IncMallacoota Bunker Museum Bush Food Walk (Stage 2)
Strengthen economic recovery and boost connection to nature in a bushfire impacted region by developing a self-guided bushfood walk at the Mallacoota Bunker Museum.
Myrrhee Soldiers Memorial Hall Committee of Management King Valley Arts IncVoyage Musical
Stimulate recovery and wellbeing for a Black Summer bushfire-impacted community by delivering a creative arts performance.
Myrtleford Toy Library IncLittle Learners
Foster social connections and early childhood learning in a bushfire-affected community by purchasing educational play resources for a playgroup.
Newlands Arm Landcare Coastcare GroupWalk the Wonderous Waterway
Expand opportunities for community recovery, connection to place and First Nation’s culture in a bushfire impacted-region through the installation of signage along the Dinni Birraark Walk.
Newlands Arm$3,904
Omeo and District Agricultural & Pastoral Society IncOmeo & District Show 2023 Family Entertainment, Skills and Training
Boost social connection and skills in a region impacted by the Black Summer bushfires and floods by providing children’s activities and delivering training opportunities for local show judges and volunteers.
Swan Reach Recreation Reserve IncStorage Shed
Strengthen organisational capacity of community groups in a bushfire-fire impacted town through purchasing a storage shed for community assets.
Swan Reach$10,000
The Wangaratta Kennel and Obedience Dog Club IncExtension and Refurbishment of Kitchen
Strengthen community resources to support bushfire relief and recovery through upgrading a community kitchen at the Wangaratta Showgrounds.
Prepare and Recover - 2022 Floods
Cosgrove and Pine Lodge Fire Brigade Country Fire AuthorityHose Drying Facilities Increase the safety and capacity of volunteers to respond to flood and disaster events by installing hose drying facilities at the fire station.Cosgrove$8,279
Echuca Neighbourhood House IncENH Flood Recovery Expansion Project
Strengthen a neighbourhood house's capacity to support ongoing community recovery by extending the delivery of activities and programs for flood-impacted community members.
Rochester & Elmore District Health ServiceDisability Accessible Commuter Bus to Support Community Transport
Expand access to health care access and reduce social isolation in a significantly flood-impacted community by purchasing a vehicle to transport vulnerable community members.
Victorian SES - Castlemaine Unit Victoria State Emergency Service AuthorityThe Emergency Essentials Guide (Mt Alexander Shire)
Elevate community knowledge and disaster readiness in a flood-affected shire through disseminating a free emergency information handbook.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Arapiles Community Theatre IncCircus Jam
Bolster wellbeing and reduce social isolation after the effects of COVID-19 through a series of whole-of-community circus arts workshops.
Barwon Downs Community GroupOutdoor Seating & Kitchen Upgrade
Strengthen social connection and volunteer capacity after the pandemic through upgrading outdoor seating and kitchen facilities at a community hall.
Barwon Downs$7,090
Bellarine Historical Society Incorporated (INC. NO. A 0015326L)Creating Stories Through Visual Displays
Sustain the work of a historical society and enhance community engagement post-COVID-19 through the purchase of portable display cases.
Beulah Historic Learning and Progress Association IncHoof & Harvest Festival
Enhance the process of recovery of Beulah and surrounding regional communities from effects of the COVID-19 pandemic by encouraging reconnection through staging an inclusive community festival.
Camperdown and District Community HouseGrowing Community: Public Art and Spaces Bringing People Together
Increase community connection and enhance recovery post-COVID-19 through art workshops to create art pavers capturing individual’s stories for display at the local community garden.
Christmas Hills Mechanics' Institute Hall Committee of Management IncEmergency Power Connector
Foster opportunities for social connection after COVID-19 through electrical upgrades at a local hall.
Christmas Hills$2,450
EACHRural Rainbows
Strengthen social connection and leadership of LGBTQIA+ young people after the pandemic by establishing a peer-led social support group.
Heyfield & District Vintage Machinery Group IncMulti Purpose Shed - Concrete Floor
Sustain the work of volunteers and enhance opportunities for social connection following the pandemic by upgrading flooring at a multipurpose community hub.
Lockington & District Living Heritage Complex IncEnergy Efficient Heating and Cooling
Increase opportunities for community connection and enhance the process of recovery after COVID-19 by installing air conditioning to improve the comfort and amenity of a community venue.
Mount Korong Eco WatchCommunity Connection at the Fiery Flat Bushland Reserve
Sustain the work of volunteers and commence restoration of a community reserve through fencing a gathering site for community connection and recovery from the effects of COVID-19.
Fiery Flat$10,000
Ouyen Community Gym IncOuyen Community Gym Project
Sustain organisational capacity and enhance wellbeing post-COVID-19 by improving access for all abilities through building an accessible path at a community gym.
Regional Arts Victoria RAV in Residence - Connecting Places
Sustain the work of community arts organisations post-pandemic through facilitated networking events to develop skills, connections and mitigate volunteer burnout.
Wimmera Women Connect IncWimmera Women Connect: Consolidating the Way Forward
Build organisational capacity by undertaking strategic planning and purchasing resources and equipment to sustain the work of volunteers post-pandemic.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Large
Baw Baw Food Hub IncCommunity Cafe and Workshop Space for Baw Baw Food Hub
Support COVID-19 recovery and sustain a food and sustainability hub by upgrading the space and purchasing furniture and café appliances to create a welcoming space for community engagement and workshops.
The Trustee for The Salvation Army (Victoria) Property TrustSalvo Connect Centre
Boost confidence and enhance recovery from COVID-19 by creating a safe drop-in space where vulnerable people can access support and resources to help them reconnect with their community.
The Warrnambool Theatre Company IncRebuilding Regional Theatre With Sustainable Sound
Cultivate opportunities for cultural enrichment and sustain the work of community theatre groups following COVID-19 by investing in professional audio equipment.
Small & Vital
Badgingarra Community Centre AssociationCommunity Centre Heating and Cooling Project
Expand the use of the centre by installing a split system to make the community’s meeting space more comfortable and welcoming.
Cranbrook Primary School Parents & Citizens Association IncColour Our School
Provide students with low socio-educational scores access to altenative educational opportunities by painting interactive games around the school grounds.
Karri Country Good Food IncorporatedRepair Floors
Make the community-owned grocery store more hygienic, comfortable and welcoming by resealing the concrete floor.
Kyloring Housing Co-operative LimitedGovernance Training for Over 55’s in Housing Co-operative
Strengthen social cohesion for low-income disabled residents living in community-managed housing by providing training in communication and decision making.
Suka & Duka - Home Island Craft IncIslands Cultural Exchange
Reduce social isolation for seniors living remotely by supporting a delegation to travel between islands and share their culture with the broader community and tourists during Territory week.
Christmas Island$10,000
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Borden Pavilion Committee IncorporatedBorden Touring Arts and Culture Program
Reduce social isolation and foster a stronger, more resilient and connected community after the pandemic through the delivery of an inclusive arts and cultural program.
Lake Grace CWARefurbishment of CWA Lake Grace Part 2
Sustain the Lake Grace CWA and their work post-pandemic by refurbishing and modernising the community hall's kitchen.
Lake Grace$10,000
Manjimup Family Centre IncUpgrade of Meeting Rooms at Manjimup Family Centre
Enhance recovery from the pandemic and increase meeting room use by other community groups by upgrading furniture and equipment.
Meckering Action GroupMeckering Murals
Revitalise the town centre and boost tourism after COVID-19 by creating two murals portraying historically significant local events.
Northcliffe Pioneer MuseumNorthcliffe Townsite Heritage Walk
Strengthen community pride and sense of place while enhancing recovery post-COVID-19 by purchasing and installing 23 interpretive signage plaques along a heritage walkway.
Porongurup Community Association IncPorongurup Hall Electrical Upgrade
Undertake electrical upgrades to the local hall to provide a safe, welcoming and functional space for community reconnection after COVID-19.
Shire of GinginConnecting post-COVID: Flavours of Gingin Festival
Support the rebuilding of community resilience after the pandemic by expanding the festival to include wellbeing activities.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Large
Mindful Margaret River IncCreating Change – Supporting Local Agency Through Community Resilience Building Activities
Reduce social isolation and foster a stronger more resilient community post-COVID-19 by employing a project coordinator to deliver a series of wellbeing and resilience activities.
Margaret River$50,000

Applications for Nutrien Ag Solutions Community Grants Program are now open, with eligible not-for-profit organisations invited to apply for a grant of up to $5,000 to support remote, rural or regional community projects. The Nutrien Ag Solutions Community Grants Program is run in partnership with FRRR.

Penneshaw Medical Clinic
Penneshaw CWA, with the support of the Penneshaw Progress Association, was awarded a $5,000 Nutrien Ag Solutions Community Grant for improvements to the Penneshaw Community Health Rooms.

“Since the launch of the Community Grants program in 2021, Nutrien has supported 110 projects by awarding over $500,000 in grants to rural and regional communities across Australia,” said Mady Muirhead, Corporate Affairs Coordinator at Nutrien Ag Solutions.

“The success of agriculture and the well-being of regional Australia are inextricably linked. We’re proud to play a leading role in helping to build a safe and sustainable future for our farmers and their communities. We are going further by investing in meaningful projects and supporting local grassroot organisations.

“We have thousands of employees living and working in rural and regional Australia, ingrained in their local communities. They have a deep understanding of what makes a community thrive – and it’s all about the people.

“Last year we saw many parts of our country face environmental disasters on a significant scale, with many still facing recovery. This placed significant unanticipated stress on grassroots organisations and groups that work tirelessly to support their local communities. Nutrien Ag Solutions is so proud to provide a much-needed boost to the rural and regional communities we are a part of,” said Ms Muirhead.

The Community Grants Program has supported more than 100 local projects over the past two years, including the installation of an Indigenous artwork and Bush Tucker Garden at Childers, Queensland; contributing to a purpose-built beach ramp and wheelchairs at Swansea, Tasmania; child protection workshops at Dowerin, Western Australia and the installation of solar power panels at the Cambrai Sports Club in South Australia.

“We work in partnership with our communities to support them at a local level, in ways that best suit the individual needs of that community,” said Ms Muirhead.

“Rural communities continue to deal with so many challenges and the role of local not-for-profit groups is becoming ever more critical in filling gaps and helping create vibrant, sustainable communities. Many of these organisations have wonderful volunteers who do so much but projects to improve community facilities or resource new projects or operations also need funding,” said FRRR CEO, Natalie Egleton.

“Over the last two years local fundraising has been made increasingly difficult due to COVID and increasing economic pressures, meaning locals have less capacity to give. As a result, we’re seeing more and more demand for funding support.

“We are grateful for Nutrien’s ongoing partnership, as it enables grassroots groups to access grants that can go toward these projects. But it’s more than just money, as Nutrien’s support continues locally for groups that get funding, staying connected to the local branches as projects are implemented. So, we look forward to seeing what projects come forward this year,” Ms Egleton said.

Applications for the 2023 Nutrien Ag Solutions Community Grants Program are open now and close 10th August 2023, with successful applicants announced in October this year.

An online webinar will be held to support grant seekers from 12.30 – 1.30 (AEST) on Monday 24 July. Sign up for the webinar via the FRRR website or via this LINK.

For more information and to apply, visit:

117 community-led projects funded

One hundred and seventeen projects set to strengthen small remote, rural and regional communities across Australia have received a much-needed boost, with the community-driven initiatives sharing in $1,382,453 in grants.

HEADING: Rural communities awarded a $1.4 million boost
IMAGE: Roger Edwards, presenting a talk at the Celebrating Red Gum Forum. in Cavendish.

Funded through FRRR’s Strengthening Rural Communities (SRC) program these grants support projects led by local people in small communities throughout the country.

In this round of funding, 59 Black Summer bushfire recovery initiatives are sharing $894,313 in grants for recovery and preparedness projects. This includes expanding the iconic Horsepower Highway tourist trail to kickstart Gnowangerup’s local economy in WA by adding two new installations, and installing a kitchen at the Big Swamp Community Centre in Coomunga, SA to support the community during future bushfire events.

There are also 58 projects spread across Australia sharing in $488,140 in this round of grants through the Small & Vital stream. These grants range from $1,595 to improve internet access for the local museum and its volunteers in Chiltern, VIC, through to a $10,000 grant for filmmaking workshops in Wilcannia, NSW.

Jill Karena, Place Portfolio Lead at FRRR, said that as COVID lockdown restrictions have eased and communities adapt to a new COVID normal, people are eager to connect, engage, celebrate and recover, but they are also keen to ensure that their community is stronger and more resilient for what may come.

“Our Heartbeat of Rural Australia study last year highlighted that among the biggest challenges for people was not being able to connect, so it was no surprise that many of the applications we saw in this round of SRC were about bringing people together. This ranges from making facilities more comfortable and welcoming, such as air conditioners or new furniture, to better IT equipment, internet connections or communication tools to engage with their communities. We have also seen some wonderful arts-based projects, which again bring people together, especially for those who were affected by the Black Summer bushfires.

“Underlying most of the requests however is a desire to be stronger in the future – to be more resilient. Sadly, some of those communities that are receiving grants, have felt the effects of another disaster. For those who have to put their projects on hold because of the floods, we understand. FRRR will be here to work with you, and if there is now a higher priority for your community, do get in touch as we are keen to assist,” Ms Karena said.

Some of the 117 funded projects include:

  • Richmond Valley Council – Rappville, NSW – Supporting Community Recovery by Honouring Rappville’s Military History – Commemorate sacrifices of Rappville community with replacement of WWI, WWII and Vietnam War Honour Rolls destroyed in fires. $25,000 (Bushfire Recovery)
  • Red Dust Role Models Limited – Nauiyu, NT – Red Dust Community Art Collaboration – Strengthen community and support healing with the creation of three murals celebrating and connecting community to culture. $5,000 (Small & Vital)    
  • Muckadilla Community Association Inc – Muckadilla, QLD – All-abilities Access to Muckadilla Community Hall – Provide access to the Muckadilla Community Hall for all by installation of a disability access ramp and safety handrails. $10,000 (Small & Vital)
  • Peterborough History Group SA Incorporated – Peterborough, SA – Wiring Upgrade for YMCA – Provide a safe environment for volunteers and support visitor engagement through the upgrade of electrical wiring. $10,000 (Small & Vital)
  • Seymour Community Action Group Inc – Seymour, TAS – Seymour Community Wetland Restoration and Reclassification Project – Support volunteers to restore natural habitat and strengthen community connection to the environment through the development of a weed eradication project. $10,000 (Bushfire Recovery)
  • Brookton Community Inc – Brookton, WA – White Goods for New Shared Buildings – Increase community participation and capacity by fitting out kitchens in two new shared community buildings. $7,370 (Small & Vital)
  • Corryong College & Corryong Neighbourhood House Inc – Corryong, VIC – Enabling digital storytelling in the Upper Murray – Support college students to recover from a natural disaster through creative storytelling and technical skill development. $16,671 (Bushfire Recovery)

A full list of grant recipients is available on FRRR’s website.

The SRC program is collaboratively supported by many generous donors, which are acknowledged on FRRR’s website.

This program always accepts applications and thanks to recent support from the Australian Government, there is now a COVID-recovery stream – Rebuilding Rural Communities. Local NFPs and community groups are encouraged to review the expanded program guidelines and apply. More information about the SRC program is available at

To support grants like this through FRRR, make a tax-deductible donation at

The full list of grant recipients and their projects are below.

Bushfire Recovery
Adelong Patrol and Agricultural Society Inc.Adelong Show: Bringing us Together
Boost community connectedness and recovery from natural disasters by providing entertainment at Adelong Show event.
Black Head Surf Life Saving Club Inc.Expansion of Disability Program and Inclusive Beach Access
Support community bushfire recovery by expanding inclusive access for all, for beach attendees and surf life saving volunteers with the purchase of specialized equipment.
Hallidays Point$10,470
Braidwood Community Arts Association Inc.The Sustainable Farmedian
Support capacity building and recovery of natural disasters by creating a documentary of Black Summer through experience of a sustainable farmer.
Bundjalung Tribal SocietyYoungman Creek Rehabilitation Volunteer Wellbeing Program
Promote connection of place and culture, as well as rejuvenating and strengthening volunteerism through providing training and tools to support community recovery.
Burra District Bushfire BrigadeBurra Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade Pergola
Increase capacity for response to fire attacks via improving volunteers and firefighters' recuperation during rest breaks with building a pergola and providing shade for meal breaks.
Burringbar School of ArtsReplacement of 15 Step Treads for Rear Stairway Access
Strengthening disaster preparedness by rejuvenating place of gathering and mitigate safety risks by repairing stair treads of local community hall.
CTC Robertson Inc.Installation of Automatic Doors at CTC Near Disabled Access
Supporting community recovery by enabling easier access to community building with removal of old heavy doors and replacement with automatic sliding doors.
Eden Creek Fairymount Preschool Inc.Improved Space for Families and Children of Kyogle
Encourage children's learning and development by increasing preschool space with building refurbishment that will support town recovery.
Eurobodalla Shire CouncilEurobodalla Shower + Laundry Project for People Experiencing Homelessness
Support community bushfire recovery by installing pay-wave system at three laundromats and provide vouchers through homelessness service providers.
Batemans Bay$25,000
Fling Physical Theatre Inc.Refurbishment of New Premises for FLING Physical Theatre to Deliver Inspiring Cultural Activity to the Region
Encourage youth to be active and explore their creative potential through dance and performance with conversion of building to an inclusive dance studio space following the events of the Black Summer bushfires.
Horse Sense for Humans Open Harts Inc.Wellbeing With Horses
Enable people to develop stress relieving, mental health and wellbeing techniques via equine assisted therapy sessions to support community recovery.
Kyogle Writers Festival Kyogle and District Arts CouncilKyogle Writers Festival 2022 (KWF2022)
Boost local economy and support literary development with funding guest speakers for the Kyogle Writers Festival to support town recovery.
Lawrence Historical Society Inc.Fit Up for the Future
To support community bushfire recovery with the restoration of historical artefacts and passing on woodworking and metal work skills to volunteers at the Lawrence Museum.
Marlee Rural Fire BrigadeMarlee Fire Station Facilities Upgrade
Provide a safe place for RFS staging areas and the small community of Marlee to evacuate to in the event of an emergency, with upgrade of facilities at the Marlee Fire Station and Hall complex.
Merriwa Preschool and Activity Centre Inc.Forty for Flooring
Improve hygiene and create a healthy play space by replacing ash impacted carpet with vinyl flooring at Merriwa Preschool & Activity Centre to support community recovery.
Monaro Community RadioInstallation of a Solar PV system for Monaro Community Radio - 2MNO
Support community recovery and to reduce 2MNO community radio's power bills and lower greenhouse gas emissions with installation of a 3.3kW solar system.
Mt Wilson and Mt Irvine Historical Society Inc.Mount Wilson Historical Village Walk & Digital Archive
Support community bushfire recovery by encouraging visitors and new arrivals to appreciate local history and understand the characters who have made the community what it is, with digital app featuring 22 local stories.
Mount Wilson$10,000
Nambucca Valley Phoenix LtdPhoenix Rising - Fostering Resilience through Creative Communities
Support and enhance community recovery through creative community activities with replacement of ageing ceramic kiln, flue and corroded roof.
One Vision Productions Ltd.MPOWER Online Education Engagement and Mental Health Toolkit and Mobile App
Youth mental health and wellbeing support with tailored 12 month program in three schools and production of videos for subscription website service to support community recovery.
Clarence Valley$25,000
Raise the heART Ltd.Raise the heART - A Creative Arts Mental Health Project for 16-17 year-olds and the Broader Community
Support bushfire recovery in the community by encouraging youth to participate in a year-long arts program, via creation of a youth-led theatrical performance, a youth wellbeing forum and a pop-up art exhibition.
Byron Bay$10,000
Richmond Valley CouncilSupporting Community Recovery by Honouring Rappville’s Military History
Commemorate sacrifices of Rappville community with replacement of WWI, WWII and Vietnam War Honour Rolls destroyed in fires.
Rotary Club of Pambula Inc.Community Support and Recovery through Music and Entertainment
Support community recovery and engagement via entertainment events across fire-affected communities using the Sapphire Entertainment Pod.
Southern Highlands Botanic Gardens Ltd.Picnic Setting for the Community in a Safe Environment
Create a quiet space in nature, for contemplation and social gatherings with addition of picnic tables at Botanic Gardens to assist community recovery.
Taylors Arm Hall Committee of Management Nambucca Valley CouncilTaylors Arm Reunited - Kitchen Upgrade and Hall Interior Painting
Support bushfire recovery by expanding the use of the community hall by painting hall interior, updating kitchen, and installing vermin proof cupboards to make the community meeting space more functional and suitable for holding workshops.
Taylors Arm$16,950
The Lions Club of Tenterfield Inc.Tenterfield Lions' Junior Choir
Introduce children to the creative arts to foster a love of music and performing, with support for Children's Choir, following the Black Summer bushfires.
Tumut Regional Chamber of Commerce Inc.Adventure Snowy Valleys
Support bushfire recovery by diversifying local economy with the development of outdoor adventure tourism website.
UCA - Life Line MacarthurMental Health First Aid Training
Build community capacity to support and respond to people experiencing stress and mental health problems with provision of mental health first aid training to support community recovery.
Yuin Folk Club Inc.2022 Cobargo Folk Festival: Festival Restart Event Producer
Reduce volunteer burnout and support recovery from fires, through revitalisation and renewal of Cobargo Folk Festival.
Z-Net Uralla Inc.Uralla Working on Waste (Uralla-WOW)
Build capacity of local community to mitigate climate change challenges and support recovery from fires, and build a connected supported sustainable community, with community-led waste reduction strategies.
Small & Vital
A Sound Life Coonabarabran High School P&C AssociationSound Mentoring - Coonabarabran High School
Inspire engagement and resilience by providing students of Coonabarabran High School with the transformative program 'Sound Mentoring'.
Carcoar Village Assocation Inc.Murals at the Belubula
Increase opportunities for cultural connection and tourism through printing and installation of four murals by revered Indigenous artist Aunty Nyree Reynolds onto pylons on the Mid-Western Highway
Contact Inc.Making the Wanaaring Community Hub Happen
Revitalise the very remote community of Wanaaring by supporting the development of a new community hub.
Forbes Public School P&C Association Inc.Community Conservation Corner
Increase community participation and resilience through supporting the establishment of a Community Conservation Corner at Forbes Public School.
Holbrook Community Garden Greater Hume Shire CouncilRelocation of Holbrook Community Garden
Increase usability and sustainability of a much loved community garden by providing new garden beds, watering system and fruit trees.
Holbrook Meals on Wheels Service Inc.Safe Food Service
Boost food security and support the elderly to live independently by purchasing a freezer van for Holbrook Meals on Wheels.
Macleay Valley Arts Council Inc.South West Rocks Community Art Gallery
Boost cultural vibrancy and tourism by supporting South West Rocks Community Art Gallery to display artworks from local and regional artists in a professional and engaging manner.
South West Rocks$10,000
Murrumbidgee Landcare Association Inc.Creating a Community Garden in Carrathool - Knowledge Sharing About People, Place and the Environment
Promote environmental health and sustainability through bringing the community together to build a Community Native Garden.
Shine for KidsBelonging To Family Community Engagement
Build a stronger social fabric by supporting Aboriginal people who are released from custody at the Mid-North Coast Correctional Centre to re-connect successfully with their families and community.
Warren Chamber Music Festival Inc.Oldies Only!
Provide opportunities for social connection and cultural enrichment by supporting Warren Chamber Music Festival to deliver an "Oldies Only" music event for the elderly in Warren, NSW.
West Darling ArtsFilm Making Workshop for the Wilcannia Students
Unlock opportunities for career pathways and increase cultural vibrancy through providing filmmaking workshops for students in Wilcannia.
Small & Vital
Jawoyn Association Aboriginal CorporationReconnection through Songlines – Healing People, Healing Country
Encourage youth involvement and grow cultural knowledge through three bush camps to learn and then perform two traditional Corroboree Dances - the Wanga and the Lirriga Dances.
Ngukurr Language Centre Aboriginal CorporationResourcing Equipment for Ngukurr Language Centre
Help students and broader community to learn and retain traditional languages with the purchase of a printer for the Ngukurr Language Centre.
Red Dust Role Models Ltd.Red Dust Community Art Collaboration
Strengthen community and support healing with the creation of three murals celebrating and connecting community to culture.
The Trustee for Karrkad-Kanjdji TrustExpanding Remote Bi-cultural Education
Fostering connection to language and education on Country through the provision of IT at remote bi-lingual schools in Arnhem Land.
Tiwi Enterprises Ltd.Essential Machinery and Equipment for Tiwi Enterprises Garden Maintenance Team
Expand the services of a garden maintenance program to better protect the community against bushfires with purchase of whipper snippers and mower.
Bushfire Recovery
Beaudesert Quilters Group Inc.Quilters Crafting 4 Community
Build capacity of local art and craft group by supporting attendance at specialised workshops and purchase of equipment upgrades to support community recovery.
Boonah & District Landcare Association Inc.Website for Boonah and District Landcare Inc.
Support community fire preparedness by broadening the networking reach and information sharing through developing online presence and website for Boonah and District Landcare.
Boonah Activity Shed Inc.Construction Earthworks for New Activity Shed
Supporting community bushfire recovery by supporting the foundational works for a community shed and gathering space, by providing earthworks equipment hire.
Destination Scenic Rim Inc.Farm Gate Trail
Empower community-led initiatives through providing event resources and entertainment for regional farm trail event to support community recovery.
Happy Chat Support Groups Queensland Inc.Happy Chat Peer Support for Mental Health in Stanthorpe
Strengthen mental health peer to peer support group by engaging with therapeutic services to support community bushfire recovery.
Kanyini Connections Ltd.Pony Tales Program
Strengthen community recovery by enabling vulnerable children to improve their literacy skills by providing volunteer mentors with teaching resources.
Killarney Show and Rodeo Society Inc.Purchase Lawn Mower
Increase volunteer safety and bushfire preparedness through purchase of a ride on mower.
Rotary Club of Beaudesert Inc.Acquire Lawn Mowing and Grounds Maintenance Equipment and Storage to Enhance Places Where Communities Gather
Enhance capacity of volunteers and community spaces by purchasing garden maintenance equipment and storage to support recovery within the community.
Small & Vital
Atherton Tablelands SAO Cycle Riding Tablelands Outdoor Recreation Association Inc.The Seven Sisters Trail - Stage One
Boost tourism and build on the community's sense of place by providing informative, interpretive and safety signs for the Seven Sisters Trail in Yungaburra.
Bowen Old People's Home SocietyOur Yarning Circle
Enhance residents’ opportunities to connect with their culture, each other and the wider community by installing a Yarning Circle at Murroona Gardens aged care facility.
C&K Jellybean The Creche and Kindergarten Association Ltd.Reviving Our Outdoor Learning Program at C&K Jellybeans
Support lifelong learning by replacing worn out outdoor children's equipment and provide new outdoor tables and mats for children to enjoy meals and activities outside the classroom.
Creative Country Association Inc.Point of Sale (POS) Equipment
Support the establishment of the Murgon Creative Centre by providing Point of Sale equipment and volunteer T-shirts.
Eacham Community Help Organisation Inc.Tech Training for Volunteer Tutors
Accelerate digital access and inclusion for vulnerable and disadvantaged community members by training volunteers to provide technological support.
Gayndah and District Tennis Association Inc.Upgrade Outdoor Furniture and Clubhouse Appliances
Increase useability and functionality of the Gayndah and District Tennis Club by contributing to upgrading outdoor seating and purchase of new appliances.
Gungarde Community Centre Aboriginal CorporationCooktown Youths Super Heroes
Develop youth life skills and reduce harms related to alcohol, drugs and bullying by supporting the delivery of the Cooktown Youths Super Heroes program.
Hope Reins Inc.Connecting Communities, Strengthening Lives: The Horse Ride from Gympie to Longreach
Strengthen community resilience and social inclusion through supporting a mental health awareness program.
Innisfail & District Men's Shed Inc.Fence Repairs at the Innisfail & District Men's Shed (IDMS)
Encourage community cohesion and increase functionality of the Innisfail & District Men's Shed by repairing the boundary fence.
Maleny and District Men's Shed Inc.Provision and Installation of a Water Tank and Pump for the New Community Shed for Maleny Men’s Shed
Build capacity to support volunteer membership and strengthen community connections through the installation of a water tank.
Muckadilla Community Association Inc.Disability Access to Muckadilla Community Hall
Provide access to the Muckadilla Community Hall for all by installation of a disability access ramp and safety hand rails.
Numabulla Men's Shed Inc.Numabulla Men's Shed Development
Foster community engagement and connection through the renovation of a new facility for Numabulla Men's Shed.
Performing Arts (Goondiwindi) Inc.Gundy Gathering
Build resilience and encourage participation in the arts by contributing to provision of youth performing arts boot camp, Gundy Gathering.
Bushfire Recovery
Big Swamp Community Centre Inc.Upgraded Kitchenette Area
Build capacity to support community during bushfire events through the installation of a kitchen at a community centre.
Charleston Community Centre Inc.POWERING Our Community Resilience
Provide a fit for purpose emergency support facility and improve comfort of a community hall through the installation of a diesel run generator unit to support community recovery and preparedness.
Jabuk Community Hall Inc.Mowing Down the Burden
Support bushfire preparedness and increase community safety through purchase of a ride on mower.
Price Soldiers Memorial HallPrice Soldiers Memorial Hall Kitchen Upgrade
Increase community connection and disaster preparedness by improving kitchen facilities at a community gathering space.
Small & Vital
Blanchetown District Hall Inc.Health and Wellness for Women
Boost health and social wellbeing of women in Blanchetown, through the continuation of a physical fitness class.
Community Care and Transport Inc.Cloud Based Fully Integrated Telephone System
Boost an organisation’s capability to support community health and wellbeing, through the upgrade of a telephone system.
Crystal Brook Community Men's Shed Inc.Responsible Power Solutions for the Crystal Brook Community Men's Shed
Establish cost effective, environmental practices while supporting community health, through the installation of a solar storage system at a Men’s Shed.
Crystal Brook$10,000
Peterborough History Group SA Inc.Wiring Upgrade for YMCA
Provide a safe environment for volunteers, supporting visitor engagement through the upgrade of electrical wiring.
Bushfire Recovery
Seymour Community Action Group Inc.Seymour Community Wetland Restoration and Reclassification Project
Promote community bushfire recovery by supporting volunteers to restore natural habitat and strengthen community connection to the environment through the development of a weed eradication project.
Small & Vital
Geeveston Community Centre Inc.Scrubby Hill Farm Amenity Improvements
Enhance food security, provide employment opportunities, and support the health and wellbeing of communities through the development of a micro-farm project.
The RESEED Centre Live Well TasmaniaYOUth LEADing Tasmania (YLT) 2022
Support youth engagement and build leadership skills through a facilitation training program encouraging young people to challenge world issues.
Bushfire Recovery
Albury Wodonga Regional FoodshareFoodShare Cloud Project
Support community recovery by boosting organisational capacity of a food relief organisation through implementing a customer relationship management system.
Bairnsdale Recycling Enterprise Inc.Bairnsdale Repair Café: Reaching Out
Foster opportunities for social connection and skill development for bushfire-impacted communities across East Gippsland.
Better Place AustraliaWatercolor Workshops for Recovery, Reconnection & Referral
Encourage people to come together to recover from bushfires and gain access to support services through creative arts workshops.
Bright Court House Committee of ManagementBright Court House Portable Staging Upgrade
Supporting local arts events through the purchase of a portable stage for indoor and outdoor productions, to support community recovery.
Bright Croquet Club Inc.New Tables and Chairs for Club House
Provide a fit-for-purpose facility and support community connectedness and bushfire recovery through the upgrade of furniture.
Cabbage Tree Public HallGovernance Training for Cabbage Tree Creek and Bemm River
Foster a more participative community and improve organisational capacity in two local committees through the delivery of governance training in the bushfire-affected area.
Cabbage Tree Creek$6,115
Corryong College Corryong Neighbourhood House Inc.Enabling Digital Storytelling in the Upper Murray
Support college students to recover from a natural disaster like bushfire, through creative storytelling and technical skill development.
Deddick Valley Isolated Community Group Inc.Building Healthy and Resilient Communities Through Service Equity
Building capacity to access healthcare in remote bushfire-impacted areas through a research and pilot program in far East Gippsland.
Great Alpine Gallery Inc.The Voice of Video
Encourage community to be active and creative, while recovering from disaster through a video sharing platform.
Swifts Creek$3,729
Happy Valley HallTank Fantasia
Foster social connectedness and community cohesion through a mosaic arts project at the Happy Valley Hall to support community recovery.
Harrietville Historical SocietyRevitalising Harrietville's Heritage
Encourage visitation and strengthen the local economy through the installation of signage interpreting local history in Harrietville that will support bushfire recovery within the community.
Jingellic Hub Inc.Postcards From The Past @Jingellic & Postcards From The Past @Walwa
Support bushfire recovery within the area by fostering community connection to local history and expand opportunities for tourists and visitors to the region.
Parklands Albury Wodonga Ltd.Improving Accessibility to Upper Murray Historic Trestle Bridge Reserves
Provide safe infrastructure for emergency services and the broader community through the upgrade of an historic trestle bridge to improve disaster preparedness.
The Man from Snowy River Bush Festival Inc.Upper Murray Agricultural Field Days
Strengthen community recovery and encourage people to come together and access support by enhancing entertainment at the inaugural Upper Murray Agricultural Field Days.
Small & Vital
Boolarra Men's Shed Inc.Shed Extension
Support men’s health and social connection opportunities through the expansion of the Boolarra Men’s Shed building.
Boolite Recreation & Public Hall ReserveUpgrade of Amenities Block
Improve accessibility and amenities at a local hall and reserve through the installation of an all-abilities bathroom and toilet.
Carinya Lodge Homes Inc.Carinya Dementia Care
Enhance social wellbeing and health of people living in aged care by providing a dementia-specific interactive games program.
Chiltern Athenaeum MuseumExtension of Data Cabling and Internet Connection from Chiltern Athenaeum Museum to the John McEwen Annexe
Enhance an organisation's capacity to support volunteers and preserve local history through providing an internet connection.
Cobram Community House Inc.Community Kitchen Upgrade
Expand the use of a community house by refurbishing a kitchen to increase the capacity to deliver educational and wellbeing activities.
Djerriwarrh Employment & Education Services Inc.Moorabool TAC L2P Program Vehicle Replacement
Upskill youth to improve access to employment, further education, and social services through the purchase of a vehicle for a learner driver program in the Moorabool Shire.
Dunolly & District Neighbourhood Centre Inc.Dunolly Neighbourhood Centre Backyard Rejuvenation
Increase community learning opportunities by installing shade sails in an outdoor area at the Dunolly & District Neighbourhood Centre.
Fight Cancer Foundation Ltd.Shepparton Accommodation for Regional and Remote Cancer Patients
Support rural community members to access vital medical treatment through the establishment of affordable outpatient accommodation.
Hallston Mechanics Institute Inc.Hallston Hall Door and Window Replacement - Repair and Paint
Expand the use of a community owned hall and preserve the district's history through the replacement of timber windows.
Hopetoun and District Men's Shed Hopetoun & District Neighbourhood House Inc.Replacement of Asbestos Shed
Provide a safe environment, creating opportunities for men to engage and support skill development by installing a new shed and undercover work area.
Jarvis Creek Landcare Group Mitta to Murray Landcare Inc.Revitalisation of the Jarvis Creek Community
Strengthen community connection and volunteer engagement through the restoration of the Jarvis Creek Hall.
Jarvis Creek$10,000
Lions Club of Katamatite Inc.Katamatite Lions Silo Art Project
Strengthen cultural connection and the local economy through the installation of two art trail murals in Katamatite.
Minyip and District Historical Society Inc.Replacement of Heritage Plaques in Minyip
Celebrate local culture, and boost community engagement and tourism in Minyip by installing historic plaques within the township.
Moorabool Shire CouncilPower Back Up for STAND Project Sites
Increase community safety and disaster preparedness through the purchase of batteries to support satellite infrastructure.
Murtoa and District Historical Society Inc.Murtoa Museum Website Design & Build
Increase access to local history, support volunteers and boost community participation by establishing a website.
Tarnagulla Urban Fire Brigade Country Fire AuthoritySolar and Battery Installation at Tarnagulla Urban Fire Brigade
Boost a fire brigade’s ability to respond to future disasters by installing a solar power and battery system to provide a backup in case of power failures.
Trust for Nature (Victoria)Fostering Local Community Connection with Nature - Henriksen Sanctuary, Apollo Bay
Increase community wellbeing and connection with nature through the construction of pedestrian tracks at a significant conservation reserve.
Apollo Bay$10,000
Winchelsea Community House Inc.Expansion into Shire Hall
Improve employment opportunities for youth through the purchase of new kitchen equipment for a community café.
Yackandandah Creek Landcare Group Kiewa Catchment Landcare Groups Inc.Connecting Community with Wetlands for Wellbeing, Culture and Learning
Boost the community’s ability to learn about conservation management and increase connection to place through the development of wetlands.
Bushfire Recovery
Denmark Community Foundation (WA) Inc.Denmark Community Foundation Next Steps - A Transition Towards Building Capacity and Operational Potential
Building organisational capacity and a strong bushfire resilient local community through the development of a strategic plan for the Denmark Community Foundation.
Katanning and Districts Pool Association Inc.Pool Hall Revamp
Support community bushfire recovery by providing a safe space for youth and community support clients to connect and socialise by installing a kitchen for meal preparation.
North Stirlings Pallinup Natural Resources Inc.Fire Brigade & Landcare Representation on the Horsepower Highway
Strengthen and kickstart the local economy impacted by bushfires by expanding an iconic tourist trail with two new installations.
Small & Vital
Beemurra Aboriginal CorporationYued Youth & Astronomy Project on Yallalie Downs
Encourage Indigenous youth's education and leadership skills through attending astronomy camps on Country.
Brookton Community Inc.White Goods for New Shared Buildings
Increase community participation and capacity by fitting out kitchens in two new shared community buildings.
Murlpirrmarra Connection Ltd.Indigenous Tennis and Learning Program
Increase educational outcomes for Indigenous youth by providing tennis clinics and educational support.
Red Shed - Derby Women's Collective Shire of Derby West KimberleyRed Shed: Derby Women's Collective Community Hub
Enhance women's access to skills development opportunities through training opportunities and upgrades to their new facility.

Includes more than $600,000 for Black Summer bushfire recovery

Ninety locally-led initiatives that are set to strengthen remote, rural and regional communities across Australia are sharing in $1,057,044 in funding, thanks to FRRR’s Strengthening Rural Communities (SRC) grant program.

More than $1M hits the ground in rural communities across the country

The SRC program supports a broad array of projects that address locally determined needs and priorities of smaller remote, rural, and regional communities, including places impacted by the 2019-20 bushfires.

For communities affected by the Black Summer bushfires, 34 community-led projects are sharing $602,958 in grants through SRC’s Bushfire Recovery stream of funding. These grants range from $2,618 for a communications upgrade for the Rocky Glen community in New South Wales, to $25,000 for a project that will improve the safety and security of the community hall at Tamrookum in Queensland.

A further $454,086 in grants have been awarded through SRC’s Small & Vital funding stream to 56 projects that local communities have prioritised for their long-term viability and vitality. Funding ranges from $550 for an equipment safety upgrade for the Riding for the Disabled WA group at Mount Barker in Western Australia, through to $10,000 for a grief support program for young people in Drysdale, Victoria.

Natalie Egleton, CEO of FRRR, said FRRR is seeing a wide range of requests from across the country, reflecting the diverse needs in each place.

“Rural communities continue to inspire and move forward despite the numerous difficulties they’ve faced and the uncertainty ahead. They want something to hope for, to build towards, and we continue to be here to support and celebrate their achievements and are ready to walk with them through any challenges they may be dealing with, or to harness any opportunities they have in front of them.

“With COVID-19 restrictions still being unpredictable, we want groups to know that if you have received a grant from us and, for whatever reason, you have had to delay, postpone or cancel your project, please reach out to our team. We want to work with you to adapt or redefine your project so that the funding stays in your community,” Ms Egleton explained.

With the 2021-22 bushfire season approaching, disaster preparedness is key, especially for those communities devastated by the 2019-20 bushfires.

“Being better prepared means different things for different places. For some, this means improving access to community meeting places, for others it’s ensuring they have the proper equipment and training so that volunteers can protect and support their community through a disaster event. But for some places, preparedness means completely rebuilding community infrastructure that was lost due to the bushfires,” Ms Egleton said.

“We are pleased to be able to provide this support to the communities that have been affected by the fires. And we’ll continue to support them as time goes on and their needs evolve and change.”

Some of the 90 projects awarded include:

  • Lions Club of Ulladulla Milton, NSW – FAB (Farmers at Burrill) – $14,896 – Boost local spending with improved marketing and entertainment at the farmers markets.   
  • Engawala Arts Centre Aboriginal Corporation, NT – Developing the Engawala Arts Centre – $8,595 – Facilitate the set up and development of an Arts Centre that will build tourism-based income in a very remote community.
  • The Little Pocket Association, QLD – Resilience through Nature Play – $25,000 – Support children and young families to build resilience and disaster preparedness through nature play, storytelling and strengthening connection to place.
  • Tatiara District Council, SA – Tatiara Multicultural Food Festival – $9,900 – Encourage whole community engagement and build cultural awareness through the delivery of a food festival.
  • Swansea Primary School Parents and Friends Association, TAS – Nature Play for Rural Families – $10,000 – Strengthen community connection to the natural environment and enhance educational activities for school children through the development of a Nature Play Garden area.
  • Lakes Entrance Mechanics Institute Management Committee Inc, VIC – Replacement of Furniture as part of Maintaining and Redeveloping the Lakes Entrance Mechanics Institute Hall – $17,249 – Provide a fit-for-purpose facility and help volunteers to support their community through the purchase of stackable chairs.
  • Active Farmers Ltd, WA – Active Farmers Games WA – Increasing Awareness of the Link Between Physical Activity and Improved Mental Wellbeing – $6,340 – Encourage rural communities to be physically active and more connected with inaugural WA Active Farmers Games.

The SRC program is collaboratively supported by a number of generous donors, which are listed on FRRR’s website.

The next round of SRC applications is currently being assessed and will be announced in December. The current round is accepting applications until 23 November 2021, with funds to be awarded in March 2022.

More information is available on FRRR’s website – strengthening-rural-communities/.

To support grants like this through FRRR, make a tax-deductible donation at

The full list of grant recipients and their projects are below.

Jump to: NSW | NT | QLD | SA | TAS | VIC | WA

Bushfire Recovery
Mad Proppa Deadly Indigenous CorporationReVibe - Northern NSW Music Workshop Tour (Tamworth/Armidale)
Inspire community to come together to celebrate culture through music writing, production and recording workshops.
Trustees of the Roman Catholic Church for the Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn as Trustee for Marymead Child and Family CentreRural Rugby: Resilient Recovery
Encourage young people to be active and enhance their mental health and nutrition through a school based after-school rugby enrichment program.
Campfire Co-op LtdParticipatory Leadership Training for South Coast Bushfire Affected Communities
Develop leadership skills by training community members in bushfire-impacted areas the Art of Hosting Conversations.
Bega Valley$25,000
Southcoast Health and Sustainability AlliancePower on the Move
Boost the community’s ability to respond to future disasters by purchase of a mobile generator, to be made available free of charge for use by the community.
Capital Region Community Services LimitedBungee Youth Resilience Program in Braidwood
Boost and strengthen the resilience of young people by running a creative art based program.
Lions Club of Ulladulla MiltonFAB (Farmers at Burrill)
Boost local spending with improved marketing and entertainment at the farmers markets.
Burrill Lake$14,896
Comboyne Community Association IncTowards Opening Day
Boost and strengthen the local economy by restoring the original farmhouse fireplace in the Comboyne Museum complex.
Copmanhurst Pre-School IncAboriginal Mural and Art Lessons
Improve access to local recovery activities for children and families at Copmanhurst Preschool by providing a local Indigenous artist to offer Indigenous Art classes and a mural at the centre.
Eden Community Access Centre IncBuilding Social Capital and Enhancing Social Outcomes
Boost and strengthen the local economy by employing a Resilience and Recovery Officer to help find local solutions to bushfire recovery.
Marine Rescue Merimbula
Volunteer Marine Rescue NSW
Marine Rescue Merimbula Training Computer
Boost capacity of Marine Rescue Merimbula to provide essential volunteer training through the purchase of computer equipment.
Catholic Parish of St Mary's Star of the Sea MiltonShoalhaven Rising from the Ashes - Stage 2
Boost the community’s bushfire recovery by hiring a coordinator to facilitate & create art-based community workshops.
Salt CareWarehouse Food Storage Expansion
Support for individuals and families living with disadvantage through the purchase and fit out of additional warehouse storage for distribution of needed personal and household items.
Oberon and District Museum Society IncFitout of New Forest and Timber Interpretive Center
Boost local spending in Oberon by developing the Forest and Timber Interpretive Centre.
Pambula Chamber of Commerce & Associates Inc Pambula Art Project - Stage 2
Boost and strengthen the local economy through creation and installation of art trail murals.
Borah Creek Public Hall Land ManagerSupply and Install Telstra and Optus YAGI Communications Systems in the Hall
Improve the community's ability to communicate with the outside world in cases of emergency by installing a mobile phone signal boosting antenna.
Rocky Glen$2,618
First Steps Count IncorporatedMany Hands Build, Create and Unite - Our Design Journey
Encourage people to come together and celebrate through art workshops leading to a collaborative artwork.
Manning River Aero Club IncMRAC Solar
Boost the community’s ability to respond to future disasters by installing a solar power and battery system to provide a backup in case of power failures.
One Vision Productions LimitedEMPOWER our Community
Celebrate and cultivate a sense of identity and cultural connection for Indigenous youth through Caring for Country music and film workshops.
Tweed Heads$25,000
Small & Vital
Bellingen Youth Orchestra IncorporatedVolunteer Management Strategy
Increase the sustainability and profile of Bellingen Youth Orchestra and reduce volunteer fatigue through implementing a Volunteer Management Strategy and website.
Berry Branch
Country Womens Association of NSW
Community Craft Workshops for a Sustainable Future
Boost creativity, connection and support for local artists by providing a series of sustainable craft workshops.
Forbes Public School P&C Association IncWiradjuri Mural Project at Forbes Public School
Enhance community connection and cultural identity through Forbes Public School students painting a mural with local Wiradjuri Indigenous artist.
Adavale Lane Community Centre IncorporatedLight Up and Cool Adavale Lane Community Centre
Increase community usage and functionality by lighting up and cooling down the Adavale Lane Community Hall.
Mona Magazine
Western Riverina Arts Inc
Mona Women's Magazine - Second Edition
Enhance rural women's identity, wellbeing and sense of place by printing the 2nd edition of Mona Magazine, paying for the contributors' pieces and contributing to wages for the editorial staff.
Boori Dreaming Womens GroupAwakening the Dream
Increase cultural identity and creativity through purchasing sewing machines, equipment and craft supplies for Boori Dreaming Women's Group.
Umina Beach Branch
Country Womens Association of NSW
Build Accessible Ramp
New entry and accessible bathroom with one accessible toilet and second toilet plus a shower. Increase accessibility of the Umina Beach CWA hall by installing a wheelchair accessible ramp.
Umina Beach$4,325
Tharpa Choeling IncorporatedRed Rattler Community Garden
Increase community participation and connection by converting a vintage train carriage into a new community garden.
Circartus Incorporated Governance Guidance and Review
Enhance community connection and creativity by engaging an industry- experienced governance consultant to ensure the sustainability of Circartus.
Woodstock Branch
Country Womens Association of NSW
Improving Our Street Cred
Increase community participation and functionality through the refurbishment of the Woodstock Branch CWA hall.
Small & Vital
Engawala Arts Centre Aboriginal CorporationDeveloping the Engawala Arts Centre
Facilitate the set up and development of an Arts Centre that will build tourism based income in a very remote community.
West Daly Regional CouncilWadeye, Nganmarriyanga and Peppimenarti Annual Clean-up Day
Reduce health and safety risks via a Community Clean Up Day to remove rubbish in remote communities.
Wagait Shire CouncilWagait Youth Program
Encourage young people to be physically active and participate in community activities, with Youth Group excursions and skateboard clinics.
Wagait Beach$6,000
Bushfire Recovery
The Little Pocket AssociationResilience through Nature Play
Support children and young families to build resilience and disaster preparedness through nature play, storytelling and connection to place.
Wildlife Noosa LtdNoosa Bushfire Readiness & Myna Bird Project
Support recovery from bushfires and volunteer training through purchase of a vehicle and equipment to improve disaster preparedness and conservation efforts.
Charters Towers State Emergency Service
Queensland Fire and Emergency Services
Ladder Racks for Operational Response Vehicles
Support volunteers' safety and capacity to respond to emergencies through provision of ladder racks on response vehicles.
Tamrookum Memorial Hall IncorporatedHall Restoration
Increase safety and support recovery through upgrade of community owned hall.
Tin Can Bay Community and Mens Shed IncorporatedStorage Shed
Support community recovery and wellbeing through purchase of a storage shed for materials and equipment.
Tin Can Bay$15,336
Small & Vital
Atherton Performing Arts IncAtherton Performing Arts Lighting Equipment - New Lighting Desk Console
Expand the use of the Atherton Performing Arts theatre by installing a new lighting console.
Barcaldine Rugby League Football Club Inc"Bluey Live!" Kids' Concert, Meet & Greet
Strengthen social connection and encourage culturally vibrant communities through a "Bluey Live!" kids' concert for the remote community of Barcaldine and surrounds.
Beeron Road Country Club IncBeeron Road Country Club Community Hub Development
Grow ways to support the community through refurbishment of a disused school into a vibrant rural Community Hub.
Selectability LtdSelectability Mental Health Toolbox
Improve mental health of remote communities by developing an online training course to strengthen community capacity to identify and support one another.
Cooktown School of Art Society IncComputer System Plus Reception Area Upgrade
Strengthen and increase volunteer capacity and access to online training, by installing a new computer system and reception desk.
Gloucester Sports and Recreation Ass IncOutdoor Theatre
Promote recovery centre and encourage people to come together by installing an outdoor venue screen and projector.
Hideaway Bay$10,000
Malanda Chamber of Commerce IncorporatedMalanda’s Adventure Park
Encourage children's development and increase community connection through installation of a fence around a new adventure playground.
Gidgee Healing
Mount Isa Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services Limited
Women's Group
Boost social inclusion and wellbeing through delivery of a monthly Women's Group for Indigenous women in Mount Isa.
Mount Isa$10,000
Highways and Byways LtdSeeds of Connection - Healing and Belonging Through Culture
Enhance cultural identity, resilience and wellbeing of Indigenous children and their families in Roma by providing a two week cultural immersion program for 7-12 year olds.
Care Balonne Association IncProvide Safe Accessibility Services to Care Balonne Clients and Staff
Improve the use and accessibility of the Care Balonne community hub through toilet facility upgrade.
St George$10,000
Texas Show Society Upgrade to Showground Facilities
Increase amenity and participation in community events by providing a grandstand for the Texas Showgrounds.
Bushfire Recovery
Adelaide and Hills Koala Rescue - 1300KOALAZ IncorporatedVegetation Regeneration Planting
Conserve native habitat and support recovery from 2019 bushfires through the restoration of bushland.
Cudlee Creek$24,289
Edithburgh Football Club and Sports AssocCommunity and Sporting Clubs Working to Improve Community Safety
Improve a location that provides refuge in times of emergency through the installation of water tanks.
Small & Vital
Andamooka Progress and Opalminers Association IncCommunity Facility Rationalisation & Development Project – Upgrade 'Old Community Church' to Passive Recreation Facility
Encourage community engagement and social wellbeing by enhancing facilities.
Tatiara District CouncilTatiara Multicultural Food Festival
Encourage whole community engagement and build cultural awareness through the delivery of a food festival.
Cummins & District Enterprise CommitteeWinter Wonderland - Platform for Success
Improve an organisation’s ability to support the community and strengthen the town's revenue through developing a storage shed used for the Cummins Christmas display.
Bedford Kadina
Bedford Phoenix Incorporated
Kadina Pergola and Deck for Supported Employees
Expand supported employment opportunities for people living with a disability in Kadina through the construction of pergola and deck.
The Food Embassy IncorporatedSupporting Citizens in Creating Local and Sustainable Food Systems
Provide opportunities for local people to gain knowledge about growing and consuming healthy foods, through the delivery of the Food Matters program in Strathalbyn and Milang.
Small & Vital
Lions Club of Lilydale IncorporatedLilydale Men's Community Shed
Support volunteer skill development and encourage social interaction, through the establishment of a Men's Shed in Lilydale.
Freycinet Volunteer Marine Rescue Association IncPutting You Through Now!
Boost safety and disaster preparedness by installing telecommunications hardware at a remote Marine Rescue facility.
Swansea Primary School Parents and Friends AssociationNature Play for Rural Families
Strengthen community connection to the natural environment and enhance educational activities for school children through the development of a Nature Play Garden area.
Coastal FM IncDevelopment of Recording Studio
Improve connection to community and broaden the capability of a community-run radio station through establishing a recording studio.
Bushfire Recovery
Bright Spring Festival
Bright and District Chamber of Commerce Incorporated
Bright Spring Festival Drive-In Movie
Boost a community festival by providing a family-friendly activity and support recovery from the 2019/2020 bushfires by holding a drive-in movie night.
Cassilis Recreation Reserve Committee of ManagementLiving it Up
Increase opportunities to support local connectedness and recover from the 2019/2020 bushfires through the delivery of a whole community music event.
Lakes Entrance Mechanics Institute Management Committee IncReplacement of Furniture as part of Maintaining and Redeveloping the Lakes Entrance Mechanics Institute Hall
Provide a fit-for-purpose facility and help volunteers to support their community through the purchase of stackable chairs.
Lakes Entrance$17,249
Traralgon Men's Shed and Woodworking IncMallacoota Picnic Tables and Benches
Increase connection to place and build community partnerships through the provision of outdoor furniture for Mallacoota township.
Mitta Valley Community TV IncMitta Valley Community Translator Project
Provide reliable communication transmission and safeguard the community through the upgrade of telecommunications equipment in a remote valley.
Mitta Mitta$10,000
1st Myrtleford Scout Group
The Scout Association of Australia Victorian Branch
Community is Key
Provide a refuge in times of emergency and boost an organisation's capacity to offer a fit for purpose space through the upgrade of facility.
Ramahyuck District Aboriginal CorporationRamahyuck Connection through Art Project
Promote local culture, and support health and social recovery post-bushfires for First Nations people through painting the exterior of the Ramahyuck District Aboriginal Corporation building.
Community Centre Swifts Creek IncRoofing Rescue
Improve the amenity of a community centre and create a safe, fit-for-purpose environment through the upgrade of a roof.
Swifts Creek$21,660
Wyeeboo Recreation Reserve Wyeeboo Recreation Reserve - Water Tank
Increase preparedness for future disaster events through the provision of a water tank.
Tallangatta Valley$19,555
Small & Vital
East Gippsland Ceramic Group IncFiring Up
Encourage development of skills and social connection through the purchase of a pottery kiln and wheels.
Bendigo Queer Film FestivalBendigo Queer Film Festival Post-COVID Relaunch
Foster mental health and celebrate local culture and identity for a marginalised group through the delivery of a community film festival.
Wombat's WishPost-Camp Counselling Sessions
Increase opportunities for bereavement support and improve the health, wellbeing and education outcomes for young people through the initiation of a grief support program.
Everton Primary SchoolAssisting with Cost of Construction of Outside Decking
Encourage community gathering, and children's learning and development by installing decking at the local primary school.
Mittagundi Outdoor Education CentreA Sustainable Kitchen for Mittagundi: Providing Life-Changing Experiences for Young People
Increase connection to the environment and enhance educational experiences for young people through the upgrade of a communal kitchen.
Glen Valley$3,200
Eventide Lutheran HomesGolf Buggy Funding
Support health and wellbeing and encourage positive ageing, through the purchase of a mobility aid.
The Trustee for The MAC TrustThe Mac Goes Online
Strengthen opportunities for employment, education and social engagement by providing an electronic ticket system for a community-run cinema.
Murtoa CollegeMurtoa College in Full Swing
Encourage youth engagement and improve health and wellbeing through the installation of specialised playground equipment for senior students.
Murtoa's Big Weekend
Shared Learning & Activities Murtoa Incorporated
‘Light Up’ Murtoa’s Big Weekend in 2021
Support Murtoa township's economic recovery and strengthen social engagement through the delivery of a community festival.
Repair Cafe Bellarine
Bellarine Training and Community Hub
Repair Cafe Bellarine
Increase reach of a repair cafe service through the development and delivery of social media and marketing.
Ocean Grove$2,515
Romsey Neighbourhood House IncYOUTHINK
Expand employment opportunities for youth by purchasing a barista machine for hospitality training.
Surf Coast Energy Group (SCEG)Spring Creek Sustainable Futures - Surf Coast, Victoria
Boost the community’s ability to learn about conservation management and increase connection to place through the delivery of community engagement workshops.
Yarrawonga Neighbourhood House IncConnecting our Community through Education and Information
Enhance the delivery of first aid training programs and encourage further education, by purchasing appropriate equipment that reflects real-life medical trauma.
Small & Vital
Albany Youth Support AssociationSafe Space for Homeless Youth to Sleep in Swags
Increase access to temporary housing for young people sleeping rough by enclosing verandah at emergency accommodation facility.
Live To Tell Your Story IncDjinda Ngardak - Making it My Business
Promote healthy lifestyles and improved health and wellbeing while growing opportunities for Indigenous students to pursue careers in hospitality, with week-long cooking skills camp.
Enterprise Partnerships WA LimitedPiriwa Place Making Project
Support economic opportunities for Indigenous women while increasing access to affordable clothing with expansion of innovative Op Shop project.
Balgo $10,000
Jarlmadangah Burru Aboriginal CorporationCultural Centre Entrance Improvements
Increase comfort and amenity through refurbishment of Cultural Centre’s entrance with installation of a shade sail.
Greenbushes Community Resource CentreThe New You - Working Through Change And Loss
Help people to recover and adapt through delivery of workshop on coping with change and loss.
Marble Bar Primary SchoolSTEM Education
Increase engagement in school in remote community through provision of virtual reality equipment to enhance innovative digital arts program.
Marble Bar$9,958
Riding for the Disabled WA Plantagenet Group IncEquipment Maintenance and Safety
Support riding program for children with a disability, with OH&S upgrade of trailer used for transporting riding equipment.
Mt Barker$550
Nungarin Heritage Machinery & Army Museum IncAunty Jim's (re) Store
Enhance authentic historical shop display within the Nungarin Machinery & Army Museum, with new linoleum floor coverings.
Active Farmers LtdActive Farmers Games WA - Increasing Awareness of the Link Between Physical Activity and Improved Mental Wellbeing
Encourage rural communities to be physically active and more connected with inaugural WA Active Farmers Games.

The Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR) has entered a new three-year partnership with the Kellogg Australia Charitable Foundation (KACF).

FRRR partners with the Kellogg Australia Charitable Foundation to help tackle food insecurity

Creating better days for Australians, Kellogg Australia is committed to tackling hunger and helping to create a more sustainable future for generations to come. Now, with the new partnership between KACF and FRRR, their combined efforts can help tackle hunger and build resilience in vulnerable rural and regional communities throughout the country.

Over the course of the partnership, KACF will donate $300,000 to support grants going towards low socio-economic regions in need, and disadvantaged communities facing high levels of food insecurity.

The funds will be part of FRRR’s Strengthening Rural Communities program, which aims to give small remote, rural and regional communities across Australia an opportunity to access funding to strengthen their vitality and resilience. Grants are flexible and respond to community-identified priorities, such as food security. 

In addition to the KACF funding, Kellogg Australia has also put forward in-kind support in the form of food donations, as well as skilled and unskilled volunteering from its employees.

Esme Borgelt, Managing Director Kellogg Australia, said, “The last couple of years have seen so many of our communities facing increasingly difficult times. From droughts to bushfires to a global health pandemic, the impact on everyone has been significant, and those hardest hit have been our remote, rural and regional communities.

“Almost a quarter of Australians experiencing food insecurity live in regional or remote areas and the aim of the KACF partnership with FRRR is to provide support at a grassroots level to help these communities implement innovative, locally led solutions.” 

With FRRR being the only national foundation centred on social and economic strength in remote, rural and regional Australia, the partnership will help to tackle food insecurity with the knowledge and experience of the local needs by local leaders on the ground.

Natalie Egleton, FRRR’s CEO, said, “It’s fantastic to see a leading global food manufacturer like Kellogg’s make it their overarching mission to leave a mark of meaningful difference. We are delighted to be partnering with them to ensure that support reaches vulnerable communities beyond metropolitan boundaries.

“While the grants will be awarded based on locally identified community priorities, there will be a focus on supporting food security initiatives and enterprises, food affordability and food access programs, as well as projects such as community gardens and school and educational food programs,” Ms Egleton explained.