A million dollar, five year plan in Nambucca Valley

Community stories: 26 August 2024

Nambucca Valley Phoenix (NVP) received two IRCF Partnership Grants in addition to support through Toolbox funds to contribute to a group of local NFP’s undertaking a feasibility study into collective fundraising for the Nambucca Valley.

NVP’s initial project focused on the development a five-year strategic plan, with a particular focus on creative economy options and pathways to rebuild after a failed merger.

In 2021, they moved onto developing strategies and tools to attract funding. This was activated through communications upgrades, including a website and sponsorship packages. The Coordinator’s wage was also subsidised bring in other support and allow them time to implement a business plan, research and develop strategic fundraising pathways and connections and to share their learnings with other NFPs.

Making solid inroads

Having the five-year strategic business plan has been greatly beneficial in assisting NVP to gain funding and build reputation. The plan has demonstrated their professionalism to stakeholders and provided NVP with a roadmap for redefining and rebuilding.

As a result of FRRR support, NVP also leveraged the Social Sector Transformation Fund, a NSW Government initiative to help small to medium sized charities and NFPs. Through this they developed a Theory of Change, Impact Measurement and Pathways to Sustainability report by Social Enterprise Finance Australia. These documents were developed to further assist NVP to secure financial assistance required as it rebuilt its services through illustrating the organisations social impact. The work done as part of this project will continue to support NVP well into the future, as they say, teach a fisherman to fish…

Since starting this project NVP has leveraged more than a million dollars’ worth of project funding. These projects include much needed capital funding to replace redundant and defective infrastructure and equipment and the development of an accessible carpark, multi-year youth program funding, funding to develop arts and exhibition programs and to support our social enterprises. They have also hosted the Disability Arts Award and the inaugural Winter Ball, bringing community and the disabaility sector together in a joyful celebration of inclusion.

“We created a five-year strategic plan to assist us to build a sustainable social enterprise that creates an inclusive place for people to come together to learn, earn and enjoy the benefits of art, food and community, while still supporting people with disability to engage in meaningful employment and learning programs such as arts.”