FRRR logos

As a partner, donor, recipient or friend of FRRR, you are welcome to use our logo on your website, in a report, on social media, or in any other public capacity.

But before you do, we ask that you carefully read the guidelines below, to ensure the logo is displayed correctly. Our logo is designed to be viewed in a certain way and must, therefore, not be changed, stretched or altered.

Please note that the black and white logos are preferred when using on a coloured background. Refer to page 5 of the FRRR Guidelines.

Horizontal logo

This is our preferred logo. When in doubt, use this one.

Vertical logo

This is our secondary logo: we only use this if the preferred logo does not fit the space or design.

If what you’re seeking is not here, or you have any questions, please email or call 1800 170 020.