FRRR Donation Terms and Conditions
The Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR) is committed to good governance processes and transparency in operations. The following Terms and Conditions are set out to clearly inform donors how your funds will be applied to support rural, regional and remote communities across Australia.
FRRR’s Tax Status
As an Item 1 DGR entity (see ATO endorsement), FRRR is able to receive funds from Item 2 DGR entities as we are covered by Subdivision 30-B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 and we are specifically listed as a recipient for deductible gifts under section 30-105.
Due to these broad powers, there is no need for the organisation receiving a grant from FRRR to be a deductible gift recipient under tax law, however their project must be charitable, promote rural and regional renewal, regeneration and development, and be approved by FRRR.
FRRR can also receive donations from non-charitable organisations and provide tax deductible receipts; these funds are received into the FRRR Public Fund.
All donations over $2 are tax deductible within Australia.
Donor Preferences
At the time of making a donation to FRRR, the donor can direct that the donation is made to FRRR for either a general or specified purpose. Where a specified purpose is nominated, FRRR will always endeavour to meet a donor’s preference for causes, populations or geographies in line with FRRR’s charitable purposes and objects, however the donor acknowledges that all donations made to FRRR are at FRRR’s discretion.
If a donor’s preferences cannot be met, such as when a project cannot proceed or an organisation is no longer viable, FRRR will direct funds toward charitable activities which FRRR considers to reflect as closely as possible the charitable purposes the donor wished to support.
For more information, please call FRRR on 1800 170 020.
FRRR is also committed to protecting the privacy of personal information which the organisation collects, holds and administers. You can review our Privacy Policy here.
Updated February 2020