Climate Solutions Grants

We have a number of grant programs and funding options available.

Explore our Climate Solutions-focused grants below or
find the best grant for your project

Grants to enable communities to act on changing climate impacts and drive local climate solutions that reduce emissions through education, engagement and action.

Group of people in two rows, with the ones in front crouched down. Behind them is a row of solar batteries.
Community Led Climate Solutions

This program supports local communities to respond to the impacts of our changing climate.

SRC Small & Vital
SRC Small & Vital

This program gives small rural, regional and remote communities across Australia the opportunity to access funds that can benefit and help secure their future success. 

SRC Prepare & Recover
SRC Prepare & Recover

This program supports communities to implement initiatives that prevent and prepare for future climate related impacts, or recover from previous disasters..

FRRR knows that remote, rural and regional communities are disproportionately impacted by the effects of a changing climate, and the associated energy and industry transitions. After more than 20 years working with these communities, we know that they have knowledge and ideas to implement solutions locally that can contribute to:

  • Risk mitigation and adaptation of life and livelihoods to thrive in a changing climate environment;
  • Reducing carbon intensive practices, decarbonising, re-use, recycling and embarking upon circular economy practices; and
  • Navigating transitions towards a vibrant and sustainable future – socially, environmentally and economically.

FRRR can support your community to embark upon climate action or energy transitions through:

  • Grants to not-for-profits seeking to work locally to activate climate solutions (see Community Led Climate Solutions grant program);
  • Leveraging and administering Community Benefit Funds for renewable energy initiatives to enable communities to activate their own community-led priorities;
  • Working in partnership with communities to activate place-based responses to challenges or opportunities brought about by climate change or the energy transition; and / or
  • Garnering insights and learnings to share across government, philanthropic or corporate sectors.

Support the future of remote, rural and regional communities