Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR)

By Natalie Egleton, CEO

Over the past month, I’ve had dozens of conversations with community leaders, local, state and commonwealth governments, philanthropic foundations, and corporate partners, that have all circled around the question of disaster resilience and best practice giving. I’m encouraged by the growing sentiment that recognises the increasing frequency and severity of disasters, yet also see a pressing need to shift our approaches to funding disasters as one-off events.

Time to evolve disaster philanthropy in Australia
Natalie Egleton, CEO

The floods that have devastated so many areas across NSW and parts of Queensland this month are yet another in a series of disasters that rural communities have had to face in the past year. Many of those communities have experienced prolonged drought, bushfires, minor flooding, and now catastrophic flooding. For these communities, the rebuild, recovery, and long-term renewal will call on yet more reserves of social capital. Support will be needed that doesn’t compartmentalise their various disaster impacts and which acknowledges the deeply fatiguing and depleting effects of successive disasters on people, communities, and local service systems. 

At FRRR, we view disasters as environmental shocks that remote, rural, regional communities regularly experience. We know they are inevitable and increasing in frequency and severity; what makes them complex is not knowing when they will occur, where, or the severity and nature of their impact.

Recovery and preparedness are only as strong as the social ties, quality of community infrastructure, depth and breadth of skills and networks, cultural knowledge, and the health of local service systems, non-profits, and community groups.

That’s why investing in social capital – preparing for future disasters and adapting to changing conditions after a disaster – underpin our ongoing work outside of disasters. Mitigation and making advances through technology is vital, but only effective when people within communities – those who will act first and drive recovery and preparedness – are invested in.

Our approach is to provide support where there are gaps or quick responses are needed in the short term, however we focus the majority of funds on the medium-to-long term recovery and future preparedness efforts of rural communities. Funding medium to long-term recovery ensures that resources are available to help communities when they are ready, beyond their immediate needs that arise during the emergency.

Adapting and evolving

In operational terms, FRRR has a standing disaster philanthropy model that we scale when a major disaster occurs. Each year, with support from hundreds of donor partners, we provide grants and capacity support to around 500 hundred remote, rural and regional communities across the country via almost 800 grants. This reach gives us a good footprint and connection points that we can naturally tap into when disasters occur.

Right now, we have almost 1,500 active grants in place for diverse projects in remote, rural, regional communities nationally; around 40% of these are supporting community-led recovery and resilience initiatives.

When the 2019-20 bushfires hit FRRR had to scale our processes very quickly. We expanded existing grants programs that have a national footprint, as well as brokered funds management for corporate partners to support short-term recovery.

In the space of a month, FRRR went from having about 700 donors to 30,000 donors. We had to ensure our systems could cope and we needed to scale up our communications and finance management resourcing. At the same time, we were engaging in working groups and forums with Governments, philanthropy, and connecting with fire-affected communities where we had active grants and relationships.

When COVID-19 hit, our biggest challenge, aside from looking after our people, was adjusting our community engagement approaches.

While regional Australia is great at working remotely, working on recovery, trying to engage with largely volunteer-led community groups and not-for-profits is really done best in person.

Understanding the local context can be done remotely but it’s not ideal. We also found that as restrictions came into place, a lot of community groups went to ground.

We knew there would be significant impacts from COVID-19 on recovery from the 2019-20 bushfires because the lockdowns would essentially stall social recovery processes, which are most effective when people come together physically, to process and heal.

One of our big, but unsurprising observations during COVID was the gaping hole in digital inclusion – equitable access to stable telecommunications, low levels of digital connectivity in households, and low digital literacy in what are largely ageing populations. In the Snowy Valleys for example, we learnt that 24% of people didn’t have an internet connection at home. In Tasmania, connectivity is inconsistent and communities very isolated.

At the same time, we were seeing independent news publications falling over and rural communities were becoming even more isolated.

The shocks and disruptions just kept coming and the readiness wasn’t there. And then, large parts of NSW were impacted by once-in-a-century floods.

We hear a lot about needing to increase resilience and I am of the firm view that that is coming from the wrong angle. There is an abundance of resilience, but only so much that any strong community can absorb and bounce forward from.

Embedding disasters in regional development practice

The past year has proven the repeated warnings of many. The frequency and severity of natural disasters will cost society, economies, biodiversity, and liveability. We need to do things differently.

In our work partnering with a community in NSW focussing on their non-profit sector capacity building before the 2019/20 bushfires, it was clear that those organisations and community leaders were more ready to respond to the recovery process and opportunities it presented. These same communities are now facing an unimaginable clean up and recovery from flooding. Our role is to be there, offer patience, continuity, flexibility, and agility to move how and when the community is ready with fit-for-purpose funding and resourcing support. The critical piece here is that when we do this work between disasters, reserves of social capital can be replenished and expanded. Communities are more able to engage with mitigation and do essential future-focussed work to strengthen their response to risk and climate change.

Innovation and renewal – applying learnings to support flood-impacted communities

Since the bushfires, we have reviewed and adjusted our approach to funding the core operating costs of the community groups that are so essential to the fabric and vitality of remote, rural and regional communities.

With the funding model of our national small grants programs being relatively unpredictable and dependent on donations from our partners, it is difficult for FRRR to commit to resourcing beyond one-off grants that seed and strengthen locally led projects.

However, throughout the pandemic, the FRRR Board recognised that the depletion of fundraising revenue, volunteer capacity, and local sponsorships, coupled with increased vulnerability and successive disasters, presents a serious threat to the survival of community groups and local not-for-profits. We recognise this as being critical at this point in time, so we will support core overhead costs until the picture changes. It will still be one-off funding but will help to keep the lights on and people working on key issues, while communities and organisations adapt and evolve through the recovery.

This approach translates to better practice for disaster philanthropy overall.

Given what is unfolding in NSW and Queensland at the moment, it is time that we stop looking at disasters as one-off events and view disasters as a constant. This means that we need to invest in underlying capacity and capability at the community level.

The new National Resilience, Relief & Recovery Agency, along with several State Agencies, are now modelled through an all-hazards lens and hopefully the policy and funding settings will follow. Philanthropy can then play a meaningful role beyond responding to successive crises.

It’s certainly where we are focussing more and more of our efforts, and we welcome more conversation on this.

More than $250,000 distributed to impacted regions

FRRR, in partnership with News Corp Australia, has awarded $279,940 in grants to support 12 projects in communities impacted by the Black Summer bushfires, some of whom are now facing the complexity of recovery from multiple disasters.

News Corp Bushfire Fund grants
SAVEM Inc in Onkaparinga, SA was awarded a $21,050 grant in September 2020 for their Field Hospital Essential Equipment Project

Funded through the News Corp Bushfire Fund, grants ranging from $15,000 to $25,000 have been awarded to community groups in fire-affected regions across New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Queensland.

The funding will go toward community initiatives that support infrastructure rebuilding and social recovery, such as helping people connect; alleviating pressure on volunteers; or critical upgrades to communities’ facilities, activity that will build community capacity and preparedness for future disasters.

Natalie Egleton, CEO of FRRR, explained that several of the recipient communities are now dealing with floods, which makes it all the more important to support them and get this funding on the ground.

“Local not-for-profit organisations and community groups are responding to complex and intersecting challenges. The recovery of many bushfire-affected communities was significantly hampered by COVID-19 restrictions and many are only now starting to make inroads,” Ms Egleton said.

“Some communities are also navigating the ongoing impact of drought while in other areas, the recent flooding will add further to the complexity. However, the underlying issues that these projects were seeking to address will still be there, so these grants are critical to continuing recovery.

“Where project challenges arise due to the flooding, we will work closely with these communities to ensure they are supported to adapt their plans and deliver on the goals they have for local recovery. 

“It’s wonderful to partner with an organisation like News Corp Australia, who have committed support to these fire affected communities over the last year that has allowed us to be flexible and respond as different needs emerge and the recovery journey evolves,” Ms Egleton explained.

News Corp Australia’s community ambassador, Penny Fowler, said the strength of these fire-affected communities is truly inspiring.

“Many of the communities supported with this funding have felt the effect of multiple natural disasters over the last few years – whether drought, flood or fires – yet they continue to move forward. The importance of having well-equipped community facilities that enable people to come together to support one another, or to get back to some semblance of ‘normal’ came through really strongly this round,” Ms Fowler said.

“We are very pleased to be able to work with FRRR to ensure that those community groups on the ground, doing the heavy lifting and supporting their people, have what they need to continue to do so.”

Some of the projects funded include:

  • Container of Dreams Limited – Drake, NSW – Covered Work Area for Tiny House Building – $25,000 – Build an undercover work area, so that no matter the weather conditions, volunteers can safely build tiny houses for those still homeless following the fires.
  • Upper Murray Innovation Foundation / Thowgla Community Recovery Committee – Thowgla Valley, VIC – Thowgla Valley Fire Preparedness – $23,095 – Improve the community’s preparedness to respond to future fire events, and other disasters, by purchasing portable fire-fighting equipment and UHF radios, strengthening community resilience.
  • Granite Belt Art and Craft Trail Incorporated – Stanthorpe, QLD – Granite Belt Art and Craft Trail – $25,000 – Employ a coordinator to address volunteer fatigue and enable the ongoing delivery of a largely volunteer-run art events program to help drive local engagement and attract tourists.
  • Mount Torrens and Districts Community Association Incorporated – Mount Torrens, SA – Dunnfield Community Space – $25,000 – Increase community connections by creating a playground, reflection and meeting spaces, and a community garden in the Dunnfield Community Space using timber from the fire ground.

FRRR encourages all grant seekers to subscribe to our eNews and social media channels to be alerted when other funding opportunities are announced, and to be inspired to develop their own community-led projects.

Visit here for more information on FRRR’s grant programs to support communities before, during, and after a natural disaster or drought, and build communities’ climate resilience. Anyone wanting to directly support medium to long-term flood recovery can do so at

A full list of grant recipients and their projects are below.

OrganisationProject LocationGrant
Blicks Community IncorporatedCommunity Action Plan: Rebuilding Together - Our Sustainable Environment
Enable the community to recover from bushfires and better prepare for future emergencies by developing an Environmental Sustainability plan.
Broulee Surfers Surf Life Saving Club IncorporatedKitchen Renovation
Improve the club's ability to support and service the community during times of emergency through kitchen renovations at the club house.
Container of Dreams LimitedCovered Work Area for Tiny House Building
Improve the capability of Container of Dreams by building an undercover work area allowing volunteers to build tiny houses in all weather conditions for displaced community members.
Eden Community Access Centre IncorporatedPower for the People
Enhance the efficiency of the Eden Community Access Centre by installing solar electricity to support the reduction of running costs and provide a more reliable power source during times of emergency.
Melanoma and Skin Cancer Advocacy Network Limited (BlazeAid)Bushfire Recovery: Keeping Volunteers Sun Safe and Skin Serious!
Improve BlazeAid's capability to protect volunteer health by providing broad brimmed sun hats to be worn when they are supporting the rebuild of community infrastructure.
Southcoast Health and Sustainability AllianceMaking the Moruya Pre-School Kindergarten a Heatwave and Bushfire Haven for Young Children and Their Parents
Improve the Moruya Pre-School's ability to prepare their facility to protect young families of the community by upgrading fire defence systems and installing solar electricity at the centre.
The Big Scrub OrchestraRebuilding Lives of Children Experiencing Trauma from the 2019/20 Bushfires with Music
Encourage children's recovery and learning through music by providing access to big band music experience in the Richmond Valley region.
Granite Belt Art and Craft Trail IncorporatedGranite Belt Art and Craft Trail
Boost the capability of Granite Belt Art and Craft Trail Incorporated to deliver art events across the Granite Belt region by employing an event coordinator locally.
Kingston Brigade Lecepede CFS GroupLacepede CFS Wellbeing Retreat and Learning Zone Development
Strengthen and support the volunteer fire brigade crew to reduce stress and increase community safety during emergencies by providing a breakout space including learning area for volunteers.
Mount Torrens and Districts Community Association IncorporatedDunnfield Community Space
Help locals recover and reflect by providing a community space including playground and community garden constructed with trees recycled from local fire grounds of the 2019/20 bushfires.
Mount Torrens$25,000
Tambo Upper Primary SchoolHistorical Hall Kitchen Rebuild
Expand the use of the community hall by upgrading the kitchen to provide a well-appointed facility for the community to use, particularly during times of emergency.
Tambo Upper$19,345
Upper Murray Innovation Foundation - Thowgla Community Recovery Committee (CRC)Thowgla Valley Fire Preparedness
Improve the community's ability to respond to future fire events by providing portable firefighting equipment and radios for the Thowgla Valley.
Thowgla Valley$23,095

Focus on medium to long-term recovery in flood-affected rural communities in NSW & QLD

FRRR has launched a Flood Recovery Appeal to support remote, rural and regional communities in New South Wales and Queensland devastated by this month’s floods. Donations can be made to the Appeal in general, enabling FRRR to distribute the funds where needed, or allocated to specific regions or communities.

FRRR Flood Recovery Appeal

FRRR has supported remote, rural and regional communities across the country prepare for and recover from natural disasters since 2006. To date, FRRR has distributed more than $26 million for community-led disaster recovery and resilience initiatives, including more than $4 million for projects supporting recovery from the 2019-20 bushfires.

Natalie Egleton, CEO of FRRR, said the Foundation stands ready to support the recovery of flood-affected rural regions of NSW and Queensland.

“It’s hard to fathom that rural communities could face any more challenges than they have in the past year, but sadly they are. Many places devasted by the floods have also been dealing with the impacts of drought, the bushfires, and COVID-19 restrictions,” Ms Egleton said.

“In terms of disaster recovery, FRRR’s approach is to provide support to local community groups and non-profits where there are gaps or quick responses needed in the short term, however we focus the majority of funds on the medium-to-long term recovery and future preparedness efforts of rural communities. Funding medium to long-term recovery ensures that resources are available to help communities beyond the immediate needs that arise during the emergency.

“From our experience, we know disasters have a long-lasting impact – it could take a decade or longer. As recovery gets underway, communities will have different concerns and needs, meaning that recovery will happen at different rates, depending on the community and local priorities.

“Donations to our Flood Recovery Appeal will help to fund a diverse range of initiatives that reflect the needs the community identifies, but it could include rebuilding infrastructure, supporting vulnerable community members and the overall mental health of locals, providing opportunities for locals to reconnect and share their experiences, as well as looking at ways of improving resilience and how the community can prepare for future disasters,” Ms Egleton explained.

FRRR’s programs and partnerships in flood-affected communities are already in place or ready to scale up, including:

  • Strengthening Rural Communities: a flexible national grant program with a targeted bushfire recovery stream, now to be expanded with a flood recovery stream to support short, medium and long-term recovery.
  • Back to School: a partnership program with place-based organisations such as Community Foundations that provides K-mart, Target, and local business vouchers for school supplies that directly helps children and families.
  • Disaster Resilience & Recovery Fund: an invested fund enabling support to be provided for many years to come. Fund earnings are distributed via FRRR’s grant programs for medium-to-long term recovery.

“In the face of these successive disasters, the last year has also shone a light on the generosity of Australians. Australians want to lend a hand, even though it’s been tougher than usual for many, given COVID-19.

“We hope that this same desire to give will continue in the face of this latest disaster as these communities will need support long after the waters have receded,” Ms Egleton said.

Donate to FRRR’s Flood Recovery Appeal here.

Black Saturday funding available for community-led initiatives

Twelve years on from the devastating 2009 Victorian bushfires, FRRR is offering another round of funding to support impacted communities as they continue to rebuild, reconnect and recover.

Black Saturday funding available for community-led initiatives
Whittlesea Community Garden

Supported by the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund (VBAF), the funding is available through FRRR’s Grants for Resilience & Wellness (GR&W) program and the Grants for Resilience & Wellness Kinglake Ranges (GR&W Kinglake) program. The grants of up to $20,000 will support not-for-profits and community-based organisations to lead projects that aid recovery and build community resilience.

The GR&W and GR&W Kinglake Ranges programs fund initiatives that:

  • Improve mental health and wellbeing of communities and individuals;
  • Enhance wellbeing and resilience of pre-school, primary and secondary school-aged children and young people;
  • Strengthen community connections, sense of place and community identity; and
  • Increase the community’s ability to prepare for future disasters.

To date, FRRR has awarded more than $4.5 million in grants to local groups, thanks to VBAF funding, which comes from the generous contributions by the general public following the Black Saturday bushfires in 2009. Through this round of funding there is a total of $360,000 available for GR&W grants and a total of more than $700,000 available for GR&W Kinglake projects.

Nina O’Brien, FRRR’s Disaster Resilience and Recovery Lead, said that the impact of COVID-19 has increased the need to support recovering communities to reconnect socially and continue to enhance their wellbeing.

“Despite the restrictions that the pandemic has put on people coming together, local groups report services and activities that enhance wellness and resilience are still well attended. One program funded twice previously by FRRR, the Be Well in the Ranges program, has been fully booked out, and the Yinnar Memorial Hall exercise group continues to attract 30-40 participants each week,” Ms O’Brien said.

“The GR&W programs provide flexible support to respond to issues as they emerge. More than a decade since the fires, communities are focusing on building resilience for the future,” Ms O’Brien explained.

Applications for both GR&W and GR&W Kinglake close at 5pm AEDT, Wednesday 21 April 2021.

Potential applicants should visit the GR&W and GR&W Kinglake webpages and review the guidelines before applying.

More than $580,000 in grants awarded

22 July 2020: The Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR) has awarded $584,971 in grants to support twenty-eight projects that will assist the continued recovery of communities impacted by the Black Saturday Bushfires in February 2009.

The funds come from its Grants for Resilience & Wellness (GR&W), GR&W Kinglake Ranges and Community Group Futures (CGF) programs, thanks to the support of the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund (VBAF), which the general public generously contributed to in the immediate aftermath of the Black Saturday fires. More than a decade on from the tragedy, nearly $4 million in grants has been provided to community groups through these programs.

The GR&W program focuses on community-strengthening and resilience-building projects for communities. This is the 16th round of the program, confirming that recovery does take time. This round sees 13 projects share in $195,234 in grants. Projects funded this round will help to strengthen community connectedness, create a sense of place and enhance community identity.

Natalie Egleton, CEO of FRRR, said that creating spaces for the community to meet and feel safe continues to be a priority for the ongoing recovery of many communities impacted by the Black Saturday bushfires.

“When communities have lost so much, having a safe, comfortable space to come together is so important. It facilitates opportunities for people to reconnect, maintain good mental health and prevent isolation. It’s therefore important that these spaces are in good condition, are comfortable and have the appropriate amenities and levels of accessibility.

“Communities continue to look for ways to build resilience, particularly when it comes to their young people. Activities such as workshops and training provide these young people with the chance to come together and share their experiences while building their skills and resilience,” continued Ms Egleton.

“Other communities are finding ways to continue their recovery through the arts, such as Marysville’s Singing Saturday Choir or Bruarong‘s place-based oral and visual history gathering project.

“The diversity of these needs, more than 10 years on from the initial bushfire events, highlights the importance of having flexible funding available in the medium to long-term.”

Some of the projects funded in this round of the GR&W program include:

  • Flowerdale Hall Reserve Committee of Management received a $20,000 grant to increase community pride and continued access to local meeting space due to an upgrade to the exterior of Flowerdale Community Hall. 
  • Myrtleford Chamber of Commerce & Industry received a $5,380 grant to increase youth involvement in volunteering and provide training and support through delivery of La Fiera Festival Young Ambassador Scheme.

In addition, a further $289,252 has been awarded through the GR&W Kinglake Ranges program. In this second round of funding, eight projects have been awarded grants, with several also pointing to the importance of increasing connection with others and the region’s environment.

Among the GR&W Kinglake Ranges awarded grants are:

  • Toolangi District Community House received a $59,649 grant to increase social connection and community participation in Toolangi Castella, through the purchase of resources and delivery of a 24-month program of engaging activities.
  • Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House received a $4,917 grant to increase the collaboration of the arts community in Kinglake Ranges through community consultation and development of a project plan for a local Art Trail.

Another stream of VBAF funding, known as Community Group Futures (CGF), is designed to strengthen the capability of local community groups and not-for-profit organisations to ensure they remain viable and sustainable. This is the ninth round of CGF, with seven projects sharing in $100,485 in grants. These projects will provide support and funding for skilled support to develop marketing materials and tools to increase community engagement, as well as support to undertake and implement plans into the future.

Ms Egleton said that it’s been a long road for many local not-for-profits supporting the recovery of their communities, and it’s important that these organisations can access support to explore their longer-term role within the community, as needs continue to evolve.

“That’s why the Community Group Futures program is so important. It helps not-for-profit organisations to think beyond day-to-day operations and short-term needs and look ahead to what is required to be sustainable and viable to meet the needs of the community in the years to come.”

Some of the projects funded through the CGF program include:

  • St Andrews Community Centre received a $20,000 grant to increase St Andrews Community Centre’s capacity to implement a Growth and Stainability Plan through increasing staff hours.
  • Whittlesea Men’s Shed received a $14,000 grant to increase direction and purpose for Whittlesea Men’s Shed members through the development and implementation of a Strategic Plan and an annual Action Plan.

The next round of GR&W, GR&W Kinglake Ranges, and CGF opens on 26 August and closes 23 September 2020. Applications for the GR&W Kinglake Ranges program are now invited from all community groups in the wider Kinglake Ranges, not just those that participated in the initial consultation process in 2017.

The full list of grant recipients and their projects are below.

Jump to : GR&W | GR&W Kinglakes Ranges | CGF






Alexandra Community Shed / Eildon and District Woodworkers Guild Inc. 

Sherry’s First Wish
Increase access to functional space for community activities through upgrade to former government offices currently leased by the Alexandra Community Shed / Eildon and District Woodworkers Guild Inc.  



Bruarong Community Centre 

‘Capturing History – Bruarong Stories Remembered’
Improve social cohesion and build strong local cultural identity through place based oral and visual history gathering project.  



Coleraine & District Development Association Inc. 

Grasslands Walk
Increase local wellbeing and tourism attractions through completing construction of a 10km section of the Coleraine – Hamilton Rail Trail. 



Embassy of Ideas Inc. 

Community Feeding it Forward Food Garden
Increase local food security and community wellbeing through establishment of a community garden in Alexandra. 



Flowerdale Hall Reserve Committee of Management 

Facelift for the Flowerdale Community Hall
Increase community pride and continued access to local meeting space due to an upgrade to the exterior of Flowerdale Community Hall.  



Marysville & Triangle Business and Tourism Inc. 

Mira Shared Community Shed
Increase space for community activities and events through construction of a storage shed at Marysville’s Information and Regional Artspace. 



Middle Kinglake Primary School 

The Challenge for the Future- Resilience and Wellbeing – Youth Out Loud
Increase resilience among students at Middle Kinglake Primary School through delivery of the Youth Out Loud Program to grade 5/6 students.  

Kinglake Central


Mitchell Community Resources and Advocacy Group 

Kids2School Program (k2sP)
Increase school engagement for students at Broadford and Upper Plenty Primary Schools through the delivery of a breakfast program and facilitated resilience-building workshop. 

Mitchell Shire


Myrtleford Chamber of Commerce & Industry Inc. 


La Fiera Italian Festival Myrtleford -Young Ambassador Scheme
Increase youth involvement in volunteering and provide training and support through delivery of La Fiera Festival Young Ambassador Scheme.



Nillumbik Shire Council 


Nillumbik Youth Connect
Increase engagement from local youth in Council planning and development through formation of a Youth Council and Youth Strategy.



Singing Saturday
Triangle Arts Group Inc. 

Singing Saturday Choir
Enhance wellbeing and community spirit through funding a music director and accompanist for newly formed community choir. 



St Andrews Primary School  


Library ‘Broadening’ and Upgrade
Increase access to educational resources through the purchase of new books for the St Andrews Primary School Library.  

St Andrews


St Andrews Primary School 

St Andrews Mental Health Training and Support
Increase community support for individuals with mental health issues through delivery of Mental Health First Aid training courses. 

St Andrews



Kinglake Friends of the Forests Inc

KFF Forest Surveys Project
Improve community awareness of the biodiversity of the region; increased social connection; increased connection to place; and support for environmental recovery through equipment to support monitoring and community tours.



Kinglake Landcare Group
(Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House Inc)

Community and the Local Environment
Increase awareness and management of the local environment through the delivery of a series of expert led community workshops and activities.



Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House Inc

Digital Archive for Arts Recovery Project
Celebration of the outcomes of arts-led 2009 bushfire recovery activities in the Kinglake Ranges, through development of a Digital Archive of art and its impact.

Kinglake Ranges and Online


Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House Inc

Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House
Increase comfort and resources at Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House through upgrade to heating and cooling and increase to Foodshare Program options.

Kinglake, Kinglake West, Pheasant Creek


Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House Inc

Be Well in the Ranges Extension
Reduce barriers to mental health support for the 2009 fire affected Kinglake Ranges community, via providing access to locally based mental health professionals.

Kinglake, Kinglake West, Pheasant Creek


Toolangi District Community House Inc

Strengthening Our Community
Increase social connection and community participation in Toolangi Castella, through the purchase of resources and delivery of a 24-month program of engaging activities.



Kinglake Ranges Arts
(Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House Inc)

Kinglake Art Trail Planning Project
Increase collaboration for the arts community in Kinglake Ranges through community consultation and development of a project plan for a local Art Trail.



Rotary Club of Kinglake Ranges

A Home for Rotary Club of Kinglake Ranges and A Walking Track below the Ranges
Increase evidence and planning support for Kinglake Ranges forest walking track extension project through contracting consultants to develop feasibility study.




Embassy of Ideas Inc.

Social Enterprise Project Officer
Increase support for development of local food security initiatives through employment of a dedicated worker at the Embassy of Ideas.



Mitchell Community Resources and Advocacy Group

Kids2school Program (k2sP)
Increase support and viability for school breakfast program pilot programs in Mitchell Shire through employment of a Project Officer.



Rotary Club of Kinglake Ranges

Onwards and Upwards for the Kinglake Produce & Artisan Markets
Increase efficiency of volunteers and improve management of the Kinglake Produce & Artisan Market through strategic planning and review of policies and procedures.



St Andrews Community Centre Inc

Wadambuk Future Viability Project
Increase capacity to implement a Growth and Stainability Plan through increasing staff hours at St Andrews Community Centre.

St Andrews


The Anglican Parish of Eaglehawk – Saltworks
Bendigo Diocesan Trusts Corporation

Saltworks Community Engagement
Increase effectiveness of communication and attract stakeholders through redevelopment of brand identity and update of communication tools for Saltworks Bendigo.



Toolangi District Community House Inc

Community House Audit and Action Plan
Increase workplace health and safety through review of policies and procedures at Toolangi Castella, Flowerdale and Kinglake Community House’s.



Whittlesea Men’s Shed Incorporated

Strategic Planning and Implementation Support
Increase direction and purpose for Whittlesea Men’s Shed members through the development and implementation of a Strategic Plan and an annual Action Plan.



The Tablelands Region is around 150 km south-west of Cairns in Far North Queensland. Drought declared since May 2016, the community has been under significant pressure, specifically the grazing families in the west of the region. The residents in this area are located in remote settings, which can create challenges like difficulty accessing services, social isolation and lack of opportunities. There are very few regular social activities, as these areas are mostly cattle stations run by self-employed graziers.

In the past few years, the Tablelands Regional Council (TRC) and Northern Gulf Resource Management Group (NGRMG) have worked together to deliver a range of drought relief projects that contributed to connectedness, social wellbeing and increased access and awareness to support services.

They teamed up again to provide a series of gardening workshops to people in areas that have been drought declared to bring them together for new learning experiences that assist in their empowerment and resilience during difficult times, in a bid to promote social cohesion and wellbeing.

A $15,000 Tackling Tough Times Together grant, funded by the Tim Fairfax Family Foundation, enabled TRC to consult and engage gardening experts to design and deliver the workshops. The funding also covered ancillary costs such as the promotion of the events, catering and workshop materials.

In all, four drought-resilient gardening workshops were held, two at Pinnarendi Station and two at Woodleigh Station. The first workshops were held in November 2018 and were attended by 26 participants. The focus was on learning how to build a spiral herb garden utilising existing materials (upcycling) from around their properties. This included preparing the bed and understanding the design benefit for water-saving and planting complementary and seasonal plants, as well as making fertiliser out of existing resources.

The next round of workshops was held in May 2019, and 14 participants learnt to build wicking beds (self-watering gardens) and salad baskets out of hay bales.

Additionally, a morning/afternoon tea was held at each of the stations to discuss what they had learnt, evaluate the workshops and see how they would take any learnings into the future.

Project outcomes from the gardening workshops were significant for the participants who all stated in their evaluation that they had reconnected with old friends socially, and made new connections. From the beginning of the first workshop, participants were looking to increase their skills and knowledge. They reported that the benefit of receiving some plants to take home reinforced their commitment to translate their learnings to their gardens and build garden beds. The participants learnt to utilise their resources in different ways, which increased feelings of empowerment, as well as building resilience and sustainability.

Many of the participants have kept up their gardening and are noticing benefits for their whole family, including healthy living, self-confidence, new social connections, cost efficiency, self-reliance and wellbeing. Participating in the workshops has developed additional common ground between the participants and the community, which increases their social cohesion. Both groups decided to continue their gardening groups and rotate morning teas at each other’s gardens to maintain the connection and interest in their projects.

From all accounts, it certainly sounds as though the project succeeded in inspiring and empowering isolated communities to have some control to support their mental health with activities that are also coping strategies for personal challenges. One participant commented, “The workshops were wonderful opportunities for gardeners (of all levels) to get together; wellness at its best, thank you again!”

In 2013, the Mirboo North Community Bank brought the district and surrounds together to identify and prioritise the region’s future recovery and resilience activities following the 2009 Victorian bushfires. From the meeting, what became apparent was the gap in local education and training to support and engage the community in gaining practical skills and knowledge that would increase local capacity.

The Boolarra Community Development Group help promote the social, economic and environmental development of Boolarra and surrounds, taking lead from the community. They work as a liaison between local and state government departments, not-for-profits and community groups to achieve positive outcomes for the region.

They had attended the community meeting in Mirboo and recognised the opportunity to support their region to fill this training and education gap. Reaching out to the Boolarra community they identified a series of courses that would be in demand including event management, safe food handling, chainsaw training, barista training, small motor training, environmental gardening and first aid training courses.

Using a $19,950 grant from FRRR’s Grants for Resilience & Wellness grant program, funded by the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund, the Boolarra Community Development Group ran nine courses over a year. The Development Group works with local community groups to actively encourage members to participate in the training course. They also had a focus on increasing female participation, which was also identified as a community priority during their consultation.

In total, the courses attracted over 90 participants which was well above the expected target and an impressive feat for a small rural community. Each course was met with lots of positive feedback about the content and delivery of the training sessions.

The district is now benefiting from the breadth of skills and abilities available within the community, reducing the need for outsourcing and supporting the vitality of the region. Many participants flagged that they are interested in the potential for more workshops and training courses to run in the future.

Bendigo, 8 January 2019:  Thirty-six community projects that will assist the continued recovery of communities impacted by the Black Saturday Bushfires will receive funding totalling $555,963. The groups are the latest recipients of the Grants for Resilience and Wellness (GR&W) and Community Group Futures (CGF) programs.

Funding is made possible by the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund (VBAF) which the general public generously contributed to in the immediate aftermath of the fires.

Grants for Resilience and Wellness (GR&W) will support 27 community groups, who will share $425,082, to implement their local projects. To date, the GR&W program has funded 200 projects to a total value of $2,603,788.80.

The GR&W program assists community strengthening and resilience building projects. Some communities will use their GR&W funding to support their Black Saturday 10th Anniversary commemorative activities in February 2019 with concerts planned for Arthurs Creek and Balook, commemorative service and community dinners in Boolarra and Traralgon South, Jeeralang North will also hold an event, while a community arts project and exhibition will take place in the Kinglake Ranges.

The Community Group Futures (CGF) program will fund $130,881 across nine community groups. To date, CGF has funded 43 projects, valued at $513,656.

The CGF program supports not-for-profit organisations think beyond day-to-day operations and look ahead to ensure they can meet on-going community needs. Solar energy projects again proved a powerful drawcard as community groups look to self-sufficiency and reduce overhead costs. The Royal Historical Society of Victoria meanwhile is looking to digitise their records given the bushfire-prone environment.

“As we approach 2019 and the ten-year anniversary of Black Saturday, it’s heartening to see these communities continuing to work together to recover. Community needs continue to evolve and local leaders – many of whom have been involved since 2009 – continue to find ways to support the community and bolster their resilience in the years to come,” said FRRR CEO, Natalie Egleton.

“While it’s nearly a decade since this horrific event, it’s important that these communities take the time to reflect on the impact the fires had and, in many cases, continues to have,” Ms Egleton continued.

“As in the aftermath of the fires, it’s the communities themselves who know how to serve their people best, and we are pleased to be able to support them in achieving this.”

GR&W – Round 14
Alexandra Secondary CollegeMY ( Murrindindi Youth ) Reflective Garden
Increase connection to place and space for reflection at Alexandra Secondary College through establishment of a reflective garden.
Arthurs Creek/ Strathewen Brigade Country Fire AuthorityFire Safety Community Messages for 2019
Creation of two animated fire safety adverts to consolidate the learnings from Fire Education Sessions delivered at Strathewen Primary School.
Arthurs Creek/ Strathewen  Brigade


Country Fire Authority

10th Anniversary Commemorative Event

Black Saturday 10-year memorial Eric Bogle Concert.
Increase opportunity for the Strathewen community to connect and support each other while acknowledging the 10th anniversary of the bushfire disaster through delivery of a community concert.
Arthurs Creek$3,455
Balook and District Residents Association (BADRA) Inc


10th Anniversary Commemorative Event

Rainforest Rhythms
Increase community connections and stimulation for local tourism through delivery of a live memorial concert, Rainforest Rhythms, held in the Tarra Bulga National Park.
Boolarra Folk Festival Committee


10th Anniversary Commemorative Event

Boolarra and District Community 2019 Commemorative Bushfire Event
Opportunity to reflect on the 2009 bushfire disaster for the 10-year anniversary, via delivery of a commemorative service and community dinner for Boolarra and the surrounding region.
Cire Services Inc.Supported playgroup for Healesville area based at Badger Creek
Increase support and reduced isolation for local parents, through delivery of supported playgroup program at Badger Creek Primary School.
Badger Creek$11,021
Hazelwood – Jeeralang Community Association Inc.


10th Anniversary Commemorative Event

Hazelwood Jeeralang 2009 bushfire commemoration activities
Increase community connectedness and opportunities to support each other, through delivery of a Black Saturday 10th Anniversary event at Hazelwood Jeeralang.
Jeeralang North$9,193
Kinglake Historical Society


Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House Inc.

Kinglake Heritage Centre
Increase access to local historical information, through upgrade of an unused community space to accommodate the Kinglake Historical Society.


This organisation will also benefit from the project submitted to CGF Rd 7 by the Royal Historical Society of Victoria Inc. The project will support Kinglake HS to digitize and preserve historic material.

Kinglake West /


Pheasant Creek

Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House Inc.


10th Anniversary Commemorative Event

Respect and Remember – “The Kinglake Ranges Journey”
Opportunity for the community to reflect on the 2009 disaster event and 10 years of local recovery, via a six-week interactive community art exhibition displayed in Kinglake.
Kinglake West
Flowerdale Toolangi
Lions Club of Kinglake Inc.Avenue of Honour
Recognition and commemoration of soldiers who fought for Australia with the creation of an Avenue of Honour leading up to and surrounding Kinglake’s war memorial.
Maiden Gully Hall Committee Inc.New Chairs for the Maiden Gully Hall
Increase comfort and safety for community groups that meet at the Maiden Gully Hall through the purchase of new chairs.
Maiden Gully$8,316
Men’s Shed at St AndrewsShed extension and machinery upgrade to enhance member and local community health and safety
Increase storage area and upgraded machinery, increasing space and improving working conditions at the Men’s Shed at St Andrews.
St Andrews$19,776
Mitchell Community Radio Inc.Broadford Monthly
Increase awareness of local initiatives and community activity, via outside community radio broadcast delivered from Broadford Living and Learning Centre.
Firefoxes Australia Women Rising Together From Black Saturday90 Up: Stars burning brightly
Increase awareness of how to overcome adversity and build resilience, through capturing and sharing the stories of Murrindindi Shire residents who are over 90-years-old.
Mudgegonga Hall Reserve Committee Inc.Mudgegonga Hall Child Safety Fence
Increase safety for families with children when attending community events and activities, due to upgrade of fencing around Mudgegonga Hall.
Mudgegonga District$10,863
Nillumbik Shire CouncilTech, Tea and Tales
Increase skills in technology and communication for local seniors via delivery of the youth led Tech, Tea and Tales program in collaboration with the St Andrews Community Centre.
St Andrews$20,000
Reedy Creek Progress Association
Reedy Creek Progress Association Inc.
Reedy Creek Community Gatherings
Opportunities to connect and build community resilience, through the delivery of seven community gatherings at the Reedy Creek Hall over 2019.
Reedy Creek$2,500
Resilience Planning Community of Practice Inc.Beechworth Festival of Change
Increase inspiration and motivation to implement solutions to community issues, through delivery of skill development and resources at the Beechworth Festival of Change.
Rotary Club of AlexandraGo Green
Increase support for residents to clean up their properties in preparation for the bushfire season, through purchase of tipping trailer for volunteer run green waste program.
Toolangi District Community House Inc.Staging for the C J Dennis Hall
Support cultural development and improve audience experience with the purchase of a portable stage for community hall in Toolangi.
Traralgon South and District Association


10th Anniversary Commemorative Event

10-Year Black Saturday event
Opportunity to reflect on the 2009 bushfire disaster for the 10-year anniversary, via delivery of a commemorative service and community dinner for Traralgon South and the surrounding region.
Traralgon South
UCA – Kinglake West Uniting ChurchFeeding the Many Needs
Increase social and physical wellbeing and strengthened community networks through delivery of fortnightly community meal program.
Kinglake West /


Pheasant Creek

Whittlesea Community HouseA mosaic of community connections and resilience
Strengthen community connectedness achieved through the delivery of inclusive creative art workshops that will produce four mosaic installations for the Whittlesea community.
Women on Farms – West Gippsland IncSponsorship for women to attend the Women on Farms Gathering


Opportunity for farming women from bushfire affected areas to increase wellbeing and resilience, through support to attend the Women on Farms Gathering 2019 in Warragul.

Yinnar and District Memorial HallNO LIMITS
Removing barriers to participation in facilitated health and wellbeing activities, through delivery of a weekly Exercise program for Seniors 60yrs+ in Yinnar.
Ellimatta Inc.A Bright & Positive Future for Youth – 2


Continue access to support services and programs for youth through supporting the employment of staff at Ellimatta Youth Service in Kinglake.

Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House Inc.Be Well in the Ranges


Removing barriers to mental health support for the Kinglake community during the 10th Anniversary of Black Saturday by providing ease of access to locally based mental health professionals. Removing barriers to mental health support for the Kinglake community during the 10th Anniversary of Black Saturday by providing ease of access to locally based mental health professionals.

Community Group Futures – Round 7
Art Resource Collective IncorporatedSolar PV Project
Installation of solar panels for the Art Resource Collective Inc, Yinnar, reducing energy costs and increasing the viability of an entity that supports community access to cultural and artistic opportunities.
Ellimatta Inc.Ellimatta Sunshine for Power
Increase viability and sustainability for Ellimatta Youth Centre, through installation of a solar power system.
Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House Inc.Sustainability in the Ranges – Solar
Build community resilience and reduce greenhouse gas emissions through installation of 6.4 kW solar system.
Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House Inc.Kinglake Ranges Arts Recovery Officer
Increase collaboration and support for arts organisations and initiatives through employment of an Arts Recovery Officer for the Kinglake region.
Kinglake West
Pheasant Creek
Kinglake Central
Mount Beauty Neighbourhood Centre Inc.Volunteering for Success
Increase volunteerism for community organisations in Mount Beauty, through employment of a Volunteer Coordinator to increase awareness of, resources and support for, volunteer roles.
Mt Beauty
Murrindindi Little Athletics CentreGood Governance in Murrindindi
Increase support for community-based Committees of Management, through delivery of Governance training to 10 groups in Murrindindi Shire.
Royal Historical Society of Victoria Inc.Digitise or lose it!
Preservation of local history through the purchase of equipment and the delivery of training to digitise historic documents and photos at four historical Societies in bushfire prone areas.
Alexandra & Fawcett
Toolangi District Community House Inc.Solar Panels for the Community House
Reduce running costs and increased investment in community through installation of solar power system for Toolangi District Community House.
Yarra Valley ECOSS Inc.Project Development Officer at ECOSS
Enhance program outcomes and organisational viability, through employment of skilled support to develop policies, procedures and workplans that underpin program delivery.

Bendigo, 12 July 2018: Thirty community groups impacted by the 2009 Victorian bushfires have received grants to support the ongoing local needs that continue to emerge.

Thanks to the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund (VBAF), these community groups will share in $341,438 across two grant programs to implement their locally-led projects.

Grants for Resilience and Wellness (GR&W) will fund 19 community groups, distributing $244,667 for 21 local projects. To date, the GR&W program has now funded 173 projects and distributed over $2 million.

Community Group Futures (CGF) will distribute $96,771 across 10 community groups. To date, CGF has now funded 34 projects, valued at $382,775.

It’s been nine years since Australia saw the highest-ever loss from a bushfire. More than one million acres of land were decimated: lives changed forever, and the aftermath continues to be felt in families and communities affected by the fires.

Natalie Egleton, FRRR’s CEO, explains that despite the time that’s passed, the recovery is ongoing.

“Grants from the VBAF were first distributed in 2010. Rebuilding a community does not happen overnight, it takes time. This is why we continue to provide support to the communities impacted by fires, nearly a decade on. Both these programs are flexible and designed to meet the evolving needs of the fire-affected communities.”

In the latest round of the GR&W program, the majority of applications FRRR received were for projects focused on strengthening community connectedness and enhancing local community identity and sense of place.

For example, Firefoxes Australia have received $15,620 for their Murrindindi Women’s Forum and Women’s Health and Wellbeing Expo to employ an events co-ordinator. This will help relieve fatigued volunteers, as well as support catering, venue hire and transport. These events have proven important in connecting women from across the Shire and tackling the challenges of isolation, thereby helping to deal with the mental health issues that have arisen due to the devastation of 2009.

Earlier this year Community Group Futures was awarded an additional $338,237 from the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund Panel, bringing the total funds for this program to $898,237. Its aim is to ensure there are strong, sustainable and focused local community organisations and leaders that can support their communities and the activities they wish to engage in.

Projects such as the Toolangi Castella District Community House – C J Dennis Hall project – will use a $2,240 grant to support the creation of processes and procedures and to increase their capacity and readiness to assume the management of the local community hall. The C J Dennis Hall continues to be an asset to the Toolangi community, serving as a meeting place that encourages community connectedness, and in the event of future disaster events, as a place of refuge.

Ms Egleton noted that there is still funding available for communities affected by the 2009 Victorian bushfires with the next GR&W and CGF grant rounds opening on 6 August 2018.

“As the 10-year anniversary of the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires occurs in February 2019, any community organisations in the impacted areas that wish to hold commemorative activities should apply in the next round of GR&W, which will open on 6 August.”

The projects funded in this round are listed below.  GR&W Program | Community Group Futures Program

Grants for Resilience & Wellness (GR&W) Round 13 recipients




Alexandra Indoor Heated Pool Inc.

Alexandra Indoor Heated Pool
Support health and wellbeing through access to swim classes, hydrotherapy and aqua aerobics by constructing an indoor heated pool for the local community.


More Murals
Alexandra Primary School

Alexandra’s Beasties
Improve connection to place, the natural environment, and engagement in cultural activities, through delivery of youth focused community mural project.


Boolarra South Landcare Group

Mechanical Weed Control for Environmentally Sensitive Areas
Boost access to the local environment and management of noxious weeds through the purchase of a Billy Goat mulcher to support local volunteer to maintain public areas and walking trails at the historic Boolarra Mill site.


Chapter Seven Ltd.

Fun Mudder Project Planning and Delivery
Develop work ready skills and experience for local disengaged youth, through participation in a program of activities that will contribute to the delivery of a major community tourism event, Fun Mudder.


Clonbinane Community Action Group

Paving the Road to Resilience
Improve access and additional space for community activities, through sealing of uneven carpark at Clonbinane Hall.


Coleraine & District Development Association Inc.

Toolang Walk
Increase safety and amenity for the local community and visitors to the area who access the area for wellbeing activities by repairing local walking track.



Stem Makerspace
Reduce barriers to educational opportunities and support engagement with science and technology for primary school aged students, by creating a “STEM makerspace” at Ellimatta Youth Service.


Firefoxes Australia

Women of Murrindindi
Support the recovery of women in Murrindindi Shire with community events and activities through the employment of an event coordinator and funding event costs.


Flowerdale Community House

And So, We Sew!
Build social connections and practical skill development by purchasing sewing machines and equipment enabling the delivery of low cost sewing classes.


Foggy Mountain Inc.

Foggy Mountain Music Project
Increase sense of place and connectedness for local children, through participation in song writing about community and performance at local festival.


Freedom Care Inc.

Project Squirrel II
Improve access to stock for clients and volunteers at local food relief service by purchasing and installing shelving.


Healesville Interchurch Community Care Incorporated

A bus of new beginnings – HICCI Community Bus Project
Increase capacity and safety of the volunteer transport service for disadvantaged residents in Healesville and Yarra Glen through the purchase of a bus.


Kilmore District Men’s Shed

General And Disabled Toilet Facilities
Support accessibility for all community members by adding an accessible toilet block at the site of the new Kilmore Men’s Shed.


Men’s Shed at St Andrews Inc.

Safeguarding the health of members

Protect the health and safety of all users and remove barriers to participation for members of the community with health concerns with the installation of dust and fume extraction systems at the Men’s Shed at St Andrews.


Mount Beauty Neighbourhood Centre Inc.

Kitchen Upgrade
Ensure Mount Beauty Neighbourhood Centre availability for community activities, courses and initiatives with the renewal of the kitchen floor to meet OH&S requirements.


Rotary Club of Kinglake Ranges

Kinglake Ranges Community Stadium Project
Increase capacity to deliver large locally driven community activities and events through purchase of floor covering, heating and lighting to enable use of basketball stadium.


St Matthew’s Church
Saltbush Community Initiatives Inc.

The People’s Pantry Long Gully
Increase food security and social connections in the disadvantaged and fire affected community of Long Gully by purchasing storage and support for start-up costs for the cooperative food share program.


St Andrews Community Centre Inc.

St Andrews Recovery and Community Building
Drive participation in community events and activities, through delivery of special interest classes, community meals and events at St Andrews Community Centre.


Toolangi Castella District Community House Inc.

Upgrade of Maternal Health rooms
Provide additional space for community activities and initiatives with upgrade of disused community building.


Traralgon South and District Association

Community access to defibrillators
Increase perception of safety and access to life saving equipment, through installation of Automated External Defibrillator at Traralgon South.


Traralgon South and District Association

Traralgon South and Callignee Youth Group – “Place to be Me”
Support local youth in small community to remain connected, through the provision of subsidised social activities.


Community Group Futures (CGF) Round 6 recipients




Bushfire Education Foundation Inc.

Bushfire Education Centre and Museum Project Officer
Support local volunteers to establish feasibility and support the development of a National Bushfire Museum, Education and Research Centre in Marysville through the engagement of a Project Officer.


Firefoxes Australia

Firefoxes Future Focused (FFF)
Increase individual board member and organisational capacity and enhanced direction, through the facilitation of training and planning workshops for the Board of Firefoxes Australia.


Healesville Community Renewable Energy Inc.

Strategic Planning and Implementation Support for Healesville CoRE
Support more sustainable living for the Healesville community through the development of a strategic plan to guide renewable energy strategies.


Healesville Toastmasters Club Inc.

Good Governance in Healesville
Improve skills and capacity for grass root Committees, through the delivery of governance training to 10 community groups in Healesville.


Mitchell Shire Concert Band

Reduce energy costs and increase the viability of an entity that supports community events and fundraising opportunities with the installation of solar panels for the Mitchell Shire Concert Band Hall.


Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre

Myrtleford – Building Sustainable Community Futures
Strengthen planning and direction for Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre through the engagement of external support to lead strategic planning and a review of management systems.


Rotary Club of Kinglake Ranges

Communications and Innovation
Build capacity for volunteers supporting the initiatives of the Rotary Club of Kinglake, through the purchase of a computer and iPad.


Taggerty Community Progress Group Inc.

Setting up training on a Financial System for CH@T
Improve capacity to support the establishment of the Community Hub @ Taggerty (Neighbourhood House) through the purchase of accounting software and the engagement of professional training and implementation support.


Toolangi Castella District Community House Inc.

C J Dennis Hall
Increase the capacity of the Toolangi District Community House to assume management of the local community Hall by creating processes and procedures, and clean-up of storage areas.


Whittlesea Showgrounds & Recreation Reserves Committee of Management

Strategic Plan Development and Implementation
Create direction and support for volunteer Committee of Management to manage the Whittlesea reserve facility for the use of the wider community through the development of a Strategic Plan.


Over the years, Fundraising Accounts, formerly known as Donation Accounts, have helped many groups in rural and regional Australia with their work in natural disaster recovery, especially where they are large and daunting projects.

One such group, which we profiled in our last Annual Review, is BlazeAid. They coordinate the efforts of volunteers to support farmers and residents impacted by natural disasters. Not only do they help to build fences and repair infrastructure, but they also restore the spirits of natural disaster survivors who may have lost family and friends, pets, stock, homes and property.

The donation account helps them raise funds to do this work, by providing tax deductible status to their donors.

BlazeAid’s remarkable achievements

Since we published the Annual Review, we’ve received an update from BlazeAid, with some truly remarkable statistics about what they achieved in 2014:

  • 1,397 volunteers contributed 14,671 volunteer days building and repairing fences and stock yards, cleaning and painting homes and shearers’ quarters, carpentry, mechanical and whitegood repairs, caretaking and helping with childcare and home education.
  • Assisted 513 properties across Victoria, South Australia and Queensland fire and drought affected areas.
  • More than 50% of their operational expenses relate to catering and fuel costs, a significant portion of which is in relation to their Drought Relief work in Queensland, where volunteers travelled long distances, and were self-sufficient with meals.
Tax deductible status attracts donors

We wanted to share this story to highlight to other groups that may be faced with recovering from some of the recent natural disasters across the country that a Fundraising Account could make a difference to your ability to fundraise to get things back up and running.

For donors, it’s also a great way to channel your support directly to areas in need, while also receiving the tax deduction.