News - Black Summer Bushfire Recovery

FRRR has a long history of supporting bushfire-affected communities in their recovery. In early 2020, there was a very generous response from the philanthropic and corporate sectors, as well as hundreds of individuals, in response to FRRR's appeal for funds to support the medium to long-term recovery of fire-affected communities.

This page is designed to make it easy for these generous donors to see how we are distributing these funds, and how FRRR is supporting the ongoing recovery of these communities.

If you'd like to receive regular updates from us, simply subscribe to our quarterly donor newsletter to have the latest news sent directly to your inbox.

Please note: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are warned that from time to time, articles may contain images or comments from deceased persons.

These grants are collaboratively and generously supported by the following donors:

adidas      Amanda Toone     Arcare Family Foundation      Arthur Laundy      Australian Community Media's South Coast is Calling initiative      Barker Trailers     Bowness Family Foundation      Brasher Family Foundation      Center for Disaster Philanthropy     Charter Hall      Chefs on the Run      Chrysanthemum Foundation      Clarity Workplace Solutions      EnergyAustralia      Entertainment Industry Foundation      Fire Fight Australia Fund      Friends of FRRR      GlobalGiving    Go-To Skin Care      Grace and Emilio Foundation      Herbert Smith Freehills      IKEA Australia      Jeunesse Kids Foundation      McKinsey and Company      Melbourne & Olympic Parks Trust      Metamorphic Foundation      Morgans Foundation Limited      Morris Family Foundation      Muscle Nation      Nelson Alexander Charitable Foundation      News Corp      Origin Energy Foundation      Paul Ramsay Foundation      Pepper Australia      Percy Baxter Charitable Trust      Portland House Foundation      R.M.Williams      Recochem Inc      Redbubble      REIV Charitable Foundation      Sidney Myer Fund      Sony Foundation Australia      Stage 5 Australasia P/L      Stockland CARE Foundation      Suncorp Group      Tabcorp Holdings Ltd      The Jack Brockhoff Foundation      The Laneway Festival      The Pratt Foundation      The Sid and Fiona Myer Family Foundation      The Waislitz Family Foundation, in partnership with Australian Community Media      Thoms Family Endowment - a sub-fund of the AET Foundation     Wilson Asset Management      UNICEF Australia      Vicinity Centres

Catering to community recovery

Annual Review stories Black Summer Bushfire Recovery: 11 December 2023

With support via FRRR through the News Corp Bushfire Fund, Bairnsdale Neighbourhood House embarked on a project to enhance their disaster response capabilities, enabling preparation and distribution of fresh food, meals and catering for those affected by natural disasters.

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Solving the Greater Glider housing crisis

Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Community stories: 25 September 2023

Boonah and District Landcare Association has developed a home-grown housing solution for Mount Barney’s greater gliders following the Black Summer bushfires.

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Community Hub takes on disaster response

Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Community stories: 22 February 2023

Southern Yorke Peninsula Community Hub used a $25,000 Strengthening Rural Communities grant to purchase a multipurpose trailer for the community.

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$1.3 million investment starts rolling out in South Coast communities

Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Media releases: 13 February 2023

FRRR announced today that they have appointed two facilitators in the Shoalhaven region to support the ongoing delivery of their Investing in Rural Communities Futures program.

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Copmanhurst Pre-School’s journey to recovery

Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Community stories: 23 January 2023

Copmanhurst Pre-School have created a Healing Circle and Native garden using a $8,650 grant through The Yulgilbar Foundation Fund.

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Rural groups awarded nearly $1.45 million

Rural groups awarded nearly $1.45 million

Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Media releases: 18 January 2023

FRRR has awarded $1,448,968 in grants to 121 projects across remote, rural and regional Australia as part of their Strengthening Rural Communities (SRC) program.

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Bega Valley communities receive a $1.3 million bushfire recovery boost

Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Media releases: 23 November 2022

The Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal today welcomed the expansion of the place-based Investing in Rural Community Futures (IRCF) program to the Bega Valley, thanks to an injection of $1.3 million through the Australian Government’s Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Program.

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Shoalhaven fire-affected communities receive a $1.3 million recovery boost

Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Media releases: 23 November 2022

The Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal today shared that a $1.3 million funding boost for the Shoalhaven region to further enhance the capacity of local not-for-profit organisations to support their communities has already started to roll out.

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Rebuilding community through clearing tracks for management of fire (kala) in Ngadju country

Annual Review stories Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Community stories Disaster recovery stories: 10 November 2022

Following the 2019/20 bushfires, Ngadju Conservation Aboriginal Corporation received a $25,000 Strengthening Rural Communities grant RR to help the Ngadju Rangers to both repair the damage and undertake work to protect the environment and cultural sites from the devasting impact of the bushfires.

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Creative bushfire recovery in the Scenic Rim

Annual Review stories Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Community stories Disaster recovery stories: 10 November 2022

Through the News Corp Bushfire Fund program, FRRR helped to fund The Little Pocket Association’s initiative ‘Regeneration – Creative Bushfire Recovery’ project.

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