Community Led Climate Solutions

Group of people in two rows, with the ones in front crouched down. Behind them is a row of solar batteries.
Totally Renewable Yackandandah used an FRRR grant to help increase community capacity for preparedness for future disasters though installation of a generator at the local Fire Station. The Station now has adequate access to power when emergency events occur and in power outages. The project is part of an ongoing community project that aims to increase local energy independence and environmental sustainability.

The Community Led Climate Solutions Grant Program supports not-for-profit organisations across remote, rural and regional Australia to drive local climate solutions that reduce emissions through education, engagement and action on:

  • Clean energy;
  • Circular economies;
  • Decarbonisation;
  • Sustainable agriculture and food systems;
  • Biodiverse ecosystems; or
  • Just transitions*.

The Program is collaboratively funded by donors committed to enabling communities to address the impacts of climate change locally for positive and sustainable environmental, social and economic outcomes.

Round 1 of the program offers grants of up to $20,000 for a range of initiatives that can help by achieving one of the following objectives:

1. Drive engagement, education, and leadership in remote, rural, and regional climate solutions;
2. Activate locally-led opportunities to advance: the clean energy transition, climate adaptation, decarbonisation, or circular economies;
3. Support just transitions* to clean energy economies to help communities thrive.

*Just transitions: For the purposes of this grant program, this term refers to ensuring that no one is left behind in the transition to low-carbon and environmentally sustainable economies and societies.

Proudly supported by

Further information

Grantseeker webinar recording

Round 2 opens 17 July 2024.

Closes 5pm VIC time (AEST), 12 September 2024
Funding announced by early December 2024

Recipient announcements

CLCS Round 1 Recipients – March 2024

How to apply for Community Led Climate Solutions

Please read the information on each of the three tabs below to make sure this is the right grant for your project.

If you want to explore other grant options, please go to Find Funding Now.

I have a question, who can I talk to?

If you need help with your application or have questions about the program, don’t hesitate to contact the FRRR office.

  • Jane Crane, Program Officer; or
  • Danielle Griffin, Program Manager

Ph: 1800 170 020 or Email:

Confirm you are eligible to apply for this grant

To make sure this is the right grant for your community, please read the grant information detailed in the Program Guidelines below carefully. Click on each headline to reveal the detail.

Gather information to support your grant application

Please read the information below to support the planning and preparation of your project. It also sets out what you MUST include for your project to be considered. There are plenty of helpful resources to support you along the way.

Please contact FRRR if you have any questions about the following information.

Your grant application MUST include:

Need some more help?

We have a large selection of resources on our Grantseeker Resources page to help you along the way.

Submit your grant application via the Grants Gateway

Applications have now closed.

Please note: A requirement of this program is that a high resolution photo (between 1MB to 10MB) must be submitted as part of the application process. The photo can be a group shot of staff or volunteers in your Community Organisation OR an action shot relevant to the project you are applying for including people. If you are successful, FRRR may utilise this photo in grant announcements and/or associated communications.

Please contact FRRR if you have questions about any aspect of the Grants Gateway online application form.

Apply now for the Community Led Climate Solutions program

Helpful resources:

It is time to submit your application. If it is helpful, you can download a sample copy of the application form.

Please read the instructions on how to use the Grants Gateway How-to Guide and have your questions answered with our Grants Gateway FAQs.

Before you submit your application via the online Grants Gateway, please ensure you have:

  • confirmed you are eligible to apply for this grant
  • provided clear information about your project
  • checked that you are an eligible legal entity
  • provided the financial information required
  • created a budget for the project
  • gathered supporting materials
  • spoken to an FRRR contact person where you were unsure of any requirement
  • gathered community support for the project
  • checked the information you are providing to make sure it is clear and relevant to the project

If you have significant issues accessing a stable internet connection, please contact our team to discuss an alternative way of applying:
Ph: 1800 170 020 or Email:

“FRRR’s grant application was clearly set out, staff were friendly and helpful when I had a few questions, and the whole process was easily achievable. We are grateful for the opportunity to receive funding to improve Adavale Lane Community Centre so it can be accessed and used for the benefit of our whole community.”

Danielle Diener, Secretary – Adavale Lane Community Centre Incorporated, SRC R9

Inspiration – Past projects

Explore some of the projects we’ve previously funded to see how other organisations have helped their community thrive.

Seymour Community Wetland Restoration & Reclassification Project, TAS

A $10,000 grant was awarded from FRRR (proudly supported by IKEA) to fund weed control and restoration of the Seymour Wetland Reserve (including workshops on Seed Collection, Propagation and Restoration). The work of the volunteers, together with professional support from this funding, resulted in the Reclassification of the project area in June 2022, to double the size of the Seymour Conservation Area, contributing to restoration of native species (over 650 trees have been planted by the group) and decarbonisation. The media exposure from the Reclassification attracted new members and enrolled others in the community to become more active in the Conservation area

Bendigo Sustainability Group, Regional Community Energy Workshops, VIC

The Bendigo Sustainability Group (BSG) has been operating for 10 years. Over that period, BSG has been involved in the successful delivery of a wide range of projects and programs, creating awareness around sustainable living, renewable energy options, climate change and the need for decarbonisation.
This $10,000 grant funded by FRRR, with the support of the Community Foundation for Central Victoria, has enabled BSG to deliver free, engaging and informative workshops on energy efficiency and renewable energy in small towns throughout the Loddon Mallee region. As a result, they have also been able to identify and support the development of community renewable energy projects to enhance the resilience of these communities.

Augusta Margaret River Clean Community Energy Incorporated, WA

The Dairy Waste Energy Study project was part of Shire of Augusta-Margaret River’s ambitious plan to operate at net zero carbon emissions by 2030. AMRCCE wanted to investigate creating biogas from dairy manure waste, while also diverting effluent from nearby water sources. The project utilised an FRRR grant to partially fund the study, which assessed the Butane Methane Potential contained in dairy waste from a large dairy farm in the Scott River area in the Augusta Margaret River local government area. It was an important precursor to the planning and development of what could be an aggregated biogas and renewable power grid connected facility, and was involved in a PhD study and associated scientific paper.