Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR)
Black Saturday funding for community-led initiatives
FRRR today announced that the final round of grants to assist Kinglake Ranges communities to rebuild, reconnect and recover from the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires will open soon.
While a lot has changed in the 13 years since the fires, FRRR knows that the impacts are still being felt. This funding, thanks to the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund, will help to address those needs, particularly around mental health and wellbeing.
Through the Grants for Resilience & Wellness (GR&W) Kinglake Ranges program, funding will be available to not-for-profit groups in Kinglake, Kinglake Central, Kinglake West, Pheasant Creek, Toolangi and Flowerdale. In total, there is approximately $570,000 available, with no minimum or maximum amount per grant. However, applications for more than $30,000 will need to be discussed with FRRR before being lodged.
The GR&W Kinglake program has a focus on community-strengthening and resilience-building projects, and recognises that recovering communities need support to re-connect, share experiences, enhance wellbeing and resilience, and build capacity for the future.
Nina O’Brien, FRRR’s Disaster Resilience and Recovery Lead, said that this is a great opportunity for the local community to ensure that important projects get the resources and support they need.
“This funding has always been earmarked to support the medium to long-term recovery of communities across the Kinglake Ranges, which we know were so badly affected by the 2009 fires. The focus is on improving mental health and wellbeing – of the community and individuals, and especially young people. There has been a lot of change in the community too, so the funding can help strengthen community connectedness and assist in rebuilding a sense of place and community identity.
“But now it’s up to the community to identify just what the projects are that will be put forward. We know that the best projects will be those that are community-led and which have broad community buy-in. We have supported Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House to host a series of facilitated community conversations and some smaller ‘kitchen table’ talks to explore key priorities and grant ideas to inform the final round of funds, so we encourage you to make sure that you get involved.
“If you have an idea, we’d also love to speak to you about it. Karly and Brooke from our team plan on visiting the region during July, and will be available to meet with community groups to discuss applications, and answer questions you may have. We’re really excited about what these grants can do to support Kinglake’s ongoing recovery and I look forward to reading the applications,” Ms O’Brien said.
Applications for GR&W Kinglake will open 5 July, and close Wednesday 16 August 2022, at 5pm AEST, with successful applicants announced in December 2022. For more information and the guidelines, visit .
Projects must directly assist those individuals and communities that were affected by the 2009 fires, and must identify a specific hardship or distress caused by the bushfires, which the activity intends to relieve.
To get involved in the local community discussions you can email To book a time to meet with the FRRR team and discuss potential applications, community members are encouraged to email
To date, through GR&W Kinglake, FRRR has awarded over $1.1M to 35 projects run by local groups in the Kinglake Ranges, which is assisting communities to re-connect, share experiences, enhance wellbeing and resilience, and build capacity for the future.
This included the Dindi Arts Trail, which received more than $150,000 to support the delivery of the art trail, featuring 11 public murals on concrete water tanks, which enhances local connectedness and will help attract more visitors to the region. The grant funded the employment of a project officer to coordinate the project.
Any community impacted by 2009 bushfires and not located in Kinglake Ranges region can apply for support through FRRR’s Strengthening Rural Communities program.
Support continues for communities impacted by 2009 Black Saturday bushfires
FRRR has awarded $499,959 in grants through its Grants for Resilience & Wellness (GR&W) programs, for 31 projects to help Victorian communities continue to build back better following the February 2009 Black Saturday fires.
These grants are funded by the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund (VBAF) thanks to generous contributions by the general public following the 2009 bushfires. More than 12 years on from the disastrous fires, FRRR has awarded more than $6.1 million in grants to local groups in impacted communities.
Grants for Resilience & Wellness (GR&W)
Since 2011, the GR&W program has funded projects that strengthen and build the resilience of communities in regions affected by the 2009 fires including Gippsland, Greater Bendigo, Alpine and Whittlesea. To date, $3,560,842 has been granted to 257 community-led projects through the GR&W program.
This round of GR&W sees 22 community groups from impacted regions sharing in $268,821 in grants for projects designed to support locally-led recovery. The initiatives include projects that will improve and enhance community meeting places and events that promote and support local arts and culture activities.
Nina O’Brien, Disaster and Recovery Lead at FRRR, said that over the past 10 years the Foundation has seen the needs and priorities of the recovering regions develop and evolve and the projects funded through the GR&W program have reflected this evolution.
“This round saw community groups wanting to continue to build back better and support their region’s resilience and wellness through projects that bring locals together, provide relevant support and opportunities, and help community members develop practical skills.
“Projects that improve and enhance community meeting places continue to be a focus for groups seeking support, with funds provided this round for improving accessibility of community spaces including the Alexandra Indoor Pool and the community garden in Long Gully, as well as equipment to boost the capacity of several local Community and Men’s Sheds.
“The importance of arts and culture in disaster recovery continues in this round. Funding will support a comedy night at Clonbinane, and a variety of festivals and music sessions at Redesdale, Marysville, and St Andrews.
“A number of men’s sheds received funding, highlighting the important ongoing role of these facilities in providing opportunities and resources where people connect, develop skills, and create useful items for the benefit of the wider community,” Ms O’Brien said.
Some of the other projects funded in this round of the GR&W program include:
- Traralgon South and District Association – Traralgon South Billy Cart Construction and Derby – $5,360 – Encourage generations to come together and gain new skills through a billy cart building project.
- Redesdale Recreation Committee – Pavilion Completion – $13,992 – Improve the accessibility and amenity of a community gathering space through the installation of shade sails and safety upgrades.
- Y Water Discovery Centre Inc – Yea Wetlands Precinct Educational and Directional Biodiversity Signage Project – $20,000 – Increase connection to place and enhance the educational experience through the installation of updated educational and directional signage at the wetlands precinct.
- Whittlesea Secondary College – Restore, Grow, Perform – $24,364 – Increase education opportunities and the amenity of the performing arts centre at Whittlesea Secondary College through upgrades and the purchase of technical equipment.
The full list of grant recipients can be found below.
Grants for Resilience & Wellness Kinglake Ranges (GR&W Kinglake Ranges)
The GR&W Kinglake Ranges program awards grants to community groups and local not-for-profit organisations in the Kinglake Ranges for projects that build resilience and increase the wellbeing of communities across the 2009 bushfire-affected region including Kinglake, Kinglake Central, Kinglake West, Pheasant Creek, Toolangi, and Flowerdale.
To date, 32 projects have shared in $882,913 in grants through the GR&W Kinglake program, which is now in its third year. This round there are nine projects sharing in a total of $231,138 in grants.
The program provides community groups and local not-for-profit organisations the opportunity to work together to get initiatives off the ground.
“Dindi Arts Trail is one such collaborative approach, with a series of murals to be painted across Flowerdale, Kinglake, Kinglake West and Toolangi. The arts-based recovery project will see each community work with a lead artist and local artists to paint the artworks. The initiative will enhance community pride and sense of place, as well as boost the local economy by encouraging people to visit the region and follow the Dindi Arts Trail across the Ranges,” Ms O’Brien said.
Among the other GR&W Kinglake Ranges awarded grants are:
- Kinglake West Primary School – NAIDOC Week Celebrations – $3,500 – Foster knowledge and strengthen connection to local First Nations culture by celebrating NAIDOC week and building a bush tucker garden.
- Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House Inc – ‘Kinglake Ranges Digital Archive for Arts Recovery’ Hardcover Book – $18,404 – Enhance local culture and identity, and ongoing recovery and resilience by publishing the story of arts-led recovery projects.
- Rotary Club of Kinglake Ranges Inc – The Next 10 Years – $3,925 – Build organisational resilience and attract new members through the development of a strategic plan for the Kinglake Ranges Rotary Club.
- Toolangi District Community House Inc – Toolangi Tennis Courts & Surrounds Redevelopment – $33,007 – Expand the use of a community meeting place and increase safety through restoring pathways linking shared community facilities, repairs and landscaping.
The full list of grant recipients can be found below.
Next round
The next round of GR&W Kinglake Ranges will open later in the year. Applications for the GR&W Kinglake Ranges program are encouraged from all community groups in the wider Kinglake Ranges, not just those that participated in the initial consultation process in 2017.
More information on these grant programs is available here. UPDATE: The next round of GR&W Kinglake Ranges will open during 2022.
The full list of grant recipients and their projects are listed below:
Organisation | Project | Location | Grant | |||
Alexandra Community Shed / Eildon and District Woodworkers Guild Inc | Safety First Encourage expanded use of a community program through the installation of an all-abilities entrance way and boost organisation capacity through the purchase of a forklift to safely move heavy materials. | Alexandra | $18,279 | |||
Alexandra Indoor Heated Pool Inc | Aquatic Wheels Enhance accessibility for people with mobility issues to participate in swim classes and hydrotherapy through the provision of new equipment. | Alexandra | $3,600 | |||
Allwood Neighbourhood House Incorporated | La Luna Open Mic and Groove Nights – St Andrews Encourage community connection and strengthen local arts through the establishment of a series of music events held at St Andrews Hall. | St Andrews | $7,364 | |||
Alpine Health / Communities That Care Alpine | Alpine Youth Voices - A Youth Strategy Increase protective factors for youth in the Alpine Shire through the development of a Youth Support Strategy. | Bright & Kiewa Valley | $30,000 | |||
Art Resource Collective Incorporated | The ARC Print Studio Redevelopment Project Increase access to the arts and local connectedness through the upgrade of a print studio for community arts group. | Yinnar | $11,919 | |||
Bushfire Resilience Inc | Bushfire Resilience - The Community Digital Presence Help residents to better prepare and respond to bushfires through interactive webinars and an upgraded website. | Strathewen | $6,828 | |||
Clonbinane Community Action Group | Laugh Out Loud Improve community vitality and build social connections with a comedy night at Clonbinane Hall. | Clonbinane | $3,500 | |||
Kiewa Valley Historical Society | Apple Laptop Computer Boost organisation capacity and support volunteer skill development through the purchase of a laptop computer. | Mt Beauty | $2,226 | |||
Kilmore District Men's Shed Inc | Upgrades to Equipment and New Mower Promote learning and development, and build organisational capacity through the purchase of 3D technology and a ride on lawnmower. | Kilmore | $6,837 | |||
Men’s Shed at St Andrews | Portable Saw Milling Capability Reduce social isolation and improve delivery capacity by purchasing portable equipment for the Men’s Shed at St Andrews. | St Andrews & Panton Hill | $16,866 | |||
Nillumbik Shire Council | Nillumbik Place Shapers Increase preparedness for future disaster events through the delivery of a placemaking program to develop community-led projects. | Hurstbridge, Christmas Hills & Strathewen | $20,000 | |||
Redesdale and District Association Incorporated | Redesdale Arts Festival – Getting the (Arts) Show Back on the Road in 2021 Strengthen economic recovery and social engagement through the delivery of a community festival. | Redesdale | $4,539 | |||
Redesdale Recreation Committee | Pavilion Completion Improve the accessibility and amenity of a community gathering space through the installation of shade sails and safety upgrades. | Redesdale | $13,992 | |||
Reedy Creek Progress Association Incorporated | RCPA 2021-2022 Calendar of Events Provide opportunities to build community resilience and connection, through the delivery of community gatherings at Reedy Creek Hall. | Reedy Creek | $4,871 | |||
Saltbush Community Initiatives Inc / St Matthew's Church | Hope...It Grows! - Ramp Up Allow whole of community access and renew facilities, through the installation of an all-abilities access ramp at a community garden. | Long Gully | $19,000 | |||
St Andrews Primary School | Kitchen Garden Community Space Improve access to healthy food and educational activities by developing a school garden project. | St Andrews | $20,000 | |||
Traralgon South and District Association | Traralgon South Billy Cart Construction and Derby Encourage generations to come together and gain new skills through a billy cart building project. | Traralgon South | $5,360 | |||
Triangle Arts Group Inc | Marysville - Inside and Out, Music in the Park and more Strengthen connection to local culture and encourage people in the community to access arts events by running a local music festival. | Marysville | $14,000 | |||
Whittlesea Men's Shed Incorporated | Acquisition and Installation of New & Replacement Equipment Create a safe environment, and improve the health and wellbeing of community participants with the purchase of safety equipment and band saw. | Whittlesea | $4,576 | |||
Whittlesea Secondary College | Restore, Grow, Perform Increase education opportunities and the amenity of the performing arts centre at Whittlesea Secondary College through upgrades and the purchase of technical equipment. | Whittlesea | $24,364 | |||
Y Water Discovery Centre Inc | Yea Wetlands Precinct Educational and Directional Biodiversity Signage Project Increase connection to place and enhance the educational experience through the installation of updated educational and directional signage at the wetlands precinct. | Yea | $20,000 | |||
Yarram Campdraft Club Inc | Yarram Campdraft Emergency Community Access Project Boost the community’s ability to prepare for future disasters by improving a track to provide access to a safe holding location for livestock during emergency events. | Yarram | $12,250 | |||
Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House Inc | Dindi Open Studios Boost tourism and the local economy, and increase access to the local arts scene with a pilot Open Studio project featuring local artists' exhibitions. | Kinglake | $15,405 | |||
Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House Inc | ‘Kinglake Ranges Digital Archive for Arts Recovery’ Hardcover Book Enhance local culture and identity, and ongoing recovery and resilience by publishing the story of arts-led recovery projects. | Kinglake | $18,404 | |||
Kinglake West Primary School | NAIDOC Week Celebrations Foster knowledge and strengthen connection to local First Nations culture by celebrating NAIDOC week and building a bush tucker garden. | Kinglake West | $3,500 | |||
Rotary Club of Kinglake Ranges Inc | The Next 10 Years Build organisational resilience and attract new members through the development of a strategic plan for the Kinglake Ranges Rotary Club. | Kinglake | $3,925 | |||
Toolangi District Community House Inc / Toolangi Tennis Court Action Team | Toolangi Tennis Courts & Surrounds Redevelopment Expand the use of a community meeting place and increase safety through restoring pathways linking shared community facilities, repairs and landscaping. | Toolangi | $33,007 | |||
Dindi Arts Trail projects Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House Inc / Kinglake Ranges Arts | Dindi Arts Trail – Kinglake Enhance community identity and awareness of local culture, and boost local economy through the development of a community arts project across the ranges. | Kinglake | $86,052 | |||
Dindi Arts Trail projects Kinglake West Mechanics Institute and Reserve Committee Inc / Kinglake Historical Society | Dindi Arts Trail – Historical Mural Promote connection to Kinglake region's history with murals depicting historical scenes. | Kinglake West | $19,500 | |||
Dindi Arts Trail projects Toolangi District Community House Inc | Dindi Art Trail – Toolangi Rejuvenate and enhance the town landscape, and boost community identity with the addition of murals in Toolangi. | Toolangi | $30,640 | |||
Dindi Arts Trail projects Flowerdale Community House Inc | Dindi Arts Trail – Flowerdale Build community pride and enhance the urban environment with the creation of a mural featuring local iconic images. | Flowerdale | $20,705 |
Black Saturday funding available for community-led initiatives
Twelve years on from the devastating 2009 Victorian bushfires, FRRR is offering another round of funding to support impacted communities as they continue to rebuild, reconnect and recover.
Supported by the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund (VBAF), the funding is available through FRRR’s Grants for Resilience & Wellness (GR&W) program and the Grants for Resilience & Wellness Kinglake Ranges (GR&W Kinglake) program. The grants of up to $20,000 will support not-for-profits and community-based organisations to lead projects that aid recovery and build community resilience.
The GR&W and GR&W Kinglake Ranges programs fund initiatives that:
- Improve mental health and wellbeing of communities and individuals;
- Enhance wellbeing and resilience of pre-school, primary and secondary school-aged children and young people;
- Strengthen community connections, sense of place and community identity; and
- Increase the community’s ability to prepare for future disasters.
To date, FRRR has awarded more than $4.5 million in grants to local groups, thanks to VBAF funding, which comes from the generous contributions by the general public following the Black Saturday bushfires in 2009. Through this round of funding there is a total of $360,000 available for GR&W grants and a total of more than $700,000 available for GR&W Kinglake projects.
Nina O’Brien, FRRR’s Disaster Resilience and Recovery Lead, said that the impact of COVID-19 has increased the need to support recovering communities to reconnect socially and continue to enhance their wellbeing.
“Despite the restrictions that the pandemic has put on people coming together, local groups report services and activities that enhance wellness and resilience are still well attended. One program funded twice previously by FRRR, the Be Well in the Ranges program, has been fully booked out, and the Yinnar Memorial Hall exercise group continues to attract 30-40 participants each week,” Ms O’Brien said.
“The GR&W programs provide flexible support to respond to issues as they emerge. More than a decade since the fires, communities are focusing on building resilience for the future,” Ms O’Brien explained.
Applications for both GR&W and GR&W Kinglake close at 5pm AEDT, Wednesday 21 April 2021.
Potential applicants should visit the GR&W and GR&W Kinglake webpages and review the guidelines before applying.
Funding for communities impacted by 2009 Black Saturday fires
The Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR) has awarded nearly $725,000 in grants to support 31 projects that will help communities impacted by the February 2009 Black Saturday bushfires continue to rebuild, reconnect and recover.
Supported by the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund (VBAF), these grants are funded through three grant programs – Grants for Resilience & Wellness (GR&W), GR&W Kinglake Ranges and the final round of Community Group Futures (CGF).
The VBAF funding comes from the generous contributions by the general public following the Black Saturday bushfires in 2009. More than a decade on from Black Saturday, FRRR has awarded more than $4.5 million in grants to local groups through these programs.
Grants for Resilience & Wellness
The GR&W program is tailored to support community-led projects that focus on strengthening and building the resilience of those places impacted by the 2009 Victorian bushfires.
Now in its nineth year, this round of GR&W sees $233,089 in grants awarded to 15 community groups. The funded projects will support and improve the wellbeing, resilience and mental health of community members, help people keep coming together, and help build community capacity and preparedness for future disasters.
Nina O’Brien, Disaster and Recovery Lead at FRRR, said that this round, there were many communities wanting funding for projects that help people connect and also retain their sense of place and community identity.
“Many communities reach a stage in their long-term recovery where reconnecting with place, the environment, and community becomes an important part of the healing process,” explained Ms O’Brien.
“Rediscovering and rebuilding these connections can happen in many different and meaningful ways, and this round of GR&W is a perfect example of that. For some communities, it involves improving community meeting places and venues for activities. Others are using arts and cultural projects to both increase community connectedness and grow community identity and awareness of local history. Other places are helping their community to connect through events and activities like concerts and walking trails.
“Recovery takes time and the process is different for every place, so it’s important that we listen to communities and their local leaders and let them decide what priorities need to be addressed, as things evolve,” Ms O’Brien said.
Some of the projects funded in this round of the GR&W program include:
- Buxton Primary School, Buxton – Buxton Bush Tucker Trail – $15,000 – Enhance curriculum through delivery of an innovative environmental and Indigenous education program that supports custodianship of local ecology.
- Yarra Valley ECOSS, Wesburn – Crops for Community to Market – $20,000 – Build a vibrant resilient local food economy through employment of a disability support worker to deliver and develop programs for disaster affected residents.
Grants for Resilience & Wellness Kinglake Ranges
The GR&W Kinglake Ranges program gives community groups and local not-for-profit organisations in the Kinglake Ranges the opportunity to work together and increase local capacity to get initiatives off the ground. This round, $461,993 has been awarded to 14 projects in the region.
A great example of the collaborative and innovative local thinking is Bees for the House, which will increase access to infrastructure that supports community education, through development of an apiary at the Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House.
Among the other GR&W Kinglake Ranges awarded grants are:
- Flowerdale Community House, Flowerdale – Flowerdale Playgroup Program – $26,250 – Increase support for local parents, and enhance early childhood education, through facilitated playgroup program at Flowerdale Community House.
- Kinglake Ranges Children’s Centre, Kinglake – Indigenous Sensory Bush Tucker Garden with Community Mural – $17,530 – Increase cultural and environmental learning through establishment of a yarning circle, firepit, and student inspired mural at a newly developed bush tucker garden.
The next rounds of GR&W and GR&W Kinglake Ranges open early March 2021 and close April 2021. Applications for the GR&W Kinglake Ranges program are now invited from all community groups in the wider Kinglake Ranges, not just those that participated in the initial consultation process in 2017.
Community Group Futures
The CGF program focuses on not-for-profit groups in communities impacted by Black Saturday. It was designed to provide them with the tools to create strong and lasting improvements within their organisation. This is the final round of the CGF program, with $898,237 granted across ten rounds.
Some $29,483 has been awarded to two projects to support the Yackandandah Fire Station and the Stanley Athenaeum and Public Room. The funds will increase their capacity through the purchase of equipment and by funding professional administrative support.
Ms O’Brien said that more than a decade on, these community organisations continue to experience operational and service delivery challenges due to the 2009 bushfires.
“For these community groups, they have had to face the challenge of managing their own recovery while also continuing to provide support and services the people in their communities. The CGF program has supported these organisations to look ahead to the future and implement longer term climate resilience initiatives that will help them achieve their aspirations,” said Ms O’Brien.
“For some community groups, these goals have included greater organisational capabilities, for others it’s been about long-term viability and sustainability, while others looked for ways to improve cost efficiencies for community infrastructure.
“The CGF grants have helped strengthen and sustain these community groups so that they can continue to do what they do best and support their community,” Ms O’Brien explained.
The final projects funded through the CGF program are:
- Totally Renewable Yackandandah, Yackandandah – Yackandandah Fire station – Resilient Power Supply – $9,983 – Increase the capacity of the organisation to reduce costs and remain available during emergencies through the purchase of a generator that will enhance the Fire Station’s new battery and solar system’s capacity.
- Stanley Athenaeum and Public Room Indigo Shire Council, Stanley – Prepare and Protect – $19,500 –Increase organisational capacity by employing professional support to catalogue and preserve Stanley Historical Space’s significant local collection. The project will include training that will leave a legacy in the organisation.
The full list of grant recipients and their projects are below.
Organisation | Project | Location | Awarded |
Alexandra Football & Netball Club Inc | Reserve Development Enhance facilities that support community connectedness and fitness, via upgrade of power supply for new community hub at Alexandra Football & Netball Club | Alexandra | $15,000 |
Art Resource Collective Inc | Pottery and Print Equipment Fund Increase access to the arts, and local connectedness through, upgrade of ceramics equipment and infrastructure for community arts group | Yinnar | $18,997 |
Arthurs Creek Fire Brigade Country Fire Authority – Head office | Spreading the Knowledge-Bushfire Education Program 2020 Build community resilience, through development of resources to deliver local CFA bushfire awareness program across five schools impacted by the 2009 bushfires. | Strathewen | $20,000 |
Bruarong Community Centre | Protecting and Sharing – Developing the Bruarong Collection Research Resource Preserve and protect the community’s heritage, through uploading and cataloguing images, objects, and documents. | Bruarong | $18,500 |
Buxton Primary School | Buxton Bush Tucker Trail Enhanced curriculum through, delivery of innovative environmental and Indigenous education program that supports custodianship of local ecology. | Buxton | $15,000 |
‘Honour the Taungurung’ Community Project Group Yea Community Service Group Inc | Honour the Taungurung Work towards reconciliation and acknowledgement of traditional owners through creation of a community meeting place featuring Taungurung designed artwork celebrating local Indigenous culture. | Yea | $28,734 |
Kilmore District Men’s Shed Inc | Solar Power Enhance sustainability of local Men’s Shed, through the installation of solar panels. | Kilmore | $8,960 |
Kilmore District Men’s Shed Inc | Plastering Enhance sustainability of local group, through the completion to construction of a local Men’s Shed | Kilmore | $6,054 |
Marysville Community Action Team Murrindindi Cycle Club | Feasibility Study for more cycling options in the Marysville Area to increase tourism Explore potential for ecotourism development and rejuvenation of community’s economy by extending visitor season with feasibility study into Cycle Trails | Marysville | $14,000 |
More Murals Rubicon Forest Protection Group Inc | Life of a Leaf: Notes from the Forest Enhance creative development and recovery, through creation of a 16-track compilation CD reflecting on the Black Saturday fires | Marysville Buxton Taggerty | $15,200 |
Rotary Club of Alexandra | Music in the Park Increase local connection and enhance culture, through supporting the delivery of community music event. | Alexandra | $5,450 |
St Matthew’s Church Saltbush Community Initiatives Inc | Hope…It Grows! Renewal Increase community access and renew facilities, through upgrade to community garden and space. | Long Gully | $15,300 |
Wandong Heathcote Junction Community Group Inc | Provide Seating along the Say G’Day trail at Wandong Enhance local walking trail and increase accessibility for residents with different abilities, through installation of seating areas. | Wandong | $6,695 |
Whittlesea Men’s Shed Inc | Dust Extraction and Air Filtration System Improve the health and well-being of community participants, by upgrading the air filtration system in the wood working workshop. | Whittlesea | $20,000 |
Yarra Valley Ecoss Inc | Crops for Community to Market Build vibrant resilient local food economy, through employment of a disability support worker to deliver and develop programs for disaster affected residents. | Wesburn | $20,000 |
Flowerdale Community House Inc | Flowerdale Playgroup Program Increase support for local parents, and enhance early childhood education, through facilitated playgroup program at Flowerdale Community House. | Flowerdale | $26,250 |
Kinglake Football Netball Club | Community coming together with healthy mind and body Increase local connectedness and reduce social isolation, through delivery of a family focused event at local Sports ground. | Kinglake | $3,530 |
Kinglake Ranges Children’s Centre Inc | Indigenous Sensory Bush tucker Garden with Community Mural Increase cultural and environmental learning through, establishment of a yarning circle, firepit, and student inspired mural, at a newly developed bush tucker garden. | Kinglake | $17,530 |
Buzz of the Bees Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House Inc | Bees for the House Increase access to infrastructure that supports community education, through development of an apiary at the Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House. | Kinglake | $7,508 |
Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House Inc | Dindi Collective: Supporting Organisational Capacity of Neighbourhood & Community Houses across Murrindindi Increase capacity and collaboration between seven Community Houses in Murrindindi Shire, though establishment of a supportive Network and delivery of professional development. | Kinglake | $64,173 |
Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House Inc | Kinglake Ranges Fund – Community Grant Development Officer Increase local capacity to develop community projects and apply for grant funds, through employment of a Community Grants Officer. | Kinglake | $41,941 |
Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House Inc | Makerspace Mates Increase opportunities to support connection, reduce isolation, and learn about new interests, through the delivery of free, no skill needed, creative workshops. | Kinglake | $19,763 |
Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House Inc | The Matanya Effect – Healing with Horses – Skills for a Calmer Life Increase access to locally based support for mental health, through the delivery of equine assisted learning to residents of the Kinglake Ranges. | Kinglake | $17,700 |
Kinglake Trust Reserve Inc | Ellimatta Centre Periodic Maintenance Project Increase access to spaces where the community connect, through preservation and maintenance of community hub at Kinglake Trust Reserve. | Kinglake | $25,850 |
Kinglake Historical Society Kinglake West Mechanics Institute Hall and Reserves Committee Inc | Strengthening Community Understanding of Kinglake’s Heritage Increase space and resources for Historical displays and research, through expansion to Kinglake Historical Society and purchase of additional equipment. | Kinglake | $162,334 |
Middle Kinglake Primary School | Providing Opportunities for Positive Social Interaction Increase use of outdoor areas at Middle Kinglake Primary School for learning and socialising, through purchase of outdoor cushions and beanbags. | Kinglake Central | $1,000 |
Rotary Club of Kinglake Ranges Inc | Rotary and Lions Storage Facility Reduce volunteer fatigue and increase local capacity, through the installation of a centrally located storage shed for community equipment. | Kinglake | $39,910 |
Toolangi-Castella Local History Action Plan Working Group Toolangi District Community House Inc | Toolangi-Castella Local history Action Plan Increase local connectedness to culture and heritage, through development of an oral history and photographic display, and website for Toolangi-Castella. | Toolangi | $14,742 |
Toolangi Tennis Court Action Team Toolangi District Community House Inc | Toolangi Tennis Court and Surrounds Re-development Enhance local meeting space and increase safety, through upgrade of pathways, retaining walls, and landscaping at Toolangi Tennis Court reserve | Toolangi | $19,762 |
Stanley Athenaeum and Public Room Indigo Shire Council | Prepare and Protect Increase awareness of local historical collections significance, and protect it from future disasters, through engaging a Collection Management Consultant. | Stanley | $19,500 |
Totally Renewable Yackandandah Inc | Yackandandah Fire station – Resilient Power Supply Increase local resilience and preparedness through installation of a generator at the Yackandandah Fire Station. | Yackandandah | $9,983 |
Bendigo, 12 July 2018: Thirty community groups impacted by the 2009 Victorian bushfires have received grants to support the ongoing local needs that continue to emerge.
Thanks to the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund (VBAF), these community groups will share in $341,438 across two grant programs to implement their locally-led projects.
Grants for Resilience and Wellness (GR&W) will fund 19 community groups, distributing $244,667 for 21 local projects. To date, the GR&W program has now funded 173 projects and distributed over $2 million.
Community Group Futures (CGF) will distribute $96,771 across 10 community groups. To date, CGF has now funded 34 projects, valued at $382,775.
It’s been nine years since Australia saw the highest-ever loss from a bushfire. More than one million acres of land were decimated: lives changed forever, and the aftermath continues to be felt in families and communities affected by the fires.
Natalie Egleton, FRRR’s CEO, explains that despite the time that’s passed, the recovery is ongoing.
“Grants from the VBAF were first distributed in 2010. Rebuilding a community does not happen overnight, it takes time. This is why we continue to provide support to the communities impacted by fires, nearly a decade on. Both these programs are flexible and designed to meet the evolving needs of the fire-affected communities.”
In the latest round of the GR&W program, the majority of applications FRRR received were for projects focused on strengthening community connectedness and enhancing local community identity and sense of place.
For example, Firefoxes Australia have received $15,620 for their Murrindindi Women’s Forum and Women’s Health and Wellbeing Expo to employ an events co-ordinator. This will help relieve fatigued volunteers, as well as support catering, venue hire and transport. These events have proven important in connecting women from across the Shire and tackling the challenges of isolation, thereby helping to deal with the mental health issues that have arisen due to the devastation of 2009.
Earlier this year Community Group Futures was awarded an additional $338,237 from the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund Panel, bringing the total funds for this program to $898,237. Its aim is to ensure there are strong, sustainable and focused local community organisations and leaders that can support their communities and the activities they wish to engage in.
Projects such as the Toolangi Castella District Community House – C J Dennis Hall project – will use a $2,240 grant to support the creation of processes and procedures and to increase their capacity and readiness to assume the management of the local community hall. The C J Dennis Hall continues to be an asset to the Toolangi community, serving as a meeting place that encourages community connectedness, and in the event of future disaster events, as a place of refuge.
Ms Egleton noted that there is still funding available for communities affected by the 2009 Victorian bushfires with the next GR&W and CGF grant rounds opening on 6 August 2018.
“As the 10-year anniversary of the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires occurs in February 2019, any community organisations in the impacted areas that wish to hold commemorative activities should apply in the next round of GR&W, which will open on 6 August.”
The projects funded in this round are listed below. GR&W Program | Community Group Futures Program
Grants for Resilience & Wellness (GR&W) Round 13 recipients
Organisation |
Amount |
Alexandra Indoor Heated Pool Inc. |
Alexandra Indoor Heated Pool |
$20,000 |
More Murals |
Alexandra’s Beasties |
$18,850 |
Boolarra South Landcare Group |
Mechanical Weed Control for Environmentally Sensitive Areas |
$5,000 |
Chapter Seven Ltd. |
Fun Mudder Project Planning and Delivery |
$18,000 |
Clonbinane Community Action Group |
Paving the Road to Resilience |
$16,912 |
Coleraine & District Development Association Inc. |
Toolang Walk |
$16,941 |
Ellimatta |
Stem Makerspace |
$14,567 |
Firefoxes Australia |
Women of Murrindindi |
$15,620 |
Flowerdale Community House |
And So, We Sew! |
$2,895 |
Foggy Mountain Inc. |
Foggy Mountain Music Project |
$8,000 |
Freedom Care Inc. |
Project Squirrel II |
$4,212 |
Healesville Interchurch Community Care Incorporated |
A bus of new beginnings – HICCI Community Bus Project |
$11,990 |
Kilmore District Men’s Shed |
General And Disabled Toilet Facilities |
$20,000 |
Men’s Shed at St Andrews Inc. |
Safeguarding the health of members Protect the health and safety of all users and remove barriers to participation for members of the community with health concerns with the installation of dust and fume extraction systems at the Men’s Shed at St Andrews. |
$13,400 |
Mount Beauty Neighbourhood Centre Inc. |
Kitchen Upgrade |
$5,100 |
Rotary Club of Kinglake Ranges |
Kinglake Ranges Community Stadium Project | $19,419 |
St Matthew’s Church |
The People’s Pantry Long Gully |
$6,000 |
St Andrews Community Centre Inc. |
St Andrews Recovery and Community Building |
$12,747 |
Toolangi Castella District Community House Inc. |
Upgrade of Maternal Health rooms |
$9,900 |
Traralgon South and District Association |
Community access to defibrillators |
$2,949 |
Traralgon South and District Association |
Traralgon South and Callignee Youth Group – “Place to be Me” |
$2,165 |
Community Group Futures (CGF) Round 6 recipients
Organisation |
Amount |
Bushfire Education Foundation Inc. |
Bushfire Education Centre and Museum Project Officer |
$20,000 |
Firefoxes Australia |
Firefoxes Future Focused (FFF) |
$20,000 |
Healesville Community Renewable Energy Inc. |
Strategic Planning and Implementation Support for Healesville CoRE |
$7,208 |
Healesville Toastmasters Club Inc. |
Good Governance in Healesville |
$12,200 |
Mitchell Shire Concert Band |
Solar4MSCB |
$6,493 |
Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre |
Myrtleford – Building Sustainable Community Futures |
$10,000 |
Rotary Club of Kinglake Ranges |
Communications and Innovation |
$4,600 |
Taggerty Community Progress Group Inc. |
Setting up training on a Financial System for CH@T |
$6,396 |
Toolangi Castella District Community House Inc. |
C J Dennis Hall |
$2,240 |
Whittlesea Showgrounds & Recreation Reserves Committee of Management |
Strategic Plan Development and Implementation |
$7,634 |
Bendigo, 23 February 2017: Today 24 community groups impacted by the 2009 Victorian bushfires received funding to support the community needs that continue to emerge post the devastating disaster.
Thanks to the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund, these community groups will share in $344,856 across two grant programs to implement their locally led projects.
- Grants for Resilience and Wellness (GR&W) will fund 15 community groups, sharing in $254,634, to implement their local projects. To date, the GR&W program has funded 111 projects to a total value of $1,413,705.16
- Community Group Futures (CGF) program will fund $90,222 across nine community groups. To date, CGF has funded 24 projects, valued at $286,004.
Rebuilding a community after a natural disaster takes many years. This month marks the eighth anniversary of the Black Saturday fires and the impacts are still being felt.
FRRR’s CEO, Natalie Egleton, said that the projects being supported via the GR&W and CGF programs reflect the need to facilitate long term recovery and to continue to build resilience through community identified solutions to support all parts of the community.
“Recovery takes time and while immediate support is vital, the ongoing demand for this support reinforces the need for people wanting to help in situations like the recent NSW fires to consider putting some funds toward long-term support programs.
“From our work with communities affected by the 2009 fires, we know that it’s been a tough journey and there are still challenges. Together with our donors, FRRR continues to support the impacted communities through the rebuilding and recovery process,” Ms Egleton said.
The Grants for Resilience & Wellness (GR&W) program recognises that an important part of community recovery is having opportunities to connect, share experiences, enhance individual and community wellbeing and resilience. This round, there was a common theme of strengthening community connectedness through local events, and a strong focus on supporting students of all ages through skills development, raising self-esteem and school preparation.
The Community Group Futures (CGF) program is designed to help community groups experiencing operational and service delivery challenges post the bushfires, helping them look forward and build their sustainability, viability, capability and capacity. The most common projects funded this round were solar panel installation to reduce energy costs, paid positions to increase community engagement and participation, and developing strategies for long-term viability in the community.
Ms Egleton noted that there is still funding available for communities affected by the 2009 Victorian bushfires.
The projects funded in this round are detailed below:
Grants for Resilience & Wellness (GR&W) – Round 10 recipients
Organisation |
Project |
Location |
Amount |
Bendigo Baptist Community Care Inc. |
MADCOW (Make A Difference Change Our World) Community Garden – Bike Butcher Support and empower disadvantaged and disengaged young people via the MADCOW Community Garden Bike Butcher project, an educational bike, scooter and skateboard workshop program. The GR&W grant will fit out a 40ft shipping container for the project to operate. |
Eaglehawk |
$19,466 |
CFA – Arthurs Creek / Strathewen |
Strathewen Fire Education Partnership Engaging Strathewen Primary School students in Grade 5 & 6 in a fire and country education program, culminating in the creation of a story book to present to the local community, and a DVD documenting the process for wider distribution. |
Strathewen |
$15,730 |
CIRE Services Inc. |
Bringing Up Great Kids Supporting respectful, caring and nurturing relationships for parents and carers of 0-6 year old children, through a suite of free parenting programs. |
Yarra Junction |
$3,900 |
Clonbinane Community Action Group |
A More Resilient Clonbinane Addressing a priority item from the newly developed Clonbinane Neighbourhood Emergency Plan, by purchasing and installing a 55Kva Diesel Generator at the Community Hall. |
Clonbinane |
$10,000 |
Continuing Education & Arts Centre Alexandra Inc |
90 Up: Living Links to Alexandra and District’s Past Celebrating the stories of resilience shaped by disaster and adversity of Alexandra and District residents who are 90+ years of age, via an oral history project will capture, record. |
Alexandra |
$19,000 |
Dixons Creek Landcare Group |
Dixons Creek School Walking Track Improving community connectedness to the Community Safe Area by construction a 1.5km walking track between the Dixon’s Creek Primary School and Dixon’s Creek Reserve. |
Dixons Creek |
$20,000 |
Ellimatta Inc. |
A Bright and Positive Future for Youth Ensuring high quality youth services continue to be offered to the Kinglake Ranges through a multi-year grant to fund the Youth Development Officer and Executive Officer wages for three more years. FRRR funding is matched by Kinglake Ranges Foundation (VBAF) and project costs by Kinglake Rotary. Funding will be staged over three years to facilitate building sustainable business and funding strategies. |
Kinglake |
$80,000 |
Glenburn Hall and Progress Assoc. Inc. |
Glenburn Growth – Fly Screens and Refrigeration Support volunteers and enhance community cohesion, by installing new refrigeration to store food and screen doors and windows for better ventilation to make community meetings more comfortable. |
Glenburn |
$6,941 |
Healesville Living & Learning Centre Inc. |
Bush Works Supporting local bush knowledge and bushfire preparedness through a practical, all ages program of up-cycling bush materials into furniture and creation of ‘found object’ art. |
Healesville |
$8,964 |
Marysville Motoring Expo Inc |
Marysville Motoring Expo Encouraging social and economic recovery post the Black Saturday Bushfires by supporting the three-day Motoring Expo community event. |
Marysville |
$7,065 |
Mirboo North Primary School |
Provision of a Disabled/Universal Toilet Facility for Community Use Supporting community cohesion and community resilience by upgrading the Primary School toilet facility to universal/ disabled functionality for the numerous local groups that access the school facilities. |
Mirboo North |
$19,000 |
Rotary Club of Alexandra |
Sesqui Alexandra Building a strong sense of place and contributing to economic recovery by engaging the community to co-create a one-day event to celebrate the sesquicentenary of Alexandra. |
Alexandra |
$5,012 |
Toolangi District Community House Inc. |
KEYS – Kinglake Early Years Support for local families to get children school-ready by researching and documenting family engagement in early childhood services in the Kinglake Ranges district. |
Toolangi |
$16,995 |
Yarra Glen Living & Learning Centre |
Centre Community Edible Food Garden To aid ongoing recovery from the bushfires, a self-managed edible garden will be established. |
Yarra Glen |
$15,381 |
Yarram Community Emergency Planning Committee (Yarram & District Traders & Tourism Inc.) |
Yarram & District Emergency Registration Point Educating district communities on the Emergency Registration Point in Yarram, by developing and disseminating an information brochure to communicate actions to take in an emergency. |
Yarram |
$7,180 |
Community Group Futures (CGF) – Round 3 recipients:
Organisation |
Project |
Location |
Amount |
Boolarra Men’s Shed Inc. |
Purchases of Computer Improve communication and connectedness of the Men’s Shed members by purchasing a desktop computer and lessons in IT. |
Boolarra |
$3,170 |
Broadford Living and Learning Centre (Mitchell Shire Council) |
Community Engagement Officer Broadford Living and Learning Centre Build capacity and increase community ownership and participation through a community engagement strategy for the new Community Centre for Broadford. |
Broadford |
$14,976 |
Churchill and District Community Assoc. |
Burned Out and Burnt Out Minimise volunteer fatigue and recruit new members to the Churchill District Community Association (CDCA) with the assistance of a consultant to engage with local community groups and individuals to build wider ownership. |
Churchill |
$9,000 |
Flowerdale Community House Inc. |
Improving Flowerdale’s Operational Capability Improve and build operational capability, with the support of a paid employee to develop financial management, reporting and compliance policies and procedures for Flowerdale Community House, Flowerdale Landcare, and Flowerdale Men’s Shed. |
Hazeldene |
$17,062 |
Glenburn Hall and Progress Assoc. Inc. |
Glenburn Growth Project Lower the energy costs to improve operational capital by purchasing and installing 4.5kw solar panel on the roof of the Glenburn Hall. |
Glenburn |
$7,350 |
Happy Valley Hall |
Shining the Light on Sustainability Reduce ongoing energy costs for funds to be redirected to other community activities by purchasing and installing a 3.9kw solar panel. |
Rosewhite |
$9,848 |
Quercus Beechworth |
Connecting Beechworth Increase the connectivity, cohesion and resilience of the community through a collaborative project to analyse, develop and implement a town-wide communication strategy. |
Beechworth |
$13,400 |
Rotary Club of Kinglake Ranges |
Governance Training Supporting existing members of the Rotary Club of Kinglake Ranges to effectively fulfil their responsibilities by running Governance training. |
Kinglake |
$1,100 |
Women’s Health Goulburn North East |
Learning From Lessons in Disaster Engage with partner groups to be disaster prepared and resilient by co-design a ‘train the trainer’ program to deliver Gender in Disaster education. |
Wangaratta |
$14,316 |
In the many years it takes to rebuild a region following a disaster like the 2009 Victorian bushfires, success in driving tourism back to the area can be make or break. It takes a concerted effort from a cohesive community to start seeing positive growth again.
In the Kinglake Ranges, the Foggy Mountain Bluegrass Festival, held for the second time in 2015, achieved both of these important factors of recovery – driving community engagement while supporting wider economic development in a unique and exciting way.
The three day festival held last October (16th – 18th) attracted 1,500 attendees, 70% of which were visitors to the region. It included a Bush dance, music workshops, Bluegrass concerts, local produce, local talent, street performers, community concerts and a beard competition to support the Charity White Ribbon to raise awareness and funds to help stop violence again women. It brought local musicians back out in the open and connected a huge range of groups in the area, from the Kinglake CFA and Police to the Mountain Pickers Association of Victoria and the Australian Bluegrass and Old Timey Music Association. Many local food and accommodation businesses were booked out or sold out of products.
President of Foggy Mountain Inc, Brad Quilliam, said, “Overall we were extremely buoyed by the positive feedback from all involved and the festival achieving so many of its goals. The micro businesses in our area had rave reviews from all visitors which enhanced their confidence.”
Funding support came from a variety of sources – from the Rotary Club of Kinglake Ranges, CERT, CFA, SES, Kinglake Neighbourhood House, Kinglake Foundation, and Kinglake Lions, with in-kind support from local organisations and businesses, and an estimated $6000 of volunteer labour – vital to the festival’s smooth operation.
Children given a voice through song
Foggy Mountain Inc applied to FRRR’s Grants for Resilience and Wellness program (GR&W) in order to run a special part of the music festival program – the song-writing program for local primary schools, which would culminate in 100 students performing their songs at the Sunday Community Concert at the Foggy Mountain Bluegrass Festival (with free entry all day to ensure the whole community could participate.)
GR&W granted $4,850, funded by the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund, to support workshops for six primary schools in the region (Kinglake East, Kinglake West, Middle Kinglake, Strathewan, Toolangi and Flowerdale Primary School) as well as a sound engineer to record the children’s songs and stage for their performance, as well as chairs and an MC for the Community Concert. The workshops gave their students the opportunity to learn song writing skills and were facilitated by the acclaimed Carter and Carter.
“The workshops give the children a voice through song and in 2014 the children wrote about what they had lost and now what they have gained” Mr Quilliam reported.
Mr Quilliam said the students were the highlight of the day!
“It was a perfect platform to encourage participation, give self-confidence and show the work that the students had done in the song writing workshops leading up to the festival. The children were so excited to be performing to a capacity crowd in the main marquee.”
The community day also included workshops to learn new musical skills, benefitting up and coming musicians of all ages, and a Gospel Concert. Organisers are already talking about running a program for youth in production and video to expand on the value the festival can give to the area’s young people.
“This part of the program gives the locals a sense of pride and optimism,” Mr Quilliam said.