Media releases: 19 January 2021
More than 100 projects funded across Australia
More than 100 projects set to strengthen remote, rural and regional Australia have been given an encouraging boost, with 96 communities sharing in $1,112,492 in grants, thanks to the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal’s (FRRR) Strengthening Rural Communities (SRC) program.

The successful communities, which range across Australia from remote Kintore in the Northern Territory, to Jundah in Queensland and Leonora in Western Australia, will use the grants of up to $25,000 for a broad range of inspiring projects.
Led by local people, these initiatives vary from encouraging young people from Arnhem Land communities to connect with culture and make healthy lifestyle choices by getting them involved in creating edible garden plots, to helping the community of South Arm continue its recovery following the Black Summer bushfires by purchasing amenities and safety equipment to prepare the local hall for future disaster events.
It’s just one of 34 grants going to communities with the unique challenge of overcoming the impacts of the 2019-20 Black Summer bushfires. Supported through a special stream of funding, these regions will share in $589,945 in grants for projects designed to help seed and strengthen their recovery.
Sarah Matthee, FRRR’s Acting CEO, said that communities have found diverse ways to build up their resilience and support one another.
“This round we have seen communities drawing on their strong community partnerships to find ways of helping to make their community a more resilient and connected place,” Ms Matthee said.
“Communities have also shown us how much they value the vital contributions made by volunteers. We have funded several projects that support and recognise these people, and help tackle the fatigue they feel, especially in light of this year’s challenges.
“For bushfire-affected communities, COVID-19 has not lessened their determination to keep on recovering, despite the pandemic resulting in gatherings and events, which would have helped people connect and rebuild, being postponed or cancelled. Local leaders have put forward great ideas that are sure to help lift community spirits.
“Regardless of where these communities are at, the SRC program is flexible enough to fund projects that will help communities to seed strengthen, adapt and evolve, and innovate and renew,” Ms Matthee explained.
Some of the 101 projects awarded include:
- Dalaigur Pre-school and Children’s Services Aboriginal Corporation, NSW – Transportation 2021 – $10,000 – Increase Kempsey children’s access to educational, social and health opportunities by providing a bus service for Aboriginal Early Childhood Education Services students.
- West Daly Regional Council, NT – West Daly Regional Council’s Community BBQ Trailer – $9,068 – Create a more engaged community and enhance locals’ sense of place by purchasing a BBQ trailer that will be used during emergency and disaster relief efforts and for community events.
- Pomona & District Community House Inc, QLD – Pomona Youth Resilience and Well-being Project – $18,891 – Increase access, support and resources for local youth in Pomona by delivering a facilitated, structured community-based youth program.
- Kingscote Farmers & Artisan Market Inc, SA – Kingscote Farmers and Artisans Market – The Backyard – $24,640 – Increase access to local produce and the social and economic recovery of Kangaroo Island by employing a part-time project manager to help reopen the Kingscote Farmers & Artisan Market and develop a pop-up activity space.
- Live Well Tasmania, TAS – Renovating our Community Centre for Community Health and Wellbeing – $9,980 – Create a safe space for youth by renovating the local Community Centre.
- Friends of the Great Victorian Rail Trail, VIC – Tour de Trail – $3,700 – Promote health and wellbeing by encouraging people to participate in a bike-ride/fun day event in Mansfield in March 2021.
- Ngadju Conservation Aboriginal Corporation, WA – Rebuilding Community Through Clearing Tracks for Management of Fire (Kala) in Ngadju Country $25,000 – Increase fire preparedness in the Great Western Woodlands and maintain cultural sites of significance by clearing tracks to make access easier for cultural mosaic burns.
The SRC program is collaboratively supported by a number of generous donors, which are listed on the Strengthening Rural Communities program page.
The next round of SRC grants will be announced March 2021. The current round is accepting applications until 23 February 2021.
The full list of grant recipients and their projects are below.
Jump to: NSW | NT | QLD | SA | TAS | VIC | WA
Organisation |
Project |
Location |
Awarded |
Hillston and District Aquatic Club Inc | Upgrade Lake Woorabinda Access to Water Build community resilience and engagement in water activities through the upgrade and drought proofing of Lake Woorabinda. |
Hillston | $10,000 |
Mendooran & District Development Group | Main Street Seating in Mendooran Strengthen community connection through the provision of safe seating and exterior upgrade Masonic Lodge. |
Mendooran | $841 |
Collins Creek Public Hall Land Manager | Improvements to Acoustic Properties of the Collins Creek Community Hall Enhance community identity through improving the acoustic quality of the Community Hall. |
Collins Creek | $10,000 |
Gilgandra Council | Capturing the Memories and Local Characters Promote social inclusion and wellbeing by documenting stories from residents of Cooee Lodge and Jack Towney Hostel. |
Gilgandra | $10,000 |
Lightning Ridge Opal and Fossil Centre Inc | Australian Opal Centre (AOC) 2021-2023 Strategic Plan Development Project Build organisational resilience through the development of a 3 year strategic plan for the Lightening Ridge Fossil and Opal Centre. |
Lightning Ridge | $10,000 |
Tenterfield Show Society Inc | Connecting 1876 and 2020 Contribute to a culturally vibrant community through preservation and display of locally significant artifacts and memorabilia. |
Tenterfield | $10,000 |
Circartus Inc | Circartus Train the Trainer Strengthen Circartus organisational capacity by delivering a train the trainer program. |
Wingham | $9,970 |
Kootingal and District Pre-School Inc | Aboriginal Program and Clay Program Strengthen engagement with Aboriginal culture through the delivery of a program of structured play activities for preschool children at Kootingal & District Preschool. |
Kootingal | $8,000 |
Burringbar School of Arts | Purchase and Installation of Commercial Dishwasher Increase volunteer capacity through the purchase of a commercial dishwasher for Burringbar School of Arts. |
Burringbar | $4,698 |
Dalaigur Pre-school and Children’s Services Aboriginal Corporation | Transportation 2021 Enable access to quality learning environments through the provision of transport services for young children to attend Dalaigur Pre-school. |
Kempsey | $10,000 |
Howlong Toy Library | The Power of ‘Picnics and Play’ Enrich local community interaction through the purchase of resources for a series of mindful play and dinner events for families and children in Howlong. |
Howlong | $5,541 |
Kendall Mens Shed | Routing Increase organisational capacity through the purchase of a router to support fundraising capacity for Kendall Men’s Shed members. |
Kendall | $2,463 |
Utungun Community Hall Section 355 Committee of Management Nambucca Valley Council |
Utungun Hall – Sitting Pretty and Moving Safely Support Volunteer capacity through the purchase of chairs and equipment for Utungun Community Hall. |
Utungun | $4,020 |
Hawkesbury-Nepean Landcare Network Hawkesbury River County Council |
Regenerating our Bushland after Fire, Hawkesbury Increase local capacity to manage environmental recovery, through delivery of a series of workshops and events on topics such as weed management and erosion. |
Bilpin | $16,000 |
Community Foundation for Albury Wodonga Region Ltd | Digital Storytelling Celebrate and encourage local giving post-bushfire via a digital storytelling project. |
Albury | $10,000 |
Glenrac Incorporated | Emergency Preparedness for Future Challenges – Glen Innes NSW Increase support for recovering community, through delivery of wellbeing events and mental health first aid training. |
Glen Innes | $17,150 |
Marine Rescue Kioloa Volunteer Marine Rescue NSW |
Marine Rescue Base Facilities Upgrade Increase local capacity to maintain volunteer marine rescue service base facility, though replacement of carpet. |
Kioloa – Bawley Point | $5,000 |
Eden Tourism Inc | Relocation of Eden Visitor Information Centre Increase amenity and function of new Eden Visitor Information Centre, through professional design and development of internal areas. |
Eden | $20,000 |
Hartley Vale Mount Blaxland Reserve Land Manager | Ground Penetrating Radar Survey Heal the community through the establishment of all burial sites located at the Hartley Vale Cemetery. |
Hartley | $16,016 |
Merimbula Big Game and Lakes Angling Club Inc. | Replacement of Community Infrastructure – The Boating and Fishing Jetty at Spencer Park Merimbula Lake Increase capacity to fundraise for replacement of local jetty, though support to complete development application and design planning. |
Merimbula | $14,850 |
South Arm Hall Committee of Management Nambucca Valley Council |
Making South Arm Hall Resilient, Welcoming and Aiding Recovery Strengthen South Arm Hall’s resilience and preparedness for future disaster events through the purchase of safety and amenity items. |
South Arm | $25,000 |
Nimbin Community Centre Incorporated | Walkways Together – from Jarjums to Elders Support community resilience through replacement of covered walkways at Nimbin Community Centre. |
Nimbin | $9,700 |
The Southern Highlands Foundation | FireAid Bushfire Appeal/Covid-19 Appeal Strengthen capacity of the Foundation to support their community post bushfire through the employment of an Executive Officer. |
Balmoral | $25,000 |
Bombala Pre School Inc | Urban & Indigenous Agriculture Project Increase local resilience and intergenerational connections, through construction of codesigned community space and permaculture skills. |
Bombala | $15,000 |
Mid Richmond Neighbourhood Centre Inc | Play in Nature Support early childhood development through the construction of a Natural Playground at Mid Richmond Neighbourhood Centre. |
Evans Head | $9,575 |
Salt Care Limited | Salt Life Support vulnerable cohorts across Shoalhaven via support groups facilitated by the Rural Adversity Mental Health Program. |
Nowra/ Bomaderry | $15,000 |
The Elands Community Health & First Aid Centre Incorporated | Refurbishments for Community Centre Increase comfort and capacity of Elands local meeting space, through installation of air conditioning and solar system with battery. |
Elands | $24,102 |
Ettrick Hall Committee Inc | Ettrick Hall Bathroom Upgrade Increase local capacity and disaster preparedness, through upgrading bathroom facilities at local hall to include a shower for emergency personal and displaced residents. |
Ettrick | $10,000 |
Do It For Batlow | Weemala Hill Walking and Riding Trails – Batlow Lookout Renew access to local walking trails that support health and wellbeing through employment of contractors to clear burnt trees and reinvigorate the area. |
Batlow | $25,000 |
Macdonald Valley Association | Macdonald Valley Community – Book of Fires Advance the recovery of the Macdonald Valley through the creation of a book which documents and celebrates community resilience. |
St Albans | $22,870 |
Pambula Business Chamber Incorporated | Pambula Art Project Increase visitation to the region and highlight local history and culture, through development and installation of a series of artworks across the Pambula township. |
Pambula | $25,000 |
Central Australian Aboriginal Media Assoc (Aboriginal Corporation) | 40 Years of CAAMA – Compilation Album Set Celebrate and promote Indigenous culture and musicianship through creation of four CD set of Central Australian Indigenous music. |
Alice Springs | $10,000 |
One Tree Community Services Inc | Green Book Increase accessibility and feelings of security and inclusion with the creation of restful outdoor space at Wadeye Women’s Refuge. |
Wadeye | $8,000 |
MJD Foundation Ltd | MJD International Centre of Excellence – Umbakumba Enable provision of allied health services and research for sufferers of Machado Joseph Disease on Groote Eylandt through fit out of accommodation for researchers and allied health workers. |
Umbakumba | $10,000 |
East Arnhem Regional Council | Healthier Eating through Edible Gardens in East Arnhem Indigenous Communities Support community engagement and active lifestyles, leading to healthier outcomes for community members, with the establishment of edible gardens. |
Milingimbi | $10,000 |
Katherine Isolated Children’s Service Incorporated | Remote Mobile Playgroup Create equal opportunities for early childhood development through access to mobile playgroups in very remote locations across Central Australia. |
Katherine | $10,000 |
West Daly Regional Council | West Daly Regional Council’s Community BBQ Trailer Build community connectedness and support social connection through provision of a BBQ trailer for Council and community run events. |
Wadeye | $9,068 |
The Creche and Kindergarten Association Limited | C&K Hoey Street’s Sustainable Food Forest Foster healthy eating habits and connection to the environment, through the establishment of a sustainable food garden at the local kindergarten. |
Sarina | $1,252 |
Cloncurry Kindergarten Association Inc | Screens for outside buildings Increase educational opportunities at Cloncurry Kindergarten through the provision of retractable screens for outdoor buildings. |
Cloncurry | $10,000 |
Abergowrie Primary P&C Association | The Voices of our Yarning Circle Support cultural literacy and community engagement in education through the building of a landscaped Yarning Circle. |
Ingham | $10,000 |
Bana Mindilji Aboriginal Corporation | Installation of Composting Toilets on Country Promote environmental sustainability and organisational capacity through the installation of composting toilets at remote station. |
Wujal Wujal | $10,000 |
Burdekin Woodcrafts Association Incorporated | Kitchen Replacement Strengthen community engagement through upgrade of kitchen facilities at the Burdekin Woodcrafts Association. |
Ayr | $9,765 |
Focus on Food and Fibre Conference Nindigully Landcare Group Incorporated |
Focus on Food and Fibre Conference Build community and agricultural resilience through support for food and fibre conference. |
St George | $10,000 |
Jundah Local Ambulance Committee | Emergency Response Training Improve emergency response capacity by enabling volunteers to participate in training. |
Jundah | $3,250 |
Kilkivan Show & Campdraft Association Inc | Defibtech Lifeline Package & Community COVID-19 Pack Support community safety and health outcomes, through the purchase of a defibrillator machine and community COVID-19 pack. |
Kilkivan | $5,228 |
QCWA St George Branch The Queensland Country Women’s Association |
QCWA St George – Empowerment Through Technology! Help people stay connected by purchase of IT equipment to increase the digital capacity of local CWA. |
St George | $1,969 |
Queensland Rural Regional and Remote Women’s Network Incorporated | Advancing towards 2030. Increase digital capability and capacity through the purchase of integrated membership and fundraising IT platform. |
Goondiwindi | $10,000 |
Roughlie Community Centre Incorporated | Purchase of 2 Refrigerators for Cold Storage Develop organisational resilience and capacity through the purchase of refrigerator for community centre. |
Roma | $4,798 |
Texas & District Kindergarten Association Inc | Replace Two Non-compliant Fences at Texas Kindergarten. Support a safe outdoor early learning environment through upgrade of fencing at local kindergarten. |
Texas | $6,974 |
Artworks Granite Belt Inc. | ArtWorks Station Cafe upgrade Increase capacity and enhance facilities at volunteer run Artworks Station Cafe, through upgrade of kitchen and outdoor eating area. |
Stanthorpe | $9,066 |
Pomona & District Community House Inc | Pomona Youth Resilience and Well-being Project Increase access to support and resources for local youth in Pomona, through delivery of a facilitated, structured community based youth program. |
Pomona | $18,891 |
Scouts SA – Roonka Water Activity Centre Scout Association of Aust SA Branch |
Tree Planting and Installation of Solar Powered Watering System Restore and conserve local habitat and generate community engagement through the creation of a native garden. |
Blanchetown | $4,139 |
Port Neill War Memorial Hall | Inclusion and Access for All at our Hall Enhance community well-being and connectedness and improve the amenity of a community hall through the installation of an all ability toilet. |
Port Neill | $8,034 |
Mannum Men’s Shed Inc | Continue to Work by Purchasing a Thicknesser Increase social engagement by purchasing new equipment and strengthen the Men’s Shed capacity to support participants and deliver community projects. |
Mannum | $1,299 |
Parndana Progress Association – Walking Trail Sub-Committee Parndana Progress Association |
Parndana Fitness Trail – Outdoor Gym Station Increase access to equipment that supports health and wellbeing, through installation of outdoor fitness equipment at Kangaroo Island West Lions Park. |
Parndana | $16,838 |
Kangaroo Island Yacht Club Inc | Community Hub Upgrade to Support Community Resilience Enhance community activities that support connectedness at the Kangaroo Island Yacht Club, through upgrade of aged kitchen facilities. |
Kingscote | $25,000 |
Kingscote Farmers & Artisan Market Inc | Kingscote Farmers and Artisans Market – The Backyard Increase support for reopening of community market and development of pop up activity space in Kingscote, through employment of a part time project manager. |
Kingscote | $24,640 |
The Cudlee Creek Tennis & Basket Ball Club Inc | A Community Led Project: Our Community Hub and Tennis Courts Increase preparedness for disaster and enhanced community facilities for a community recovering from bushfire, through upgrade of fencing, drainage, water storage and landscaping at local hub. |
Cudlee Creek | $25,000 |
Lorinna Residents & Ratepayers Association Inc | Lorinna Hall Improved Access Project Enhance community well-being and connectedness and improve the amenity of a community hall through the installation of an all ability access ramp. |
Lorinna | $2,000 |
Live Well Tasmania | Renovating Our Community Centre for Community Health and Wellbeing Create a secure hospitable meeting space and support youth engagement through conducting roof maintenance at a community centre. |
Wynyard | $9,980 |
Dorset Community Association Inc | Outreach and Support Equipment Upgrades Build organisational capacity and increase community engagement through the purchase of equipment for a Neighbourhood House. |
Scottsdale | $9,790 |
Lilydale Volunteer Fire Brigade State Fire Commission (Tas) |
Lilydale Community Smoke Alarm Project Increase safety and build community awareness through the operation of a fire safety project. |
Lilydale |
$7,000 |
Friends of Grampians Rail Trail Inc | Grampians Rail Trail Emergency Marker Posts Provide a safe community resource and strengthen opportunities for social engagement through the development of a recreation trail. |
Stawell | $9,111 |
Castlemaine Community House Inc | Food Links – Strengthening Local Food Security Improve community health, wellbeing, and educational development through the establishment of a food security program. |
Castlemaine | $10,000 |
Colac Area Health Foundation | Saving Lives in the Colac Community Improve community health and well-being outcomes through the purchase of healthcare equipment for use in a local Hospital. |
Colac | $10,000 |
Friends of the Great Victorian Rail Trail | Tour de Trail Enhance well-being outcomes and strengthen community connection through the initiation of a community event. |
Mansfield | $3,700 |
Penshurst Progress Association Inc | Aiding our Community Communication and Cooperation Increase community engagement, volunteer support and social opportunities, through the purchase of a new printer. |
Penshurst | $8,000 |
Central Highlands Rural Health | Transforming Aged Care Residents’ Quality of Life Improve the health and social wellbeing of people living with dementia by providing a interactive games program for residents. |
Daylesford | $10,000 |
Cobden District Health Services Inc | Cobden Health Boiler Room Upgrade Strengthen organisational capacity and support the needs of residents through the upgrade of a boiler-room system. |
Cobden | $10,000 |
Cycling Without Age Portland Inc Rotary Club of Portland Inc |
Cycling Without Age on the Move Strengthen community connections for older people and support volunteer participation though the commencement of a cycling project. |
Portland | $9,000 |
Paynesville Men’s Shed Inc | Let there be Lunch! Improve mental health and social outcomes for older men in the community by upgrading a kitchen and delivering a healthy eating program. |
Paynesville | $4,123 |
St Arnaud Neighbourhood House Inc | The Life Story Projects Improve social participation and the health and wellbeing of aged care residents, through the enhancement of a life story project. |
Donald | $6,810 |
West Wimmera Health Service | Friends Across the Ages Gone Digital Improve the health and social wellbeing of older people by initiating a community connections program. |
Nhill | $10,000 |
Boort Resource and Information Centre | Boort Business and Services Resource Hub Improve community participation and access to services and education through the development of a fit for purpose community hub. |
Boort | $10,000 |
Community Recovery Committee Bunyip Complex Fires Association Inc | Tonimbuk Hall Upgrade Increase community participation and engagement through installation of a climate control system and the upgrade of a Community Hall. |
Tonimbuk | $9,990 |
Cowangie Soldiers Memorial Hall | New Blockout Blinds Strengthen community engagement and participation by replacing coverings which are no longer fit for purpose and creating a space that meets community needs. |
Cowangie | $4,000 |
Kilmore District Men’s Shed Inc | Equipment Promote learning and development and build organisational capacity through the purchase of new technology. |
Kilmore | $2,933 |
Paynesville RSL Sub-Branch | A Warm Glow for Better Health Increase community participation and engagement through installation of a climate control system, creating a comfortable gathering space. |
Paynesville | $10,000 |
Southern Otway Landcare Network Inc | SOLN Support Centre’s Community Shed Increase environmental education and community participation through the creation of a secure, hospitable space. |
Apollo Bay | $10,000 |
Swan Hill Specialist School | SHSS Community Garden Strengthen student engagement and skill development while establishing a connections to the wider community through the expansion of a community garden. |
Swan Hill | $5,346 |
Clunes Neighbourhood House Inc | Weight off your Shoulders: 6 Week Weight Loss and Wellbeing Program Improve the health and well-being of community members through initiating a health focused support program. |
Clunes | $10,000 |
Robinvale Network House Inc | Covid Community Connection Capabilities Increase communication of community education programs and activities through development of a website and communication system. |
Robinvale | $8,862 |
Central Grampians Local Learning and Employment Network Inc | Ararat Schools Resilient Art Project Increase the resilience and well-being of young people in the community through the delivery of a mindfulness program. |
Ararat | $10,000 |
Empowering Plantagenet Seniors Inc | Empowering Plantagenet Seniors Hub Fit Out Support community engagement and participation through establishment of a Senior’s Hub. |
Mount Baker | $10,000 |
Narembeen Community Resource Centre (CRC) Shire of Narembeen |
Ladies Long Lunch Increase social connectedness, business skills and mental health wellbeing through the Narembeen Ladies Long Lunch event. |
Narembeen | $6,750 |
Esperance Farmers Fund South East Premium Wheat Grower Association |
Set up Foundation – Esperance Farmers Fund Build capacity of Esperance to deliver locally driven community projects that support the wellbeing and growth of the community through establishment of a local community foundation. |
Esperance | $10,000 |
Katampul Aboriginal Corporation | Development Katampul Health and Wellbeing Plan: Working Group Build community capacity through creation of an interagency working group and development of household health and wellbeing plans. |
Leonora | $9,100 |
Tjupan Ngalia Tribal Land Council Aboriginal Corporation | Walkatjurra Kindilink Mural Project Build student and community engagement with education and incorporate cultural learning via a transformative mural design process at Lenora District High School. |
Leonora | $10,000 |
Littlewell Mingenew Aboriginal Reserve Group Shire of Mingenew |
Littlewell Aboriginal Reserve Seating Enhance the amenity of the Littlewell Reserve through provision of seating. |
Mingenew | $10,000 |
Be Living Smart Inc Collie Family Centre Incorporated |
The 10-topic Living Smart Community Course Support community to achieve environmental sustainability goals through seven week Living Smart course. |
Collie | $9,013 |
Lake Grace Community Men’s Shed Inc. | Operation Bandsaw Increase community engagement, social wellbeing and connectedness for men in the Lake Grace region through the replacement of a bandsaw at Men’s Shed. |
Lake Grace | $2,750 |
Northampton Parents and Friends Association | Playground for St Mary’s Primary School Northampton Increase gross and fine motor skill development and children’s physical health and mental wellbeing with purchase of playground equipment for St Mary’s School, Northampton. |
Northampton | $9,000 |
Ngadju Conservation Aboriginal Corporation | Rebuilding Community Through Clearing Tracks for Management of Fire (kala) in Ngadju Country Increase fire preparedness in the Great Western Woodlands and maintain cultural sites of significance, by clearing tracks that enable access for cultural mosaic burns. |
Norseman Indigenous Location | $25,000 |