Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR)

As the Investing in Rural Community Futures (IRCF) program culminates in the South Coast communities, one of the biggest impacts has been the growth in the people that have delivered the program.

The Community Facilitators have not only held the space for conversations, nurtured the roadmaps, listened deeply to community; they have also gained important skills and knowledge around leadership, storytelling, “Art of Hosting” techniques and a deeper cultural understanding. Along with many other wonderful social impact skills, these will be an asset to their communities for many years to come. 

Last week Monique, Kate, Steph and Carolyn had the chance to connect in person, reflect on the last few years and enjoy a wonderful lunch at The Cup’N’Cake’N’Co, a social enterprise that was initially seeded with an IRCF start up grant in 2020. It was wonderful to be together and feel the connection that has been forged through shared experience in delivering this impactful program. 

The team also took the time to gather a parting gift for each of the 50+ organisations we have been on this journey with over the last five years, with special items from a few of the social enterprises who have been partners in the IRCF journey on the South Coast. 

Much gratitude to facilitators: Monique Carson, who has been on this journey since the first roadmapping in Ulladulla and always gives above and beyond; Kate McBride, who has stepped up with poise and confidence in the Bay and Basin Community; Stephanie Chiu, who in a deeply connected way stepped into the Batemans Bay community with such impact; and Leah Szanto who supported the Bega Valley community with such professionalism and commitment. A deep and heartfelt thank you to Kate Dezarnaulds, Jules Klugman, Meg Stratti, Natalie Lloyd and Bree Morgan who supported their communities in the program.

The IRCF program is not possible without the key element of investing in people and engaging local facilitators who are part of and know their community deeply, these committed individuals who do so much in their two days a week with us are the key reason for the incredible impact this program has delivered. Thank you all for your generosity, humour, kindness and sharing of your love for community. 

Four local NFPs awarded grants

In partnership with the Bendigo Bank Community Enterprise Foundation, FRRR has awarded a further $50,293 to support four not-for-profit organisations (NFPs) in the Bay & Basin area. Bay & Basin NFPs have now received nearly $150,000 to date through the Investing in Rural Community Futures (IRCF) program, which is helping to address locally-identified priorities.

Heading: Further $50,000 investment in Bay & Basin not-for-profits. IMAGE: Bay and Basin group shot.

The IRCF program is a multi-year program designed to foster collaboration between local NFPs and strengthen their capacity, so they can continue to have a positive impact on the vibrancy and wellbeing of their communities. The program operates across the South Coast region, and in three other locations across NSW.

As part of the IRCF program, local leaders participated in community meetings and created a roadmap of the future opportunities they envision for their communities. This helped to identify the areas where the community groups and NFPs need support and ensures that the solutions being provided through the program are community-led.

The four funded projects cover various areas including strategy development, resilience training, equipment upgrades and human resources. One example is the Huskisson Op Shop who are engaging a paid Coordinator to support the Op Shop Volunteers, as well as a Business Advisor, who will help to modernise the Op Shop to support their food pantry in St Georges Basin.

Natalie Egleton, CEO of FRRR, said that multi-year programs, like IRCF, are vital for these remote, rural and regional communities.

“The NFPs in Bay & Basin play a big role when it comes to the quality of life for people living in these communities. Local leaders know what will work, so our role is to support them to create locally-led solutions that can be implemented over a series of years. This ensures that these communities thrive long into the future,” Ms Egleton said.

David Impey, CEO Community Enterprise Foundation, the Bendigo and Adelaide Bank’s charitable arm,  said that the grant recipients are committed to developing all aspects of their organisations.

“It’s inspiring to see these people who are willing to take such a multi-faceted approach when it comes to building resilient communities. Through this program they’re developing their skills, strengthening their relationships with their peers, improving their processes and engaging in some really productive conversations.

“These organisations are powerful advocates for their communities. We’re very thankful to be able to support their efforts in creating sustainable and long-term solutions that will see the lives of everyone in Bay & Basin made that much more vibrant,” Mr Impey said.

The four projects being funded are:

  • Vincentia Ratepayers and Residents Association Inc, Vincentia – Prepare, Develop, Publish and Regularly Update the Vincentia Ratepayers and Resident Association 2030 Strategic Vision Document – $7,000
  • Sussex Inlet District Chamber of Commerce Incorporated, Sussex Inlet – Sussex Inlet, a Vibrant Future- Building the capacity of our communitythrough resilience training and by developing a marketing campaign – $3,900
  • Sanctuary Point Community Pride Incorporated, Sanctuary Point – Boosting Pride by fostering community engagement and enhancing organisational capacity through the development of a website, communications strategy, and accounting software – $10,309
  • UCA – Bay & Basin, St Georges Basin – Growing the Husky Op-shop by building organisational capacity to enable a stable of aligned social enterprises – $29,084.

In addition to Bay & Basin, the IRCF South Coast program is also working in Nowra, Batemans Bay and Ulladulla, with the support of The Snow Foundation and in Junee, Leeton and Nambucca Valley in partnership with the Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation.

For more information about the Investing in Rural Community Futures program visit –

New partnership will expand FRRR program to support recovery of fire-affected communities

Community groups in the Bay and Basin region will soon be offered access to $600,000 of support over the next four years to help them have an even greater impact as they lead recovery following the Black Summer bushfires. The support is thanks to a new partnership between the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR) and Bendigo Bank’s charitable arm, Community Enterprise Foundation.

Investing in Bay and Basin’s not-for-profits

Delivered through FRRR’s Investing in Rural Community Futures (IRCF) program, NFPs and community groups in Vincentia, Sanctuary Point, Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Jervis Bay and Wreck Bay will have access to on-the-ground support including workshops, networking, resources and funding.

The aim is to help these local groups identify what they need to be more effective, so they can better help their community on their recovery journey over the medium to long-term.

The first step in the multi-year program will be a workshop (see details below) that brings together community groups in the area to identify what resources exist, strengthen connections and importantly, uncover where there are gaps. Funding and capacity building support then be made available to activate opportunities and address gaps.

The IRCF program, which launched in 2019 in regional NSW, moved into the Shoalhaven region last year in partnership with the Snow Foundation, providing support in Ulladulla, Bateman’s Bay and Nowra.

Natalie Egleton, CEO of FRRR, said that not-for-profit organisations and community groups play an integral role in the vitality of rural communities, even more so after a natural disaster such as the black summer bushfires.

“FRRR is deeply committed to investing in the capacity, capability, and future sustainability of place-based community groups. It’s wonderful to be able to expand the IRCF program to more communities on the South Coast.

“We are thrilled to have Bendigo Bank’s Community Enterprise Foundation on board as a program partner, especially given its local presence in the Bay and Basin District and our shared values in supporting community-led recovery.

“The program has already made a difference in other communities, and we really look forward to working with local community groups and not-for-profits to envision and realise their roadmap for recovery and longer term resilience.

David Impey, CEO of Bendigo Bank’s Community Enterprise Foundation, said that they were pleased to be able to support this program because it focuses on local organisations and enhancing their ability to rebuild and respond to local needs.

“Our focus for our NSW Bushfire Disaster Appeal and subsequent grants program has always been to assist communities and people impacted by the devastating Black Summer Bushfires. To ensure we can continue to support a community led approach, it’s imperative that the community groups who are key to that recovery are well-resourced, effective, and sustainable. This program will go a long way in helping increase skills and capacity of these local groups and enable them to strongly lead the recovery of affected communities.

“We are delighted to be partnering with FRRR on this program. They bring a strong level of experience and expertise that will guide these local leaders and support them on the long road ahead.”

Bay and Basin workshop – 16 June

The first step in the program is for community leaders to come together to discuss what support they need. Representatives are encouraged to attend the workshop below.






Community-based not-for-profit organisations in Bay & Basin.

16 June 2021

9.30am-3.30pm (lunch provided)

Vincentia Club Room, St Georges Basin Country Club
RSVPs are essential, so please register online for the session.

For more information about the Investing in Rural Community Futures program in the NSW South Coast region visit –