Helping Regional Communities Prepare for Drought Initiative – Community Impact Program

Through this initiative, with the Australian Government’s support, we’re investing in the future, enabling agriculture-dependent communities to identify and act on their drought preparedness priorities at a grassroots level.

It will do this by investing in projects that seek to strengthen social and community networking, support, engagement and wellbeing by delivering a tailored package of support that includes:

  • Community Impact Grants: Working with locally led community organisations to develop and deliver a program of support to strengthen community networks, capabilities and facilities that support drought preparedness (delivered by FRRR); and
  • Community Leadership Activities: Supporting community members to develop their leadership skills to contribute to drought resilience in their community (delivered by ARLF).  

The Community Impact Program has closed.

I have a question, who can I talk to?

Contact our Disaster Resilience & Climate Solutions team for any program related queries for the Community Impact Program.

  • NSW, QLD, VIC: Fiona Bradshaw
  • NT, SA, TAS, WA: Alysia Kepert

Ph: 1800 170 020 or 

Key Dates and Resources

Impact Grants Program: Definitions and Frequently Asked Questions

Please read the information below to help you learn more about the program.

If you have any further questions, please contact Nina O’Brien, Disaster Resilience & Climate Solutions Lead, by emailing or free call 1800 170 020.

Lessons learnt from previous drought shared amongst the network are of such high importance, and this funding has created a platform for us to be able to do that across our community: making brave decisions to pick up your commodity and move it to a more safer place off your farm where someone else looks after it; for fear of hanging onto it in a drought, would devastatingly mean losing it all together. It is important to share real & raw drought stories like this within our drought preparedness forums, as it allows others insight, energy and a safe educational space other to think outside the box.”

Grant recipient from Networks to Build Drought Resilience program

Inspiration – Past projects

Explore some of the projects we’ve previously funded through the Networks to Build Drought Resilience program to see how other organisations have helped their community thrive.

People standing and talking together in a vegetable patch.

Food Next Door Co-op strengthens connections in Mildura

Through a short training course and discussion forums with Young Farmer groups and local hobby farmers, this project is building drought resilience through increasing knowledge and understanding of the risks posed by drought and climate change at a local level. The training course and forums support information sharing about climate change impacts on food production and strengthening resilience for local farms, increasing the region’s capacity to prepare for the impacts of drought.

UniSA Vocal Locals August 2022

Vocal Locals strengthening wellbeing and support

The University of South Australia is assisting the Loxton community to support one another to improve wellbeing and strengthen networks to prepare for tough times ahead. They’ve run a community-wide mental health workshop, launched a campaign online and across neighbourhoods where locals share their personal journey, plus hosted workshops to strengthen connections. All these activities upskill and support others in the agriculture-dependent community.

Future-proofing the livestock industry

NT based organisation Young Livestock Exporters Network (YLEN) is using a $45,867 grant to run the YLEN Leadership Program: Future-Proofing the Livestock Industry.

This project creates opportunities through two training events, a leadership program and stockperson course, designed to bring rural youth together to discuss the impacts of difficult times, including drought.

Photo: Farm Online