Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR)

Funding to meet the local needs and connect communities

One hundred and twenty-nine community groups across remote, rural and regional Australia are sharing nearly $1.4 million in grants through FRRR’s flagship Strengthening Rural Communities (SRC) program.

Family of four leaning on wire fence in front of the Glastonbury Hall.
Glastonbury Hall & Recreation Association Inc used their SRC grant, awarded in 2022, to create a safer and more secure space at the Hall by establishing it as a Disaster Centre Hub.

Awarded via three streams of funding, SRC grants support small and vital projects, like upgrades to the community pool in Cummins, SA; COVID recovery projects, such as creating an arts and cultural precinct in the remote community of Tully, QLD; and disaster preparedness or recovery initiatives, like providing culturally informed, trauma-responsive community healing days for the flood-affected community of Lismore, NSW.

FRRR received a record 450 applications for this round of SRC funding, requesting more than $4.5 million in grants for projects valued at more than $19 million. The team has worked hard to shorten the time between applying and awarding SRC grants, with these grants being awarded just nine weeks after the round closed.

Jill Karena, FRRR’s Place Portfolio Lead, says that there is an increasing need for FRRR to fill gaps in areas that may have previously relied on funding from government incentives or programs or support from local businesses.

“The SRC program is flexible and open year-round, meaning it can lean in when Government and other agencies lean out. This access to continued funding opportunities is especially vital in communities that are moving beyond the immediate threats and response to natural disasters and other shocks.

“This round, we have seen increased applications from the organisers of community events, such as local agricultural shows, as some local governments are reducing their annual funding support. We also saw increased funding requests from smaller more remote communities that are a seeking to boost the local economy by developing activities and events to encourage overnight stays from visitors who would otherwise pass through. We also noticed an increase in applications from fringe metro areas and inner rural communities, which seems to indicate that they too are facing diminishing funding opportunities,” she said.

Unmet need continues in small communities

In addition to the 129 initiatives awarded grants, there were a further 85 funding-ready projects, requesting more than $900,000, that FRRR did not have the funds to support. This highlights the importance of small grants to remote, rural and regional community groups and is why FRRR is seeking new partners so that the Foundation can fund more projects in the future.

“Given the uncertainty of the current financial landscape, groups have told us that they value having access to timely secured funding to support medium to long term goals, as well as initiatives that respond to present needs and priorities.

“These are the projects that create a sense of place and identity, and the people and organisations that make these inspiring projects happen need our support. SRC grants provide leverage as they demonstrate to other funders that the projects have value and are supported. But to be able to fund more of them, we need to bring in additional collaborative funders. So we invite all those who want to see a thriving remote, rural and regional Australia to join us to support local initiatives. They really do make a difference,” Ms Karena said.

The SRC program is collaboratively supported by donors, ranging from private individuals to larger foundations, who are acknowledged on the SRC program page.

FRRR always accepts applications to this program, which awards funds around four times a year. Local not-for-profit organisations and community groups are encouraged to review the program guidelines and apply. More information about the SRC program is available at

The full list of grant recipients and their projects are below.

SRC Round 20 - April 2024
Small & Vital
Arthur Butler Aviation Museum ABAM Management Plan
Create a management plan for the aerodrome to develop future facilities, enhancing Tooraweenah's appeal as a destination and boosting tourism.
Colly Gamilaraay Indigenous CorporationCollarenebri Community Cultural Festival
Celebrate traditional and contemporary Aboriginal culture from across the region through a one-day multi-arts and sporting festival addressing cultural isolation.
Connecting With Bricks IncMobile LEGO® Brick Pits
Expand organisational capacity and provide equal access to educational and social enrichment tools with mobile Lego brick-building pits for hire by rural schools, libraries, and community groups.
Parkes & District Historical Society IncWiradjuri Cultural Storage Facility and Workspace
Create an engaging space to learn about Parkes' historical and cultural stories by purchasing a shipping container to showcase the extensive Wiradjuri artefact collection.
Southern Youth and Family Services LimitedLaptops for Learners - Cooma
Enable disadvantaged homeless high school students in the Cooma area to fully participate in their school education by providing laptops to complete their studies.
The Trustee for The Salvation Army (NSW) Property TrustSalvos Community Connect - Engagement Space
Boost community connection by purchasing safe, accessible chairs for morning tea gatherings that engage isolated or lonely residents.
Warren Chamber Music Festival Incorporated

Singing Your Stories
Enhance community wellbeing and capture local history creating and recording songs from storytelling sessions with the elderly and other community members.

Prepare & Recover - 2019/2020 Bushfire Recovery
Mann River Men's Shed IncMann River Shed Electrical System
Support bushfire recovery by installing electricity in the workshop building to make it fit for purpose as a Men's Shed, a community meeting space and shelter for future disasters.
Playability Incorporated Creating an Inclusive Children's Playground
Contribute to bushfire recovery by upgrading outdoor facilities to create an abilities and culturally inclusive children’s playground.
ADRA Wauchope Community Connect led by ADRA Wauchope Community Connect Adventist Development and Relief Agency Australia LtdADRA Wauchope Community Connect
Support bushfire recovery by purchasing a food trailer to continue delivering a food service to vulnerable local residents.
Courabyra Public Hall Land ManagerCourabyra Hall Storage Infrastructure
Contribute to bushfire preparedness and increase capacity to serve as a central resource hub by building new storage areas for food, perishables, and additional safety equipment.
Friends of Tenterfield Aerodrome IncTenterfield Aerodrome Disaster Resilience Project
Enhance bushfire preparedness by constructing a shed to store aerodrome maintenance and firefighting equipment.
Nambucca Valley Radio led by Nambucca Valley Radio Radio Nambucca IncTewinga Community Centre Disaster Preparedness Project
Enhance bushfire preparedness by purchasing essential disaster equipment and providing emergency training for volunteers and the community.
Narooma Oyster Festival LimitedFeasibility, Best Practice, Economic Impact Study and Business Case Proposal
Enhance organisational capacity in a bushfire-impacted community by engaging industry experts to research and advise on a sustainable self-funding business model for Farmgate and Shellor Door Oyster education and tasting centre.
Narooma Surf Life Saving Club IncVideo and Audio Conferencing System 
Enhance bushfire recovery and improve communication during emergencies with a new by video and audio conference system at Narooma Surf Life Saving Club.
Social Justice Advocates of the Sapphire Coast IncorporatedSocial Justice Advocates Youth Convenor: A Dedicated Mission
Engage a young person to lead workshops and collaboration with diverse young people to build on the youth-focussed bushfire recovery work to address other local l social justice issues
Bega Valley$24,309
Southcoast Health and Sustainability AllianceHeatwave and Wood Smoke Haven Anglican Church Batemans Bay: Stage 2
Enhance bushfire preparedness by installing hybrid solar technology, ensuring continuous power during grid outages for the building to operate as a bushfire and extreme weather refuge.
Batemans Bay$24,952
Surf Life Saving Lower North Coast Branch Incorporated4WD to Maximise Emergency and Disaster Response Capability
Contribute to bushfire preparedness and recovery by purchasing a 4WD vehicle for the Surf Life Saving Lower North Coast Branch to maximise emergency and disaster response capability.
Taree, Hallidays Point$25,000
Tabulam Public Hall Reserve Land ManagerLaptop and Printer Acquisition
Streamline evacuation centre operations during disasters with a new laptop and printer.
The Valley Centre for Environmental Education and Research IncorporatedHeart & Humility - Supporting the Creation of a Cultural Fire Hub
Facilitate two workshops to establish a community-driven cultural fire hub, promoting cultural burning, and emphasising knowledge transfer and leadership roles for Elders.
Prepare & Recover - 2022 Flood Recovery
Backtrack Works LtdDisaster Recovery Response Crews
Boost flood recovery and preparedness by upskilling young people as a fast response resource in times of natural disaster.
Ettrick Hall Committee IncorporatedThe Safe Hub
Boost flood preparedness by purchasing a generator for the Safe Hub.
Hillston Creative Arts Council IncorporatedRed Dust and Paddy Melons Community Gallery
Re-stumping and stabilisation project Support repairs to a community-owned heritage gallery and information centre damaged by severe weather and floods.
Northern Rivers Community Healing HubHealing Hub : Wellness Wednesdays
Provide culturally informed, trauma-responsive community healing days for flood-affected individuals over seven months in a supportive environment.
Proprietor Bundgeam Pre-School IncBundgeam Prepared and Safe
Enhance the existing community disaster safe space by purchasing a defibrillator, upgrading pumps for flood mitigation, and fireproofing the building.
The Colony Bees Association IncPollinate Country
Establish and maintain 30 new beehive nesting sites to restore pollination to native plants and crops affected by recent floods.
Lennox Head$8,800
Tyalgum District Community Association IncImproving Safety Through Communication
Improve communication for flood preparedness and recovery by installing a mobile repeater, linkage repeater and solar charge system.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Big Brothers - Big Sisters Australia LimitedBig Brothers Big Sisters Tumut
Address isolation, loneliness and disengagement of young people after the pandemic through training 10 new volunteer mentors for the Tumut Big Brothers Big Sisters program.
Community Resources LimitedHelping Hands – Community Outreach Project
Ameliorate post-pandemic isolation experienced by seniors by employing a short-term coordinator and two staff members to facilitate a welfare and education outreach program.
Coonamble Golf Club LtdLittle Links: A Playful Oasis at Coonamble Golf Club
Enhance social cohesion and provide a safe and family-friendly place to gather in a remote region post-COVID-19 through the construction of a playground at a community hub.
Edward River Art Society IncoporatedRiverbend Gallery
Encourage visitation and boost community engagement with visual arts and culture post-pandemic with marketing support for exhibitions and events at a community gallery.
Eurobodalla Chamber OrchestraEnhancing Public Performance
Enhance the post-pandemic capacity of a chamber orchestra to perform at outdoor venues through the purchase of robust music stands and sheet music covers.
Batemans Bay$2,748
Fungi Feastival Association IncorporatedFungi Feastival 2024
Unite diverse sectors of the community, reduce social isolation, and encourage tourism post-pandemic through the hosting of the expanded Fungi Feastival with expert guest speakers.
Batemans Bay$8,000
Grafton Community Shed IncorporatedMachinery Upgrade
Increase organisational capacity, reduce social isolation and encourage new membership of a community shed by purchasing new woodworking and metalworking equipment.
Hope Bathurst IncorporatedHopeCare Community Garden Expansion
Build organisational capacity of a community garden and improve access to fresh food post-COVID-19 through establishing new fruit trees and raised garden beds.
Lions Club of Boorowa IncNew Storage Shed - Stage 1
Support the operation of an increasingly busy, volunteer-run driver reviver van by laying a concrete slab for the van storage shed.
Molong Historical Society IncorporatedUpgrade of Artefacts Storage Facility
Encourage visitation post-pandemic through upgrading an artefact storage facility to effectively house museum exhibits and allow the acquisition of further items.
Moree Plains Shire CouncilFanny Lumsden's Country Hall's Tour
Enhance community morale and recovery post-pandemic and inspire local musicians by facilitating the visit of Fanny Lumsden’s Country Halls Tour to a small remote community.
Nimbin Health & Welfare Assoc IncNimbin Mental Wealth Expo '24
Increase awareness of mental health services and enhance wellbeing post-pandemic through hosting an inclusive interagency Mental Wealth Expo.
RiverSmart Australia LimitedA Better Path to WOW Relaunch
Increase tourism and the safety of post-pandemic visitors by building a concrete coach-disembarking point and accessible pathway.
Skillset LimitedCareer Connections
Pilot a workplace learning program by connecting year 10 students with businesses for work placement opportunities addressing barriers faced by disadvantaged students post-pandemic.
Tamworth Regional Craft Centre IncorporationTamworth Regional Craft Centre Incorporation (TRCCI)
Accessibility ramp to club house Build an accessible and compliant ramp to encourage increased participation in activities at a community arts centre.
The Rotary Club of Uralla IncorporatedBundarra Garden Festival
Enhance community reconnection, tourism, and economic recovery post-pandemic through promoting and creating signage for a garden festival.
Tumbarumba Men's Shed IncSpindle Moulder
Purchase  install and commission fit-for-purpose woodworking equipment to enhance a the Men’s Shed ability to safely recycle bushfire-recovered and salvaged timber for use in community projects after COVID-19.
Small & Vital
Marrakai Volunteer Bushfire Brigade IncorporatedEnhancing Prescribed Burn Capabilities: ATV Buggy Acquisition Project
Purchase a specialised all-terrain vehicle to support volunteers to increase the number and safety of prescribed burns to protect the community.
The Trustee for Karrkad-Kanjdji TrustWarddeken and Walaaybaa Ranger Exchange
Enhance community capacity for cultural and environmental preservation by sharing knowledge across Indigenous Ranger groups through a ranger exchange.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Enterprise Learning ProjectsImpact North Cowork Upgrades for Community Events
Support remote Indigenous entrepreneurs and organisations to connect and learn post-pandemic by purchasing outdoor furniture, equipment, and signage to establish a culturally appropriate events and meeting space.
Small & Vital
Burdekin Woodcrafts Association IncorporatedProvide Additional Storage Area for Burdekin Woodcrafters
Support the purchase and fit out of a storage facility for donated wood, increasing the groups’ capacity to support community initiatives and reducing environmental waste.
Clermont Kindergarten Day Care Centre Association IncorporatedKindy Gym / Obstacle Course Project
Provide outdoor play facilities for preschool children, supporting the development of physical skills, coordination, and balance.
Etheridge Cares IncMowers to Maintain Yards for Seniors
Purchase mowing equipment to provide at-home mowing services for elderly residents, supporting them to live independently in the community.
Isisford Primary P&C AssociationDancing Lessons in the Dirt and Dust
Foster community connection by providing after-school dance lessons for children in an isolated community, culminating in a public performance.
Millmerran Academy of Performing Arts IncWhat's the MAPA
Support a series of creative arts workshops and events to foster youth engagement with the arts, improving social outcomes and youth resilience.
Peak Crossing Public Hall Association IncorporatedPerimeter Fence Around Peak Crossing Public Hall
Install a perimeter fence around a public hall to create a safe and welcoming space that will facilitate increased community use.
Peak Crossing$10,000
QCWA Branch JacksonBack Yard Blitz
Undertake landscaping works to improve safety and amenity of a local CWA hall, ensuring the community has access to a comfortable and safe gathering space.
Returned & Services League of Australia (Queensland Branch) Gin Gin Sub-Branch IncNew Fridge for Gin Gin RSL Sub Branch
Replace worn out and inefficient fridge at the local RSL to ensure the safe storage of food for social events and activities that connect elderly residents.
Gin Gin$2,750
Returned & Services League of Australia (Queensland Branch) Wondai Sub-Branch IncMaintaining Wondai RSL Sub Branch Memorial Park
Purchase a ride-on mower to enable older volunteers to maintain a local memorial park that Council has handed over to the group to manage for community use.
Prepare & Recover - 2022 Flood Recovery
Wujal Wujal Aboriginal CouncilWujal Wujal Prepare and Recover Project
Build preparedness for future climate related disasters in a community impacted by Cyclone Jasper by purchasing emergency generators, lighting, portable cooking equipment and swags.
Wujal Wujal$25,000
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Artworks Granite Belt IncUpgrade of Facility
Boost the capacity of a volunteer-run community cafe to provide training and employment opportunities post-pandemic by upgrading commercial kitchen equipment.
Babinda Community Kindergarten IncMeeting Place
Reduce social isolation post COVID-19 by creating an inclusive outdoor community meeting space protected from the elements by a gazebo.
Mt Perry Show Society IncMt Perry Showgrounds Maintenance and Upkeep
Support the post COVID-19 development of a site for community events and a new caravan park by purchasing a ride-on lawn mower.
Mount Perry$10,000
Noorama Sports and Recreation Centre IncKitchen Renovations
Reduce social isolation in a very remote community post-COVID 19 by upgrading kitchen facilities at their only community hub.
Rathdowney and District Memorial Grounds Association IncorporatedTelehealth Room
Provide discreet access to vital healthcare and social-support services post-pandemic by creating a private, dedicated telehealth room at a community hub in an isolated regional area.
Ravenshoe Community Centre IncRavenshoe Community Garden
Strengthen social connection, provide access to fresh food, and sustain the work of volunteers at a community garden after the pandemic through the purchase of a trailer and improved garden soil.
Stella CommunityBowen Community Garden
Support the creation of a new inclusive community garden to provide access to fresh food and encourage social cohesion post-pandemic through the purchase of raised garden beds, soil, and garden equipment.
The Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre IncorporatedCommunity Skills Boost
Facilitate a low-cost leadership program to support members of community organisations in the social service sector to build skills and capability to address local challenges post-pandemic.
Hervey Bay$7,850
Theodore Early Childhood Centre Association IncTECCA Bonanza Project
Support community reconnection, economic recovery, and organisational sustainability post-pandemic by holding a family-friendly rodeo event.
Tully Arts and Cultural Precinct led by Tully Arts and Cultural Precinct Tully Support Centre IncTully Arts and Cultural Precinct - Community Consultation and Planning (TACP-CCP)
Support the creation of an arts and cultural precinct in a remote community post-COVID-19 by engaging the community in developing a strategic plan.
Small & Vital
Cummins Memorial Recreation Centre IncCummins and District War Memorial Swimming Pool Redevelopment
Support community wellbeing and water safety with upgrades at a remote community pool that offers vital learn-to-swim programs.
Inman Valley Community & Memorial Hall Association IncorporatedKeep Us Cool at the Inman Valley Memorial Hall
Increase hall usage by installing a split system to provide a comfortable, safe, and welcoming community meeting space.
Inman Valley$10,000
Mintaro Progress Association IncMintaro Seniors a Connected Community
Foster social connections and increase community wellbeing and resilience by providing a series of activities and workshops for older people.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Balaklava Town Hall Management Committee IncorporatedSound Upgrade Stage 2
Bolster post-pandemic organisational recovery and improve community access to the arts by upgrading audio equipment to provide quality sound at a community theatre and concert venue.
Carrackalinga Board of ManagementImproving Functional Use of Carrickalinga House Senior Citizens Facility
Encourage greater use of a community facility and increase safety, hygiene, and accessibility post-pandemic through floor resurfacing and installing a commercial-grade benchtop dishwasher.
Victor Harbor$10,000
Milang and District Community Association IncorporatedLakeside Butter Factory Cafe & Catering Social Enterprise
Boost the capacity of a new social enterprise cafe to provide training and employment opportunities in the community post-pandemic through the purchase of commercial kitchen equipment.
Riding for the Disabled Association SA IncRevival of Riding for The Disabled on the Yorke Peninsula
Support the re-establishment of a Riding for the Disabled group closed due to lack of volunteers post-pandemic through fortnightly transport of horses to provide social and therapeutic activities for those living with disability.
Southern Yorke Peninsula Community Hub IncorporatedSupporting our SYP Community
Foster life-long learning, community resilience and cohesion post-COVID-19, through a series of digital literacy workshops and technical assistance for disadvantaged community members.
Small & Vital
Brighton Community Food HubExpansion Project - Food to Families
Enhance the capacity of a growing emergency food relief program by upgrading equipment and covering volunteer travel costs to aid vulnerable residents.
Dignity Supported Community Gardening IncDIGnity Gardening Sessions
Improve health and wellbeing outcomes through a therapeutic gardening program supporting vulnerable, marginalised and socially isolated community members.
Dodges Ferry$9,240
Freycinet Volunteer Marine Rescue Association IncPE-ER: Protective Equipment - Efficient Radio
Support community safety and enhance organisational capacity during emergencies by upgrading communication equipment and protective clothing.
Huon Valley Police & Community Youth Club IncCommunity Café
Skill development for disengaged and at-risk young people through the establishment of a youth led café at local community centre.
St Helens Marine Rescue Association IncorporatedMarine Rescue Capability Extension
Strengthen capability of an emergency service and support the work of volunteers through the upgrade of telecommunication equipment and safety jackets.
St Helens$7,260
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Folk Federation of Tasmania Incorporated led by Mount Roland Folk FederationMount Roland Folk Festival 2024
Increase community engagement post-pandemic by collaborating with the local school, and by offering free and discounted concerts featuring local and emerging artists.
Mount Roland Land Care IncReconnecting Kentish: Building Organisational Capacity
Develop organisational and volunteer capacity post-pandemic via the delivery of first aid, traffic management and mental health training and the purchase of appropriate PPE and tools.
The Derwent Catchment Project IncHamilton Resource Centre Upgrade
Enhance connectivity, boost organisational capacity, and improve a collaborative space post-COVID-19 by installing video conferencing equipment in a community resource centre.
Small & Vital
Strzelecki Public Hall Incorporated Heating for Our Hall
Increase the use of the community hall by installing a climate control split system to make the meeting space more comfortable, safe, and welcoming.
Ararat Men's Shed IncMetal Lathe
Improve older men's mental health by purchasing equipment to encourage new members, enhance shed skills and provide a greater community service.
Benalla HealthBenalla Grow Your Own
Establish a network of community worm farms to provide compost for a sustainable community food garden supporting vulnerable residents.
Birchip Neighbourhood House IncConnecting and Learning: Food, Fun and Fellowship
Enhance senior citizens' health and social wellbeing and foster intergenerational connections by hosting 10 monthly community lunches in Birchip.
Friends of Morwell National Park IncFeeling Chirpy: A Bird Book for Morwell National Park
Enhance community connections, social wellbeing and understanding of local biodiversity by creating a citizen-led, plain-English, local bird guidebook.
Jeeralang Junction$5,000
Maffra Golf ClubClubroom Renovation
Boost opportunities for social connection in a community meeting space by upgrading furniture and re-painting a function room hired for training activities, functions, and events.
Numurkah Community Learning Centre IncGrowing Community
Improve the viability of the community hub’s food garden with new equipment and greenhouse, ensuring year-round produce to provide local access to nutritious food via a food relief pantry.
Tatura Civic Halls Committee IncorporatedKeep the Power Safe and On
Create a safe and compliant space for meetings and activities by upgrading the electrical system at the community owned Tatura Civic Hall Complex.
Tyntyndyer Homestead IncorporatedRide-on Mower
Enhance tourism and cultural awareness of Watti Watti First Nations and colonial history by purchasing a mower to assist volunteers to maintain the visitor precinct grounds.
U3A Colac Otway IncorporatedFilipino Cultural Event
Foster opportunities for cross-cultural connection and enhance older people’s social wellbeing through a Victorian Seniors Festival community meal event in Colac.
Yarrawonga Mulwala Men's ShedFuture Building
Enhance a volunteer program for men's physical and social health by purchasing machinery for workshop expansion and new chairs for meetings and activities.
Yea Agricultural Pastoral and Horticultural SocietyNew Water Supply
Improve access to water for users of the reserve by installing new water outlets, supporting tourism, social connection, and community safety.
Prepare & Recover - 2019/2020 Bushfire Recovery
Cabbage Tree Public HallEmergency Equipment Shed: Construction and Completion
Boost disaster preparedness and bushfire recovery capacity by installing a storage shed for emergency equipment at a public reserve.
Cabbage Tree Creek$22,694
Duduroa Dhargal Aboriginal CorporationRyans Lagoon Wetlands – Caring and Reviving Culture and Country Hub
Strengthen bushfire preparedness and improve safety by purchasing a ride on mower to maintain scrub and grassland on nationally significant wetlands.
Swifts Creek Recreation Reserve Committee of ManagementMaintenance of the Swifts Creek Recreation Reserve
Enhance disaster readiness and volunteer support in a bushfire-affected shire by purchasing a ride-on mower to maintain a reserve and safeguard a community space.
Swifts Creek$25,000
Warrigunya Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander CorporationMaintaining Warrigunya Against Potential Fire Threats
Improve disaster preparedness in a bushfire impacted region and support skill development by purchasing a tractor and slasher to maintain grassland.
Prepare & Recover - 2022 Flood Recovery
RFDS Community Transport, Rochester led by RFDS Community Transport, Rochester Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia (Victorian Section)Volunteer Engagement and Community Recovery
Enhance volunteer support and health outcomes for flood-impacted residents by engaging a program support worker to coordinate medical appointments via the RFDS transport program.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Threatened Species Conservancy IncEnhancing Mallee Emu-Wren and Mallee Bird Conservation
Support community reconnection post-pandemic, by delivering interactive community information sessions on conserving habitats for the Mallee Emu-Wren and other threatened Mallee birds.
Avenel ActiveAvenel 'Get Me to the Shops' Community Transport Project
Reduce social isolation, increase independence, and enhance wellbeing post-pandemic by providing weekly volunteer-assisted bus shopping trips for residents who are elderly, frail or with restricted mobility.
Beaufort Agricultural Society IncEnhance Storage for the Beaufort Show
Sustain community events post-COVID-19 and improve participant and volunteer safety by installing roller doors on a storage area and agricultural show livestock shed.
Bella A'Capella led by Bella A'Capella Echuca-Moama Arts InitiativeSpring Sing Workshop
Support post-pandemic creative recovery of Northern Victoria's community choirs, enhancing greater group connection, by facilitating a singing workshop in Echuca.
Gargarro Botanic Garden LtdMower for Gargarro Botanic Garden
Improve safety and workload of volunteers’ post-pandemic by purchasing a reliable ride-on mower to maintain grounds and boost visitation of a garden complex in Girgarre.
Gnarly NeighboursSocial Enterprise Fit-Out
Increase opportunities for disadvantaged young people to build skills, knowledge, and connection post-pandemic through a fit-out at a social enterprise to create a skate store, coffee area and chill space.
Hindmarsh Shire CouncilReconnecting Small Communities through Films and Music
Enhance reconnection opportunities post-pandemic for seniors with limited capacity for travel through a series of film screenings and concerts being held in their own community.
Kiewa Valley Community Garden led by Kiewa Valley Community Garden Lions Club of Upper Kiewa Valley IncKiewa Valley Community Garden Inclusive Seating Project
Increase opportunities for projects, activities, and social connection post-pandemic by providing durable seating and tables at a community garden hub.
Melville Forest Community Centre IncMelville Forest Hall Restoration & Refresh
Enhance a community hub through paint, flooring, and air-conditioning upgrades to create a welcoming and financially sustainable venue for events and activities that encourage post-pandemic reconnection.
Melville Forest$10,000
Murtoa’s Big Weekend Event Committee led by Murtoa’s Big Weekend Event Committee Murtoa Events IncorporatedMurtoa - A Land of Wonder
Foster social connection tourism and creative COVID-19 recovery by enabling local artists to collaborate with the community to create a lakeside lighting installation for Murtoa’s Big Weekend event.
RDA - Swan Hill led by RDA - Swan Hill Riding for the Disabled Association of Victoria IncFencing Upgrade Project
Boost the capacity of the organisation to provide safe therapeutic equestrian activities post-pandemic through essential fencing upgrades at their site located next to a busy highway.
Swan Hill$9,304
St Mary's Primary School Parents and Friends Association led by St Mary's Primary School Parents and Friends Association Sea LakeSt Mary's Sea Lake Gala Day
Encourage community connection and address social and geographical isolation post-pandemic by reviving an inclusive Gala Day, providing entertainment and activities for all ages.
Sea Lake$7,000
Trafalgar Holden Museum IncHolden Heritage Centre Display Cabinets
Sustain the Holden Heritage Centre and their work post-pandemic, encouraging greater visitation to the area by installing display cabinets to securely exhibit and preserve artefacts.
Wangaratta Symphony Orchestra IncorporatedWangaratta Sounds Under Light - Shining a Light on Regional Music!
Promote social connection and support creative recovery post-pandemic by facilitating a unique concert and light show at an iconic local cathedral during the Wangaratta Festival of Jazz and Blues.
Wollangarra IncA Strong and Trained Volunteer Team
Reignite a program at a youth education centre post-COVID-19, boosting organisational capacity through training activities to increase volunteers’ knowledge and skills.
Small & Vital
Collie Men's Shed IncLean-to and Wood Storage Area
Build an all-weather working and wood storage area to enable members to work safely on outdoor projects.
Dandaragan Community Centre ManagementCommittee IncorporatedStorage Cupboards for Change Rooms
Install storage at local community centre to increase community use and flexibility of the space.
Friends of Bibbawarra Bore Aboriginal CorporationBibbawarra Bore Reconciliation and Land Care Project
Support development of an ecotourism business case for locally led restoration of historic hot springs.
Lower Coastal Community Association IncLower Coastal Community Bus
Establish an accessible and affordable community bus service in an area without existing public transport.
Society of Kimberley Indigenous Plants and Animals led by Society of Kimberley Indigenous Plants and Animals Environs KimberleyHome for SKIPA
Support the development of an indigenous plant nursery, enhancing volunteer capacity to rehabilitate local environments.
Prepare & Recover - 2022/2023 Cyclone & Flooding Recovery
Marra Worra Worra Aboriginal CorporationPreparing and Protecting Fitzroy Crossing
Enhance disaster preparedness with back-up emergency food supplies for remote communities in a region severely impacted by Cyclone Ellie.
Fitzroy Crossing$24,500
Prepare & Recover - 2021 Cyclone & Flooding Recovery
Kalbarri Men's Shed IncConstructing a Community Garden
Establish a community garden as part of a new multi-use facility, fostering social connections and community resilience in the recovery from Cyclone Seroja.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Bridgetown's Grumpy Old Men IncUpgrade Dust Extraction System
Strengthen organisational capacity to provide safe working conditions and attract new men’s shed members post-pandemic, by purchasing mobile dust extractors for use with woodworking equipment.
Great Southern Community Legal ServicesGreat Southern Community Legal Service Digital Enhancement Project
Improve the post-pandemic capacity of a community legal service to provide video-based legal consultations by furnishing three hybrid meeting spaces.
Leeman Green Head Community Resource Centre IncorporatedResilient Roof Restoration: Safeguarding Community Resources
Sustain the work of a community resource centre experiencing increased demand for its services post-COVID 19 by undertaking essential roof repairs.
Pemberton Youth Emergency Service CadetsPemberton Youth Emergency Services Development Project
Boost organisational and volunteer capacity post-pandemic by equipping the Youth Emergency Services cadet program with appropriate PPE and storage equipment.
Ravensthorpe Wildflower Show IncCelebrating Together - Finding Out More
Support community reconnection and upskill volunteers post-pandemic by facilitating a native wildflower show opening and holding a series of free community flora identification workshops led by a botanist.
Shire of DalwallinuDalwallinu Community Celebration
Enhance post-pandemic economic and social recovery in a remote community by hosting a community celebration at the culmination of Wattle Week to boost overnight stays and social connections.
Shire of KondininHyden Railway Barrack Restoration
Enhance community spirit and tourism post-COVID-19 by providing interpretive signage to complete the restoration of the town's oldest intact building which has been relocated to a prominent new site.

FRRR has awarded $1,340,387 in grants to 131 local groups across remote, rural and regional Australia for projects that support small yet vital community needs, disaster resilience and recovery and COVID-19 recovery initiatives.

The Geeveston Community Centre in Tasmania, received a $9,419 SRC grant in early 2022 to support the development of a micro-farm project.

The grants are awarded through FRRR’s Strengthening Rural Communities (SRC) program, via one of three streams of funding: Small & Vital (S&V), Prepare & Recover (P&R), or the Rebuilding Regional Communities (RRC).

Collaboratively funded by donors ranging from private individuals to larger foundations, the SRC program supports a diverse range of initiatives across remote, rural and regional Australia. While each of the 131 awarded projects meets a unique local need, all funded initiatives have one thing in common – they each have a clear and direct benefit to the community and to those living locally.

Jill Karena, Place Portfolio Lead at FRRR, said it is truly inspiring to see the determination and resilience of community groups and local leaders, who continue to front up and strive for a stronger, and sustainable, rural Australia.

“In this round of SRC grants, we’ve seen a shift in project focus, with a significant increase in initiatives that address the wellbeing and sustainability of community organisations. The majority of these grants are for practical, infrastructure-related projects that will enable local groups in rural places to continue to provide vital services, and ensure community spaces are safe, secure and welcoming.

“Our RRC team continues to coordinate the new webinar series to support applicants called, ‘The Know and The How’. Clearly there’s a strong community appetite for topics that address fundamental issues for the not-for-profit sector, as the third session, focusing on strategic planning for community organisations, has already been booked out twice!” Ms Karena said.

“This is why we continue to see new, and returning, not-for-profits and community groups from remote, rural and regional communities across Australia applying for these grants. In fact, for nearly one third of recipients, in just this round of funding alone, this is the first time that they’ve applied for an FRRR grant.

“For those organisations that are previous grant recipients, the SRC program’s straight-forward application process, and the flexibility of the grants to fund local needs, are just some of the reasons they continue to apply for SRC grants.

“These grants may be relatively small, but they can make a mighty difference to a rural community! That’s why the focus of our end of year fundraising campaign is on small grants. All donations are gratefully received, no matter how small, as this program is needed more than ever,” Ms Karena explained.

Small & Vital

The S&V stream offers grants up to $10,000 for projects that strengthen community connections and meet local priorities.

In total, this round sees $380,177 in grants awarded to 48 local groups and NFPs through the S&V stream.

Three of the 48 projects funded through the S&V stream include:

  • St John Ambulance Australia NT Inc – Wurrumiyanga, NT – Increase access to life-saving equipment by providing defibrillators in three remote communities across the Tiwi Islands. $9,518
  • Nuriootpa War Memorial Swimming Pool Working Group (auspiced by Nuriootpa Futures Association) – Nuriootpa, SA – Expand opportunities for social connection and access for all-abilities through the installation of accessibility steps at a community pool. $10,000
  • Kilcunda Community Development Association Incorporated – Kilcunda, VIC – Improve access at a community gathering space and provide a safe, inclusive venue for older citizens by upgrading the entrance and deck at the Kilcunda Hall. $10,000

Prepare & Recover

In this round, 40 community organisations are sharing $627,307 in grants through the P&R stream. These funds will support rural communities impacted by climate-related disasters including the 2019-20 Black Summer bushfires and the 2021-22 East Coast Australia flooding, plus other storm events.

The P&R stream awards grants up to $25,000 for local preparedness, recovery and resilience-building initiatives.

Three of the 40 projects funded through the P&R stream include:

  • St Helens Neighbourhood House Association Inc – St Helens, TAS – Improve the mental, physical and social health of a community recovering from bushfire and flood disasters through community garden activities and workshops. $25,000
  • Positive Change for Marine Life Limited – Brunswick Heads, NSW – Prepare for future climate-related impacts by delivering a community-led riparian restoration program in the flood-impacted Brunswick River to stabilise riverbanks and restore wetland vegetation. $24,941
  • Kalbarri Development Association Incorporated – Kalbarri, WA – Strengthen peoples’ connections and support SES volunteers to recover from the impacts of Cyclone Seroja by holding an event celebrating the community’s resilience. $22,500

Rebuilding Regional Communities – supporting COVID-19 recovery

Funded by the Australian Government, the RRC stream supports remote, rural and regional communities as they continue their COVID-19 recovery journey. This round, grants up to $10,000 were on offer, with $332,903 awarded to 43 local organisations, including:

  • MultiSkill Centre Ltd – Cloncurry, QLD – Provide mental health training to staff to enable them to better support disengaged young people accessing services after COVID-19. $9,316
  • Bellingen Youth Orchestra Incorporated – Bellingen, NSW – Rebuild connections, reduce social isolation and foster a stronger, more resilient community after COVID-19 by purchasing musical instruments and making them available to disadvantaged young people. $10,000
  • Warrnambool & District Community Hospice Inc – Warrnambool, VIC – Sustain the work of volunteers after COVID-19 through the development of a volunteer education and engagement program. $5,000

The SRC program is collaboratively supported by many generous donors, who are acknowledged on the FRRR website.

FRRR always accepts applications to this program, which awards funds roughly four times a year. Local NFPs and community groups are encouraged to review the program guidelines and apply. More information about the SRC program is available at To support grants like this through FRRR, make a tax-deductible donation at

A full list of grant recipients is detailed below.

SRC Round 16 - June 2023
Small & Vital
Clifton Community Food Garden IncorporatedHealthy Cooking for One
Provide a series of weekly, simple, healthy and affordable cooking workshops to build social connections and cooking skills to support people struggling with the increasing cost of living.
Sanctuary Point$4,570
CWA of NSW Collie Day
Evening Branches Country Women's Association of NSW
Collie CWA Cultivating Community Connections
Create a functional and welcoming space for the community by installing a shade structure and plumbing to supply rainwater at the Collie CWA Hall.
Dunedoo Historical Museum IncDigitising of Museum Catalogue
Digitise all items in the Dunedoo Museum to provide an accurate, easily shared catalogue, expanding its use and value to the community.
Murrin Bridge Preschool Association Keeping Our Kids Safe
Contribute to the renovation of the Murrin Bridge preschool by installing a fence around the new playground, keeping the children safe and creating an inclusive community space.
Murrin Bridge$10,000
Nambucca Valley Phoenix LimitedPhoenix Work Crew
Purchase equipment for the Phoenix Work Crew to support the employment of people with disabilities.
The Colony Bees Association IncPollinate Country
Collaborate with community members, schools, local and Indigenous councils to establish a natural beekeeper education program to improve the local environment's resilience.
Lennox Head$10,000
Western Landcare NSW Incorporated2023 Western Warriors
Engage primary school children from Far West NSW in environmental conservation activities building their awareness and skills.
Broken Hill$10,000
Prepare and Recover - 2019/2020 Bushfire Recovery
Bermagui Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism IncReBoot ReStart
Increase tourism and social wellbeing to support bushfire recovery in Bermagui by supporting a ReBoot fun run.
Inverell Community Youth CentreFloods and Fire Youth Resilience Program
Enhance the ability of the Inverell Community Youth Centre to support bushfire recovery by employing a therapeutic youth worker to run a youth resilience program and mentor volunteers.
Milton-Ulladulla Youth Driver Education Program
Rotary Club of Milton Ulladulla Incorporated
Milton Ulladulla Youth Driver Education Program
Reduce vehicle-related fatality and injury rates of bushfire impacted young people through a Driver Education Program.
Mission Australia HousingResilient Communities Project - MNC
Empower social housing tenants in the Mid North Coast to co-lead community planning for disaster preparation, response and recovery in partnership with key non-government partners.
Murramarang Community Garden IncMowbility
Support bushfire preparedness by purchasing an electric ride-on mower to increase volunteer participation in garden maintenance, regardless of physical abilities.
Bawley Point$10,000
Stokers Siding Dunbible Memorial Hall IncCommunity Hall Kitchen Upgrade
Upgrade the kitchen appliances in the Community Hall to meet Council regulations, cater to more community events and ensure organisational sustainability.
Stokers Siding$10,000
Surf Life Saving Far North Coast Branch IncDevelop Disaster Emergency Response Capability
Build capability and preparedness of emergency response groups by providing them with the necessary equipment to be able to respond to bushfires and other disasters.
TenterLIFE Suicide Prevention Network IncTenterLIFE Suicide Prevention Network Inc
Boost community knowledge of suicide prevention through a series of Mental Health awareness events supporting ongoing bushfire recovery.
Tweed Coast Youth Service IncorporatedMomentum Youth Festival 2023
Celebrate local youth for their resilience after bushfire and their achievements and passions by hosting the Momentum Youth Festival to encourage self-expression and socialisation.
WhereFishSing OZ Green-Global Rivers Environmental Education Network (Australia) IncorporatedCreating Resources to Build Future Food Resilience in and around Bellingen Shire
Prepare for future disasters after the 2019/20 bushfires by creating a climate specific food gardening resource to build food resilience in the Bellingen Shire.
Prepare and Recover - 2022 Floods
Eugowra Promotion and Progress Association IncorporatedPurchase Necessary Equipment to Renew and Re-establish the Eugowra Historical Museum
Contribute to disaster recovery by replacing office equipment and supplies at the Eugowra Historical Museum and Bushranger Centre that were destroyed in the 2022 floods to continue to share the rich stories of Eugowra and district.
Human Nature Adventure Therapy LtdConnected communities: Resilience Activities for Regional Young People
Support disadvantaged young people to contribute to their flood-affected communities by connecting them to volunteering in disaster response / resilience initiatives such as SES and the local Men’s Shed.
Iluka Community Organisation Planning for Emergencies (ICOPE) IncHub ICOPE: Iluka Village Community Hub and Community Managed Evacuation Centre (CMEC) Equipment and Education Project
Improve emergency response and preparedness for natural disasters by equipping the Iluka Village Hub with resources and educational material to create an evacuation and information centre.
Lithgow Environment Group IncorporatedCommunity Engagement for Pest Species (Indian Myna) Invasion Control and for Habitat Restoration for Native Fauna, with Social Impacts
Develop a community-led Indian Myna bird reduction program across Lithgow to help native flora and fauna recover after the floods and prevent future impacts.
Lower Lachlan Community Services IncFestival of the Lakes 2023
Boost social cohesion and connectedness in Lake Cargelligo to support flood recovery by hosting the Festival of the Lakes.
Lake Cargelligo$10,000
Positive Change for Marine Life LimitedRiver Warriors - A Community Driven Approach to Capacity and Resilience Building of the Brunswick River Catchment
Prepare for future climate-related impacts by delivering a community-led riparian restoration program in the flood-impacted Brunswick River to stabilise riverbanks and restore wetland vegetation.
Brunswick Heads$24,941
Rural Financial Counselling Service, NSW - Southern Region LimitedRecovery & Resilience Forums
Support recovery in the significantly flood-affected Central West and Riverina NSW by holding three workshops that provide financial advice and mental health information.
Welfare Rights Centre LtdNorthern Rivers Communities: Ensuring Economic Safety for those in Crisis
Provide legal support to people in flood-affected Northern Rivers communities who are struggling to access Centrelink payments and dealing with unjust debts.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Bellingen Youth Orchestra IncorporatedBellingen Youth Orchestra Post-COVID Junior Woodwind and Brass Ensemble Initiative
Rebuild connections, reduce social isolation and foster a stronger, more resilient community after COVID-19 by purchasing musical instruments and making them available to disadvantaged young people.
Coolah Historical and Tourism Society Coolah District Development Group IncorporatedCunningham 200 Year Celebration
Reconnect residents, reduce social isolation and foster a stronger, more resilient Coolah community after COVID-19 by hosting an historical festival on the 200th anniversary of Cunningham exploring the Liverpool Plains.
Hill End Arts Council IncHill End Analogue
Establish a unique biennial festival reflecting Hill End's contribution to the history of Australian photography to reduce social isolation and foster a stronger, more resilient community and enhance destination and cultural tourism after COVID-19.
Hill End$5,000
Kangaroo Valley Historical Society IncorporatedKangaroo Valley Historical Society Celebrates 70+ Years
Attract new volunteers, promote cultural heritage and engage with the community to enhance recovery from the pandemic through a presentation day celebrating 70+ years of the Kangaroo Valley Historical Society.
Kangaroo Valley$1,600
Manning Valley Neighbourhood Services IncVolunteering for Change
Increase interest in volunteering to sustain community organisations and their work after COVID-19 through an open day with entertainment and markets.
Neighbourhood Centres of Bellingen Shire IncSMART Recovery Meetings - Life Beyond Addiction
Enhance the process of recovery from addiction that was exacerbated by COVID-19 through SMART Recovery meetings in Bellingen neighbourhood centres.
New England Garden Festival IncorporatedNew England Garden Festival
Enhance the process of social and economic recovery of Armidale and the New England region from the COVID-19 pandemic through the inaugural New England Garden Festival.
Nowra Youth Services IncorporatedNYC Frequency Program
Create opportunities for COVID-19-impacted young people to gain new vocational skills and the ability to produce music in a recording studio through training a facilitator in sound production.
Oriscon IncorporatedFestival of Colors 2024
Reunite residents, reduce social isolation and foster a stronger, more resilient community after COVID-19 through a free secular Festival of Colours, including a bonfire, performances and the sharing of international food.
Roseberry Creek Landcare IncValley Voices One
Reduce social isolation and foster a stronger, more resilient community after COVID-19 through a skill building and entertaining singing workshop.
The Risk$1,120
Tactile Arts Group at Kendall IncorporatedAcquisition of New Electric Ceramic / Pottery Kiln
Sustain the work of the TAG group and enhance their capacity for creative community engagement post COVID-19 by purchasing a larger, fit-for-purpose ceramics kiln.
Tender Funerals Mid North Coast LimitedIncrease the Social and Economic Strength of the Kempsey Shire by Providing Affordable Funeral Services and After Death Care
Enhance the process of recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic for disadvantaged residents of the Kempsey Shire through offering affordable and culturally sensitive funeral services and after death care.
Small & Vital
Careflight LimitedBuilding Resilience in the Community of Borroloola
Strengthen life-saving skills and abilities of first responders to assist critically ill or injured individuals in a very remote community by providing trauma first aid training.
St John Ambulance Australia NT IncTiwi Islands AED Project
Increase access to life-saving equipment by providing defibrillators in three remote communities across the Tiwi Islands.
Small & Vital
Alpha District Tourism & Development Assoc IncDefibrillators for Alpha
Strengthen the lifesaving capacity of the community by purchasing and installing three defibrillators in publicly accessible locations.
Back to the Bush Festival IncRegional Men's Health Initiative
Support men's mental and physical wellbeing by providing access to innovative and engaging health checks and educational sessions at the festival and associated car show.
CPL-Choice, Passion, LifeWheelchair Scales and Cordless Power Tools for People with Disability
Help people in wheelchairs to have better access to accurate medical advice with the purchase of OH&S-appropriate weighing equipment.
Happy Valley Community Association IncHappy Valley Wildfire Preparedness Project
Improve the community’s capacity to respond to bushfires by purchasing two portable water tanks, suitable for use by waterbombing helicopters.
Fraser Island$10,000
LifeFlight Foundation Ltd'First Minute Matters' - Community Trauma Training Workshops
Strengthen local community’s ability to respond to medical emergencies by providing trauma first aid training to residences in Surat, St George and Condamine.
Malanda Community Kindergarten Assoc IncMalanda Community Kindergarten Major Playground Upgrade
Encourage children’s learning and development through play by installing a new all-abilities swing.
Myall Park Botanic Garden LimitedUpgrading and Improving Social Media Platforms
Develop volunteers’ skills to digitally connect with their community and other special interest groups by purchasing and recording a series of virtual coaching sessions.
Ravenshoe Men's Shed IncNew Machinery to Provide Further Services to the Community
Improve the men’s shed’s ability to support and service the community through the purchase of new machining tools.
Riding for Disabled Association Maryborough IncPurchase of New / Replacement Horses for Maryborough RDA Herd
Improve the association’s ability to support and service the community thought the purchase of replacement horses.
Prepare and Recover - 2019/2020 Bushfire Recovery
Amiens History Association IncAmiens History Association Shop Fit-out
Increase tourism, commemorate history and build the sustainability of the association post-Black Summer fires by outfitting a new retail space.
Curra Country ClubDisaster Ready
Increase community preparedness for future disaster events post Black Summer fires and flood with the acquisition of a defibrillator and shed to storage emergency accommodation supplies.
Widgee District Hall & Recreation Association IncPainting of Widgee Memorial Hall
Restore a key community engagement and social connection space, also used as the Black Summer fires staging area by the Rural Fire Service, by repainting the 100-year-old Widgee Hall.
Wild Horse FM IncWild Horse Wellness Project
Improve mental and physical health of community members recovering from Black Summer fires by integrating wellness practices into all station activities including radio broadcasts.
Prepare and Recover - 2022 Floods
Opera in the Gardens IncOpera in the Gardens Goondiwindi
Stimulate recovery and wellbeing for the flood-effected community by delivering art and cultural performances along with a skills development workshop for young people.
Peachester State School P&C AssociationStuck in the Mud - Oval Remediation Works
Boost the community’s ability to access emergency services during floods and other natural disasters by installing drainage on the oval and providing a safe landing area for rescue helicopters.
Texas Arts Council IncorporatedTexas Has Talent - Community Showcase
Support the community to recover from flood impacts through the creation of a locally produced theatrical performance and people’s participation in the associated arts and wellbeing activities.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Burnett Inland Economic Development Organisation Inc Community Shared Working Space Improvement Development
Enhance the process of recovery from COVID-19 by expanding ‘The Platform’ as a place for remote workers to connect with the purchase of a new printer and keypad access locks.
North Burnett$9,362
Kilkivan Veteran's and Community Men's Shed Association IncCommunity Engagement & Rural Assistance
Build the capacity of the Men's Shed to provide services to disadvantaged residents after COVID-19 through the purchase of mowing equipment.
MultiSkill Centre LtdHealthy Minds
Provide mental health training to staff to enable them to better support disengaged young people accessing services after COVID-19.
Wondai Agricultural Pastoral and Industrial Society IncEnhancing Our Local Show & Christmas Eve Carnival
Enhance the process of social and economic recovery from COVID-19 through purchasing event equipment to enable the running of community festivals.
Small & Vital
Australian Dental Foundation IncorporatedHealthy Smiles for Life Project
Enhance access for disadvantaged communities to vital health services by investing in equipment for a mobile dental clinic.
Foodbank of South Australia IncorporatedBuilding a Bridge of Hope: Upgrading the Food Hub in Murray Bridge
Boost organisational capacity to support disadvantaged community members through food relief service infrastructure upgrades to create a comfortable and dignified shopping space.
Murray Bridge$5,060
Kalangadoo & District Lions ClubDefibrillator for Kalangadoo Institute Memorial Hall
Support local capacity to provide emergency first aid and improve health outcomes by installing a defibrillator in a central location.
Nuriootpa War Memorial Swimming Pool Working Group
Nuriootpa Futures Association
Installation of Accessibility Stairs at Nuriootpa War Memorial Swimming Pool
Expand opportunities for social connection and access for all-abilities through the installation of accessibility steps at a community pool.
Pichi Richi Railway Preservation Society IncPurchase of New Defibrillator
Strengthen volunteer capacity to deliver effective emergency first aid for people travelling through an isolated region by installing a defibrillator.
Tintinara Playgroup Lion Club of TintinaraTintinara Early Childhood Learning Program
Support childhood learning and social wellbeing by engaging a coordinator to deliver an early-years program in a disadvantaged region.
University of South AustraliaRadical Rest: How do we Sustain Energy and Resilience in a Turbulent World?
Build young people’s resilience and wellbeing in a disadvantaged region through an immersive arts and science program.
Mt Gambier$10,000
Prepare and Recover - 2019/2020 Bushfire Recovery
Coffin Bay Progress Association IncCBPA Community Hall Roof Restoration and Insulation Project
Support community bushfire preparedness by ensuring a pivotal hub is fit-for-purpose and energy efficient through insulating and reroofing the Coffin Bay Hall.
Coffin Bay$10,000
Kangaroo Island Wildlife Network IncorporatedKangaroo Island Wildlife Carnival "Australian Sea Lions" 2023
Support economic recovery after bushfires and strengthen community connection to the natural environment through holding a festival showcasing a local wildlife species.
Cygnet River$10,000
Prepare and Recover - 2022 Floods
Sammy D Foundation IncorporatedExpansion of Community Youth Mentoring to Murray Bridge
Boost organisational capacity to support mental health and wellbeing of young people impacted by flood events through access to a youth employment and mentoring program.
Murray Bridge$22,000
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Advancing Whyalla IncGarden Art and Colour
Reduce social isolation and foster a more resilient community after the impacts of COVID-19 through the delivery of outdoor art classes facilitated by a First Nations artist.
SA RWG - Clare Branch SA Rural Women's Gathering Association IncSA Rural Women's Gathering Clare 2023
Enhance opportunities for community connection and skill-building after COVID-19 through the delivery of a rural women's weekend event in Clare.
The Culburra and District Soldiers' War Memorial Hall IncorporatedCulburra Hall Toilet Facilities Upgrade
Sustain the Culburra Hall and the work of its volunteers after the pandemic by upgrading the toilet amenities to increase safety and hygiene for locals and visitors.
Small & Vital
Karinya Young Women's Service IncKYWS Workforce Engagement Project
Boost organisational practice and capability to meet the needs of young people at risk through staff attending two national conferences to build knowledge and networks.
Lilydale Online IncorporatedLilydale Online Access Centre Technology Update
Strengthen the delivery of numeracy and literacy programs to improve employment opportunities through the purchase of IT equipment.
Nubeena Bee Festival Committee Rotary Club of Tasman Peninsula IncNubeena Bee Festival
Generate visitation and economic growth in Nubeena by delivering an educational festival celebrating the importance of bees and the environment.
Rocky Cape Public Hall IncorporationRocky Cape Community Hall Solar PV System Install
Enhance social wellbeing and improve environmental sustainability by installing a solar PV system at a community hall.
Rocky Cape$10,000
Prepare and Recover - 2019/2020 Bushfire Recovery
St Helens Neighbourhood House Association IncLocals Growing Locally
Improve the mental, physical and social health of a community recovering from bushfire and flood disasters through community garden activities and workshops.
St Helens$25,000
Small & Vital
Avoca Friends of the Pool IncPool Lift
Enhance older people’s physical health and social wellbeing by installing an assistance lift to improve accessibility at the Avoca Pool.
Casterton Memorial HospitalPathways to a Healthy Mind Workshop
Strengthen social inclusion and community wellbeing for disadvantaged people through the delivery of a facilitated mental health support program.
Euroa Arboretum Committee of Management IncorporatedImproving Access to Horticultural Therapy in the Plant Nursery
Enhance volunteer capacity and retain ageing volunteers by providing mobile benches, stools and anti-fatigue mats to create a safe and inclusive workplace.
Girgarre Community Group IncGirgarre Community Garden
Promote social connection and enhance food security by repurposing a neighbourhood house's ornamental front-yard into an edible community garden.
Goldfields Employment and Learning Centre IncFriday Feast @ Mill House
Boost social networks and improve nutritional health outcomes for vulnerable people, by holding free community lunches at a neighbourhood house.
Great Ocean Road HealthApollo Bay Youth Art Group
Support mental health and wellbeing of young people living in an isolated region by engaging a facilitator to deliver an arts therapy program.
Apollo Bay$10,000
Heyfield Community Resource Centre IncSupporting Seniors - Getting Out and About in Heyfield
Enhance social connections and wellbeing for senior citizens by delivering facilitated social activities and educational programs.
Kerang and District Community Centre IncEmergency / Food Assistance Program Development
Enhance health and wellbeing outcomes and empower community members to access nutritious food by expanding an emergency food relief program.
Kilcunda Community Development Association IncorporatedReplace External Decking & Improve Disabled Access
Improve access at a community gathering space and provide a safe, inclusive venue for older citizens by upgrading the entrance and deck at the Kilcunda Hall.
North East Support and Action for Youth IncorporatedWicking Garden Beds
Support disadvantaged young people experiencing hardship by developing a garden project to build social skills and improve health outcomes.
Tatura Community House IncFood Relief
Revitalise volunteer engagement and boost a food relief program for disadvantaged residents by refurbishing a kitchen workspace.
Venus Bay Tarwin Lower and District Men's Shed IncorporatedShed Educational and Modernisation Scheme
Contribute to life-long learning and provide a safe environment for older people participating in Men's Shed activities by upgrading tools and equipment.
Venus Bay$10,000
Whittlesea Men's Shed IncorporatedWomen’s Basic Woodwork Course
Increase volunteer membership and create opportunities for skills development and connection for older women by conducting a woodwork program.
Prepare and Recover - 2019/2020 Bushfire Recovery
Regional Arts Victoria BAD KIDS
Support bushfire recovery of young people in East Gippsland and foster connections across generations, through the delivery of a school-centred creative arts program at the invitation of the local community.
Adventist Development and Relief Agency Australia LtdEstablishing Permanent Capacity for Food Relief and Disaster Preparedness in East Gippsland
Improve health and wellbeing outcomes for vulnerable community members impacted by the 2019/20 bushfires through the construction of a food relief distribution facility.
Avenel Fire Brigade Country Fire AuthorityInforming and Strengthening the Avenel Community
Enhance bushfire preparedness through the display of emergency and safety information by installing an LED sign at the Avenel Fire Station.
Bonnie Doon Community Group IncBilly's House: A Home for Bonnie Doon's History
Support connection to place and community recovery from the impacts of the 2019/20 bushfires and boost visitation by relocating an historic house to a prominent community precinct to become a local museum.
Bonnie Doon$20,000
Gippsland Lakes Complete Health Limited"The Rainbow Ball”
Foster mental health and provide opportunities for marginalised young people to connect and recover from the 2019/20 bushfires through the delivery of a community ball.
Mansfield Autism Statewide ServicesTransport Connections Supporting Operation Gamechanger
Provide therapeutic care and emergency evacuation support for autistic children and young people living in a region impacted by bushfires, through the purchase of a 12-seater bus.
Tallangatta Agricultural and Pastoral Society IncorporatedConnection of Power & Water to our Recently Acquired Buildings
Support community preparedness for future emergency bushfire events by upgrading buildings at the Tallangatta showgrounds.
Prepare and Recover - 2022 Floods
Goorambat-Stewarton Fire Brigade Country Fire AuthorityChainsaw Electrification Project
Enhance organisational capacity and support flood recovery and preparedness volunteers by purchasing battery-operated chainsaw equipment.
Seymour District Arts Society Incorporated"Building Creative Communities"
Support community recovery and connection after devastating floods by providing shared lighting and other equipment for creative arts events.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Threatened Species Conservancy IncBringing Bird-Lovers Together: Building Post COVID Community Connections through Birds
Reduce social isolation and foster a stronger community after COVID-19 through the establishment of a facilitated birdwatching group and citizen science activities.
Apollo Bay$10,000
Apex Club of Traralgon IncApex Park Traralgon
Reduce social isolation and enhance wellbeing after COVID-19 by installing fencing at a public play space to improve safety.
C-Doc LtdClub CDoc Creative Community Collaborations
Sustain and enhance organisational capacity post-COVID-19 via project management support to improve the delivery of community events and workshops.
Colour Terang Festival Terang & District Progress AssociationMusic and Dance Stage at Colour Terang Festival
Celebrate local identity and reduce social isolation after COVID-19 by enhancing the staging of music and dance performances at a community festival.
Committee 4 Warrenheip IncWarrenheip Reflection Trail
Encourage access to nature activities to reduce social isolation and boost mental health post-pandemic by revegetating habitat surrounding new walking tracks.
Cornishtown Hall Reserve Committee of ManagementCornishtown Hall Restoration Project
Increase community use of the local hall and boost social connection to enhance recovery from the pandemic through vital upgrades and repairs to the hall.
Dunolly and District IncDunolly Gold Rush Festival
Strengthen and enhance economic and cultural recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic by staging a community festival.
Dunolly $5,000
Everton Tennis Club IncSustainable Water Solutions at Everton Sports Complex
Foster a more resilient, socially connected community following the pandemic by upgrading facilities at an outdoor community gathering space.
Food for All - Swan Hill Region Swan Hill District HealthFood for All Edible Garden Expo 2023
Enhance the process of recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic through hosting an Edible Garden Expo to increase knowledge and skills.
Swan Hill$6,188
Horsham Arts Council IncReplace the Horsham Arts Council Building Roof
Sustain the work of volunteers and enhance access to social and creative activities post-pandemic through repairing the roof at a community arts building.
Inverleigh Playgroup IncEnhancing Early Years Learning Experiences Through Playground Upgrade and Improvement
Reduce social isolation of young children and their families after COVID-19 by purchasing play equipment for a community playgroup.
Jindivick Mechanics Institute IncorporatedSwitch on Cinema for Jindivick Community Hall
Foster vibrant community connections post-COVID-19 by installing AV equipment to enhance social and community activities at a local hall.
Living Well Yallourn North IncMental Health First Aid Training - Empowering Our Community
Reduce social isolation and foster recovery post-pandemic by providing mental health first aid training for volunteers to support the broader community.
Yallourn North$8,460
Mace IncorporatedCommunity Shed Climate Control
Increase the safety and amenity of a community shed and the work of volunteers after COVID-19 through installing a drop ceiling and split systems.
Mansfield Let's Talk IncMansfield Let's Talk Mental Health Training
Enhance mental wellbeing and foster a more resilient community after COVID-19 impacts by equipping 20 community members with mental health first aid training.
Mitchell Shire Concert BandBringing Music into the Community
Strengthen community connection and access to the arts post-pandemic by increasing the capacity of a concert band to perform at outdoor venues.
Murrayville VFF / Landcare Group Landcare Victoria IncMurrayville Wetlands - Creating a Space to Invigorate and Invest in our Community!
Enhance access to nature and improve wellbeing after COVID-19 by installing recycled outdoor seating and tables at a nature reserve.
Ouyen Roxy Theatre IncorporatedDeveloping a Community Garden and Outdoor Space
Enhance community connection and reduce social isolation after COVID-19 by creating a community garden and outdoor space for gatherings.
Port Albert Water Sports and Safety Centre Inc A0013133GSafe, Clean and Thermally Effective Flooring
Increase opportunities for community connection post-pandemic by upgrading the safety of floor coverings at a key community hub.
Port Albert$10,000
Seed Lakeside Community Garden IncorporatedExpanding Boundaries - Seed Garden
Create opportunities for social connection and skill development to support recovery from the pandemic through installing fences to expand the use of a community garden.
The Port Campbell Surf Life Saving Club IncorporatedUpgrade of PCSLSC Function Centre AV System
Encourage social connection and foster a stronger, more resilient community after the impacts of COVID-19 by upgrading AV equipment at a community hub.
Port Campbell$10,000
Warrnambool & District Community Hospice IncVolunteer Education & Engagement Program
Sustain the work volunteers after COVID-19 through the development of a volunteer education and engagement program.
Small & Vital
Aldersyde Agricultural Hall IncorporatedOutside / Roadside Toilets
Improve visitation at the community precinct and enhance services by building an ablutions block for use by locals and tourists.
Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre Aboriginal CorporationWarburton Women's Rockholes Project
Support the continuation of First Nations culture by recording important stories and knowledge of birthing traditions practiced by central desert communities.
Quairading Community Resource Centre IncCreating Connections
Strengthen social connections and wellbeing by holding community market days, and yoga, craft and First Nations language classes.
Shire of LeonoraLeonora Arts Program
Encourage more local involvement in the creative community by holding monthly arts and cultural activities.
Warlayirti Artists Aboriginal Corporation IncStrong Law, Two-Way for Kutjungka Artists and Art Centres
Boost an art centre’s ability to support First Nations artists’ legal rights and responsibilities with access to legal advice on copyright, intellectual property and inheritance issues.
Welbungin Sports and Progress Association IncWelbungin Centenary Celebration
Encourage people to come together to enhance a sense of community by holding dance and exhibition celebrating 100 years of settlement.
Prepare and Recover - Tropical Cyclone Seroja 2021
Kalbarri Development Association IncorporatedRebuild Kalbarri Community Hall - Celebrate the Volunteers who Returned Kalbarri to Normal after Cyclone Seroja
Strengthen peoples’ connections and support SES volunteers to recover from the impacts of Cyclone Seroja by holding an event celebrating the community's resilience.
Mullewa Sports Club IncorporatedShade Sail Replacement
Provide protection from the elements with replacement of the playground shade sails damaged during Cyclone Seroja.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Pinjarra Bowling and Recreation Club IncorporatedCooking for the Community
Sustain the community work of the club after COVID-19 by purchasing a commercial oven to increase their capability to host community events.
Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) Harvey IncTo Update and Obtain Correct Equipment to Support Volunteers’ Wellbeing
Sustain the work of the Association and support RDA volunteers post-COVID-19 through the purchase of appropriate office and safety equipment to increase the ease of tasks.