Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR)

Funding helps local preparedness projects get off the ground

Local groups in Korumburra, Myrtleford and Whittlesea township and surrounds, are taking an active approach to preparing their regions for future disaster, thanks to a partnership with FRRR’s Disaster Resilient: Future Ready (DR:FR) Victorian program.

As part of the place-based DR:FR program, the three regional communities are sharing a total of $120,839 in grants. These funds are already being put to use, with communities leading local initiatives designed to improve wellbeing, increase preparedness and strengthen resilience so that each place has greater capacity to endure, adapt and evolve positively when faced with the impacts of climate, disasters and other disruptions.

Nina O’Brien, FRRR’s Disaster Resilience and Recovery Lead, said that FRRR is the DR:FR initiative is an active partnership between FRRR and the communities.

The premise of the DR:FR program is to partner with local groups and community members, and provide them with the tools and resources to identify what their community needs to prepare for the impacts of climate change, natural disasters and broader disruptions.

“The priority projects have been under development since March, so it’s a major milestone to see the local groups getting these important ideas off the ground.  We are inspired by the passion and persistence shown by each group and their eagerness to make a difference when the next emergency arrives. “We look forward to continuing to partner with these communities to better prepare their regions to withstand the impacts of future disasters,” Ms O’Brien said.

Community updates


Korumburra is setting up a Helping Hub, to be run from the local Community House.

The Helping Hub will match community volunteers with those in need of assistance via a website, social media and six-monthly volunteer expos.

The Hub will build community networks and provide connection to residents who need support, improving resilience generally and in emergencies such as storms or heatwaves.


Mytrleford is fortunate to have a range of community groups and resources that can be mobilised to support the community during a disaster.

FRRR funding has been used to engage a person in a Community Connector Role for the Myrtleford neighbourhood to understand each group’s facilities and resources.

They will continue to work with the groups to plan how they can collectively support residents in the first 72 hours of an emergency event such as flooding or bushfire, and develop a Contacts Directory and Community Assets Map to make communication and co-ordination of resources easier in an emergency.

Whittlesea Township and Surrounds

Whittlesea Township and Surrounds’ Community Resilience Committee (CRC) is using their grant to employ a project officer to support a range of initiatives.

The CRC is keen to ensure that grassroots community action in future events is recognised in the formal Municipal Emergency Management Plan (MEMP) and, therefore, by the formal disaster response agencies. They have received support from the MEMP Committee and are currently rewriting a previous Community Emergency Management Plan, to be endorsed later in 2023.

A key project for this group is to set up a Community Emergency Response Network (CERN) of local residents and community organisations. For future large fires and storms, the CERN would be recognised as part of the formal emergency response and would coordinate the local community-level relief efforts.

The DR:FR initiative is collaboratively supported by many generous donors, who are acknowledged on the FRRR website.

For more information about this program, visit

“The NRCF Board and staff certainly value the long-term relationship with FRRR, which is so important to us as a rural and regional Foundation. The support for NRCF’s community impact and grants team has been essential to achieve impact in the community.” Sam Henderson, CEO, NRCF

Northern Rivers Community Foundation (NRCF) was established in 2004 to connect people who care with local causes that matter, to improve community wellbeing for the Northern Rivers region of NSW. They have one of the largest footprints of any community foundation in Australia, covering from Tweed to Grafton, from the ocean all the way up past Kyogle, Woodenbong and Casino. NRCF is dedicated to improving the lives of those less fortunate in their community, either from economic circumstances, mental illness, disability, learning difficulties or drug / alcohol addiction. More recently their focus has been to support their community to navigate their disaster recovery journey following bushfires and then widespread flooding events across the region in early 2022.

Flooded streets in Lismore, NSW
Flooding in the streets of Lismore, NSW – one of the communities supported by NRCF.

NRCF has held a Fundraising Account partnership with FRRR since 2017 to attract tax-deductible donations, enabling them to help community organisations meet increasing demands on their services and work together to build resilience across the community.

Initially they raised funds through a general Community Fund, and in 2020 established the Resilience & Regeneration Fund to raise funds specifically to support disaster recovery and preparedness in their region. The Fund responds to the increasingly frequent natural disasters affecting the region and the global pandemic. Recognising that these are not isolated events, and that resilience and regeneration are integral to a sustainable and prosperous region, they wanted to attract as much money as possible.

As at 30 June 2023, NRCF has raised $1,171,600  via these two Funds. In 2022, they announced a record distribution of $327,177 to 49 recipients across the seven LGA’s of the Northern Rivers. This was supported by distributions totalling more than $162,000 from their FRRR Fundraising Account in FY22. Projects span across disadvantage, housing and homelessness, recovery and resilience, and the environment.

NRCF will also be looking to use the funds raised through the Resilience & Regeneration Fund to respond in a meaningful and impactful way to the devastation brought about by the two 2022 flooding events that occurred in quick succession through their Annual Community Grants program. Informing their response is their ongoing research project to understand the issues and conditions impacting community recovery with a view to better support local not-for-profits and their activities into the future. In May 2023 they released their second flood impact report ‘Research, Respond, Recover: A year on from disaster’ which offers valuable insights across a range of indicators about how the community is recovering. It highlights gaps in funding for medium to longer term recovery, and ongoing key issues of concern around health and wellbeing, housing and homelessness. 

With this increase in support comes a need for increased resourcing. Fortunately, NRCF has also received donations via their Fundraising Account specifically to support their operational and staffing costs through their General Fund. As a result, the role of Grants and Community Impact Manager has been introduced, which will boost their capacity, enabling them to expand their community grant programs and supporting them to broaden their reach.

Sam Henderson, NRCF’s CEO, said ‘The NRCF Board and staff certainly value the long-term relationship with FRRR, which is so important to them as a rural and regional Foundation. The support for NRCF’s community impact and grants team has been essential to achieve impact in the community.’ The need to respond to disasters has now increased so much that they’ve also recruited a part-time Grants Administration Officer to support the Community Impact Manager.

Environs Kimberley (EK) is the peak not-for-profit environmental organisation for the remote Kimberley region of Western Australia. Since 1996 EK has been dedicated to conserving and protecting the Kimberley’s natural, environmental, and cultural values. EK has supported and coordinated cultural-natural resource management (CNRM) projects in the region since 2007.  

EK collaborates respectfully and over the long term with Aboriginal rangers and their communities, First Nations groups, community groups, government, and scientists to apply traditional knowledge and the best scientific methods to CNRM projects including: invasive species and fire management; ecosystem restoration, threatened species, ecological survey, and monitoring; eco-cultural documentation and education.

EK’s Kimberley Community Seedbank (KCS) project was established in 2015 and EK has been working to develop the Seedbank into a sustainable social enterprise that furthers the conservation and protection of the Kimberley’s incredible natural and cultural values. In 2020, Environs Kimberley received a Strengthen Rural Communities (SRC) grant of $24,995, thanks to John T Reid Charitable Trusts, as funding towards Strengthening the Kimberley Community Seedbank: a sustainable social enterprise project.

A First Nations-led bush resource industry can support Aboriginal communities across the Kimberley to participate in economic development on their own terms and to undertake meaningful and sustainable work on Country.  As a backdrop to this, the Australian bush resource industry has seen enormous growth over the past few decades, but despite this, a national survey by Bushfood Sensations (2019) found only 1% of the industry was led by First Nations people.

Hence, EK’s Sustainable Communities team has worked to build capacity for First Nations people to engage in and lead a Kimberley native plant resource industry. EK worked with four ranger groups to co-design business plans and complementary industry resources for two emerging social enterprises: Kimberley Seeds, and Wattleseed Collective where EK has supported Aboriginal collectors to develop skills in the exciting bush food and restoration industries to produce sustainable, socially responsible products.

The grant funded Environs Kimberley project management, co-design workshops, and the development of viable business models. EK delivered training to communities and ranger groups across the West Kimberley and established seed storage, roasting and cleaning infrastructure.

The Bardi Jawi Oorany Rangers, Karajarri Rangers, Nyangumarta Rangers, Yawuru Country Managers and Yiriman Women’s Bush Enterprise’s provided in-kind time and vehicle use for seed collection. EK provided in-kind time, seedbank and seed collecting equipment and coordinated volunteer activities. EK supported groups to develop their own business plans, financial models, packaging, marketing materials and a sales strategy.

EK coordinated the first pilot for commercial scale harvesting of wattleseed in 2022. The harvest saw the Wattleseed Collective gather and clean 40 kgs of (mostly) soap wattle (Acacia colei). This amazing effort resulted in sufficient product to enable Environs Kimberley to enter a product development phase and begin a process of securing access to markets for the coming year’s collections.

EK developed resources including a business plan template, a wattleseed harvesting guide, and wattleseed cleaning guide which are now available to share across the network of Kimberley-based Aboriginal-led businesses and individuals.

First Nations ranger programs are major employers in remote communities.  By continuing to increase the capacity of the rangers in seed collection and social enterprise development, and working with other community members, Environs Kimberley is backing stronger communities to engage in the development of local, sustainable, conservation and cultural economies.

Applications are now open for the ANZ Seeds of Renewal program, with grants of up to $15,000 available for not-for-profit organisations in remote, rural and regional areas to support the ongoing prosperity of regional Australia.

Karrkad Kandji Trust Warddeken Rangers on Country
The Karrkad-Kanjdji Trust received a $15,000 Seeds of Renewal grant in 2020 to help fund a network of cameras that look into the prevalence of djabbo (northern quoll) in west Arnhem Land.

The program, which is now in its 21st year, is administered by FRRR, and has provided more than $5.5 million to more than 800 community groups for approximately 900 projects to help build vibrant and sustainable communities.

This year, the ANZ Seeds of Renewal program is again offering a share of $250,000 to community organisations in remote, rural or regional locations for projects aligned to four focus areas:

  • Environmental sustainability: initiatives that restore and conserve the natural environment or which contribute to lower carbon emissions, water stewardship and waste minimisation;
  • Financial wellbeing: particularly for under-represented and disadvantaged people in the community, including initiatives that improve economic participation. For example, building financial literacy and vocational skills and providing access to meaningful work;
  • Housing access: initiatives and programs that support those experiencing or at risk of homelessness or that provide supports for people living with disability; or
  • Projects that assist local communities to thrive: by either enabling vibrant communities where everyone can participate and build a better life, or creating sustainable communities that help deliver demonstrable medium to long term economic sustainability.

ANZ General Manager Business Banking Jenefer Stewart said: “ANZ is committed to enhancing the wellbeing and prosperity of the communities where our people live and work, and where our business operates. One way we do this is by reinvesting in communities through programs like Seeds of Renewal. This year we are proud to once again contribute to the long-term growth and sustainability of small rural communities,” Ms Stewart said.

FRRR CEO Natalie Egleton said: “In the current financial environment, we know there is a heightened need to support and strengthen the sustainability of rural Australia. We believe local leaders and community groups are best placed to identify and address the environmental, financial and housing concerns in their region, and to know first-hand what their communities need to thrive. Programs like ANZ Seeds of Renewal mean we can support these types of meaningful and community-led projects that promote the sustainability and liveability of remote, rural and regional Australia. We look forward to seeing what projects local groups put forward this year,” Ms Egleton said.

Last year, ANZ and FRRR provided grants to 20 community groups for projects including preserving Anbinik Rainforests through Indigenous Fire Management in Arnhem Land, NT; building capability and confidence by providing practical financial literacy skills and awareness training to women in East Gippsland, Victoria; providing fit out of accommodation to support women at risk of domestic violence and homelessness in remote WA; and delivering key skills training to increase the employability of young people in agriculture in Crookwell, NSW.

Applications open on 12 July and close 5pm AEST, 10 August 2023.

A grantseeker workshop will be held online from 1 – 2pm AEST, on Wednesday 19 July, 2023.

For more information about ANZ Seeds of Renewal, or to apply for a grant visit:

It has been over 20 years since the rural town of Marama has had an active committee. In past generations of the committee, Marama Community Incorporated has been extremely social, connected and dedicated to keeping the town together. The main purpose of the committee was to bring people and community together with sport, dances, weddings, social events and church services. All of these events were usually held at the community-owned hall.

Now with a newly elected committee, the current generation was keen to foster a sense of belonging by renewing and improving the hall and providing a central place for activities to be held once again, however the space had fallen into disrepair after years of no use.

During the time the new committee was being elected, the district was also experiencing severe drought. A lot of the local farming community were feeling the effects on their mental health from prolonged drought. This added another layer of importance to the renewal of the hall; the community needed somewhere to come together and support one another.

With a $150,000 grant from the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund’s Networks to Build Drought Resilience the committee was able to fund the underpinning, roof replacement, ceiling replacement, stone work, paint the interior, electrical work (including air-conditioning), and new toilet facilities.

The project relied on a big commitment from the community to get involved through volunteer work, local contractors and working bees to get the job done. But there was never any doubt they wouldn’t pull through!

Since completing the renovations on the hall the community has seen a dramatic shift in the attitudes of residents. Not only did the project give them a reason to meet throughout construction, but they now have a shared space to use that they can be proud of.

“Overall, the finished project is something we as a community are very proud of, and it has helped bring us together to work as a team to achieve a better, more user-friendly outcome.”

The hall has been host to a number of important community events since its completion and is booked in to host future events held by key industry groups that will benefit the community by improving abilities to adapt, reorganise or transform in response to a changing climate, increasing variability and scarcity of rainfall and changed seasonality of rainfall.

Twenty-eight community-led projects will share $123,850 in grants, thanks to a partnership between FRRR and the Gardiner Dairy Foundation.

Volunteers around a table
Loved & Shared Incorporated has been awarded a Gardiner Dairy Foundation Community Grant to build capacity and improve operations and promotion of their NFP.

This is the 21st year of the Gardiner Dairy Foundation Community Grants, which provide up to $5,000 for locally-led projects that strengthen Victorian dairy communities.

Allan Cameron, Gardiner Foundation Chief Executive Officer said that local community groups and not-for-profit organisations play a critical role in the sustainability of Victoria’s dairy communities and it’s great to be able to support them to bring their ideas to fruition.

“Once again, we’ve seen creative projects come through from community groups to address persistent issues. Our commitment to the Victorian dairy industry values these groups and their ability to create vibrant communities broadly benefitting all residents including those involved in dairy. We look forward to hearing about the impacts as these projects are implemented in the coming year,” Mr Cameron said.

This year, the program attracted lots of interest, with community groups reporting challenges in local fundraising following two years of COVID interruptions and increasing operational costs hitting hard in the current economic environment.

Despite this, these local groups show a determination to overcome challenges and invest in projects and initiatives that enhance local opportunities or help fill gaps in service delivery, explains FRRR’s CEO, Natalie Egleton.

“In the applications this round, we saw a range of programs, activities and event equipment purchases that at their core build the social capital of the communities. From supporting a new community choir to several programs for engaging and enabling young people in learning, social and physical development. These and many other projects ensure that community facilities are fit for purpose to support meetings and activities, and that programs such as creating an edible garden present new opportunities for volunteers to develop skills and knowledge.

“This diversity of projects reflects that each of these communities is different and, therefore, so too are their needs and priorities. We are grateful to the Gardiner Foundation for recognising the importance of communities being able to access flexible funding to fill these gaps and for partnering with us for so long to provide this funding,” Ms Egleton said.

Among the projects funded are:


  • Orbost Exhibition Centre on the Snowyriver Inc, Orbost pARTicipate – Part 3 Digital Connections to Strengthen Community Participation – Enhancing the Orbost Exhibition Centre by purchasing a portable video conferencing system to improve community meeting options, including remote connection to increase participation in activities. $5,000
  • Treble F Singers Incorporated, Leongatha Enhancing the Health and Wellbeing of this Community Singing Group – Enhance community vibrancy and culture through supporting the Treble F Choir purchase of a filing cabinet for sheet music and a video camera to record performances. $1,136

Northern Victoria

  • Boys to the Bush – Wangaratta Men of Tomorrow Schools Program, Wangaratta – Support Boys to the Bush to deliver a program of development for adolescent boys to engage positively with peers and their community through an extra-curricular program of practical learning. $5,000
  • Corryong Historic Machinery Club Inc, Corryong – Museum Upgrade – Build community resilience through building capacity of the Corryong Historical Machinery Club with IT, defibrillator and air conditioning to support operations and development. $4,135

South Western Victoria

  • Johanna Public Purposes Committee Incorporated, Johanna Reinstate BBQ Gas Cooktop – Improve community facilities with a new gas cooktop for the public BBQ at Johanna Reserve to support local communities and visitors in their use and enjoyment of the parklands. $2,977
  • South West Community Foundation Regional Snapshot – Vital Signs and Community Connections Project, Warrnambool – Build the capacity of the Foundation to support their community by undertaking a Regional Snapshot to collect data, which can be shared to better understand and act on local issues, opportunities, and challenges. $5,000

A full list of grant recipients is detailed below.



Hillend & Grove Rovers Football Netball ClubInteractive Display Screen
Build digital capability by purchasing an interactive large screen for the sporting club's meeting facilities to support local training for CFA and community information nights.
Willow Grove$4,272
Jeetho Hall IncPlanning Ahead to Maintain our Unique Community Asset
Building community resilience by improving local community infrastructure and meeting places to increase hall usage for social connectedness and economic prosperity.
Manna Gum Community House IncCorner Inlet Young People's Cooperative
Increase youth engagement and participation in social community activities with street games equipment and art supplies for Community Houses in the Corner Inlet region.
Milpara Community House IncWhat's a Good Thing To Do?
Support young people's social connection in Korumburra by engaging them in a co-design process to imagine and develop local spaces and activities for their use.
Mirboo North Grainstore Committee of Management IncorporatedImproving the Usability of our Community Space
Building community resilience by improving local community infrastructure and meeting places.
Mirboo North$5,000
Orbost Exhibition Centre on the Snowyriver IncpARTicipate — Part 3 Digital Connections to Strengthen Community Participation
Build the capacity of the Orbost Exhibition Centre by purchasing a portable video conferencing system to improve community meeting options, including remote connection to increase participation in activities.
Orbost $5,000
The Leongatha Men's ShedHeating and Cooling System for Communal Area
Improve community facilities by purchasing an air conditioner for the local Men's Shed to support members and other community groups using the space.
Treble F Singers IncorporatedCommunity Singing Group — Enhancing the Health and Wellbeing of Its Members
Enhance community vibrancy and culture through supporting the Treble F Choir's purchase of a filing cabinet for sheet music and a video camera to record performances.
Welshpool and District Primary SchoolWetland Warriors
Enhance educational outcomes through enabling hands-on, nature-based educational outcomes for students by purchasing tools for the Wetland Warriors program.
Yinnar & District Historical Society & MuseumInstallation of Split System in the Old Railway Goods Shed
Improve community facilities by purchasing an air conditioner to support volunteers and improve visitor experience at the Yinnar Museum.
Yinnar South$4,100
Boys to the Bush LtdWangaratta Men of Tomorrow Schools' Program
Support Boys to the Bush to deliver a program of development for adolescent boys to engage positively with peers and their community through an extra-curricular program of practical learning.
Corryong Historic Machinery Club IncCorryong Historic Machinery Club Museum
Build community resilience through building capacity of the Corryong Historical Machinery Club with IT, defibrillator and air conditioning to support operations and development.
Gannawarra Shire CouncilSupporting Rural Mental Health & Wellbeing Post Floods
Build community resilience through mental health and wellbeing workshops delivered across the Gannawarra Shire that was impacted by 2022 flooding.
Goulburn Region Preschool Association IncTungamah Kinder Bike Path
Support lifelong learning and community wellbeing with the installation of a bike path for children at Tungamah Preschool to develop gross motor skills and increase outdoor activities.
Kyabram Blue LightKyFit School Expansion
Utilising the New Health Fitness & Wellbeing Centre Expand support for young people by growing the KyFit teen gym program to increase capacity for more students to participate.
Kyabram Community & Learning Centre IncThe Edible & Bush Tucker Garden
Enhance community spaces for learning and sustainability with both bush tucker and edible gardens created by volunteers at the Kyabram Community Garden Traffic School.
Murrabit Advancement Association IncMurrabit — Hot Water All Round!
Upgrade the Murrabit community-owned toilet and shower facilities with hot water, signage and landscaping to improve local and visitor experience.
Myrtleford & District Agricultural & Pastoral Society IncImproved Facilities in Cattle Pavilion for 2023 Myrtleford Show
Building Community Resilience by supporting the local show society infrastructure for the benefit and development of local volunteers and community activities, including preparedness.
Wangaratta Concert Band IncEnhancing our Community Traditions and Supporting our Future Through Music
Foster community vibrancy with the purchase of bugles and a tenor saxophone for the Wangaratta Community Band to perform at community events and remove barriers to young people joining.
Anam Cara House Colac IncOvercoming Barriers to Communication and Social Interaction Through Accessibility Equipment
Increase capability for access and participation in activities that enhance quality of life through headphones for the hearing impaired clients of Anam Cara Hospice Colac.
Gellibrand Community House IncorporatedSeating for the Gellibrand Hall
Strengthen community resilience with new chairs for the Gellibrand Community Hall to increase safety and capacity of the community meeting space.
Johanna Public Purposes Committee IncorporatedReinstate BBQ Gas Cooktop
Improve community facilities with a new gas cooktop for the public BBQ at Johanna Reserve to support local communities and visitors in their use and enjoyment of the parklands.
Kawarren Recreation ReserveShelter Shed Repairs
Improving community facilities by repairing the shelter shed of the Kawarren Reserve to support local community and visitor use.
Loved and Shared IncorporatedIncreasing our Reach
Build capacity of the Loved and Shared not-for-profit organisation with professional photography and office equipment to improve operations and promote their charitable cause of repairing and rehousing children's goods.
South West Community FoundationRegional Snapshot — Vital Signs and Community Connections Project
Build the capacity of the Foundation to support their community by undertaking a Regional Snapshot to collect data, which can be shared to better understand and act on local issues, opportunities and challenges.
South Western Model Engineers Inc / Cobden Miniature RailwayAll Weather Waiting Area
Building community resilience with improved local infrastructure via an accessible covered waiting area for visitors to the Cobden Miniature Railway.
Warrnambool & District Community Hospice IncHospice in the Home — Audio Visual Equipment
Build community resilience with equipment to enable the engagement and training of volunteers to support at-home hospice care for small communities surrounding Warnambool.
Warrnambool CollegeIndigenous Garden Project
Enhance educational outcomes by hands on development of an Indigenous sensory garden at Warnambool College and Grassmere Primary School.

The Shire of Cunderdin serves the small towns of Cunderdin and Meckering in the Wheatbelt region of WA. In addition to the usual Council services, the Shire also supports local community groups to help build a place where residents are happy and proud to live by providing excellent community facilities, services and community resilience.

The Council works closely with the Cunderdin Youth Council. This group of extraordinary young people identified that youth in the region have almost no support when it comes to mental health. This is backed up with research by the Commissioner of Children and Young Western Australia, which identified that many regional and remote communities have inadequate age-appropriate services and limited infrastructure such as transport and recreational facilities. Young people in the Wheatbelt raised concerns about confidentiality, lack of anonymity and stigma as impediments to seeking help for mental health issues. The Youth Councillors identified the desire to increase their knowledge of mental health, how they can access support and also how they can support their friends with mental health issues. This need led to the Youth Wellness Project being created.

The Shire of Cunderdin received a $5,000 grant from FRRR via the Nutrien Ag Solutions Community Grants program. It went toward helping increase the knowledge and skills of parents and carers of young people, as well as that of young people in Cunderdin and Meckering, with a focus on mental health support strategies and how to access external mental health support.

As part of the Youth Wellness Project, the Shire hosted the first Mental Health Parent Information Night. The session aimed to reduce stigma associated with mental health among the community and youth, with a guest speaker from Armed for Life Foundation, which focuses on how to support parents, carers and students with mental health related issues.

Research also identified an acute shortage of services and programs for young people who require early intervention and/or treatment services because they have a mental health issue. Crime statistics for the Wheatbelt show that most issues appear to be more of an anti-social manner, including online / cyber bullying, which  at times progresses to physical assaults. Other issues include mindless damage, which largely is attributed to boredom.

The project that the Youth Council put forward to the Shire of Cunderdin also sought to address these critical issues that young people from the Wheatbelt face every day. The second element of the Youth Wellness project included a full day session, designed to be interactive and free flowing, sharing experiences and building the young people’s confidence in identifying mental health knowledge, and when and how to access support.

Nearly 60 students from Cunderdin District High School, along with five teachers, attended the Youth Wellness Day, which was again run by the team from Armed for Life Foundation. While plans fell through for representatives from various allied and mental health agencies to attend the day, handouts provided information on the services that are available to the community.

Liezl De Beer from the Shire of Cunderdin said that while they would have liked a few more attendees at the information night, they were proud that 15 parents chose to attend. She also said that COVID was a big disruptor, causing them to postpone the event at very short notice.

The Shire of Cunderdin and its Youth Council will continue working together with support such as the Cunderdin Community Resource Centre, Cunderdin Police Officers and local schools to continue building and strengthening their relationships to bring about improved support for local youth.

65 projects funded thanks to Future Drought Fund

FRRR has awarded $3,733,324 to local organisations in 11 regions across Australia for 65 projects that will enhance the capacity and resilience of these agriculture-dependent communities in preparing for the impacts of future drought.

Funded through the Future Drought Fund’s Helping Regional Communities Prepare for Drought Initiative, this is the second tranche of funding delivered through the Initiative’s Community Impact Program. The first tranche was announced last month.

The Initiative is designed to support locally-led organisations across 35 remote, rural and regional regions, identified as vulnerable to the impacts of drought.

Thanks to the Community Impact Program, these organisations will work together to deliver a range of projects, events, initiatives, training, capability building and small-scale community infrastructure projects to assist local people prepare for future droughts.

As part of the Program, a facilitator has been employed in each region to support the lead community partner in engaging and communicating with key stakeholders, helping identify investments that are already happening locally and ensuring that the projects align with the community’s preparedness priorities.

Nina O’Brien, Disaster Resilience and Recovery Lead for FRRR, says that the Foundation is always impressed by the fortitude and adaptability of rural people and their willingness to learn and share innovative ways to build drought resilience.

“The collaborative nature of the Community Impact Program has been well received by local groups. They have really stepped up, coming together to shape local solutions to increase understanding and provide practical solutions to increasing drought preparedness that make sense at a local community level.

“With the Australian Government’s support, these grants will create opportunities for these agriculture-dependent communities to increase social connection, strengthen network opportunities and identify and adopt innovative and transformative ways to build drought resilience.

“We look forward to seeing the impacts of these projects, as they roll out over the next two years,” Ms O’Brien said.

As part of the program, each region can also access tailored Australian Rural Leadership Foundation (ARLF) leadership development activities.

ARLF Chief Executive, Matt Linnegar, says the leadership development supports the delivery of local projects and yields long-term benefits for the regions.

“We know that a multimodal approach of leadership development increases the impact the investments have in each region. In addition to the project funding, these leadership development activities build social capital required to support the project and people in each region. We get to connect local networks, create a deeper sense of shared purpose and develop capability that helps people to take action and address challenges and make the most of opportunities.”

Participants also gain access to the wider alumni network of the ARLF. “It’s these connections that prove invaluable to people. When they’re stuck, there’s someone to ask for advice,” Mr Linnegar said.

A detailed list of grant recipients and their preparedness projects is below.

Other elements of the Future Drought Fund’s Helping Regional Communities Prepare for Drought Initiative are also underway, including a Mentoring program, being led by ARLF. Work is also underway on the design of the network to connect leaders working on these projects across the country and FRRR is finalising the appointment of an expertise panel, which the groups awarded funding can draw on, if they don’t have locally qualified people with the skills they need.

In addition, there will be small grants on offer in areas that aren’t covered by these Community Impact Program grants, which will open early next year.

Learn more about the Helping Regional Communities Prepare for Drought Initiative.

The full list of grant recipients and their projects are below.

New South Wales: Region 02 Murray
Holbrook Landcare GroupCommunity Partner Lead Organisation (CPLO): Region 02
Strengthen drought preparedness and drive local action in the Murray region through the coordination of Community Impact Program activities and evaluation administration.
Murray NSW Region $80,970
Holbrook Landcare GroupThe Holbrook Loooong Lunch for Community Resilience
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose, and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through the Holbrook Loooong Lunch drought preparedness Networking event.
Holbrook, Greater Hume Shire Council$23,821
Holbrook Landcare GroupHolbrook Drought Preparedness Community Planning Workshop
Build capability in community leaders, networks and organisations to undertake strategic drought resilience planning and future drought preparedness activities through hosting a facilitated workshop and networking dinner.
Holbrook and Culcairn, Greater Hume Shire Council$13,125
Corowa District LandcareCorowa Community Nursery
Build depth of social connection, awareness of and attitudes to drought preparedness at the community level by establishing a community volunteer plant propagation program which will distribute Indigenous plants to grow in the local community.
Federation Council, Berrigan Shire$30,920
Corowa District LandcareCultural Awareness Training and Cultural Tour
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through delivering on Country culture walks, cultural awareness workshops and information sharing drought preparedness events.
Federation Council$9,239
Yanco Creek and Tributaries Advisory Council (YACTAC)Chicks in the Sticks
Increase skills, knowledge and understanding of the risks posed by drought and climate change through field day events that focus on enabling women living in a geographically vast region to network, as well as building depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging.
Jerilderie, Murrumbidgee Council, Moulamein, Murray River Council$40,176
Rice Growers Association of AustraliaConnecting the Community to Connect to Country
Improve capability, coordination and collaboration between networks, other community organisations and sectors that can be drawn upon in future drought through establishing a Community of Practice that brings together service providers, community groups and businesses, as an avenue to collaborate, host training, share information and resources.
Deniliquin, Edward River Council$39,650
Western Murray Land Improvement GroupInland Delta – Connection to the Community
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through facilitating a community tour of a culturally significant local site, host tours of wetlands and showcase local industries, produce and art.
Murray River Council$50,806
Southern GrowersFinley Community BBQ Trailer
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through a fit-for-purpose barbeque trailer as a new mobile meeting place.
Berrigan Shire; Jerilderie, Murrumbidgee Council; Blighty, Edward River Council$32,000
West Hume LandcareWalla & Walbundrie Weeds Warriors & Cultural Sites Recognition Training
Build depth of social connection and increase skills, knowledge and understanding of the risks posed by drought and climate change through workshops that will share tools and techniques to address rapid weed escalation as well as First Nation Elders' knowledge sharing on protecting cultural sites.
Greater Hume Shire Council$14,586
Riverine PlainsRiverine Plains Innovation Expo
Build depth of social connection and increase skills, knowledge and understanding of the risks posed by drought and climate change by delivering expo events, awareness and education activities.
Federation Council$16,000
Hay Trees on the Plains Landcare IncNari Nari Cultural Burn Workshop
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through delivering a cultural burn workshop, which will also enhance community and landowners' awareness of First Nations cultural burn practices and share knowledge on enhancing native ground coverage for future drought preparedness.
Hay Shire $13,651
New South Wales: Region 04 North-West
Northern Slopes Landcare Association IncorporatedCommunity Partner Lead Organisation (CPLO): Region 04
Strengthen drought preparedness and drive local action in the Central West region through the coordination of Community Impact Program activities and evaluation administration.
North-West NSW Region$45,090
Northern Slopes Landcare Association IncorporatedGulf Creek Hall
Improve access and utilisation of community infrastructure by making minor repairs to the community managed Gulf Creek Hall, which will enhance the space and facilities for community groups to gather, function and support their local community in times of drought.
Gulf Creek, Gwydir Shire$10,000
Northern Slopes Landcare Association IncorporatedTLC Nursery Project
Build awareness of and attitudes to drought preparedness at the community level by re-establishing a community nursery in Bingara, creating a space for people to come together, share knowledge and learn plant propagation skills through workshops.
Gwydir Shire$24,963
Country Women's Association of NSWNorth Star CWA Hall Project
Improve access and greater utilisation of community infrastructure, enhancing the space and facilities for community groups to gather, function and support their local community in times of drought by enhancing disability and mobility access through installing a ramp entryway to the community managed North Star CWA Hall rooms.
Gwydir Shire$10,000
Tamworth Regional Landcare AssociationTamworth Pride
Enable capacity building activities where local people and communities have opportunities to develop the skills and knowledge to face the unique challenges caused by drought in remote, rural and regional Australia, and awareness through workshops, field day events and mental health first aid training that specifically cater to the needs of LGBTQIA+ individuals and their allies.
Tamworth Region$26,240
Tamworth Regional Landcare AssociationIntrepid Landcare Tamworth
Enable capacity building activities where local people and communities have opportunities to develop the skills and knowledge to face the unique challenges caused by drought in remote, rural and regional Australia through establishing an Intrepid Landcare group which will provide an avenue for youth.
Tamworth Region$36,996
Northern Slopes Landcare Association IncorporatedLadies' Horsemanship Weekend
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through hosting a drought preparedness event with a guest speaker and dinner.
Gunnedah Shire$4,200
Wee Waa Local Aboriginal Land CouncilCulturally Significant Drought Resilience
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through delivering events that promote culturally significant drought resilience techniques such as cultural burn workshops, as well as hosting formal training and informal activities through Caring for Country drop-in sessions.
Gwydir Shire$61,960
Rotary Club of GunnedahHealth and Wellbeing
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through expanding on the long-running Gunnedah Gallop community fitness run, delivering drought preparedness-focused positive mental and physical health and wellbeing activities.
North-West NSW Region$6,000
Northern Slopes Landcare Association IncorporatedWomen's and Men's Catch Ups
Improve capability, coordination and collaboration between networks, other community organisations and sectors that can be drawn upon in times of drought through women's and men's events increasing awareness of and familiarity with local services.
Tamworth $44,892
Northern Slopes Landcare Association IncorporatedNorthwest Rural Leaders and Support Services Network
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought and improve capability, coordination and collaboration between networks, other community organisations and sectors, through the establishment of the Northwest Rural Leaders and Support Services Network and relevant resources.
Moree Plains Shire$8,579
Northern Slopes Landcare Association IncorporatedMoree Women on Country
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through on Country workshops, which will provide opportunities to share cultural knowledge and drought preparedness information.
Gunnedah Shire$12,617
Tamworth Regional Landcare AssociationUpper Namoi Water in the Landscape Initiative Field Days
Build depth of social connection and capability in community leaders, networks and organisations to undertake strategic drought resilience planning and future drought preparedness activities through hosting field days in Wallabadah and Duri, which will showcase innovative and transformative on-farm practices to reduce the impacts of drought.
Gwydir Shire$8,790
Queensland: Region 06 Central West
Central Western QLD Remote Area Planning and Development BoardCommunity Partner Lead Organisation (CPLO): Region 06
Strengthen drought preparedness and drive local action in the Central West region through the coordination of Community Impact Program activities and evaluation administration.
Queensland Central West Region$31,111
Western Queensland Drought CommitteeWQDC Legacy & Future – Settling the Dust
Build capability in community leaders, networks and organisations to undertake strategic drought resilience planning and future drought preparedness activities and build organisational networks across the region through a mobile drought information hub offering community-based resources.
Barcaldine, Barcoo, Blackall, Tambo, Boulia, Diamantina, Longreach, Winton$252,076
Central Western QLD Remote Area Planning and Development BoardWoven Stories
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through local arts-led events.
Barcaldine, Barcoo, Blackall, Tambo, Boulia, Diamantina, Longreach, Winton$123,123
Western Australia: Region 16 Gascoyne
Gascoyne Catchments Group IncCommunity Partner Lead Organisation (CPLO): Region 16
Strengthen drought preparedness and drive local action in the Gascoyne region through the coordination of Community Impact Program activities and evaluation administration.
Gascoyne Region$35,000
Gascoyne Catchments Group IncConnection Across the Gascoyne
Build depth of social connection and increase skills, knowledge and understanding of the risks posed by drought and climate change through workshops that share drought resilience approaches to land practices and wellbeing.
Carnarvon, Exmouth, and Upper Gascoyne$205,000
Carnarvon School of the Air P&C Social Connection for Young Children and Their Parents
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through strengthening a network of remote children and families.
Western Australia: Region 17 Wheatbelt Central East
Wheatbelt Natural Resource Management IncorporatedCommunity Partner Lead Organisation (CPLO): Region 17
Strengthen drought preparedness and drive local action in the Wheatbelt Central East region through the coordination of Community Impact Program activities and evaluation administration.
Wheatbelt Central East Region $49,839
North Eastern Wheatbelt Travel AssociationEvents Officer
Build capability, coordination and collaboration between networks, other community organisations and sectors in the local community that can be drawn upon in future drought through volunteer organisation capability building,
Dowerin, Koorda, Mount Marshall, Mukinbudin, Nungarin, Trayning, Westonia, Wyalkatchem$63,554
Town Team MovementWheatbelt Rising
Deliver capacity building activities where local people and communities have opportunities to develop the skills and knowledge to face the unique challenges caused by drought in remote, rural and regional Australia through establishing a Town Teams in the Wheatbelt to undertake training, develop resources and host activities.
Bruce Rock, Dowerin, Kellerberrin, Koorda, Mount Marshall, Merredin, Mukinbudin, Nungarin, Tammin, Trayning, Westonia, Wyalkatchem, Yilgarn$63,500
Wheatbelt Beyond Youth MentoringWheatbelt Beyond Youth Mentoring
Enable capacity building activities where local people and communities have opportunities to develop the skills and knowledge to face the unique challenges caused by drought in remote, rural and regional Australia through a youth mentoring program that strengthens social support systems, mitigates impacts of social and physical isolation, and boosts educational and wellbeing outcomes.
Kellerberrin, Mukinbudin, Narembeen$96,250
Merredin and Districts Farm Improvement GroupAgribusiness Network
Build capacity of local people and communities to develop the skills and knowledge to face the unique challenges caused by drought in remote, rural and regional Australia through establishing an Agribusiness and Mentoring Program which will foster a collective knowledge base, strengthen local networks and provide opportunities to learn and share through events.
Merredin, Nungarin$32,000
Meridian Regional Arts IncorporatedMeridian Regional Arts
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through delivering workshops, wellbeing and social support.
Merredin, Bruce Rock, Nungarin$85,564
Western Australia: Region 18 Wheatbelt South
Corrigin Farm Improvement GroupCommunity Partner Lead Organisation (CPLO): Region 18
Strengthen drought preparedness and drive local action in the Wheatbelt South region through the coordination of Community Impact Program activities and evaluation administration.
Wheatbelt South Region$73,687
Shire of West ArthurEconomic / Business Diversification
Improve capability, coordination and collaboration between networks, other community organisations and sectors that can be drawn upon in future drought through networking sessions, information, events and through the increase in the utilisation of community infrastructure.
Darkan, Bruce Rock$106,437
Lake Grace Community Resource CentreYouth Events and Network
Build capability in community leaders, networks and organisations to undertake strategic drought resilience planning and future drought preparedness activities through the establishment of an informal youth network, activities and events, which will build capabilities of future leaders.
Darkan, Corrigin, Lake Grace, Pingelly$52,277
Corrigin Farm Improvement GroupNext Generation Volunteers
Support capacity building activities where local people and communities have opportunities to develop the skills and knowledge to face the unique challenges caused by drought in remote, rural and regional Australia through delivering leadership workshops and volunteering opportunities for emerging leaders.
Wheatbelt South Region$122,239
Western Australia: Region 20 Mid-West
Northern Agricultural Catchments Council Incorporated Community Partner Lead Organisation (CPLO): Region 20
Strengthen drought preparedness and drive local action in the Mid-West region through the coordination of Community Impact Program activities and evaluation administration.
Mid-West Region $95,296
Northern Agricultural Catchments Council Incorporated Maintaining Community Capacity
Improve capability, coordination and collaboration between networks, other community organisations and sectors that can be drawn upon in future drought through training to build capacity and leadership of local volunteer organisations.
Yuna, Morowa, Mingenew, Murchison, Wiluna$149,857
Southern Rangelands Pastoral AllianceSupport to Capture Peer-to-Peer Learning
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought; through facilitation of peer-to-peer knowledge sharing through podcasts and virtual field days.
Murchison, Wiluna $40,470
Midwest Food Industry Alliance Healthy Lifestyles Community Events
Increase skills, knowledge and understanding of the risks posed by drought and climate change through community events focused on locally based food production and adaptive solutions to food consumption.
Yalgoo, Murchison, Wiluna, Chapman Valley, Northampton, Mingenew$63,000
South Australia: Region 25 Murraylands and Riverland
Regional Development Australia Murraylands and Riverland IncorporatedCommunity Partner Lead Organisation (CPLO): Region 25
Strengthen drought preparedness and drive local action in the Murraylands and Riverland region through the coordination of Community Impact Program activities and evaluation administration.
Murraylands and Riverland Region $69,000
Ngarrindjeri Empowered CommunitiesMardawi Community Project
Build depth of social connection between Ngarrindjeri women, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through Elders sharing knowledge and skills of cultural practices, providing opportunities to build social and economic resilience.
Coorong, Murray Bridge, Southern Mallee$48,655
Our Town BerriRiver Families First
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through the establishment of a peer network to empower young parents.
Berri, Berri Barmera$85,000
Loxton Chamber of CommerceCollective Business in Loxton
Enable capacity building activities where local people and communities have opportunities to develop the skills and knowledge to face the unique challenges caused by drought in remote, rural and regional Australia, through workshops, initiatives and resource development that supports community based, collective economic diversification.
Karoonda East Murray, Loxton Waikerie, Mid Murray$88,000
Mallee Sustainable FarmersRisky Business – Sustainable Mallee Farming
Build capability, coordination, information sharing and collaboration between professional, social or community networks, other community organisations and sectors in local communities that can be drawn upon in future drought through the purchase of a barbeque trailer and delivery of farm expos.
Karoonda East Murray, Mid Murray, Murray Bridge, Southern Mallee$73,000
South Australia: Region 26 Limestone Coast
Limestone Coast Food & Agribusiness Cluster LtdCommunity Partner Lead Organisation (CPLO): Region 26
Strengthen drought preparedness and drive local action in the Limestone Coast region through the coordination of Community Impact Program activities and evaluation administration.
Limestone Coast Region $51,000
Mackillop Farm Management GroupSkill Up: Helping Community Organisations Govern
Improve capability, coordination and collaboration between networks, other community organisations and sectors that can be drawn upon in future drought through the delivery of governance workshops.
Grant, Kingston, Mt Gambier, Naracoorte-Lucindale, Robe, Tatiara, Wattle Range $75,000
Limestone Coast Food & Agribusiness Cluster Ltd35 Under 35
Build capability in community leaders, networks and organisations to undertake strategic drought resilience planning and future drought preparedness activities through a program for youth that supports upskilling, networking and mentoring activities.
Grant, Kingston, Mt Gambier, Naracoorte-Lucindale, Robe, Tatiara, Wattle Range $147,550
Limestone Coast Landscape BoardWalking the Seasons
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through tailoring bi-monthly art workshops run by the Burrandies and Ngarrindjeri Aboriginal Corporations.
Coorong, Grant, Kingston, Mt Gambier, Naracoorte-Lucindale, Robe, Tatiara, Wattle Range $39,823
WOTLBuilding Rural Women's Connection and Capacity for Drought Preparation
Improve capability, coordination and collaboration between networks, other community organisations and sectors that can be drawn upon in future drought through a capacity-building program for women in two locations.
Keith, Millicent$47,000
Australian Migrant Resource Centre Incorporated Migrant Integration and Volunteering for Impact Exchange
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through engaging recent migrants in the local community and agricultural industry.
Bordertown, Naracoorte, Mt Gambier$49,000
Victoria: Region 30 East Gippsland
Gippsland Agricultural GroupCommunity Partner Lead Organisation (CPLO): Region 30
Strengthen drought preparedness and drive local action in the East Gippsland region through the coordination of Community Impact Program activities and evaluation administration.
East Gippsland Region $54,768
Gippsland Agricultural GroupDrought Preparedness Decision Making Trigger Plans
Build depth of social connection and capability in community leaders, networks and organisations to undertake strategic drought resilience planning and future drought preparedness activities through training and community planning sessions.
East Gippsland$130,200
Southern Farming SystemsDrought Preparedness Skills Workshops
Build depth of social connection and capability in community leaders, networks and organisations to undertake strategic drought resilience planning and future drought preparedness activities through a series of workshops focused on drought preparedness at a community level.
East Gippsland$42,300
Victoria: Region 31 Goulburn
Riverine Plains Incorporated Community Partner Lead Organisation (CPLO): Region 31
Strengthen drought preparedness and drive local action in the Goulburn region through the coordination of Community Impact Program activities and evaluation administration.
Goulburn Region $69,887
Many Mobs Indigenous CorporationYarrawonga Indigenous Festival
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought at the community level through a cultural festival to revive the town as a traditional meeting place for Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.
Moira Shire$45,100
Gecko CLaNSchools Program: What Happens in Drought?
Increase skills, knowledge and understanding of the risks posed by drought and climate change through a pilot education program for secondary school students on the impacts of drought and family mental health.
Benalla, Moira, Strathbogie$65,600
Riverine Plains IncLadies' Luncheon
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through hosting Ladies' Lunches in 2023 and 2024 that align with International Rural Women's Day, reducing social isolation and building local networks and social supports for women in this remote region.
Riverine Plains IncYouth in Ag
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through the facilitation of two mentoring and networking events for youth in the region and two 'Youth in AG' dinner events.
Hughes Creek Catchment Collaborative (Landcare Victoria Inc)Citizen Science
Build depth of social connection and enable capacity building activities where local people and communities have opportunities to develop the skills and knowledge to face the unique challenges caused by drought in remote, rural and regional Australia, through coordination of citizen science programs.
Murrindindi, Strathbogie$22,140

FRRR has awarded $1,340,387 in grants to 131 local groups across remote, rural and regional Australia for projects that support small yet vital community needs, disaster resilience and recovery and COVID-19 recovery initiatives.

The Geeveston Community Centre in Tasmania, received a $9,419 SRC grant in early 2022 to support the development of a micro-farm project.

The grants are awarded through FRRR’s Strengthening Rural Communities (SRC) program, via one of three streams of funding: Small & Vital (S&V), Prepare & Recover (P&R), or the Rebuilding Regional Communities (RRC).

Collaboratively funded by donors ranging from private individuals to larger foundations, the SRC program supports a diverse range of initiatives across remote, rural and regional Australia. While each of the 131 awarded projects meets a unique local need, all funded initiatives have one thing in common – they each have a clear and direct benefit to the community and to those living locally.

Jill Karena, Place Portfolio Lead at FRRR, said it is truly inspiring to see the determination and resilience of community groups and local leaders, who continue to front up and strive for a stronger, and sustainable, rural Australia.

“In this round of SRC grants, we’ve seen a shift in project focus, with a significant increase in initiatives that address the wellbeing and sustainability of community organisations. The majority of these grants are for practical, infrastructure-related projects that will enable local groups in rural places to continue to provide vital services, and ensure community spaces are safe, secure and welcoming.

“Our RRC team continues to coordinate the new webinar series to support applicants called, ‘The Know and The How’. Clearly there’s a strong community appetite for topics that address fundamental issues for the not-for-profit sector, as the third session, focusing on strategic planning for community organisations, has already been booked out twice!” Ms Karena said.

“This is why we continue to see new, and returning, not-for-profits and community groups from remote, rural and regional communities across Australia applying for these grants. In fact, for nearly one third of recipients, in just this round of funding alone, this is the first time that they’ve applied for an FRRR grant.

“For those organisations that are previous grant recipients, the SRC program’s straight-forward application process, and the flexibility of the grants to fund local needs, are just some of the reasons they continue to apply for SRC grants.

“These grants may be relatively small, but they can make a mighty difference to a rural community! That’s why the focus of our end of year fundraising campaign is on small grants. All donations are gratefully received, no matter how small, as this program is needed more than ever,” Ms Karena explained.

Small & Vital

The S&V stream offers grants up to $10,000 for projects that strengthen community connections and meet local priorities.

In total, this round sees $380,177 in grants awarded to 48 local groups and NFPs through the S&V stream.

Three of the 48 projects funded through the S&V stream include:

  • St John Ambulance Australia NT Inc – Wurrumiyanga, NT – Increase access to life-saving equipment by providing defibrillators in three remote communities across the Tiwi Islands. $9,518
  • Nuriootpa War Memorial Swimming Pool Working Group (auspiced by Nuriootpa Futures Association) – Nuriootpa, SA – Expand opportunities for social connection and access for all-abilities through the installation of accessibility steps at a community pool. $10,000
  • Kilcunda Community Development Association Incorporated – Kilcunda, VIC – Improve access at a community gathering space and provide a safe, inclusive venue for older citizens by upgrading the entrance and deck at the Kilcunda Hall. $10,000

Prepare & Recover

In this round, 40 community organisations are sharing $627,307 in grants through the P&R stream. These funds will support rural communities impacted by climate-related disasters including the 2019-20 Black Summer bushfires and the 2021-22 East Coast Australia flooding, plus other storm events.

The P&R stream awards grants up to $25,000 for local preparedness, recovery and resilience-building initiatives.

Three of the 40 projects funded through the P&R stream include:

  • St Helens Neighbourhood House Association Inc – St Helens, TAS – Improve the mental, physical and social health of a community recovering from bushfire and flood disasters through community garden activities and workshops. $25,000
  • Positive Change for Marine Life Limited – Brunswick Heads, NSW – Prepare for future climate-related impacts by delivering a community-led riparian restoration program in the flood-impacted Brunswick River to stabilise riverbanks and restore wetland vegetation. $24,941
  • Kalbarri Development Association Incorporated – Kalbarri, WA – Strengthen peoples’ connections and support SES volunteers to recover from the impacts of Cyclone Seroja by holding an event celebrating the community’s resilience. $22,500

Rebuilding Regional Communities – supporting COVID-19 recovery

Funded by the Australian Government, the RRC stream supports remote, rural and regional communities as they continue their COVID-19 recovery journey. This round, grants up to $10,000 were on offer, with $332,903 awarded to 43 local organisations, including:

  • MultiSkill Centre Ltd – Cloncurry, QLD – Provide mental health training to staff to enable them to better support disengaged young people accessing services after COVID-19. $9,316
  • Bellingen Youth Orchestra Incorporated – Bellingen, NSW – Rebuild connections, reduce social isolation and foster a stronger, more resilient community after COVID-19 by purchasing musical instruments and making them available to disadvantaged young people. $10,000
  • Warrnambool & District Community Hospice Inc – Warrnambool, VIC – Sustain the work of volunteers after COVID-19 through the development of a volunteer education and engagement program. $5,000

The SRC program is collaboratively supported by many generous donors, who are acknowledged on the FRRR website.

FRRR always accepts applications to this program, which awards funds roughly four times a year. Local NFPs and community groups are encouraged to review the program guidelines and apply. More information about the SRC program is available at To support grants like this through FRRR, make a tax-deductible donation at

A full list of grant recipients is detailed below.

SRC Round 16 - June 2023
Small & Vital
Clifton Community Food Garden IncorporatedHealthy Cooking for One
Provide a series of weekly, simple, healthy and affordable cooking workshops to build social connections and cooking skills to support people struggling with the increasing cost of living.
Sanctuary Point$4,570
CWA of NSW Collie Day
Evening Branches Country Women's Association of NSW
Collie CWA Cultivating Community Connections
Create a functional and welcoming space for the community by installing a shade structure and plumbing to supply rainwater at the Collie CWA Hall.
Dunedoo Historical Museum IncDigitising of Museum Catalogue
Digitise all items in the Dunedoo Museum to provide an accurate, easily shared catalogue, expanding its use and value to the community.
Murrin Bridge Preschool Association Keeping Our Kids Safe
Contribute to the renovation of the Murrin Bridge preschool by installing a fence around the new playground, keeping the children safe and creating an inclusive community space.
Murrin Bridge$10,000
Nambucca Valley Phoenix LimitedPhoenix Work Crew
Purchase equipment for the Phoenix Work Crew to support the employment of people with disabilities.
The Colony Bees Association IncPollinate Country
Collaborate with community members, schools, local and Indigenous councils to establish a natural beekeeper education program to improve the local environment's resilience.
Lennox Head$10,000
Western Landcare NSW Incorporated2023 Western Warriors
Engage primary school children from Far West NSW in environmental conservation activities building their awareness and skills.
Broken Hill$10,000
Prepare and Recover - 2019/2020 Bushfire Recovery
Bermagui Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism IncReBoot ReStart
Increase tourism and social wellbeing to support bushfire recovery in Bermagui by supporting a ReBoot fun run.
Inverell Community Youth CentreFloods and Fire Youth Resilience Program
Enhance the ability of the Inverell Community Youth Centre to support bushfire recovery by employing a therapeutic youth worker to run a youth resilience program and mentor volunteers.
Milton-Ulladulla Youth Driver Education Program
Rotary Club of Milton Ulladulla Incorporated
Milton Ulladulla Youth Driver Education Program
Reduce vehicle-related fatality and injury rates of bushfire impacted young people through a Driver Education Program.
Mission Australia HousingResilient Communities Project - MNC
Empower social housing tenants in the Mid North Coast to co-lead community planning for disaster preparation, response and recovery in partnership with key non-government partners.
Murramarang Community Garden IncMowbility
Support bushfire preparedness by purchasing an electric ride-on mower to increase volunteer participation in garden maintenance, regardless of physical abilities.
Bawley Point$10,000
Stokers Siding Dunbible Memorial Hall IncCommunity Hall Kitchen Upgrade
Upgrade the kitchen appliances in the Community Hall to meet Council regulations, cater to more community events and ensure organisational sustainability.
Stokers Siding$10,000
Surf Life Saving Far North Coast Branch IncDevelop Disaster Emergency Response Capability
Build capability and preparedness of emergency response groups by providing them with the necessary equipment to be able to respond to bushfires and other disasters.
TenterLIFE Suicide Prevention Network IncTenterLIFE Suicide Prevention Network Inc
Boost community knowledge of suicide prevention through a series of Mental Health awareness events supporting ongoing bushfire recovery.
Tweed Coast Youth Service IncorporatedMomentum Youth Festival 2023
Celebrate local youth for their resilience after bushfire and their achievements and passions by hosting the Momentum Youth Festival to encourage self-expression and socialisation.
WhereFishSing OZ Green-Global Rivers Environmental Education Network (Australia) IncorporatedCreating Resources to Build Future Food Resilience in and around Bellingen Shire
Prepare for future disasters after the 2019/20 bushfires by creating a climate specific food gardening resource to build food resilience in the Bellingen Shire.
Prepare and Recover - 2022 Floods
Eugowra Promotion and Progress Association IncorporatedPurchase Necessary Equipment to Renew and Re-establish the Eugowra Historical Museum
Contribute to disaster recovery by replacing office equipment and supplies at the Eugowra Historical Museum and Bushranger Centre that were destroyed in the 2022 floods to continue to share the rich stories of Eugowra and district.
Human Nature Adventure Therapy LtdConnected communities: Resilience Activities for Regional Young People
Support disadvantaged young people to contribute to their flood-affected communities by connecting them to volunteering in disaster response / resilience initiatives such as SES and the local Men’s Shed.
Iluka Community Organisation Planning for Emergencies (ICOPE) IncHub ICOPE: Iluka Village Community Hub and Community Managed Evacuation Centre (CMEC) Equipment and Education Project
Improve emergency response and preparedness for natural disasters by equipping the Iluka Village Hub with resources and educational material to create an evacuation and information centre.
Lithgow Environment Group IncorporatedCommunity Engagement for Pest Species (Indian Myna) Invasion Control and for Habitat Restoration for Native Fauna, with Social Impacts
Develop a community-led Indian Myna bird reduction program across Lithgow to help native flora and fauna recover after the floods and prevent future impacts.
Lower Lachlan Community Services IncFestival of the Lakes 2023
Boost social cohesion and connectedness in Lake Cargelligo to support flood recovery by hosting the Festival of the Lakes.
Lake Cargelligo$10,000
Positive Change for Marine Life LimitedRiver Warriors - A Community Driven Approach to Capacity and Resilience Building of the Brunswick River Catchment
Prepare for future climate-related impacts by delivering a community-led riparian restoration program in the flood-impacted Brunswick River to stabilise riverbanks and restore wetland vegetation.
Brunswick Heads$24,941
Rural Financial Counselling Service, NSW - Southern Region LimitedRecovery & Resilience Forums
Support recovery in the significantly flood-affected Central West and Riverina NSW by holding three workshops that provide financial advice and mental health information.
Welfare Rights Centre LtdNorthern Rivers Communities: Ensuring Economic Safety for those in Crisis
Provide legal support to people in flood-affected Northern Rivers communities who are struggling to access Centrelink payments and dealing with unjust debts.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Bellingen Youth Orchestra IncorporatedBellingen Youth Orchestra Post-COVID Junior Woodwind and Brass Ensemble Initiative
Rebuild connections, reduce social isolation and foster a stronger, more resilient community after COVID-19 by purchasing musical instruments and making them available to disadvantaged young people.
Coolah Historical and Tourism Society Coolah District Development Group IncorporatedCunningham 200 Year Celebration
Reconnect residents, reduce social isolation and foster a stronger, more resilient Coolah community after COVID-19 by hosting an historical festival on the 200th anniversary of Cunningham exploring the Liverpool Plains.
Hill End Arts Council IncHill End Analogue
Establish a unique biennial festival reflecting Hill End's contribution to the history of Australian photography to reduce social isolation and foster a stronger, more resilient community and enhance destination and cultural tourism after COVID-19.
Hill End$5,000
Kangaroo Valley Historical Society IncorporatedKangaroo Valley Historical Society Celebrates 70+ Years
Attract new volunteers, promote cultural heritage and engage with the community to enhance recovery from the pandemic through a presentation day celebrating 70+ years of the Kangaroo Valley Historical Society.
Kangaroo Valley$1,600
Manning Valley Neighbourhood Services IncVolunteering for Change
Increase interest in volunteering to sustain community organisations and their work after COVID-19 through an open day with entertainment and markets.
Neighbourhood Centres of Bellingen Shire IncSMART Recovery Meetings - Life Beyond Addiction
Enhance the process of recovery from addiction that was exacerbated by COVID-19 through SMART Recovery meetings in Bellingen neighbourhood centres.
New England Garden Festival IncorporatedNew England Garden Festival
Enhance the process of social and economic recovery of Armidale and the New England region from the COVID-19 pandemic through the inaugural New England Garden Festival.
Nowra Youth Services IncorporatedNYC Frequency Program
Create opportunities for COVID-19-impacted young people to gain new vocational skills and the ability to produce music in a recording studio through training a facilitator in sound production.
Oriscon IncorporatedFestival of Colors 2024
Reunite residents, reduce social isolation and foster a stronger, more resilient community after COVID-19 through a free secular Festival of Colours, including a bonfire, performances and the sharing of international food.
Roseberry Creek Landcare IncValley Voices One
Reduce social isolation and foster a stronger, more resilient community after COVID-19 through a skill building and entertaining singing workshop.
The Risk$1,120
Tactile Arts Group at Kendall IncorporatedAcquisition of New Electric Ceramic / Pottery Kiln
Sustain the work of the TAG group and enhance their capacity for creative community engagement post COVID-19 by purchasing a larger, fit-for-purpose ceramics kiln.
Tender Funerals Mid North Coast LimitedIncrease the Social and Economic Strength of the Kempsey Shire by Providing Affordable Funeral Services and After Death Care
Enhance the process of recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic for disadvantaged residents of the Kempsey Shire through offering affordable and culturally sensitive funeral services and after death care.
Small & Vital
Careflight LimitedBuilding Resilience in the Community of Borroloola
Strengthen life-saving skills and abilities of first responders to assist critically ill or injured individuals in a very remote community by providing trauma first aid training.
St John Ambulance Australia NT IncTiwi Islands AED Project
Increase access to life-saving equipment by providing defibrillators in three remote communities across the Tiwi Islands.
Small & Vital
Alpha District Tourism & Development Assoc IncDefibrillators for Alpha
Strengthen the lifesaving capacity of the community by purchasing and installing three defibrillators in publicly accessible locations.
Back to the Bush Festival IncRegional Men's Health Initiative
Support men's mental and physical wellbeing by providing access to innovative and engaging health checks and educational sessions at the festival and associated car show.
CPL-Choice, Passion, LifeWheelchair Scales and Cordless Power Tools for People with Disability
Help people in wheelchairs to have better access to accurate medical advice with the purchase of OH&S-appropriate weighing equipment.
Happy Valley Community Association IncHappy Valley Wildfire Preparedness Project
Improve the community’s capacity to respond to bushfires by purchasing two portable water tanks, suitable for use by waterbombing helicopters.
Fraser Island$10,000
LifeFlight Foundation Ltd'First Minute Matters' - Community Trauma Training Workshops
Strengthen local community’s ability to respond to medical emergencies by providing trauma first aid training to residences in Surat, St George and Condamine.
Malanda Community Kindergarten Assoc IncMalanda Community Kindergarten Major Playground Upgrade
Encourage children’s learning and development through play by installing a new all-abilities swing.
Myall Park Botanic Garden LimitedUpgrading and Improving Social Media Platforms
Develop volunteers’ skills to digitally connect with their community and other special interest groups by purchasing and recording a series of virtual coaching sessions.
Ravenshoe Men's Shed IncNew Machinery to Provide Further Services to the Community
Improve the men’s shed’s ability to support and service the community through the purchase of new machining tools.
Riding for Disabled Association Maryborough IncPurchase of New / Replacement Horses for Maryborough RDA Herd
Improve the association’s ability to support and service the community thought the purchase of replacement horses.
Prepare and Recover - 2019/2020 Bushfire Recovery
Amiens History Association IncAmiens History Association Shop Fit-out
Increase tourism, commemorate history and build the sustainability of the association post-Black Summer fires by outfitting a new retail space.
Curra Country ClubDisaster Ready
Increase community preparedness for future disaster events post Black Summer fires and flood with the acquisition of a defibrillator and shed to storage emergency accommodation supplies.
Widgee District Hall & Recreation Association IncPainting of Widgee Memorial Hall
Restore a key community engagement and social connection space, also used as the Black Summer fires staging area by the Rural Fire Service, by repainting the 100-year-old Widgee Hall.
Wild Horse FM IncWild Horse Wellness Project
Improve mental and physical health of community members recovering from Black Summer fires by integrating wellness practices into all station activities including radio broadcasts.
Prepare and Recover - 2022 Floods
Opera in the Gardens IncOpera in the Gardens Goondiwindi
Stimulate recovery and wellbeing for the flood-effected community by delivering art and cultural performances along with a skills development workshop for young people.
Peachester State School P&C AssociationStuck in the Mud - Oval Remediation Works
Boost the community’s ability to access emergency services during floods and other natural disasters by installing drainage on the oval and providing a safe landing area for rescue helicopters.
Texas Arts Council IncorporatedTexas Has Talent - Community Showcase
Support the community to recover from flood impacts through the creation of a locally produced theatrical performance and people’s participation in the associated arts and wellbeing activities.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Burnett Inland Economic Development Organisation Inc Community Shared Working Space Improvement Development
Enhance the process of recovery from COVID-19 by expanding ‘The Platform’ as a place for remote workers to connect with the purchase of a new printer and keypad access locks.
North Burnett$9,362
Kilkivan Veteran's and Community Men's Shed Association IncCommunity Engagement & Rural Assistance
Build the capacity of the Men's Shed to provide services to disadvantaged residents after COVID-19 through the purchase of mowing equipment.
MultiSkill Centre LtdHealthy Minds
Provide mental health training to staff to enable them to better support disengaged young people accessing services after COVID-19.
Wondai Agricultural Pastoral and Industrial Society IncEnhancing Our Local Show & Christmas Eve Carnival
Enhance the process of social and economic recovery from COVID-19 through purchasing event equipment to enable the running of community festivals.
Small & Vital
Australian Dental Foundation IncorporatedHealthy Smiles for Life Project
Enhance access for disadvantaged communities to vital health services by investing in equipment for a mobile dental clinic.
Foodbank of South Australia IncorporatedBuilding a Bridge of Hope: Upgrading the Food Hub in Murray Bridge
Boost organisational capacity to support disadvantaged community members through food relief service infrastructure upgrades to create a comfortable and dignified shopping space.
Murray Bridge$5,060
Kalangadoo & District Lions ClubDefibrillator for Kalangadoo Institute Memorial Hall
Support local capacity to provide emergency first aid and improve health outcomes by installing a defibrillator in a central location.
Nuriootpa War Memorial Swimming Pool Working Group
Nuriootpa Futures Association
Installation of Accessibility Stairs at Nuriootpa War Memorial Swimming Pool
Expand opportunities for social connection and access for all-abilities through the installation of accessibility steps at a community pool.
Pichi Richi Railway Preservation Society IncPurchase of New Defibrillator
Strengthen volunteer capacity to deliver effective emergency first aid for people travelling through an isolated region by installing a defibrillator.
Tintinara Playgroup Lion Club of TintinaraTintinara Early Childhood Learning Program
Support childhood learning and social wellbeing by engaging a coordinator to deliver an early-years program in a disadvantaged region.
University of South AustraliaRadical Rest: How do we Sustain Energy and Resilience in a Turbulent World?
Build young people’s resilience and wellbeing in a disadvantaged region through an immersive arts and science program.
Mt Gambier$10,000
Prepare and Recover - 2019/2020 Bushfire Recovery
Coffin Bay Progress Association IncCBPA Community Hall Roof Restoration and Insulation Project
Support community bushfire preparedness by ensuring a pivotal hub is fit-for-purpose and energy efficient through insulating and reroofing the Coffin Bay Hall.
Coffin Bay$10,000
Kangaroo Island Wildlife Network IncorporatedKangaroo Island Wildlife Carnival "Australian Sea Lions" 2023
Support economic recovery after bushfires and strengthen community connection to the natural environment through holding a festival showcasing a local wildlife species.
Cygnet River$10,000
Prepare and Recover - 2022 Floods
Sammy D Foundation IncorporatedExpansion of Community Youth Mentoring to Murray Bridge
Boost organisational capacity to support mental health and wellbeing of young people impacted by flood events through access to a youth employment and mentoring program.
Murray Bridge$22,000
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Advancing Whyalla IncGarden Art and Colour
Reduce social isolation and foster a more resilient community after the impacts of COVID-19 through the delivery of outdoor art classes facilitated by a First Nations artist.
SA RWG - Clare Branch SA Rural Women's Gathering Association IncSA Rural Women's Gathering Clare 2023
Enhance opportunities for community connection and skill-building after COVID-19 through the delivery of a rural women's weekend event in Clare.
The Culburra and District Soldiers' War Memorial Hall IncorporatedCulburra Hall Toilet Facilities Upgrade
Sustain the Culburra Hall and the work of its volunteers after the pandemic by upgrading the toilet amenities to increase safety and hygiene for locals and visitors.
Small & Vital
Karinya Young Women's Service IncKYWS Workforce Engagement Project
Boost organisational practice and capability to meet the needs of young people at risk through staff attending two national conferences to build knowledge and networks.
Lilydale Online IncorporatedLilydale Online Access Centre Technology Update
Strengthen the delivery of numeracy and literacy programs to improve employment opportunities through the purchase of IT equipment.
Nubeena Bee Festival Committee Rotary Club of Tasman Peninsula IncNubeena Bee Festival
Generate visitation and economic growth in Nubeena by delivering an educational festival celebrating the importance of bees and the environment.
Rocky Cape Public Hall IncorporationRocky Cape Community Hall Solar PV System Install
Enhance social wellbeing and improve environmental sustainability by installing a solar PV system at a community hall.
Rocky Cape$10,000
Prepare and Recover - 2019/2020 Bushfire Recovery
St Helens Neighbourhood House Association IncLocals Growing Locally
Improve the mental, physical and social health of a community recovering from bushfire and flood disasters through community garden activities and workshops.
St Helens$25,000
Small & Vital
Avoca Friends of the Pool IncPool Lift
Enhance older people’s physical health and social wellbeing by installing an assistance lift to improve accessibility at the Avoca Pool.
Casterton Memorial HospitalPathways to a Healthy Mind Workshop
Strengthen social inclusion and community wellbeing for disadvantaged people through the delivery of a facilitated mental health support program.
Euroa Arboretum Committee of Management IncorporatedImproving Access to Horticultural Therapy in the Plant Nursery
Enhance volunteer capacity and retain ageing volunteers by providing mobile benches, stools and anti-fatigue mats to create a safe and inclusive workplace.
Girgarre Community Group IncGirgarre Community Garden
Promote social connection and enhance food security by repurposing a neighbourhood house's ornamental front-yard into an edible community garden.
Goldfields Employment and Learning Centre IncFriday Feast @ Mill House
Boost social networks and improve nutritional health outcomes for vulnerable people, by holding free community lunches at a neighbourhood house.
Great Ocean Road HealthApollo Bay Youth Art Group
Support mental health and wellbeing of young people living in an isolated region by engaging a facilitator to deliver an arts therapy program.
Apollo Bay$10,000
Heyfield Community Resource Centre IncSupporting Seniors - Getting Out and About in Heyfield
Enhance social connections and wellbeing for senior citizens by delivering facilitated social activities and educational programs.
Kerang and District Community Centre IncEmergency / Food Assistance Program Development
Enhance health and wellbeing outcomes and empower community members to access nutritious food by expanding an emergency food relief program.
Kilcunda Community Development Association IncorporatedReplace External Decking & Improve Disabled Access
Improve access at a community gathering space and provide a safe, inclusive venue for older citizens by upgrading the entrance and deck at the Kilcunda Hall.
North East Support and Action for Youth IncorporatedWicking Garden Beds
Support disadvantaged young people experiencing hardship by developing a garden project to build social skills and improve health outcomes.
Tatura Community House IncFood Relief
Revitalise volunteer engagement and boost a food relief program for disadvantaged residents by refurbishing a kitchen workspace.
Venus Bay Tarwin Lower and District Men's Shed IncorporatedShed Educational and Modernisation Scheme
Contribute to life-long learning and provide a safe environment for older people participating in Men's Shed activities by upgrading tools and equipment.
Venus Bay$10,000
Whittlesea Men's Shed IncorporatedWomen’s Basic Woodwork Course
Increase volunteer membership and create opportunities for skills development and connection for older women by conducting a woodwork program.
Prepare and Recover - 2019/2020 Bushfire Recovery
Regional Arts Victoria BAD KIDS
Support bushfire recovery of young people in East Gippsland and foster connections across generations, through the delivery of a school-centred creative arts program at the invitation of the local community.
Adventist Development and Relief Agency Australia LtdEstablishing Permanent Capacity for Food Relief and Disaster Preparedness in East Gippsland
Improve health and wellbeing outcomes for vulnerable community members impacted by the 2019/20 bushfires through the construction of a food relief distribution facility.
Avenel Fire Brigade Country Fire AuthorityInforming and Strengthening the Avenel Community
Enhance bushfire preparedness through the display of emergency and safety information by installing an LED sign at the Avenel Fire Station.
Bonnie Doon Community Group IncBilly's House: A Home for Bonnie Doon's History
Support connection to place and community recovery from the impacts of the 2019/20 bushfires and boost visitation by relocating an historic house to a prominent community precinct to become a local museum.
Bonnie Doon$20,000
Gippsland Lakes Complete Health Limited"The Rainbow Ball”
Foster mental health and provide opportunities for marginalised young people to connect and recover from the 2019/20 bushfires through the delivery of a community ball.
Mansfield Autism Statewide ServicesTransport Connections Supporting Operation Gamechanger
Provide therapeutic care and emergency evacuation support for autistic children and young people living in a region impacted by bushfires, through the purchase of a 12-seater bus.
Tallangatta Agricultural and Pastoral Society IncorporatedConnection of Power & Water to our Recently Acquired Buildings
Support community preparedness for future emergency bushfire events by upgrading buildings at the Tallangatta showgrounds.
Prepare and Recover - 2022 Floods
Goorambat-Stewarton Fire Brigade Country Fire AuthorityChainsaw Electrification Project
Enhance organisational capacity and support flood recovery and preparedness volunteers by purchasing battery-operated chainsaw equipment.
Seymour District Arts Society Incorporated"Building Creative Communities"
Support community recovery and connection after devastating floods by providing shared lighting and other equipment for creative arts events.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Threatened Species Conservancy IncBringing Bird-Lovers Together: Building Post COVID Community Connections through Birds
Reduce social isolation and foster a stronger community after COVID-19 through the establishment of a facilitated birdwatching group and citizen science activities.
Apollo Bay$10,000
Apex Club of Traralgon IncApex Park Traralgon
Reduce social isolation and enhance wellbeing after COVID-19 by installing fencing at a public play space to improve safety.
C-Doc LtdClub CDoc Creative Community Collaborations
Sustain and enhance organisational capacity post-COVID-19 via project management support to improve the delivery of community events and workshops.
Colour Terang Festival Terang & District Progress AssociationMusic and Dance Stage at Colour Terang Festival
Celebrate local identity and reduce social isolation after COVID-19 by enhancing the staging of music and dance performances at a community festival.
Committee 4 Warrenheip IncWarrenheip Reflection Trail
Encourage access to nature activities to reduce social isolation and boost mental health post-pandemic by revegetating habitat surrounding new walking tracks.
Cornishtown Hall Reserve Committee of ManagementCornishtown Hall Restoration Project
Increase community use of the local hall and boost social connection to enhance recovery from the pandemic through vital upgrades and repairs to the hall.
Dunolly and District IncDunolly Gold Rush Festival
Strengthen and enhance economic and cultural recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic by staging a community festival.
Dunolly $5,000
Everton Tennis Club IncSustainable Water Solutions at Everton Sports Complex
Foster a more resilient, socially connected community following the pandemic by upgrading facilities at an outdoor community gathering space.
Food for All - Swan Hill Region Swan Hill District HealthFood for All Edible Garden Expo 2023
Enhance the process of recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic through hosting an Edible Garden Expo to increase knowledge and skills.
Swan Hill$6,188
Horsham Arts Council IncReplace the Horsham Arts Council Building Roof
Sustain the work of volunteers and enhance access to social and creative activities post-pandemic through repairing the roof at a community arts building.
Inverleigh Playgroup IncEnhancing Early Years Learning Experiences Through Playground Upgrade and Improvement
Reduce social isolation of young children and their families after COVID-19 by purchasing play equipment for a community playgroup.
Jindivick Mechanics Institute IncorporatedSwitch on Cinema for Jindivick Community Hall
Foster vibrant community connections post-COVID-19 by installing AV equipment to enhance social and community activities at a local hall.
Living Well Yallourn North IncMental Health First Aid Training - Empowering Our Community
Reduce social isolation and foster recovery post-pandemic by providing mental health first aid training for volunteers to support the broader community.
Yallourn North$8,460
Mace IncorporatedCommunity Shed Climate Control
Increase the safety and amenity of a community shed and the work of volunteers after COVID-19 through installing a drop ceiling and split systems.
Mansfield Let's Talk IncMansfield Let's Talk Mental Health Training
Enhance mental wellbeing and foster a more resilient community after COVID-19 impacts by equipping 20 community members with mental health first aid training.
Mitchell Shire Concert BandBringing Music into the Community
Strengthen community connection and access to the arts post-pandemic by increasing the capacity of a concert band to perform at outdoor venues.
Murrayville VFF / Landcare Group Landcare Victoria IncMurrayville Wetlands - Creating a Space to Invigorate and Invest in our Community!
Enhance access to nature and improve wellbeing after COVID-19 by installing recycled outdoor seating and tables at a nature reserve.
Ouyen Roxy Theatre IncorporatedDeveloping a Community Garden and Outdoor Space
Enhance community connection and reduce social isolation after COVID-19 by creating a community garden and outdoor space for gatherings.
Port Albert Water Sports and Safety Centre Inc A0013133GSafe, Clean and Thermally Effective Flooring
Increase opportunities for community connection post-pandemic by upgrading the safety of floor coverings at a key community hub.
Port Albert$10,000
Seed Lakeside Community Garden IncorporatedExpanding Boundaries - Seed Garden
Create opportunities for social connection and skill development to support recovery from the pandemic through installing fences to expand the use of a community garden.
The Port Campbell Surf Life Saving Club IncorporatedUpgrade of PCSLSC Function Centre AV System
Encourage social connection and foster a stronger, more resilient community after the impacts of COVID-19 by upgrading AV equipment at a community hub.
Port Campbell$10,000
Warrnambool & District Community Hospice IncVolunteer Education & Engagement Program
Sustain the work volunteers after COVID-19 through the development of a volunteer education and engagement program.
Small & Vital
Aldersyde Agricultural Hall IncorporatedOutside / Roadside Toilets
Improve visitation at the community precinct and enhance services by building an ablutions block for use by locals and tourists.
Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre Aboriginal CorporationWarburton Women's Rockholes Project
Support the continuation of First Nations culture by recording important stories and knowledge of birthing traditions practiced by central desert communities.
Quairading Community Resource Centre IncCreating Connections
Strengthen social connections and wellbeing by holding community market days, and yoga, craft and First Nations language classes.
Shire of LeonoraLeonora Arts Program
Encourage more local involvement in the creative community by holding monthly arts and cultural activities.
Warlayirti Artists Aboriginal Corporation IncStrong Law, Two-Way for Kutjungka Artists and Art Centres
Boost an art centre’s ability to support First Nations artists’ legal rights and responsibilities with access to legal advice on copyright, intellectual property and inheritance issues.
Welbungin Sports and Progress Association IncWelbungin Centenary Celebration
Encourage people to come together to enhance a sense of community by holding dance and exhibition celebrating 100 years of settlement.
Prepare and Recover - Tropical Cyclone Seroja 2021
Kalbarri Development Association IncorporatedRebuild Kalbarri Community Hall - Celebrate the Volunteers who Returned Kalbarri to Normal after Cyclone Seroja
Strengthen peoples’ connections and support SES volunteers to recover from the impacts of Cyclone Seroja by holding an event celebrating the community's resilience.
Mullewa Sports Club IncorporatedShade Sail Replacement
Provide protection from the elements with replacement of the playground shade sails damaged during Cyclone Seroja.
Rebuilding Regional Communities - Micro
Pinjarra Bowling and Recreation Club IncorporatedCooking for the Community
Sustain the community work of the club after COVID-19 by purchasing a commercial oven to increase their capability to host community events.
Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) Harvey IncTo Update and Obtain Correct Equipment to Support Volunteers’ Wellbeing
Sustain the work of the Association and support RDA volunteers post-COVID-19 through the purchase of appropriate office and safety equipment to increase the ease of tasks.

FRRR has awarded $213,343 via Telstra’s Connected Communities Grant Program to 30 local groups and not-for-profits (NFPs) across remote, rural and regional Australia for projects embracing technology to foster the resilience, environmental sustainability and liveability of their communities.

RiverSmart Australia Ltd is using their grant to grow cultural and environmental knowledge of the rivers and wetlands around Warren by the creation of an app to provide information and digital upskilling to the community.

This is the first round of Telstra’s Connected Communities Grant Program, which is the core of its new partnership with FRRR (announced February 2023).  The focus of the program is on fostering a resilient community, a more sustainable community or a more liveable community.

Awarded grants range from $1,849, which will be used to provide the Victorian community of Strathbogie with access to free Wi-Fi at the local hall, through to $10,000, for projects such as Collinsville Connect Telecentre Group’s cyber security workshop for older members of their Queensland community.

Loretta Willaton, Regional Australia Executive and Regional Customer Advocate at Telstra, said the program’s impacts go beyond simply supplying internet or technology.

“We’re really excited to see this program beginning to come to fruition and to see funding going to rural communities that have been doing it really tough the last few years.

“This round of grants has highlighted the ways in which digital connectivity goes hand-in-hand with social and cultural connectivity. How these factors complement one another has a strong impact on the liveability of a community, so it makes sense that a majority of funded projects are designed to equip locals with the skills to live, learn and work in a digital society.

“That’s what this program is all about – keeping people connected in the most important sense of the word,” Ms Willaton said.

This round saw most projects fall into the liveability category, with a range of initiatives being funded like the provision of Wi-Fi connectivity, new digital equipment, the training of volunteers and community members to build their digital knowledge, be it for cyber security, social media or simply navigating new computing hardware and software that would contribute to better operations of community events and organisations.

Natalie Egleton, FRRR’s CEO, said that there was a lot of interest in the program, with the Foundation receiving many applications for high quality projects.

“Keeping rural communities connected has never been more important, which was reflected by the strong response we received from communities all over remote, rural and regional Australia.

“Community organisations and local not-for-profits (NFPs) in rural communities are clearly keen to make sure locals have the equipment and the knowledge they need to engage in activities that are often taken for granted in metro areas. That might be spreading important information quickly, increasing opportunities for education or providing access to the electronic resources that become vital in emergency situations.

“With so many impressive initiatives on the table, we are grateful that Telstra increased its commitment this year to more than $213,000. There are so many different ways to keep a community connected, and more importantly, a lot of positive outcomes that can be achieved and we look forward to seeing these ideas come to life,” Ms Egleton said.

Some other examples of the projects being funded are below:

  • RiverSmart Australia Limited – Warren, NSW – Grow cultural and environmental knowledge of the rivers and wetlands around Warren by the creation of an app to provide information and digital upskilling to the community. $10,000
  • Goondir Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Health Services – Dalby QLD – Improve digital capability of First Nations health service with video conferencing equipment to enhance staff and stakeholder communications improving overall service delivery to clients. $10,000
  • Callington A & H Society Inc – Callington, SA – Build organisational capacity with software to improve local show operations, developing digital capability for volunteers, efficiencies for participants. $3,700
  • Live Well Tasmania Wynyard, TAS – Build community resilience with preparedness by purchasing equipment to provide power during outages including a generator, solar panels, and rechargeable radios and torches. $5,398
  • Poowong Public Hall Inc Poowong, VIC – Improve community facilities with a digital tv and laptop for the Poowong Hall meeting facilities to enhance functionality and support increased use. $2,312
  • Broome Community Resource Centre Inc – Broome, WA – Support community digital access with upgraded computers ensuring people in and around Broome have access and can be trained in current software use for social and economic needs. $10,000

A full list of grant recipients is detailed below.

Bathurst Information and Neighbourhood Centre IncorporatedConnecting Our Community
Build community capacity to meet, train and connect by providing Wi-Fi internet to the Bathurst Neighbourhood Centre community meeting room.
Broadwater Rileys Hill Community CentreStrengthening IT Access and Literacy for Broadwater Residents
Boost technological skills and digital connectivity for vulnerable residents in Broadwater by conducting IT training sessions and upgrading computer software.
Eden Community Access Centre IncSouthern Cyber Safety
Boost community knowledge around cyber safety in Eden and surrounding communities by providing specialist IT training for six months and offering a weekly drop-in service for checking device security.
Lachlan and Western Regional Services IncEmpowered Connections
Boost organisational digital capability to better support remote community members' social and economic outcomes.
RiverSmart Australia LimitedUsing Digital Technology to Discover Tiger Bay
Grow cultural and environmental knowledge of the rivers and wetlands around Warren by the creation of an app to provide information and digital upskilling to the community.
Wardell Community Organised Resilience Effort IncWardell Community Organised Resilience Effort
Boost community resilience with training and equipment to support digital capability and connectivity during disasters.
Cape York Digital Network Pty LtdFall-back Server
Build capacity of the Cape York Digital Network to enable connectivity in remote Queensland with a new server to manage increasing demands.
Collinsville Connect Telecentre Group IncorporatedCyber Security Sessions for Seniors
Boost digital capability for older people through a cyber security workshop to enhance skills and risk management.
Goondir Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Health ServicesImproving Digital Capability for Better Collaboration
Improve digital capability of First Nations health service with video conferencing equipment to enhance staff and stakeholder communications, improving overall service delivery to clients.
North Burnett Regional SES Queensland Fire and Emergency ServicesNorth Burnett State Emergency Service Digital Connectivity
Improve digital connectivity with equipment to improve connectivity operation to enhance operational capacity and better quality training for QFES in North Burnett.
Numabulla Men's Shed Inc.IT Education and Access Program 
Improve digital capability and literacy with technology equipment at the Men's Shed to deliver access and education.
QCWA Branch Upper StoneConnecting our Community
Build community resilience and preparedness with an inverter generator and mobile booster to ensure power and connectivity in disasters and emergencies.
Upper Stone$8,125
St Vincent de Paul Society QueenslandExpanding Our Virtual Reach in Far North QLD
Enhance digital capacity and literacy of volunteers with equipment and training that will benefit the broader community accessing services.
State Emergency Service - Charters Towers Queensland Fire and Emergency ServicesMobile Operations Centre
Build preparedness and resilience in communities by upgrading the QFES Mobile Operation Centre with radios and back-up solar power to deliver disaster preparedness education and enable connectivity in extreme weather events across the Charters Towers region.
Charters Towers$10,000
Whitfield Community Kindergarten Association IncWater Tank and Weather Station
Support early child development and learning on environmental sustainability with digital tools to understand weather and water accessibility.
Callington A & H Society IncCallington Show - Online Software
Build organisational capacity with software to improve local show operations, developing digital capability for volunteers and efficiencies for participants.
Moorook Bowling Club IncorporatedFuture Connections
Increase community capacity with digital connection via a mobile booster to support access to the internet in Moorook.
Parndana Soldier Settlement Museum Parndana Progress AssociationAdding to the Mosaic
Improve digital literacy and capability of local museum volunteers with software, equipment and a website upgrade to better present and promote local history.
Southern Yorke Peninsula Community Hub IncorporatedLet's Get Social! Social Media Content Marketing 101 for SYP Volunteers & Community Groups
Upskill community group volunteers to increase their efficiency in navigating the digital world.
Clarendon Vale Neighbourhood Centre IncCommunities Connect
Foster a more inclusive and connected community, by providing access to digital resources.
Clarendon Vale$9,510
King Island Regional Development Organisation Inc 2520Digital Literacy Workshops and Buddy Program
Improve digital literacy for the King Island community with an upgrade of technology and delivery of digital training and mentoring to build capability.
Live Well TasmaniaCommunity, Power and Communications Resilience Equipment
Build community resilience with preparedness by purchasing equipment to provide power during outages including a generator, solar panels and rechargeable radios and torches.
Central Victorian Biolinks Alliance IncConnecting People to Restore and Reconnect Nature
Build organisational capacity of Biolinks Alliance with computer equipment, software and subscriptions to increase dissemination of educational information for repairing regional ecosystems.
Poowong Public Hall IncEquipment for Training in Meeting Room 2 of the Poowong Public Hall Inc 
Improve community facilities with a digital TV and laptop for the Poowong Hall meeting facilities to enhance functionality and support increased use.
Strathbogie Memorial Hall Incorporated Strathbogie Memorial Hall Wi-Fi
Boost digital connectivity for the community of Strathbogie by providing free Wi-Fi access at the local hall.
Wodonga Urban Landcare NetworkStrive to Thrive - Connecting Environmental Volunteers
Build community capability for improved environmental sustainability practice via a new website to share information and educate volunteers and the wider community surrounding Wodonga.
Woomelang & District Development AssocWebsite Redevelopment Project
Strengthen community engagement and connection through the creation of a website for Woomelang township to share information for locals and tourists.
Albany & Regional Volunteer Service IncCommunity eSafe Clubs - Equipping Clubs to Confidently Embrace the Use of Digital Technologies
Build volunteer capacity with cyber security workshops to develop digital literacy and upskill people working in community to manage information online with confidence.
Broome Community Resource Centre IncPublic Access Computers - Technology Refresh and Enhancement
Support community digital access with upgraded computers, ensuring people in and around Broome have access and can be trained in current software use for social and economic needs.
Harvey Aboriginal CorporationConnecting Community, Culture and Computers
Provide access to digital resources and First Nations language and culture learning opportunities to students of Harvey by purchasing an interactive whiteboard, tablets and monitors.