Media releases: 18 November 2015

The 2015 Rural Women’s Gathering in mid-October was hosted by Glen Innes on the Northern Tablelands, in the New England region of New South Wales.
The Glen Innes Examiner reported that ‘Gather in the Glen’ saw 350 women (and some men!) converge on Glen Innes for a long-weekend of activities that provided the opportunity to learn, network, and socialise with women from all over New South Wales, plus some interstate travellers.
A $3,000 grant from FRRR’s Tackling Tough Times Together program enabled the organisers at GLENRAC Incorporated to subsidise registrations for 12 women to attend the event. By providing free places at the event, FRRR and The Yulgilbar Foundation are supporting rural women to better cope with tough times.
FRRR Director Annabel White, who presented at the event, said she had great feedback from several of the people who received sponsored places at the event. “It was very obvious that many of the participants drew real strength from coming together with like-minded people, and listening to inspiring speakers.”