Community stories: 12 June 2015
Earlier this year, a number of FRRR Back to School vouchers funded by the Origin Foundation went to families experiencing financial difficulty, after years of consecutive natural disasters.
They have four children, two in High School and two in Primary School, and in the words of the local Neighbourhood Centre Coordinator who met them “It’s been tough … with four children their finances were stretched to the max.”One family lives on a grazing property in Queensland.

Their property was severely affected by the 2013 flood, and for the past two years they have been only just coping with the prolonged drought. Then, earlier this year, they were hit by flooding rains, off the back of Cyclone Marcia.
As a result, the Neighbourhood Centre offered them a Back to School voucher for each of the children, to go toward school books and stationery.
This simple gesture was greeted with great relief. The Centre Coordinator said “When ‘Mum’ came in to pick up the vouchers, her face glowed while shaking my hand and thanking me profusely. She wouldn’t let go.”
The mother said she really didn’t know how they were going to be able to send the children to school with all that they need to start the year.
“This gift will mean that we might even be able to afford some new clothes for them to wear instead of having to wear the used clothes they would have to pick up from the Op Shop.”
FRRRs $50 Back to School vouchers really do make a difference. If you would like to help a child, you can donate at