Media releases: 21 February 2023
More Black Saturday funding for community-led initiatives
FRRR is inviting applications from local not-for-profit groups for grants to support ongoing recovery efforts following the Black Saturday bushfires in 2009.

Thanks to the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund there is $180,000 available to not-for-profit groups in Kinglake, Kinglake Central, Kinglake West, Pheasant Creek, Toolangi and Flowerdale. Projects identified through the Kinglake Ranges and Flowerdale Conversations for Change talks and Toolangi-Castella community plans will be prioritised.
Nina O’Brien, FRRR’s Disaster Resilience and Recovery Lead, said that FRRR is keen to get this last tranche of funding out into the community to fund community-strengthening and resilience-building projects that align to the VBAF program’s intent.
“We had some great projects come forward at the end of last year and it’s pleasing to see them starting to kick off. However, not all the applications we had last year fit with the guidelines of the program and the intent of the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Funds program, hence we still have some funding available.
“Applications must be for new projects that directly assist those individuals and communities that were affected by the 2009 fires and need respond directly to a specific hardship or distress caused by the bushfires. Projects also need to benefit the wider community and so applications should demonstrate community support and the involvement of a range of community groups or representatives,” Ms O’Brien explained.
Approximately $180,000 is available for distribution via grants of up to $25,000, or higher by exception. Applications requesting more than $25,000 must be discussed with FRRR prior to submission. Note too that projects relating to government-owned infrastructure and/or sporting organisations must be discussed with FRRR before they are lodged.
Applications close Wednesday 3 May, 2023, at 5pm AEST, with successful applicants announced in August 2023. For more information and the guidelines, visit . Email or call 1800 170 020.
To date, through GR&W Kinglake, FRRR has awarded over $1.1M for 35 projects to local groups in the Kinglake Ranges. Any community impacted by 2009 bushfires and not located in Kinglake Ranges region can apply for support through FRRR’s Strengthening Rural Communities program.