Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR)

The work of the Wardell Community Organised Resilience Effort (CORE) is an example of how a small town can rally in the face of a natural disaster and be ready for disasters to come. Most days, Wardell is an idyllic spot to live. Lush, green and quiet on the banks of the Richmond River in the Northern Rivers region of NSW. But in 2022, floods devastated the town and others nearby. Wardell had never flooded before, and no one was prepared.

Wardell CORE was set up as a resource centre for emergency donations. Bedding, blankets, clothes, food, medical supplies, water, torches, batteries and tents were all gratefully received. The need was immense. Two years on, Wardell CORE’s primary purpose is still helping affected people. Some are still homeless and many struggle with mental health issues, including PTSD. Their other main aim is to make sure the community is never impacted in the same way again.

Planning for the way forward

During the 2022 floods, mobile and internet telecommunications were impacted, meaning Wardell and the surrounding communities had limited or no communication in many areas until power could be restored or services fixed. Having no communications during a disaster created all kinds of problems – the emergency services people couldn’t share vital information, residents were cut off from family and friends, and there were any number of complexities around ongoing recovery.

After the flood receded, Wardell CORE immediately started planning for the next one, and detailed planning identified a need for a way for the community to stay informed, given the power outage lasted for two weeks or more. CB radio was the solution. They received a $10,000 grant from FRRR through Telstra’s Connected Communities program that funded the purchase of 10 hand-held devices and two base stations, as well as funds left over to support the community with the appropriate training. Through additional fundraising, they were able to install a relay station that helps to extend the signal as far as possible to provide radio reception throughout town and with the nearby communities of Woodburn and Coraki up-river, and Ballina down-river.

Where to next?

The organisation plans to distribute more radios throughout the region to anticipate flood events as widely and comprehensively as possible. Another resilience move they made was installing a Starlink service that uses a network of satellites to provide internet coverage, and installing onsite battery storage so that they will have internet in the event of future power outages.

The team behind Wardell CORE recognises that locals in the region experience high levels of anxiety about weather events, but the low level of digital literacy in the community is a real barrier to disaster preparedness. To resolve this, they’re looking at establishing a program that teaches people how to access and interpret weather apps and other related platforms.

A spokesperson for Wardell CORE explained the impact of the grant they received.

“Without the FRRR grant from Telstra’s Connected Communities program, we would never have been able to put our disaster preparation plans into action. The lessons learned from the 2022 floods meant we knew what technology we needed and where it should be located. But our reliance on small donations meant we could never have afforded it. Now we have the communications we need to feel confident about our ability to protect our people, physically and mentally, from any flood events in the future.”

Unmet need also increases

FRRR distributed a record $22.5 million last financial year, shared across more than 550 remote, rural and regional communities across Australia, according to the Foundation’s just-released 2022/23 Annual Review.

Remote and rural communities experience inequity, disadvantage and vulnerability across many basic aspects of day-to-day life. Yet they continue to rise to the challenge, innovate and deliver solutions that not only address issues but prove that better outcomes are possible with just a bit of support.

Last financial year, FRRR’s 1,158 grants enabled 972 grassroots organisations and groups to pursue local projects that responded to the now all-too familiar effects of natural disasters; accelerated the net-zero transition; and addressed long-standing structural issues such as housing, energy and food security, service provision and digital inclusion.

Natalie Egleton, CEO of FRRR, said the Foundation saw the largest number of applications in its 23-year history.

“In the face of these challenges, communities continue to pull together, harnessing the strengths of local people and their connection and commitment to their places to forge ahead. I’m proud of the role that FRRR has played in supporting these remote, rural and regional communities to strengthen, adapt and innovate to navigate and find solutions to these challenges.

“Last financial year, FRRR received 2,639 eligible grant applications requesting a total of $64 million, up more than 25% on the prior year. What this signals is that life is getting back to ‘normal’ following COVID, but it also highlights the ongoing challenges remote, rural and regional communities are facing when it comes to securing funding for local projects.

“Unsurprisingly, more than a third of our grants went to communities vulnerable to, or impacted by, climate-related disasters. Nearly 430 grants totalling $11.1 million were awarded for initiatives supporting the medium to long-term recovery of places affected by disasters, and projects helping to prepare communities for future climate-related impacts.

“In 2023 we received more than 1,310 donations, ranging from $1 to $7.9 million, totalling just over $25.4 million (excluding fees and deferred income). We are grateful for the continued commitment of our supporters and the trust they place in us to get funding to where it’s needed most and to strengthen capacity to adjust and rise to the challenges in these communities.

“Despite an increase in donations, FRRR could still only fund just over half of the eligible applications received. So, we continue to seek new partnerships with government, philanthropy, business and individuals to allow us to fund more of these projects.

“No matter how big or small, we know our grants make a difference to these communities. This year, for every dollar granted, a further $1.76 was leveraged, opening the door to further funding opportunities, and building confidence.

“We also continued to advocate for more well-informed investment in rural people and organisations. Looking ahead, we’ll keep having these conversations, sharing our insights to ensure these people and places get improved access to sustainable social and physical infrastructure and opportunities that build community connections.

“The tenacity of remote, rural and regional people to keep their communities vibrant and sustainable motivates us to continue to strive for our shared vision for a more vibrant, resilient and sustainable remote, rural and regional Australia,” Ms Egleton concluded.

FRRR’s FY23 Annual Review is available at

Funding to strengthen infrastructure, resilience and communication networks

More than $1.5 million in grants has today been announced for 110 community groups across remote, rural and regional Australia through FRRR’s flagship Strengthening Rural Communities (SRC) program.

Group of people standing under a marquee behind a table full of handcrafted wares.
Community groups value the flexibility of the SRC grants, which allow them to come together and respond to local needs, such as this group, which ran creative workshops to support recovery and social wellbeing in their flood-impacted community. 

Awarded via three streams of funding – small and vital projects, COVID recovery and disaster preparedness or recovery – the grants will go toward initiatives that address a variety of diverse needs and local priorities, including infrastructure upgrades, strengthening resilience, addressing service gaps and growing networks.

The projects range from a winter-care program that will see support packs delivered to elderly residents of St Arnaud, VIC and a series of emergency bushfire preparedness workshops for the community of Batlow in NSW, to helping install silo art in Lameroo, SA as a way to reinvigorate tourism and enhance local sense of identity following the pandemic.

Jill Karena, FRRR’s Place Portfolio Lead, says that the diversity of requests once again highlights the importance of having a small grants program like SRC.

“The needs of remote, rural and regional communities differ, so it’s critical to be able to offer flexible funding like we do through this small grants program. It means that local groups can respond to local priorities in their communities.

“This round, projects ranged from domestic violence support and mentoring programs, to food security and tourism initiatives to help rebuild the local economy. There was really strong demand for support to enhance community infrastructure, particularly maintaining meeting places so people can come together and strengthen local connections, but we also saw a significant number of requests relating to increasing the reach and emergency communications capability of groups like community radio stations.

“We also saw a focus on infrastructure in the COVID recovery grants, with groups aiming to enhance community resilience in the face of disruptions, whether they be environmental or health related. Interestingly, we’re also supporting quite a few projects that help to rebuild connections within communities post COVID – especially in places that lots of people moved to during the pandemic. Alongside this, it’s wonderful to see more projects that are engaging Indigenous Australians.

“From a disaster perspective, it’s pleasing to be able to help organisations be proactive about their safety, strengthening communications and adding to the equipment available locally, so they’re not as reliant on SES or Government in the event of a crisis.

“These are the projects that create a sense of place and identity, and the people and organisations that make these inspiring projects happen need our support. To continue to do that, we need funds, so we invite all those who want to see a thriving remote, rural and regional Australia to join us to support local initiatives. They really do make a difference,” Ms Karena said.

The SRC program is collaboratively supported by donors, ranging from private individuals to larger foundations, who are acknowledged on the FRRR website. This round there were a further 50 funding-ready projects, requesting more than $610,000, that FRRR could not support. We are urgently seeking new partners, so that we can fund more projects like these in the future.

FRRR always accepts applications to this program, which awards funds around four times a year. Local not-for-profit organisations and community groups are encouraged to review the program guidelines and apply. More information about the SRC program is available at

The full list of grant recipients and their projects are below.

SRC Round 19 - February 2024
Small & Vital
Camden Haven Historical Society IncCamden Haven Museum Lighting Upgrade
Upgrade museum lighting to enhance visitor experience with improved historical displays, lower energy costs and boost financial sustainability.
Camden Haven$6,903
Caragabal Public School P&C AssociationPurchase of Vermin-Proof Shipping Container to Store Essential School and Community Supplies
Foster community wellbeing and reduce economic losses by purchasing a vermin-proof shipping container to protect stored school and community supplies from damage.
Coursing Park Tennis and Community CentreKitchen for the Coursing Park Tennis & Community Centre
Install a kitchen for food preparation and storage to support a wider range of community events at the Centre.
Coursing Park$10,000
Deniliquin Community Hub IncDeniliquin Community Hub Project
Alleviate food insecurity by developing a food bank program with food storage, insurance, food stocks and volunteer training.
Deniliquin $7,792
Glen Innes & District Historical SocietyUpgrade of Community Facilities
Install TV monitor, mobile stand and roller-blinds as part of an IT and infrastructure plan to enhance community use of the Potter Memorial building.
Glen Innes$5,179
Home-Start National IncBreathe and Rebuild Project
Provide practical parenting support and family case management by expanding coordinator hours to train additional volunteers, alleviating social isolation and addressing the needs of individuals and families through increased support.
Moree Cultural Art Foundation LtdCreative Minds Happy Hearts
Encourage new relaxation techniques and art participation by providing free art classes for individuals living with a disability or mental illness.
Murrurundi Matters IncProvision of Speech Therapy to Murrurundi Primary School and Preschool Students
Improve preschool and primary school children's speech development with 12 months of essential, otherwise inaccessible speech pathology services.
Naradhan Reserves Land ManagerNaradhan Public Hall Upgrade
Improve hall maintenance and usability by sealing the eaves to exclude dust from the building.
Red Rock Multi Use Centre IncSupply and Installation of External Shade Awnings
Enhance the Centre's usability by installing adjustable exterior shade systems to three rooms on the western side of the building, creating several versatile spaces available for year-round hire.
Red Rock$4,530
Stonewave Taiko IncOkina Mura: Big Village
Develop and stage a musical show as a collaboration of local cultural groups with five free public performances across the Bega Valley.
Prepare and Recover - 2019/2020 Bushfire Recovery
Brunswick Valley Landcare IncJunior Landcare in the Northern Rivers: Rejuvenation, Regeneration, Restoration
Contribute to bushfire recovery by holding a networking event and eight Junior Landcare workshops for schools, fostering ongoing relationships with local Landcare groups.
Social Justice Advocates of the Sapphire Coast Inc on behalf of Sapphire Coast Mens Circle Sapphire Coast Men's Circle
Strengthen bushfire recovery and men's mental health by conducting a weekly men's circle program to build healthy resilient relationships between men of all backgrounds.
Snowy Valleys Resilience Hub IncUsing a BIG MAP to Assist Disaster Preparedness in Towns at Risk – Snowy Valleys Pilot
Enhance bushfire preparedness with six interactive workshops, addressing neighbourhood safe places and emergency evacuation routes to support community-centred disaster preparedness.
UCA - Lifeline North Coast (NSW)BBQ Trailer Project
Boost recovery and preparedness in the bushfire-impacted North Coast region by purchasing a BBQ trailer to act as a mobile support unit and enhance annual community mental health engagement events.
Coffs Harbour$25,000
Prepare & Recover - 2022 Flood Recovery
Anglican Community ServicesPreparedness Pack Project
Build disaster preparedness capacity and strengthen the resilience of Moree Plains communities through an awareness campaign distributing waterproof preparedness packs at workshops and recovery events across the Shire throughout 2024.
Byron Shire Council on behalf of Richmond Tweed Regional Library - Byron Bay LibraryYoung and Connected
Develop the confidence and skills of flood-affected young people and build their leadership capacity by delivering youth led creative art workshops.
Byron Bay$10,000
Container of Dreams LtdCommunity Kitchen, Food Pantry and Wellness Lunch Club Project
Enhance disaster preparedness and bushfire recovery by upgrading kitchen facilities and building a storeroom and an all-weather eating area to support the growth of the Food Pantry and Wellness Lunch Club.
Harrington Resilience Association IncHarrington Crowdy Head Neighbours Helping Neighbours
Enhance community resilience and flood preparedness by establishing a network of neighbourhood groups using the Red Cross model for Community-led Resilience Teams.
Harrington $10,000
Lismore City Council on behalf of The Lismore QuadrangleOur Place, Our Species
Enhance flood recovery through a First Nations-led wellbeing program featuring storytelling, education activities and tools for caring for the country during NAIDOC week to engage the community.
Minnie Water Progress AssociationRenovation of Minnie Water Hall Kitchen
Enhance flood recovery and preparedness by upgrading the kitchen of a hall used as a refuge during emergencies and a venue for community functions.
Minnie Water$10,000
Rock Valley Hall IncCommunity Preparedness with Solar Power
Enhance flood preparedness by installing rooftop solar panels and a lithium storage battery in the hall, enabling access to essential power and communication services during an emergency.
Rock Valley$23,726
Stokers Siding / Dunbible Memorial Hall Inc on behalf of Stokers Siding Community Resilience Team (SSCRT)SSCRT Community Connection
Enhance local disaster response during floods and emergencies by purchasing a UHF Repeater station, 10 UHF Portable radios and a backup generator.
Stokers Siding$25,000
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Large
Murrah Hall Preservation Association IncMurrah Metamorphosis Outdoors: Stage 1 – Mini Amphitheatre
Sustain the operations of the Murrah Hall and encourage community and cultural connection, and economic revitalisation post-pandemic with the construction of a mini amphitheatre.
Our Plan C IncEstablishing a Network of Young Community Carers and Responders
Reduce social isolation and support the wellbeing of young people impacted by COVID-19 by establishing a network of young community carers and responders in the Northern Rivers of NSW.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Bellingen Youth Orchestra IncBellingen Youth Orchestra Post-COVID Junior Wind Ensemble
Develop skills and support the post-pandemic creative recovery of young people in a woodwind music program by supporting the employment of a skilled ensemble leader.
Bowraville Communication Technology Centre IncSecurity for Volunteers and Increased Community Safety
Sustain volunteer capacity and safety post-pandemic by installing a modern security camera system with recording capability at a community technology centre.
Cooma Pastoral and Agricultural Association IncSecuring the Future of Cooma P&A Association Project
Increase the sustainability of a Show society post-COVID-19 through the purchase of kitchen equipment for events and for hire by other groups.
Equine AngelsHorses 4 Healing Youth Project
Improve self-esteem and social engagement in young people experiencing homelessness or housing instability post-COVID-19 through an award-winning Equine Assisted Learning program.
Byron Bay$9,830
Fling Physical Theatre IncRegional Tour of My Black Dog – Supporting the Mental Health of Regional Youth
Support youth mental health in regional NSW post-pandemic through the delivery of a performance, film and workshop program encouraging constructive discussions about mental and emotional wellbeing.
Great Lakes Womens Shelter IncDomestic and Family Violence Outreach Worker
Address an identified community need and support the work of a women's shelter post-pandemic by employing a skilled domestic and family violence outreach worker.
Lions Club of Werris Creek IncRefurbish and Revitalise a Community Street Stall / Kiosk
Enhance recovery from the pandemic and encourage reconnection by refurbishing a popular street stall where residents and community groups can display, sell or donate home-grown produce to locals and tourists.
Werris Creek$4,500
Murwillumbah Community Centre IncMurbah Youth Fest 2024
Foster connections and participation and reduce social isolation in young people after COVID-19 through an inclusive community-led festival to be held in Youth Week.
Namatjira Haven LtdNamatjira Healing and Reinvigoration Day 2024
Encourage healing, boost community connection and celebrate First Nations' culture post-pandemic through an inclusive open day and festival.
New England Conservatorium of Music LtdNECOM Music Outreach Program
Enhance the COVID-19 recovery of young people attending remote and regional schools through music education and cultural experiences presented by professional musicians.
Riverina Readers Festival IncRiverina Readers Festival
Encourage social connection and reinvigorate cultural interests post-COVID-19 by hosting the inaugural Riverina Readers Festival.
Wagga Wagga$10,000
The Hayland GatheringThe Hayland Gathering
Support community reconnection and economic recovery post-pandemic by holding a community Scottish Highland-themed festival.
Wollombi Valley Progress Association Inc on behalf of Greater Wollombi Valley Community Resilience NetworkGWVCRN – Building Community Resilience
Increase resilience and reduce social isolation after COVID-19 through a series of community connection events encouraging community networks, volunteering and capability development.
Small & Vital
Middle Point SchoolMindfulness Project – Kitchen & Sensory Garden
Expand hands-on learning and enrichment opportunities for students experiencing educational disparity by building a garden for use as a teaching space.
Middle Point$10,000
MJD Foundation LtdInstallation of Ramp at 'The Bush Shop'
Support dignified independent living for residents with minimal mobility by providing all abilities access to a local supermarket.
Tarntipi Homelands Aboriginal CorporationFire Management for Tarntipi Bush Camp, Tiwi Islands
Build preparedness of a local social enterprise, improving safety of people and country with the purchase of portable fire-fighting equipment.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Large
Gupulul Marayuwu Aboriginal CorporationGupulul Marayuwu Homeland Commercial Kitchen Facility Project
Set up a commercial kitchen in a remote First Nations community to enhance post-pandemic recovery, improve employment opportunities and provide meals and social connection to vulnerable community members.
Yuendumu Women's Centre Aboriginal CorporationActive Women's Centre
Increase the capacity of the Women's Centre to service the community post-pandemic through the employment of a short-term project officer to facilitate the organisation's healthy eating program, community laundry and culture and language activities.
Small & Vital
Cherbourg Historical Precinct Group IncRestoring and Expanding: Creating Safe Keeping
Promote truth telling and educate visitors by renovating the Boy’s Dormitory for use as a storage space, preserving the heritage building and creating capacity for the museum to rotate displays.
Hughenden Show Society Inc2024 Hughenden Show
Improve amenities and volunteer operating conditions at the showground by upgrading cold storage equipment from eskies to a fridge.
Ironpot Hall Association IncUpgrade of the Ironpot Hall Kitchen and Supper Room
Improve community safety and compliance with food handling regulations by replacing the Hall’s worn vinyl flooring.
QCWA Branch KillarneyRestoration of the Kitchen
Increase hall use and ease volunteer working conditions with the installation of dishwasher and new oven.
Torres Strait Kaziw Meta IncBright Futures Tutoring Initiative: Empowering Torres Strait Islander Youth
Enhance educational outcomes and promote positive role modeling by piloting an after-hours mentoring / tutoring program for boarding school students.
Thursday Island$10,000
Prepare & Recover - 2019/2020 Bushfire Recovery
Baffle Creek Mens Shed IncBaffle Creek Men's Shed Water Assist
Build an off-grid community’s preparedness to fight fires with the purchase of a trailer and pump to transport water.
Baffle Creek$8,849
Prepare & Recover - 2022 Flood Recovery
Mary Valley Rail Trail Association IncPurchase of Electric Cargo Trike
Improve volunteers and visitors’ safety by purchasing a trike to transport equipment to undertake flood repairs and mitigation works on the trail.
Tagalaka Aboriginal Corporation RNTBCTagalaka Food Resilience Project
Ensure food security for residents during flood-related isolation by purchasing a trailer-mounted chiller to access more affordable and healthier bulk buying options.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Large
Grow Glenmorgan IncGlenmorgan Shop Shaded Alfresco Area With Solar
Foster community connection post-pandemic through the construction of outdoor shaded meeting space at the community owned store, along with installing a solar system to reduce costs and sustain its operations.
Hungerford Sports Association IncCampground Amenities at Ross Wallace Sports Ground
Enhance post-pandemic recovery in a remote community by installing tailored amenities at the campground to boost overnight stays, social connections, and tourism
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Biggenden and District Agricultural and Pastoral Society IncUp In Lights
Enhance communication and recovery post-pandemic by installing an interactive sign and noticeboard at the showground to promote local information and events.
Broxburn Music ClubProfessional Sound and Lighting for the Broxburn Talent Quest
Promote social connection and support creative recovery post-pandemic by providing professional standard sound and lighting at a local talent quest.
Community Support Centre Innisfail IncCommunity Champions
Reignite a volunteer program post-COVID-19 through a series of events, activities, and training sessions to boost participation and build capacity and skills.
Creative Connections Whitsunday IncProserpine Hinterland Festival
Support community connection and wellbeing post-pandemic by delivering interactive festival activities raising awareness of the iconic and endangered local rock wallaby.
Goombungee Public Hall IncGoombungee Animals
Foster social connection, reinvigorate a meeting space and aid creative recovery after the pandemic by hosting community art and music workshops to create public art pieces for the venue.
Herberton Mining Museum History Association IncReviving Heritage, Building Resilience: The Herberton Mining Museum Expo 2024
Revitalise tourism and sustain the museum’s work post-pandemic by obtaining equipment and promotional material to host an immersive local mining era expo.
Small & Vital
Blinman Progress Association IncStorage, Conservation, Supply: Hall Rainwater
Create a functional and welcoming space for the community by installing a new rainwater tank system at Blinman Hall.
Lucindale Community Economic Development Board IncLucindale Community Hub Air Conditioning and Insulation
Support community wellbeing through the installation of air conditioning and ceiling insulation in a new community hub.
Prepare and Recover - 2019/2020 Bushfire Recovery
Edithburgh Football Club and Sports AssociationChair Replacement
Enhance organisational capacity to support bushfire preparedness by providing stackable chairs at an emergency refuge facility.
Prospect Hill Community Association IncProspect Hill Assist: Disaster Readiness Communications Project
Support emergency preparedness by purchasing communications and safety equipment to enable outside contact and community information sharing during disaster events.
Prospect Hill$9,195
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Large
Community House Port Lincoln IncShelter from the Storm
Sustain the work of a community house facing increased demand for support from people affected by homelessness post-pandemic by undertaking essential roof repairs on a transitional house.
Port Lincoln$20,000
Lameroo Forward IncEnliven Lameroo – The Lameroo Silo Art Project
Reinvigorate tourism and enhance local sense of identity following the pandemic by installing silo art to create a permanent cultural tourism asset in the heart of town.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Keith Golf Club IncNew Tables and Chairs for Keith Golf Club Community Function Centre
Revitalise opportunities for social connection post-pandemic by providing new seating and tables at a community hub.
Paint the Town REaD LtdBooks for Bedtime
Improve language and literacy skills in young children and reinstitute family reading routines post-COVID-19 through a supported Books for Bedtime program.
Murray Bridge$10,000
Riverland Youth TheatreThe Alternative Club
Foster reconnection opportunities for socially isolated young people post-pandemic through the creation of a facilitated safe creative space at a local theatre.
William Creek Gymkhana Committee IncorporatedWilliam Creek Gymkhana Committee Audio Project
Improve safety and reduce the workload of showground volunteers post-pandemic by purchasing a reliable, robust and compact audio system.
William Creek$9,963
Small & Vital
Turrakana Tasman Arts Inc

Turrakana Stories
Enhance community connection through collecting and illustrating local stories, transforming them into digital animations with the help of local artists for future generations.

Rebuilding Regional Communities - Large
ACTS Community Care Network Ltd on behalf of Copping Community CareThe Haven Project – Stage 1 Storage & Distribution Shed
Support the construction of a distribution and storage shed for bulk food handling to sustain the work of an organisation facing a 625% increase in demand on their food relief services since the COVID-19 pandemic.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Derwent Valley and Central Highlands Tourism Association IncTasmanian Autumn Festival
Support community reconnection, tourism and economic recovery post-pandemic by holding an Autumn festival.
New Norfolk$10,000
Small & Vital
Ballan & District Community House & Adult Education Centre IncBallan Sustainable Food Hub
Enhance organisational capacity to provide food relief to elderly residents through purchasing kitchen equipment and groceries for a community pantry.
Committee for MaryboroughGoldfields Community Festival 2024
Encourage awareness of available support and boost connections between under-served community members and social service providers in an isolated township by supporting a community festival in Maryborough.
Euroa Historical & Genealogical Society IncPurchase Computers, Monitor and Uninterrupted Power Supply for Euroa Farmers Arm Museum
Support the work of older volunteers by updating the IT equipment in a community museum.
Inglewood Community Neighbourhood House IncComputer Cafe Upgrade of Six Computers
Strengthen operational capacity while supporting community members' education and employment opportunities by updating IT equipment for a community library.
NCN HealthSocial Prescribing Project Pilot
Support mental and physical wellbeing by engaging a coordinator to establish a social prescribing pilot program, complementing clinical health activities though encouraging participation in a range of community sport and social activities.
North East Multicultural Association IncConnecting Cultures
Enhance wellbeing of CALD community members in Benalla by engaging a facilitator to link people to health services and social programs.
St Arnaud Neighbourhood House IncWinter Warmers Essentials Parcels
Provide connection to service providers, cost of living relief and protection from a cold climate by delivering support packs to elderly residents through a winter-care initiative.
St Arnaud$7,000
Prepare & Recover - 2019/2020 Bushfire Recovery
Blue Light Victoria IncDASH (Dynamic, Active, Safe and Healthy) Program for Remote Gippsland Schools and Community
Support community recovery from bushfires and connect students to emergency support services through a school-based learning program focusing on community participation.
Tambo Upper$24,485
Cassilis Recreation Reserve Committee of ManagementMaintaining the Cassilis Recreation Reserve and Cassilis Cemetery
Boost volunteer capacity and strengthen bushfire preparedness by purchasing a tractor to maintain a large recreation and memorial reserve.
Longwood East Landcare Group IncBuild Resilience, Support Volunteers with Safe Operating Equipment
Enhance volunteer capacity to support bushfire preparedness by purchasing a ride on mower to maintain grassland.
Longwood East$7,400
Towong Soldiers Memorial Hall Reserve Committee on behalf of Towong Community Recovery CommitteeThe Towong Wetlands Improvement Project
Strengthen community connection to the environment and enhance bushfire recovery efforts through a weed eradication and earthworks project.
Wodonga Institute of TAFECommunity Garden
Boost health outcomes of a community recovering from bushfires and enhance student education in growing and cooking nutritious food through developing a community garden.
Prepare & Recover - 2022 Flood Recovery
Castlemaine District Radio IncMainFM Community Resilience Project
Strengthen community engagement and improve disaster preparedness through emergency media training and external broadcast programs.
Echuca Moama Broadcast Service IncMove Radio Antenna to EMFM 104.7
Enhance flood preparedness and strengthen emergency communication capacity by relocating a community radio station transmitter to the new station premises.
Shepparton Search and Rescue Squad IncComputer Equipment Upgrade - Training Room & Divisional Command Point
Enhance disaster readiness in a flood-affected shire and improve volunteer support by upgrading IT and communications equipment for the disaster operations unit.
Wangaratta Landcare and Sustainability IncMaintaining Mullinmur Billabongs and the Education Hub
Purchase tools and equipment to sustain a school education program and aid volunteers in restoring a flood-damaged wetland.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Large
Ensay Mechanics Institute Reserve IncEnsay Hall – Community Cafe Bathroom Upgrade
Upgrade the bathroom facilities at a community hub to develop a welcoming, accessible and financially sustainable venue for events and activities and encourage post-pandemic reconnection.
Jamieson Community Group and Associated Bodies IncJamieson Autumn Festival Revitalisation
Expand a community Autumn festival to include evening events to encourage longer visitor stays, benefit local businesses and enhance post-pandemic economic growth and recovery.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Autistic-led Regional Culture Arts Neurodiversity Education and Employment IncNeurokin Tour: Silent Disco & Access Mapping
Reduce social isolation of people living with autism and neurodivergence that was heightened by the pandemic through a series of silent disco events across nine regional locations.
Boolarra Folk Festival CommitteeOld Boolarra Post Office Restoration Project
Enhance post-pandemic organisational recovery and improve community access to the arts by upgrading and reconnecting electrical services in a restored community music venue.
Forrest Primary SchoolForrest Kitchen Garden Project
Build community connections and improve resilience post-COVID-19 through establishing an inclusive kitchen facility and cooking program to complement an existing community garden.
G.R.A.I.N. IncThe Things We Do For Love
Enhance post-pandemic recovery and access to the arts by creating an interactive art-trail through Nathalia, culminating with an exhibition and community celebration event.
Girgarre Development Group IncRhythmic Resurgence: Girgarre Junkestra's Encore Performance
Reconnect the community post-COVID-19 by revitalising the Girgarre Junkestra through a collaboration between renowned musician Graeme Leak and community members, culminating in a performance using ‘upcycled’ instruments created with local artisans.
Hamilton-Coleraine Rail Reserve Committee IncMove, Saw and Wayfind – Improving Access, Maintenence and Safety on the Redgum Track
Improve the productivity, safety and experience of reserve volunteers post-pandemic by purchasing a trailer, battery-powered chainsaw and signage for maintenance activities.
Healesville Community Garden IncInfrastructure Improvements
Build social connections and increase opportunities for engagement after COVID-19 by improving facilities at a community garden to increase amenity and accessibility.
Kiewa Catchment Landcare Groups IncKiewa-Duduroa Dhargal Connection Through Traditional Practices Project
Promote social connection, enhance community recovery and support cultural engagement after the pandemic by holding traditional practices workshops led by local First Nations Elders.
Mount Beauty$10,000
Paynesville Business and Tourism Association IncFIRE and WATER – Our Place in the East Gippsland Winter Festival
Boost economic and cultural recovery after COVID-19 by holding a winter festival showcasing lighting installations along the waterfront and community-made decorative lanterns.
Paynesville Neighbourhood Centre IncCaring and Connected Communities: A Whole Community Approach
Foster community resilience and cohesion through social support and a series of community connection activities including a sustainable cooking program and waste reduction workshops.
Rosehaven Hospice LtdRosehaven Hospice Volunteer Training
Sustain the organisation’s capacity to provide palliative care support post-COVID-19 by upskilling volunteers through accredited training courses.
Stuart Mill Progress AssociationBlinds to Complete Hall Renovations
Encourage community reconnection post-COVID-19 by installing new blinds at a local hall to improve user comfort and encourage more community events.
Stuart Mill$1,540
Swan Hill Woodworkers Club IncSwan Hill Woodworkers Club Equipment Purchase
Strengthen volunteer capacity and expand opportunities for social connection post-pandemic with a new laser cutting machine to bolster activities at a woodworkers’ club.
Swan Hill$8,580
Yea & District Memorial HospitalPhysical Footpaths
Foster opportunities for community connection post-pandemic and enhance health and wellbeing by placing inspirational exercise signage with interpretive QR codes on pathways in Yea and Alexandra.
Small & Vital
Lake Grace Community Men's Shed Youth Mentoring
Promote positive role modelling and intergenerational connections for disengaged youth via welding classes, while building a local employment pathway.
Lake Grace$6,500
Napier Progress Association IncRepairs to Napier Hall Roof
Help locals stay connected by restoring the community hall’s roof.
The Moore Catchment Council IncImproving the Capacity to Deliver Natural Resource Management Projects
Improve the council’s ability to support citizen science projects and services for the community through the purchase of new laptops.
Moora & Moore River Catchment (eight shires)$9,700
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Boyup Brook Community Mental Health Action Team IncRural Men's Resilience Project
Engage and support rural men and teenage boys’ recovery post-pandemic through a series of mental health events to build resilience, connection and capacity.
Boyup Brook$10,000
CWA WalkawayRenovation Stage 5 – Patio & Paving
Create additional activity space to promote social connection and sustain the work of volunteers post-pandemic by rebuilding the patio at a community venue.
Yawuru Jarndu Aboriginal CorporationNagula Jarndu (Saltwater Woman) Couture Wedding Collection
Enhance the recovery of First Nations women from COVID-19 by strengthening garment making skills and creating a wedding collection for unveiling at the Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair’s Country to Couture showcase.

In this quarter’s update for FRRR’s partners and supporters, we’ve featured an East Gippsland project that provides a clever resource for community recovery, and you’ll find an interesting conversation with a new supporter in the climate solutions space, Hand Heart Pocket – which is the charitable arm of the Queensland Freemasons.

Also in this edition:

  • Insights from FRRR’s team as we network, travel and deliver programs
  • Our Progress – Q1 FY 2023/24
  • Learn about Fundraising Accounts from OurSchool’s Caroline Milburn
  • Details of all our latest reports and thought pieces.
Read our December 2023
Donor News

Continued demand for small grants to support local initiatives

More than 150 not-for-profit organisations (NFPs) in rural regions across Australia are sharing $1,579,380 in grants for projects that will strengthen their communities.

Inglewood District Health Service Garden

Awarded through FRRR’s flagship Strengthening Rural Communities (SRC) program, the grants will fund projects that address a range of diverse needs, including fostering community connectedness and wellbeing, as well as supporting ongoing COVID and disaster recovery and preparedness.

The 151 grants range from $750 for a lawn mower to help local volunteers prepare the community for future bushfires, to $25,000 for a “Get Started Emergency Preparedness” program to empower people with disabilities through tailored disaster readiness education and planning.

Jill Karena, FRRR’s Place Portfolio Lead, said that the Strengthening Rural Communities program has been a consistent support for local NFPs in rural places, helping to fill funding gaps needed to get projects off the ground or sometimes bring them to conclusion.

“FRRR’s small grants have supported rural Australia for the past 23 years. Within our Strengthening Rural Communities program alone, we have awarded nearly $18 million in small grants since 2019 and the program’s flexibility is one of the key reasons why it continues to be so popular.

“Flexible funding means that we can support projects that meet a wide range of needs, reflecting what the community sees as a priority. For some, this may be a new roof for the town hall, for others it may be an event to bring people together, and for others it could be mental health first aid training.

“Virtually every part of Australia is recovering from one or more disasters, from the pandemic to floods, bushfires or drought – and many have experienced successive or even overlapping events. The cumulative effect means that even within the same region, there are people working to respond and support recovery, while others are putting planning and training in place to build their resilience and prepare for the next, inevitable, event.

For example, in Shepparton, local groups are working to address different community needs and, collectively, help their community to recover, grow and thrive.

“Shepparton Foodshare is one of the NFPs supporting their community’s recovery. The organisation will use a $25,000 grant to purchase a refrigerated delivery truck, which will boost organisational capacity so that they can provide food relief to those impacted by the flooding that the region experienced in September 2022. Meanwhile, the Goulburn Valley Woodworkers will use their $10,000 grant to strengthen social connections that have been challenged by COVID lockdowns. The NFP wants to build the capacity of its volunteers by providing a safe gathering space with concrete flooring that has been sealed and finished. North Shepparton Community & Learning Centre is also helping to strengthen connections for diverse communities by using their $10,000 grant to deliver creative workshops and an exhibition.

“Grassroots organisations, which are often led by volunteers, play an important role in the vitality of rural Australia, because they drive the projects that maintain and sustain their communities. But to do this, they need funds. We’re honoured to play a small part in helping rural Australia thrive and we encourage others to join with us to support local initiatives that really do make a difference,” Ms Karena said.

Some of the projects funded in this round of SRC grants include:

  • Victoria Daly Regional Council – Kalkarindji, NT – Build the flood-affected community’s ability to provide trauma-informed youth support through basketball activities for mental health and leadership growth. $9,500 (Funding Stream – Prepare & Recover (2022 Floods))
  • Community Broadcasting Association of Australia Limited – Balranald, NSW – Survey 350 rural community radio stations to assess needs, resilience and support required to increase their sustainability after the floods and for future disasters. $10,000 (Funding Stream – Prepare & Recover (2022 Floods))
  • Mornington Shire Council – Gununa, Mornington Island, QLD – Support community education and development by providing books for the newly built library. $9,886 (Funding Stream – Small & Vital)
  • Brukunga Community Association Incorporated – Brukunga, SA – Enhance opportunities for community connection and recovery in a bushfire impacted region by upgrading a community hall and garden. $24,487 (Funding Stream – Prepare & Recover (2019/20 Bushfires))
  • Clarendon Vale Neighbourhood Centre Inc – Clarendon Vale, TAS – Enhance young people’s mental health and wellbeing by providing equipment for indoor and outdoor activities at a new youth hub. $6,027 (Funding Stream – Small & Vital)
  • Regional Victorians of Colour Inc – Kyabram, VIC – Foster opportunities for cross-cultural connection and capacity building post-pandemic through multicultural community meal events and workshops in three towns. $10,000 (Funding Stream – Rebuilding Regional Communities)
  • Beacon Progress Association – Beacon, WA – Improve access to social and creative activities post-pandemic by removing asbestos from a repurposed community arts space. $10,000 (Funding Stream – Rebuilding Regional Communities)

The SRC program is collaboratively supported by donors, ranging from private individuals to larger foundations, who are acknowledged on the SRC webpage. This round there were a further 50 funding-ready projects, requesting more than $610,000, that FRRR could not support. We are urgently seeking new partners, so that we can fund more projects like these in the future.

FRRR always accepts applications to this program, which awards funds four times a year. Local NFPs and community groups are encouraged to review the program guidelines and apply. More information about the SRC program is available at

To support grants like this through FRRR, make a tax-deductible donation at

The full list of grant recipients and their projects are below.

SRC Round 18 - November 2023
Small & Vital
Age of Fishes Museum IncorporatedPlayground Equipment for the Age of Fishes Museum
Purchase 'Big Blue' engineering blocks as playground equipment for the museum to enhance hands-on STEM education for children and visitors.
Arts-Upper HunterFirst Stories - First Nations Tales from the Hunter
Document and present two local Indigenous connection to country stories through live performance and video shared on the Upper Hunter Arts & Cultural Trail website.
Boggabri Women's Shed Sewing Room
Build connections, skills and confidence for isolated local women by investing in sewing machines and equipment for group activities and skill building.
Lansdowne Public Hall Reserve Land ManagerAir Conditioners for the Lansdowne Community Hall
Boost organisational capacity to support arts and cultural events at the Lansdowne Hall by installing two air-conditioners to improve comfort for volunteers and hall users.
Leaderlife LimitedLeaderLife Cooking Outdoors: Let's Grow
Purchase an outdoor BBQ and meat smoker to support healthy eating and cooking education for at-risk young people using local produce.
Old Bar Soldiers' Memorial Hall IncHistory Preservation at Old Bar Soldiers Memorial Hall
Preserve the history of the Taree region with cenotaph restoration, a new flagpole, time capsule repair, cabinetry for memorabilia, and creation of a red poppy garden with reflection benches.
Old Bar$10,000
The Youth Impact Foundation Ltd on behalf of The Catalytic Impact InstituteYouth Accountability Project - Moree Stories
Support engagement with young people by young people on the Young Accountability Project's Impact Board to define 'what good looks like' in their communities and how young people engage in community life.
Valmar Support Services LimitedBe Bus Aware
Modify the steps, handrails and interior of the community bus to improve the ability for aged care clients to access services.
Prepare and Recover - 2019/2020 Bushfire Recovery
Arts North West IncWalcha Creative Wayfinding
Build a bushfire-impacted community’s sense of place and cultural tourism by enhancing the 'Open Air Gallery' with plaques to honour the artists and their local stories.
Bega District Volunteer Rescue Group IncorporatedUpdate Vertical Rescue Gear
Enhance disaster preparedness and safety of rescue volunteers by purchasing equipment for vertical rescues.
Country Womens Association of NSW on behalf of Eden Branch

CWA 70th Birthday Kitchen Upgrade
Support bushfire recovery and grow community use of the local hall by renovating the kitchen to meet safety standards.

Eden Tourism IncorporatedLake Curalo Interpretative Bird Signage
Enhance a locally significant environmental site and tourism icon impacted by the 2020 bushfires by installing interpretative signage.
Edgy Art IncorporatedBeauty from the Ashes - Transformation Through Fire!
Foster community cohesion and healing after the 2019/20 bushfires and revitalise the local creative sector through a series of community bronze casting workshops using fire to create lasting, beautiful objects.
Friends of Eurobodalla Regional Botanic GardenEurobodalla Regional Botanic Garden Wellness Walk
Increase wellbeing in a bushfire-impacted community by enhancing connection with nature through creating a NatureFix trail with local cultural information in the botanic gardens and an app with guided audio wellbeing activities.
Batemans Bay$14,950
Greater Hume Shire Council on behalf of Holbrook Community GardensHolbrook Community Gardens
Contribute to bushfire recovery by hosting workshops, outings and events for the broader community to connect with gardening groups and local community gardens.
Kandos Rylstone Men's Shed IncTest n Tagging
Support bushfire recovery and organisational sustainability by training two Kandos Men's Shed members to test and tag electrical donated items for the community charity shop.
Mountains Youth Services Team IncBlue Mountains Water Tank Murals
Empower young people to contribute to bushfire recovery and a culturally vibrant community through designing and painting two murals on Rural Fire Service water tanks, alongside local artists to celebrate the landscape and local Indigenous culture.
Mount Tomah$22,150
Nambucca Valley Phoenix LimitedCafé Upgrade - Creating a Safe and Inclusive Workplace
Enhance bushfire recovery, economic strength and job opportunities for people with disabilities in Bowraville, by investing in equipment and infrastructure upgrades at the Phoenix Café to improve workplace safety and inclusivity.
Narooma Men's Shed IncFurniture for Place of Last Resort
Enhance organisational capacity to support bushfire recovery by purchasing stackable chairs to optimise functionality of the Narooma Men's Shed refuge facility.
Naughty Noodle Fun Haus IncorporatedCRM - Connecting Young People, Families, Facilitators, Volunteers and Donations
Boost organisational capacity to meet the post-bushfire exponential growth of a development and social connections program for young people in and around Gosford and improve participant and volunteer experience and security by implementing a Customer Relationship Management program.
Taree Rural Fire BrigadeThermal Imaging Camera for Taree Rural Fire Brigade
Enhance firefighting preparedness, rescue operations and first responder’s safety with a thermal imaging camera for use during bushfires, structure fires, motor vehicle accidents and ground / land search.
Tenterfield Autumn Festival IncorporatedTenterfield Autumn Festival & Eat Street
Create economic and social benefits in a bushfire-impacted community by supporting family focused events at the Tenterfield Autumn Festival.
The Men's Table LimitedRipple Effect - Regional Communities of Connected and Contributing Men
Strengthen men's capacity for mutual support and community service in a bushfire-affected area by co-designing a series of workshops with local Men's Tables.
Batemans Bay$10,000
Upper Lachlan Landcare IncorporatedMoving Better Grazing Practices into the Spotlight
Enhance the area’s bushfire resilience by creating opportunities for local farmers with expertise in resilient grazing practices to inspire other landholders to adopt best practice pasture management.
Wards River Rural Fire Brigade Improved Team Connectivity and Insight into Fire Behaviour
Enhance responder safety, wellbeing and understanding of fire behaviour by purchasing a thermal imaging camera and fitting fire vehicles with Cel-Fi signal boosters.
Wards River$9,615
Prepare & Recover - 2022 Floods
Bundjalung Tribal Society LtdConnect Culture Through Art
Rebuild the Lismore Aboriginal community post-floods through Aboriginal-led art and cultural workshops that have healing weaved through the programming.
Community Broadcasting Association of Australia LimitedSustaining Community Radio Stations in Rural Australia
Survey 350 rural community radio stations to assess needs, resilience and support required to increase their sustainability after the floods and for future disasters.
Federal Community Centre IncorporatedEmergency Radio Support System
Boost emergency communication capabilities and enhance flood preparedness by purchasing and installing UHF radios and aerials and delivering radio communication equipment training to volunteers and community members of the Federal, Goonengerry and Eureka Community Resilience Team.
Gundagai Neighbourhood Centre IncCar for a Cause
Address the increased demand post-flood for transport services to enable vulnerable residents to access services by purchasing a vehicle.
Isolated Children's Parents Association of NSW Incorporated on behalf of Isolated Children's Parents Association - Walgett BranchGarden Day ICPA 2024
Enhance flood recovery and future disaster preparation through events and speakers at Isolated Children’s Parents Association Garden Day, enhancing climate-related knowledge and strengthening social connections and mental wellbeing.
Mingoola Hall Management CommitteeSupply and Installation of a Solar Powered UHF CB Repeater
Resourcing the Mingoola community to respond to and recover from natural disasters by purchasing a solar-powered UHF CB repeater to maintain communication during floods and other emergencies when internet and phone lines are down.
Dumaresq Valley$25,000
Shedding Community Workshop IncShedding Community Workshop
Enhance organisational capacity to expand trauma-informed community counselling, services and facilities to meet the increasing and evolving community needs post 2022 floods.
The Heartland Foundation LtdSelf-watering Community Wicking Gardens
Enhance organisational capacity to support flood recovery by constructing 50 wicking gardens to grow fresh vegetables for the Heartland Foundation's mobile community food pantries, benefiting 1,120 families weekly.
Freemans Waterhole$10,000
Tweed Shire CouncilCulture Dose for Kids
Support flood recovery with an 8-week arts program for 9-12-year-olds with mild anxiety, while parents join parallel sessions to build social connections and boost self-confidence.
Volunteer Marine Rescue NSWPersonal Locator Beacons
Strengthen flood recovery and preparedness and enhance safety for Marine Rescue Iluka Yamba Rescue Vessel crew members by purchasing Personal Locator Beacons.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Bundarra P&A and Rodeo Society Inc 2024 Bundarra Show
Sustain the Bundarra Show Society and enable delivery of the Show 2024 post-pandemic by supporting core event costs.
Bowning Public School and Citizens' AssociationCelebration of 175 Years of Bowning Public School
Boost post-COVID-19 tourism and community connection through the Back to Bowning Weekend, celebrating 175 years of the local public school.
Glenreagh Timber Festival IncorporatedFestival Coordinator
Sustain a community-run festival and enhance community engagement post-COVID-19 through recruiting a festival coordinator.
Karuah Progress Association IncKaruah Community Website
Enhance recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic by developing a town promotion and community information website.
Kyogle Together IncorporatedKyogle Repair Cafe
Enhance post-pandemic community connections through increasing space in the Repair Cafe for social interaction.
Numeralla & District Activities IncorpAir Conditioning at the Numeralla Hall
Improve volunteer and hall users’ comfort post-COVID 19 by installing reverse-cycle air conditioning.
River Tribe IncWytaliba Rising - HeartBeat
Restore the town's cultural life and tourism after COVID-19 by purchasing industry standard drum kits for live concerts.
The Returning Indigenous CorporationBundjalung Postpartum Care Program
Enhance COVID-19 recovery for Indigenous families on Bundjalung Country through a culturally appropriate 6-week postpartum care program.
Towns With Heart IncorporatedKurri Kurri Nostalgia Festival
Enhance COVID-19 recovery and encourage social connection with an inclusive community Rock N Roll nostalgia festival.
Kurri Kurri$10,000
Wiradjuri Condobolin Corporation LimitedMiima Warabinya - Skyfest 2024
Celebrate Wiradjuri cultural sky lore, reduce social isolation after COVID-19 through the Miima Warribinya Skyfest astronomy festival.
Small & Vital
Mataranka Primary SchoolNinja Obstacle Course Playground
Encourage students' learning and development with outdoor play equipment that stimulates and challenges older children.
Prepare & Recover - 2022 Floods
Victoria Daly Regional CouncilHoops4Health - Re-empowering Young People in Kalkarindji
Build the flood-affected community’s ability to provide trauma-informed youth support through basketball activities for mental health and leadership growth.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Camp Quality LimitedCancer Education Program Regional Tour
Sustain the work of the organisation post-pandemic to enhance the wellbeing of children affected by cancer by delivering educational puppet shows in remote schools.
Small & Vital
Central Highlands Water Sports ClubEducation and IT Training to Improve Volunteer Capabilities
Improve the club’s ability to support and service the community through the purchase of a new computer.
Childcare Leadership Alliance IncorporatedCare to Lead
Cultivate local leadership and retain skilled early childhood educators in the Isaac region with a place-based professional development program.
Eacham Community Help Organization IncGenerator for Emergency Use
Boost the community's ability to respond to future disasters by purchasing a generator for publicly-accessible back-up power.
Mission Beach Historical Society IncImproving the Digital Capabilities and Social Capital of the Society
Enhance organisational capacity and community awareness of Mission Beach's First Nations culture and colonial history by upgrading IT equipment and creating a virtual museum website.
Mission Beach$5,882
Mornington Shire CouncilMornington Community Library Books
Support community education and development by providing books for the newly built library.
Gununa, Mornington Island$9,886
Proston Men’s Shed IncAir Conditioning for the Proston Men's Shed
Expand the use of the shed by installing a split system to make the community meeting space more comfortable and welcoming.
Queensland Fire and Emergency Services on behalf of State Emergency Service - Alexandra Bay GroupConstruct Road Crash Rescue Training Pad
Reduce need for frequent excessive travel by volunteers to regional training facilities by building a local training site for skills development and regular practice.
Queensland Police-Citizens Youth Welfare AssociationModelling Wellbeing via Basketball
Support young people’s learning and development through play by training local referees and hosting the first tournament.
Prepare and Recover - 2019/2020 Bushfire Recovery
Baptist Church WarwickInterior Painting of Community Hall
Revitalise a bushfire-impacted community meeting space by re-painting the 112-year-old hall.
Queensland Fire and Emergency Services on behalf of State Emergency Service - Crows Nest GroupWorking Safely at Heights
Develop volunteers’ ability to support the community in emergencies by purchasing a training mannequin and a stand area light for night activities.
Crows Nest$2,371
Prepare & Recover - 2022 Floods
Macintyre Ag Alliance IncUniting Goondiwindi Region for Social and Mental Wellbeing
Enhance the flood-affected region’s wellbeing by integrating specialists within the local agribusiness conference.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Cape York Health Pty LtdWellbeing and Resilience: Safeguarding Vulnerable Communities
Support the organisation's efforts post-pandemic to improve student immunisation access and health equity by procuring mobile refrigeration units for vaccine transport to remote communities.
Charleville & District Cultural Association IncStitching Together the Threads of Time
Encourage post-COVID-19 community connection through creative activities by purchasing a quilting machine.
Goondiwindi Pastoral and Agricultural SocietyWired for Success
Sustain the work of showground volunteers post-pandemic by installing permanent underground power for safety and to lighten volunteer workload.
Injune Arts Inc on behalf of Remapping Mitchell Arts CollectiveRemapping Mitchell Arts Collective Project
Enhance post pandemic-recovery and access to the arts by creating an interdisciplinary collaboration of regional artists, exhibited both virtually and across the community.
Pomona and District Kindergarten Association IncorporatedNew Playground
Encourage children’s learning and development through play following COVID-19 by upgrading the local kindergarten’s playground equipment.
Wallumbilla Agricultural & Pastoral Association IncCatering for Connection in Wallumbilla
Enhance post-pandemic community connections by upgrading showground kitchen equipment.
Wonga Beach Primary P&C AssociationWonga Beach Community Hub
Promote post-pandemic social connection by equipping the school as a community hub with a defibrillator and outdoor entertaining equipment.
Wonga Beach$9,658
Small & Vital
The Trustee for The Salvation Army (SA) Property Trust on behalf of Port Augusta CorpsClean Hands and Hygiene in The Salvos Hub
Improve participant safety and enhance organisational capacity at a community drop-in centre by upgrading the kitchenette facilities.
Port Augusta$8,085
Prepare and Recover - 2019/2020 Bushfire Recovery
Australian Ocean Laboratory LimitedTechnology and Ecology: Student and Community-led Oyster Reef Restoration
Enhance connection to the environment and deepen understanding of biodiversity by implementing a student-led citizen marine science program.
Kingscote $10,000
Brukunga Community Association IncorporatedPreserving Heritage and Enhancing Community Spaces: Transforming Brukunga
Enhance opportunities for community connection and recovery in a bushfire-impacted region by upgrading a community hall and garden.
Mount Torrens Soldiers Memorial Hall IncorporatedCommunity Hall Comfort for Connectedness and Recovery
Increase opportunities for community connection and enhance the process of recovery after bushfires by installing heating and cooling at a community hub.
Mount Torrens$22,380
Prepare & Recover - 2022 Floods
Berri Regional Secondary CollegeReconciliation Cultural Garden
Support community recovery and foster connection to First Nations culture in a flood-impacted region by constructing a community cultural garden at a regional school.
Lower Murray Vintage Engine & Machinery Club Inc2024 Lower Murray Heritage Rally & Tractor Pull
Foster community connection and economic recovery in a flood-affected region by improving facilities for a historic tractor festival attracting statewide visitors.
Murray Bridge$14,364
Mannum Progress AssociationRestoration of Lighting in Mary Ann Reserve - Mannum
Enhance opportunities for recovery and social connection in a flood-impacted town through installing solar lighting at a community reserve.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Blyth Community Hall IncorporatedLights for Kitchen & Supper: Remove Obsolete Heaters and Fans
Enhance safety and functionality of a community gathering place to support recovery from the pandemic by upgrading lighting, and heating and cooling.
Franklin Harbour Community Development Group IncCowell Silo Art Viewing Area
Reinvigorate tourism and boost the local economy following the pandemic through installing paths and signage at the silo mural viewing area.
Goyder Plains Carriage Driving Association Incorporated on behalf of Peterborough Rodeo ClubThe 2024 National Carriage Driving Championships
Boost economic recovery after the pandemic by upgrading the amenities block for the National Carriage Driving Championship and other community events.
Open Space Contemporary Arts IncKingston Weaving
Promote social connection and support creative recovery after the pandemic by holding weaving workshops led by local First Nations artists and creating a public artwork.
Orroroo Swimming Club IncorporatedSolar Heating for Community Wading Pool
Foster opportunities for community connection post-pandemic and enhance water safety by installing solar heating at a community pool.
Port Vincent Progress Association IncReplacement of Curtains at Institute Hall
Revitalise a community gathering place to enhance COVID-19 recovery by installing stage curtains and block out curtains at a local hall.
Port Vincent$4,280
Quorn Men's ShedThicknesser-Planer for the Quorn Men's Shed
Strengthen volunteer capacity and expand opportunities for social connection post-pandemic by acquiring equipment to bolster activities at a remote men’s shed.
The National Trust of South Australia on behalf of Kingston SE BranchTelling the Whole Story
Enhance cultural connections post-pandemic through installing seating and display lighting at an historic site.
The Laura Fair IncAcquisition of Outdoor Seating
Support community connection after the pandemic by purchasing outdoor seating for local events and activities.
The Port Germein Village Project Association IncPort Germein Village Project Revamp - Landscaping Stage 1
Support community connection post-pandemic by installing fencing and landscaping at a community gathering space.
Port Germein$9,750
West Coast Youth and Community Support IncorporatedStride Together Eyre Peninsula - Community Wellbeing Baton Relay
Foster social connection and promote mental health and wellbeing post-pandemic by holding a community baton relay event.
Port Lincoln$10,000
Yankalilla Youth Arts IncorporatedMini Mag - Kid's Magazine
Develop skills and support the creative recovery of young people from the pandemic by providing writing workshops and publishing magazines.
Small & Vital
Clarendon Vale Neighbourhood Centre IncThe Hub
Enhance young people's mental health and wellbeing by providing equipment for indoor and outdoor activities at a new youth hub.
Clarendon Vale$6,027
Cygnet Community Children’s Centre IncOld Schoolhouse Upgrades
Support early learning, out-of-school programs and create a comfortable community space by replacing worn weatherboards, and installing blinds and an air conditioner.
Mt Black Men Shed IncorporatedSafety First @ Mount Black Men Shed
Boost volunteer membership and provide a safe workshop for participants by upgrading the shed’s electrical system.
Prepare & Recover - 2022 Floods
Mole Creek Swimming Centre Assoc IncAmenity Block Upgrade
Enhance opportunities for community connection and recovery in a flood-impacted region through upgrading facilities at a community pool.
Mole Creek$4,872
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Cygnet Living History Museum IncMuseum Refresh
Celebrate and enhance connection to local history through purchasing archival safe cabinets for the display of cultural artefacts.
Tasmanian Mountain Cattlemen's Association IncGet Back Together and Back on Track
Rebuild community connections and boost the local economy post-pandemic by hosting a community festival.
Small & Vital
Boolarra and District Historical Society IncRestoration of Cupboards - Boolarra Old School Museum
Boost visitation and expand opportunities for learning and connection to local history by restoring damaged storage units at a community museum.
Boort Resource and Information CentreGym Equipment Upgrade
Enhance an exercise program for older people to boost health and social wellbeing by updating a worn gym station with new fit-for-purpose equipment.
Castlemaine State Festival LtdWorking Towards a More Reconciled Future: Castlemaine State Festival's RAP Journey
Promote community understanding and engagement with the local First Nations culture through a Dja Dja Wurrung artist residency and the creation of public artwork.
Committee 4 Rochester IncMural Park Enhancement
Boost the local economy and enhance community pride by installing two mural stands as part of Rochester’s Mural Festival.
Country Fire Authority on behalf of Warrenbayne CFA (Country Fire Authority)Warrenbayne Spring Boost
Enhance volunteer capacity and community safety by providing phone and IT equipment at a community hub to improve communications in a black spot area.
Energy Innovation Co-operative LtdEnergy Solutions for the Elderly - Korumburra
Improve the wellbeing and resilience of an underserved community by providing an energy efficiency education program designed for elderly residents.
Hamilton Community House IncStepping Stones to Leaps and Bounds!
Promote community connections and development of life skills through the delivery of a financial literacy program in Hamilton.
Inglewood & Districts Health ServiceNew Gym Equipment
Promote physical and mental wellbeing in an underserved community by purchasing gym equipment for an allied health program.
Kilmore District Men's Shed IncNew Tools
Enhance the capacity of volunteers and boost mental health of older men by purchasing equipment for a men’s shed program.
Lake Bolac Bush Nursing Centre IncCommunity Engagement Program
Boost wellbeing and foster social connection by delivering an intergenerational program that brings together older community members and kindergarten students.
Lake Bolac$10,000
Neighbourhood House Murchison (VIC) IncorporatedEstablishing a Second Program Room for the Community
Expand access to programs and services through the renovation of an unused space within a neighbourhood house to create a second program room.
Newborough Men's ShedDust Extraction for New Premises
Support social wellbeing and provide a healthy environment for older people by installing safety equipment in a workshop.
North Shepparton Community & Learning Centre IncBeyond Identity in Shepparton
Expand opportunities for social connection for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) community members by providing creative workshops and an exhibition.
Raillery Hub IncRaillery Hub Art Gallery Information Technology Network Upgrade
Strengthen organisational capacity and volunteer skills by upgrading IT equipment for a community gallery and meeting space.
St Arnaud$5,000
Talbot Arts and Historical Museum IncPreserving and Increasing Safe Access to Our Heritage
Promote tourism in an underserved region and enhance access to an historic precinct by installing signage and an all-abilities ramp and paths.
Treble F Singers IncorporatedPurchase Portable Electric Piano: Bag, Stand and Stool
Enhance community connection and social wellbeing for older people by providing musical equipment for a community choir.
Uniting (Victoria and Tasmania) LimitedEast Bairnsdale Community Hub Food Pantry
Enhance skills and address food insecurity in an underserved region by providing emergency food relief and supplying ingredients for cooking classes.
Prepare and Recover - 2019/2020 Bushfire Recovery
Albury Wodonga Regional FoodshareStrengthening Preparedness through Community Connection
Enhance organisation capacity and support bushfire recovery through website upgrades to improve information and resource sharing.
Bendoc Progress Association IncCommunity Meeting Place Upgrade
Enhance opportunities for connection and recovery in a remote bushfire-impacted region through upgrading furniture at a neighbourhood house.
Bright Food Co-op LtdManage and Grow the Bright Food Co-op
Enhance organisational and volunteer capacity to provide affordable healthy food in a bushfire impacted region by installing an integrated and automated online ordering software platform.
Country Fire Authority on behalf of Crowlands Fire BrigadeTV Connectivity Project
Enhance volunteer capability and community bushfire preparedness by providing IT equipment for training and educational activities.
Country Fire Authority on behalf of Landsborough Fire BrigadeLandsborough Fire Brigade Lawn Mower Project
Strengthen bushfire preparedness and support volunteer capacity by purchasing a mower to maintain station grounds.
Country Fire Authority on behalf of Mossi-Tambo Fire BrigadeMossi-Tambo Fire Brigade Educational Garden
Enhance a community hub and develop an educational resource in a fire-affected region by establishing a garden featuring fire-resistant plants at the Mossiface fire station.
Goongerah Landcare GroupSafety Equipment and Tools for Goongerah Landcare
Foster volunteer capacity and support environmental recovery post-bushfires through purchasing new tools and equipment for a weed eradication project along the Brodribb River.
Indigo North Health Inc on behalf of Chiltern Neighbourhood HouseRe-surfacing of Communal Area
Enhance safety, access and recovery in a bushfire-affected area by constructing an all-ability path at a neighbourhood house and men’s shed.
Merton Recreation and Memorial Hall Reserves IncorporatedMerton Community Skate Park
Cultivate opportunities for social connection and wellbeing for young people in a region recovering from bushfire by constructing a skate park.
Swifts Creek Bush Nursing Centre IncRestore, Repair and Paint Walls in Treatment Rooms
Provide a safe and comfortable facility for delivering community health services in a bushfire-impacted region by upgrading treatment rooms.
Swifts Creek$10,000
Tallangatta Agricultural and Pastoral Society IncorporatedUpgrade of the Old Ablutions Block
Provide a safe community gathering place and prepare for future emergency bushfire events by upgrading bathroom facilities at the Tallangatta showgrounds.
Prepare & Recover - 2022 Floods
Bendigo and District Aboriginal Co-Operative Ltd on behalf of Aunty Gals - Aboriginal Women's GroupAunty Gals - Aboriginal Women's Group
Support recovery of First Nations women and children impacted by floods through skills and wellbeing activities.
Gannawarra Shire CouncilThe Fire Garden Theatre Production - Gannawarra
Enhance community recovery and cultural connection in a flood-impacted region through a First Nations theatre production.
Get Started Disability Support Australia LtdGet Started Emergency Preparedness: Empowering People with Disabilities
Foster community empowerment and inclusive disaster resilience in a flood-impacted region by delivering disaster preparedness educational programs, training and peer support for disabled people.
Kerang and District Agricultural Society IncorporatedReplacing of Pavilion No 2 Roof
Enhance opportunities for community connection and recovery from flood impacts by replacing the pavilion roof at the Kerang Showgrounds.
Kyabram Community & Learning Centre IncKCLC Community Kitchen Appliance Upgrade
Foster volunteer capacity and expand food relief in a flood-impacted region by upgrading kitchen appliances at a neighbourhood house.
Murrabit Advancement Association IncCreating a Family Hub at Murrabit
Strengthen social connections and provide a safe gathering space following flood events by upgrading a community-owned building.
Murrabit $25,000
Shepparton Foodshare IncorporatedShepparton Foodshare Food Rescue Truck
Boost organisational capacity to provide food relief in a flood-impacted region through the purchase of a refrigerated delivery truck.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Beechworth Biennale IncorporatedBeechworth Biennale
Boost economic and cultural recovery after COVID-19 by holding a festival showcasing public art installations at 15 key locations throughout Beechworth.
Buninyong Community Facility Management Committee IncChair Replacement
Revitalise opportunities for social connection post-pandemic by providing new seating at a community hub.
Buninyong $9,600
Edenhope Men's ShedA New Wood Lathe for Edenhope Men's Shed
Build social connections and increase opportunities for engagement after COVID-19 by purchasing equipment for a community men’s shed.
Gippy Rocks IncorporatedGippy Rocks Festival
Support community reconnection and economic recovery post-pandemic by holding a community festival.
Goulburn Valley Woodworkers IncorporatedClubroom Recovery Renovations
Strengthen social connection and volunteer capacity after the pandemic through upgrading flooring at a community shed.
Highlands Community Hall Committee IncMain Hall Acoustic Panel & Insulation
Encourage more community events to boost social connection post-pandemic by improving acoustics and ambience at a community hub.
Horses For Hope LimitedHelping Horses for Hope Reach the Communities in Need
Sustain an organisation’s capacity to provide mental health support post-COVID-19 by enhancing a horse float to operate as a mobile counselling space.
Jamieson Community Group and Associated Bodies IncorporatedJamieson Community Hub Landscape Design Plan – Community Garden and Arts Precinct
Build community resilience and support opportunities for social connection after COVID-19 by developing plans for a community garden and arts precinct.
Kaniva Agricultural and Pastoral Society IncorporatedArt and Photography
Enhance volunteer capacity and promote connection to culture post-COVID-19 by purchasing display boards for art and photography.
Lake Goldsmith Hall CommitteeBack to Lake Goldsmith and Stockyard Hill - Celebrating 160 Years
Rebuild social connections post-COVID-19 with whole-of-community events celebrating the district’s 160th anniversary.
Lake Goldsmith$8,450
Lockington Bowls Club IncorporatedClub Room Upgrades for Energy Efficiency
Foster opportunities for social connection and support the work of volunteers after COVID-19 through upgrades to heating and cooling at a vital community hub and meeting space.
Maldon Neighbourhood Centre IncChildren's Playground Equipment
Boost social connection and wellbeing of young children and their families post-COVID-19 by purchasing playground equipment for a neighbourhood centre.
Mount Wallace Hall and Reserve IncorporatedMt Wallace Community Hall Improvement Project
Strengthen opportunities for community connection after the pandemic through roof and ceiling repairs and installing a shade structure at a community hall.
Mount Wallace$7,290
Natimuk Agricultural and Pastoral Society IncNatimuk Showground Community Recreation Reserve Master Plan
Build organisational capacity and resilience post-COVID-19 by engaging a consultant to prepare a site master plan to address future needs of the facility for community events and activities.
Newstead 2021 Inc on behalf of Newstead Community GardenGarden Rehabilitation and Reinvigoration
Sustain volunteer capacity and safety post-pandemic by upgrading garden equipment and pathways.
Purnim Recreation ReserveUpgrade Pavilion / Kitchen Items
Strengthen social connection and sustain the work of volunteers after the pandemic through upgrading equipment and kitchen whitegoods at a community reserve.
Red Gum Festival Development Group IncorporatedWorkshops Marquee
Reduce social isolation and foster a stronger, more resilient community post-COVID-19 through the facilitation of community workshops and purchase of equipment for a biennial festival.
Regional Victorians of Colour IncRebuilding Strength and Community Through Shared Tables
Foster opportunities for cross-cultural connection and capacity building post-pandemic through multicultural community meal events and workshops in three towns.
Small & Vital
Enterprise Partnerships WA LimitedPiriwa Placemaking Project Part 4
Enhance the Piriwa Hub's community support capabilities by adding an extra shipping container for improved storage and service capacity.
Nungarin Heritage Machinery & Army Museum IncMagic of Mosaic
Improve volunteer management of historic collections by digitising materials onto an online platform.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Beacon Progress AssociationBeacon Barracks are GO!
Improve access to social and creative activities post-pandemic by removing asbestos from a repurposed community arts space.
John's Vision IncMobile Eyecare Service
Support COVID-19 recovery and resilience with a mobile optometry service offering affordable eyewear to vulnerable and homeless people.
Mullewa Community Resource Centre IncMelodies, Mates & Mental Health 2024
Boost reconnection of the community after COVID-19 through monthly concerts that also connect people with mental health services.
Share & Care Community Services Group IncorporatedMobile Financial Counselling Service
Help vulnerable residents reduce post-pandemic debt by expanding intensive financial counselling to additional Wheatbelt communities.
Tom Price Community Garden IncUser-Friendly Garden Beds
Enhance post-pandemic recovery and all-abilities social connection through community gardening by raising garden bed heights.
Tom Price$4,998

Originally a resting place for passing drovers, Foster is a small town just north of the Gippsland coast. Like much of regional Victoria, Foster was hit hard by COVID, with long-lasting economic, health and social outcomes. Impacts on social connection, the need to provide food relief for the community, and the reduced ability for community groups to fundraise were all felt strongly by the volunteers at Manna Community Garden.

Established 22 years ago, Manna Community Garden strives to improve food security and social wellbeing in the community. Working closely with Manna Gum Community House, community lunches are held and meals are provided for people in need of support. Demand for these lunches and meals was heightened during the pandemic and continues today, with the need exacerbated by escalating cost-of-living pressures. The two organisations also work together to provide assistance and information via workshops on topics such as grafting and seed saving, and a community stall at the local farmers’ market.

The fire pit in the gardens is an important gathering place for community members. The facility hosts the local youth group, community lunches, evenings in the garden events and NAIDOC week activities.

Before the pandemic, fundraising efforts were underway to pay for desperately needed upgrades to the Manna Community Garden, including to the garden beds and the amenities around the fire pit. A large Christmas in July fundraiser had to be cancelled two days before it was due to be held due to lockdown orders and while local sponsorship allowed the garden upgrades to go ahead, the works around the fire pit remained unfunded. The seating was dangerous and needed replacing if the gardens were to continue to provide an important social space for the community.  

The volunteers at Manna Community Garden applied for an FRRR grant to supplement their fundraising strategy and allow them to continue with these much-needed works. Through an Australian Government-funded SRC Rebuilding Regional Communities grant for $2,600, the fire pit seating was able to be upgraded. The community of Foster is now able to safely enjoy the gardens as a space to socialise, come together, learn and provide food relief for the town.

President of Manna Community Garden, Ms Juneen Schulz, explained the importance of the garden upgrades for reconnection:

“The space has provided a beautiful location for members of our community, especially our garden group, to connect. This is particularly important in the recovery from COVID-19, as it gives us a safe space to be together and rebuild our community.”

With the easing of COVID restrictions, Manna Community Garden has since joined together with other community gardens in the district to run annual events, bringing the wider South Gippsland and Bass Coast communities together and celebrating the benefits of growing locally. The first event, held in Foster in the newly renovated garden, attracted 60 guests and included workshops, guest speakers, and of course lots of beautiful locally grown produce!

“We wanted an inclusive day where community gardens across our slice of the universe could come together and discuss our favourite topics – growing food, looking after our hamlets and communities, sharing our knowledge.”

The neighbouring town of Meeniyan will host the next event, in what is hoped will be a long-running tradition – supporting communities that were badly impacted by COVID-19 to come together and encourage the health, economic, environmental, and social benefits of growing produce locally.

The work of Manna Community Garden shows that a small project can have a big, and long lasting, impact!

The Fremantle Foundation was established in 2010, and seeks to create a thriving community through local giving and to address critical community needs by providing inspiring ways for people to give. They partnered with FRRR in 2020 through a Community Foundation Account, allowing them to support a wider range of community organisations conducting charitable activities in rural and regional WA, particularly those without their own DGR status – which is the majority of community organisations in regional and remote areas.

In FY23, for the second year in a row, the Foundation distributed grants exceeding $1 million across 62 grants, creating impact in the local Fremantle community, the broader metropolitan area, regional and remote WA, as well as in other parts of Australia.

While most of their donors focus on metropolitan areas, the FRRR Community Foundation Account specifically allows the Fremantle Foundation to support more projects in regional communities.

For example, the Northhampton community, located around five hours north of Fremantle, was badly affected by Cyclone Seroja in April 2021. A group of ex and current AFL footballers, all from around Northampton, set up a fund with Fremantle Foundation to support rebuilding in the township and the surrounding region.

Two projects that have been completed to date include the refurbishment of the Olgilvie Hall and construction of a remembrance garden at St Mary’s School. The garden includes new paving, bench seating and a selection of plants, including the much-loved rose garden. In addition, signage has been installed for visitors to gather and learn about the parish and impact of Cyclone Seroja.

The Fremantle Foundation is also using their FRRR Community Foundation Account to ensure donated funds support the launch of the Peel Community Fund.The Fund was established in 2019 by members of the Peel community, with the aim of creating their own Community Foundation in the region. Thanks to their FRRR Account, Fremantle Foundation was able to award them a grant to support the development of critical infrastructure, including a website, communication and marketing plan, marketing materials, operational structure, committee governance and membership / giving structures.

In another example of their ability to inspire local giving, The Esperance Ag Fund was established in 2021 by the local agricultural sector in partnership with Fremantle Foundation, with the sole purpose of making a difference within the Esperance community. Collectively, the farming community, which is about 700 km from Fremantle, provides support to the wider Esperance region by funding projects that make a positive impact. They’ve recently awarded a grant to the Recherche Aged Welfare Committee for the installation of a reticulation system at the Alchera Aged Care Housing property.

Pauline Eves from Fremantle Foundation said they are most grateful for the assistance provided by FRRR to enable grants like these to happen.

19 projects funded thanks to the Future Drought Fund

FRRR today announced the final projects funded through the Community Impact Program, which is part of the Helping Regional Communities Prepare for Drought Initiative funded by the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund.

Group of three people talking to each other.

In this final tranche of funding, delivered in partnership with ARLF, grants of nearly $1 million have been awarded to support 15 organisations in delivering 19 projects across the Central West region of NSW, the Eyre Peninsula region of SA and the Loddon Campaspe region of VIC. The grants are designed to enhance drought preparedness through strengthening, enabling and building social capital.

FRRR’s Disaster Resilience and Recovery Lead, Nina O’Brien, says that there are a range of projects being funded in each area, which reflect local priorities.

“All these projects have come about thanks to a robust, locally-led co-design process. In Central NSW, for example, we saw more than 20 organisations, including First Nations groups, actively engage in helping to prioritise what would make a difference in their region.

“The Central West of NSW has been impacted by flooding, as well as bushfires on top of the Black Summer bushfires. These events, combined with prolonged drought conditions have left the community fatigued and in continuous recovery.

“This funding, which will be coordinated by Regional Development Australia – Orana, will support projects including strengthening local leadership and networks through a series of events; a seminar for rural women, which will create a safe space for sharing and creating connections; and educational activities. Other projects in this region will include a pilot program to increase access to better mental health support; a series of networking and social support activities targeting young women; and workshops providing culturally sensitive information in different languages targeting the diverse multicultural community living in the region.

“It’s a similar story in South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula, where the program activity will be coordinated by Agricultural Innovation and Research Eyre Peninsula. The co-design process saw 37 participants from the not-for-profit sector, government, small business and general community invited to have input. Four projects have been supported, again with a series of events and activities focusing on different groups, including rural women, young farmers (through peer-to-peer learning) and the broader community, with a focus on building understanding of drought and drought preparedness at a farm, environment and whole of community level.

“In the Loddon / Campaspe region, in Victoria, there is a history of drought, although in late 2022, the region experienced significant flood damage. Several communities remain displaced with the recovery and rebuilding process hampered by a variety of factors, including volunteer fatigue. Despite this, there was strong engagement in the co-design process, including the local traditional owners, the Dja Dja Wurrung Clans Aboriginal Corporation. Coordinated by LEAD Loddon Murray Inc, there are four projects that will be supported in this region, including redevelopment of the Bridgewater Community Hub to build a community garden and sensory garden, backed up by eight community workshops to share knowledge. There will also be an education program – ‘Let’s Talk About the Weather’ – involving local community mapping of the network and focused capacity building support. The Dja Dja Wurrung Clans will lead a project that will employ a local coordinator who will work with Council, Landcare, community organisations and private landholders to heal Country, building understanding of traditional land management practices and ways to restore the land. The final project will focus on building and strengthening networks and building capacity of individual leaders in climate resilience,” Ms O’Brien explained.

In addition to the projects that are being supported, each region will also engage in a leadership development activity. ARLF Chief Executive, Matt Linnegar, says those activities include either a community leadership program, leadership action initiative, group coaching or change-maker workshops.

“The activities will be tailored to each area and we’re already working with the local community partner lead organisation to work out the best timing for the various activities. Leadership development is a critical part of building the social capital required to strengthen drought resilience. It helps to create and build local networks, as well as develop the skills and knowledge to take action and address challenges and make the most of opportunities.”

Participants also gain access to the wider alumni network of the ARLF. “It’s these connections that prove invaluable to people. When they’re stuck, there’s someone to ask for advice,” Mr Linnegar said.

FRRR is currently inviting applications for small grants to support activity in parts of the country where there was no Community Impact Program grant awarded. Full details are available at

Other elements of the Future Drought Fund’s Helping Regional Communities Prepare for Drought Initiative are also underway, including a Mentoring program and an online network connecting community members involved in projects in each of the regions, both led by ARLF. FRRR has also launched a portal providing access to experts to support delivery of their projects, if local expertise isn’t available.

Community Impact Program grantees have commenced delivering project activity, increasing connection across regions and supporting locally identified and driven drought preparedness activities. Some activities delivered so far are young farmer network events, women’s events and local field day type activities in several regions, with strong local participation and attendance. From FRRR’s perspective, it is exciting to see the momentum being created by passionate locals keen to see their regions remain connected, and vibrant as dry times increase across many communities nationally.

Learn more about the Helping Regional Communities Prepare for Drought Initiative at

The full list of grant recipients and their projects are below.

New South Wales: Region 03 Central West
Regional Development Australia - OranaCommunity Partner Lead Organisation (CPLO): Region 03
Strengthen drought preparedness and drive local action in the Central West region through the coordination of Community Impact Program activities and evaluation administration.
Central West NSW Region$49,608
Coonamble Chamber of Commerce IncorporatedWellbeing Changemaker Assistance Program
Support members of the Coonamble Chamber of Commerce (80+ members) and their families to face drought and other stresses through the provision of access to mental health support services as community workshops and the provision of space locally for mental health support services in Coonamble.
Coonamble Shire$85,465
Hovells Creek Landcare Group Incorporated

Building Community Networks, Community Support and Resilience to Drought Through Social and Learning Activities

Increase awareness of and change attitudes to drought preparedness through the delivery of two community workshops focused on holistic property management during drought.

Cowra, Weddin, Hilltops, Hovells Creek, Wyangala$14,700
Oriscon IncorporatedCreating Connections Project
Stimulate a change in awareness of and change attitudes towards drought preparedness at the community level through the development of a multilingual knowledge and information sharing website, two community workshops and a networking event supporting migrant community members in connecting, accessing, and understanding localised climate adaptation and drought preparedness activities and information across Central Western NSW.
Dubbo, Warren, Gilgandra, Wellington, Nyngan, Narromine, Wellington, Stuart Town$10,000
Tradies IN SightNSW Real Reconnections Tour
Build local networks and social support mechanisms required to better prepare for drought through the provision of eight informal mental health events focused on connecting regional men.
Dubbo, Narromine, Gilgandra, Coonabarabran, Warren, Nyngan, Cobar, Tattenham, Parkes, Bourke, Brewarrina, Walgett$18,417
Voices of Women IncorporatedEMBRACE: Voices of Women Dubbo
Build a shared experience that can be drawn upon for support during drought through local networks and social support for young women aged 18-35 through the delivery of an intensive creative workshop focused on building relationships and confidence of young women.
Watershed Landcare Group IncorporatedEmpowering Watershed Women
Stimulate a change in awareness of and attitudes towards drought preparedness through the delivery of a seminar for rural women focused on providing a safe space for communication, support, mentoring, professional development and empowerment.
Mudgee, Cudgegong $10,000
Watershed Landcare Group IncorporatedHolistically Strengthening the Capabilities and Resilience of our Rural Community
Enable the community to build their local leadership, networks and social support mechanisms at a community level through the delivery of three connection and networking events and Holistic Management training focused on a comprehensive drought and disaster resilience approach to agricultural practices and decision-making.
Mudgee, Gulgong, Rylstone, Kandos$40,700
Western Rural Connect Inc.Western Rural Connect Networking and Development Events
Build local leadership, networks and social support to build drought and other disaster resilience through the delivery of three Women in Agriculture events over two years.
South Australia: Region 23 Eyre Peninsula
Agricultural Innovation & Research Eyre Peninsula IncorporatedCommunity Partner Lead Organisation (CPLO): Region 23
Strengthen drought preparedness and drive local action in the Eyre Peninsula region through the coordination of Community Impact Program activities and evaluation administration.
Eyre Peninsula SA Region$30,760
Agricultural Innovation & Research Eyre Peninsula IncorporatedYoung Farmer – Facilitated Peer to Peer Learning
Share innovative ways to build drought resilience and build local leadership, networks and social support in Ceduna and Cleve locations. AIR EP will offer four field events for young farmers focusing on young people aged 18-35 years.
Ceduna and Cleve $60,000
District Council Of CleveFuture Farmers Focus
Future Farmers support a change in awareness of and attitudes to drought preparedness at the community level through the delivery of learning workshops for two target audiences: 1. high school students; 2. families, industry and broader community.
WoTL LtdBetter Connected Communities
Engage 12-15 young women in remote and highly drought sensitive communities to participate in a series of workshops covering a range of topics with overt social drought preparedness themes and outcomes.
Cleve, Franklin Harbour$77,456
WoTL LtdRegenerate Rural Women
Learn and share innovative ways to build drought resilience by engaging approximately 15 local women in a comprehensive program covering topics to build personal resilience, refine decision making skills, clarify priorities and goals, and enhance personal, family and community wellbeing in Ceduna and Lower Eyre Peninsula.
Lower Eyre Peninsula, Ceduna$68,400
Victoria: Region 28 Loddon Campaspe
Lead Loddon Murray IncCommunity Partner Lead Organisation (CPLO): Region 28
Strengthen drought preparedness and drive local action in the Loddon Campaspe region through the coordination of Community Impact Program activities and evaluation administration.
Loddon Campaspe VIC region$80,000
Lead Loddon Murray Inc2024 Loddon Murray Community Leadership Program - Climate Resilience
Enable an increase in the reach and activities of community leaders, mentors, networks and organisations driving action on drought resilience through the delivery of LMCLP Climate Resilience program.
Loddon Campaspe VIC Region$80,000
 Kooyoora Women's Network IncBridgewater Railway Station Redevelopment
Build depth of social connection and increase skills, knowledge and understanding of the risks posed by drought and climate change while offering a place for community connection through the further development of the Bridgewater Community Hub.
Bridgewater, Loddon Shire$75,000
Dja Dja Wurrung Clans Aboriginal CorporationHealing Country across Djandak
Stimulate a change in awareness of and attitudes to drought preparedness while increasing engagement with and participation of First Nations community members through the delivery of the Djaara Forest Gardening Engagement Coordinator pilot program, “Healing Country on Djandak”.
Campaspe, Loddon, Central Goldfield, Bendigo$100,000
Jumpleads NFP LimitedLet's Talk About the Weather | Drought Resilience
Enable communities to identify and adopt innovative ways to build drought preparedness at the community level through the delivery of a Let’s Talk About the Weather program across Campaspe, Loddon and Central Goldfields local government areas.
Campaspe, Loddon, Central Goldfields$120,000

18 community groups to receive funding

In partnership with Suncorp and AAMI, FRRR has awarded $300,781 to 18 remote, rural and regional not-for-profits (NFPs) in Victorian communities impacted by the flooding events that took place between October 2022 and January 2023.

The Myrtleford Recreation Reserve
The Myrtleford Recreation Reserve Committee has been awarded $20,000 for design of a stormwater management system to mitigate future flood risk, supporting community facility use for local events and activities.

Suncorp Group pledged $1 million to FRRR in 2021 for a dedicated Rebuilding Futures program – to support Australian communities impacted by significant natural disasters. 

This is the third round of the Program and with these grants will have distributed over $1 million.

The grants awarded range from $4,040 to $20,000 and will be used for a range of projects from building community infrastructure and improving emergency facilities, to youth activity programs and community workshops – all high-priority projects for their local community.

Suncorp Group CEO Steve Johnston said the grants would help support community-led recovery in the impacted areas.

“Australia is no stranger to natural disasters and unfortunately I’ve seen all too often the devastation and emotional toll they have on our communities,” Mr Johnston said.

“That’s why we are supporting affected Victorian communities through the Rebuilding Futures program – to not just build back but to build back better than before, making them even more resilient,” he said.

“These communities have been through a lot, and we know that recovery from severe weather events can sometimes take years. We also know that each community’s priorities during that recovery is different.

“We’re pleased to provide support to a range of different community groups and local not-for-profits that are run by people who know and understand what it is their community needs in order to rebuild.”

Nina O’Brien, Disaster Resilience and Recovery Lead at FRRR, said this round of grants is further confirmation of the long-term impacts of natural disasters.

“In this round of grants, we’re seeing projects that are about building community amenities and improving infrastructure but there’s also an emphasis on initiatives that are about building community resilience and promoting social wellbeing. It’s nearly a year since the floods first started and so this just goes to show that the impacts of floods are long-lasting and go far beyond the physical damage that’s caused.

“The floods have had a huge emotional toll on the people in these communities, yet they’re still determined to build back and become even more resilient than before, which really is inspiring to see. Thanks to the generous support of Suncorp and AAMI, we can help them to do just that,” said Ms O’Brien.

Among the 18 projects funded this round are:

  • Alpine Multi Skill Group in Bright – Construction of a dedicated cabin workspace for volunteers, members, and the local community, which will support Alpine Multi Skill’s community development work and collaboration with the Men’s Shed – $19,750
  • Echuca Moama Broadcast Service Inc in Echuca – Upskill the community radio volunteers, enhancing their ability to broadcast during and outside times of emergency disasters to support community safety and wellbeing – $4,040
  • Kerang and District Community Centre Inc in Kerang – Build resilience in Kerang through an inclusive arts program aimed at connecting people through positive creative activities $10,000

The full list of grant recipients and their projects is below.

Alpine Multi Skill GroupConstruction of a Dedicated Cabin Workspace for Volunteers, Members and the Local Community
Expand the opportunities for community skills and preparedness activities through constructing a cabin to support Alpine Multi Skill's community development work collaborating with the Men's Shed.
Boys to the Bush LtdBoys to the Bush Building up Rochester Boys
Support youth recovery and resilience through extra curricular programs developing life skills, experience of rural employment opportunities, community engagement and mentoring.
Campaspe Park Raceway Committee of Management IncorporationDisabled Access from Car Park to Clubhouse
Improve access and community facility infrastructure with a concrete path from the carpark to clubhouse of the Campaspe Park and Raceway Recreation Reserve.
East Loddon Food Share Program IncorporatedRelief Food and Fridge / Freezer Storage
Build capacity of local food relief organisation with whitegoods, a generator and food supplies to support a 12 month program of food security.
Echuca Moama Broadcast Service IncUpskill Broadcasting Team
Build skills and capability for community radio volunteers to broadcast during and outside times of emergency disasters to support community safety and wellbeing.
Eildon Events IncConstruction of a Permanent Waterproof Cantilever Shade Structure
Build capacity of the Eildon community with a cantilevered shade cover for a stage to increase usage and expand local activity.
Greater Shepparton Foundation LimitedGiving Power Greater Shepparton
Support community adaptation for long-term social and economic recovery through a collaborative scoping project to develop an accessible solar program for flood-impacted households in Greater Shepparton.
Kerang and District Community Centre IncLet's Connect via Art
Build resilience in Kerang through an inclusive arts program aimed at connecting people in positive creative activities.
Mount Alexander Shire CouncilCreative Resilience Lab
Build community resilience and preparedness through a future thinking workshop with a broad range of Mount Alexander community stakeholders.
Myrtleford Recreation Reserve Committee of ManagementMyrtleford Recreation Reserve Stormwater Management and Drainage Design
Improve local recreation reserve through design of a stormwater management system to mitigate future flood risk, supporting community facility use for local events and organisations' activity.
Navarre Public HallRevitalising the Navarre Public Hall
Rebuild community infrastructure with contributions for rewiring and improved vent systems in the Navarre Hall restoration following significant flood disruption to the community.
Open Door Neighbourhood House IncConnecting Community - Social Prescribing
Build community resilience through implementing a 'social prescribing' program of connection for vulnerable members of the flood-impacted community of Wangaratta.
Parklands Albury Wodonga LimitedCreating Nature Play Trails to Grow Resilience
Build community resilience with enhanced community nature space and programs for intergenerational connection.
Pyramid Hill Neighbourhood House IncCommunications Kit
Build community resilience and capability through upgrading online and offline media communications to support the Pyramid Hill community during and outside of disasters.
Pyramid Hill$13,900
Rochester Community House IncBringing the Roar to Rochy (Shire Hall)
Upgrade community facilities with a new sound system at the Rochester Community Hall.
Variety - The Children's Charity of VictoriaReplacement and Upgrade of Safe / Secure and Inclusive Play Environment for Echuca Twin Rivers Specialist School
Upgrade the playground of the Echuca Specialist School to ensure a safe and flood proof surface for all abilities children from surrounding impacted flood communities.
Yarrawonga Neighbourhood House IncYMCLC Community Connection and Resilience Program
Boost community resilience with a Social Prescribing program for engaging and supporting vulnerable people in local activities and information to address mental and physical health issues.
Yea Community Service Group IncHands on Skills for Community
Build community resilience with a program of workshops teaching 'sufficiency' skills, including preserving foods, composting and dehydrating, with community connection a key outcome.

Sixteen community initiatives that will act on issues that matter to remote, rural and regional youth will share in $148,721 in grants, through the FRRR ABC Heywire Youth Innovation Grants program.

Heywire winners presenting at the 2023 Regional Youth Summit in Canberra. Image credit: Bradley Cummings
Heywire winners presenting at the 2023 Regional Youth Summit in Canberra. Image credit: Bradley Cummings.

Now in its 11th year, the youth-focused program offers funds for communities to adopt, adapt and act on the ideas generated by young Australians at the ABC Heywire program’s annual Regional Youth Summit.

This year’s 39 young Summit participants developed six exciting ideas for change on issues that matter most to rural youth, with themes addressing boredom relief; easy access to mental health support; cost of food relief; education and diverse learning needs being catered for; ensuring youth voices are heard; and creating better futures for young people with disabilities.

The idea that received most applications was ‘Boredom Relief’, which resonated extensively with young people. One of the projects receiving funding to respond to Boredom Relief will be led by 2023 Heywirer Blake, who says there is a lack of opportunities for fun youth events in rural communities such as his.

“In small rural towns, it can feel like there is nothing for young people to do. We need to make sure that there are safe events and spaces for youth, or else they will look to drugs and alcohol for entertainment and excitement.

“Our project will see young people design and lead a one-day event of live music and activities. The drug and alcohol-free event will involve young and upcoming artists, and include art and cultural activities. I know it will help the young people in our community to build connections and give them practical experience in event management.

“I’m excited for it to get underway!” Blake said.

Deb Samuels, FRRR’s People Portfolio Lead, said that this program helps to put youth-led ideas at the forefront of rural communities and helps young people to feel heard.

“Young people are the future and often we find that grassroots organisations know how important it is to involve the youth and make them part of the community, but they simply lack the capacity to do so.

“Thanks to our donor partners, this program gives community groups the support and resources they need to overcome these barriers and focus their time and energy on initiatives that will make young people feel seen and empowered.

ABC Director, News, Justin Stevens, thanked FRRR for its support.

“Heywire amplifies young rural and regional voices across our ABC platforms and the Regional Youth Summit encourages their inspiring ideas for change and helps bring them to life,” he said.

“These young innovators are Australia’s future leaders and their ideas demonstrate their understanding of what their communities need.”

Examples of this year’s projects include:

  • Zero Positive for Schools in Scone, NSW received $6,200 to develop the Idea 4 Change idea by preventing climate anxiety for youth with a summit featuring youth environmentalists and support for implementing school-based action plans.
  • Nganmarriyanga School in Nganmarriyanga, NT, received $10,000 to develop the Boredom Relief idea by fostering youth agency and responsibility with the opportunity for youth to design their own Boredom Relief project.
  • Breakaway Toowoomba in Toowoomba, QLD, received $10,000 to develop the We Are Not Alone idea by encouraging greater visibility of disability with a youth-led accessible community event to establish support networks.
  • Tomorrow Movement in TAS (statewide), received $10,000 to develop the Hear Our Voices idea by preparing youth to become leaders of community-driven climate solutions with workshops to develop skills in facilitation and visioning sessions.
  • Birchip Neighbourhood House Inc in Birchip, VIC, received $10,000 to develop the Boredom Relief idea by empowering youth with skills in event management through the delivery of a youth-led arts and culture event.
  • Kununurra Community Garden Kitchen in Ringer Soak, WA, received $10,000 to develop the Homegrown Hub idea by growing cultural education on Indigenous plants and increasing access to food security with the installation of a community kitchen garden.

These grants are possible thanks to the generous support of The Sally Foundation, David Mactaggart Foundation, The John Villiers Trust, AMP Foundation, as well as several private donors.

The full list of grant recipients and their projects are below.

Barkindji Maraura Elders Environment TeamBoredom Relief
Strengthen community connections and wellbeing with on-Country camps for youth.
Grand Pacific Health LimitedBoredom Relief
Enhance a youth-led music festival to provide opportunities for young people to engage in their community.
Pambula Beach$9,265
Zero Positive for SchoolsIdea 4 Change
Prevent climate anxiety for youth with a summit featuring youth environmentalists and support for implementing school-based action plans.
Nganmarriyanga SchoolBoredom Relief
Foster youth agency and responsibility with the opportunity for youth to design their own Boredom Relief project.
Breakaway ToowoombaWe Are Not Alone
Encourage greater visibility of disability with a youth-led accessible community event to establish support networks.
Bridges Health and Community Care LtdEasy Access
Equip students with strategies to improve wellbeing and navigate difficult conversations through mental health education delivered through theatre.
Coen Region Aboriginal CorporationBoredom Relief
Encourage youth and the community to come together at a series of outdoor movie events.
Now I Can RunWe Are Not Alone
Encourage wellbeing and physical activity with an event to introduce race running to youth with mobility impairments.
Puuya FoundationEasy Access
Strengthen youth wellbeing with on-Country camps that provide culturally appropriate mental health supports.
Lockhart River$10,000
Kind Schools LimitedIdea 4 Change
Foster resilience and kindness in children through mental health training for primary students.
Tomorrow MovementHear Our Voices
Prepare youth to become leaders of community-driven climate solutions with workshops to develop skills in facilitation and visioning sessions.
Bendigo Sustainability GroupHear Our Voices
Support youth skills in creative and community advocacy with workshops to develop a digital-storytelling program.
Birchip Neighbourhood House IncBoredom Relief
Empower youth with skills in event management through the delivery of a youth-led arts and culture event.
Creswick Neighbourhood Centre IncBoredom Relief
Create a youth space to reduce isolation and improve mental health for local youth to come together.
Standing Tall in HamiltonWe Are Not Alone
Support mentors to become more confident and capable of working with disabled young people with youth-led access and inclusion training.
Kununurra Community Garden KitchenHomegrown Hub
Grow cultural education on Indigenous plants and increase access to food security with the installation of a community kitchen garden.
Ringer Soak$10,000