Community stories: 28 May 2021

The Maryvale Community Hall is the central hub for social gatherings, private functions, and the meeting place for many local groups. It’s the core of a community struggling with the impacts of drought.
Maryvale is a small rural town of around 300 people on Queensland’s Southern Downs, almost 130 km west of Brisbane. In recent times, it has seen a number of local dairies close, as well as the local shop, leaving only the hotel, Hall and the school as meeting locations. The eight-member Hall Committee works closely with the local progress association and the School P&C to support the community in the face of these challenges. It provides important opportunities for the community to come together, helping with community and individual resilience.
The Maryvale Community Hall Inc committee received $8,957 through our Strengthening Rural Communities program, thanks to The Yuligilbar Foundation, to purchase a light industrial dishwasher, projector and screen. The aim was to encourage greater usage of the hall with the ability to have regular movie screenings and make it available to community groups and for functions. The dishwasher allows for event organisers and volunteers to spend more time participating in the networking events rather than having their hands in the sink washing up.

COVID restrictions didn’t delay the dishwasher installation but has stalled the opportunity to celebrate the new pieces of equipment with a community movie night planned so the community can come together in these challenging times, reports Shane Kimber, Secretary of Maryvale Community Hall Inc.
“I believe the items you have funded will greatly enhance our community and identify our town within our broader communities. It will bring us together by increasing ideas for community functions, encourage physical, mental and social wellbeing by reducing isolation, giving the community a sense of place to belong encourage new friendships and encourage growth, welfare, support and happy environment.