Amplifying youth voices and empowering Shoalhaven’s next generation

Community stories: 26 September 2024

A small investment in tools or equipment often doesn’t just generate practical outcomes for communities but also provides a foundation for community groups to build their confidence. 

In the case of the Dunn Lewis Youth Foundation in NSW’s Shoalhaven region, the Youth Local Podcast Program has provided young people with more than just a microphone. It’s given them an opportunity to find their voice and feel more empowered, while also exploring, learning and connecting with their community.

Even for those initially hesitant, the experience has been transformative. Mia told us, “If I’m going to be honest, I was not keen for this, but now it’s the highlight of my week. It’s really fun, and the whole process of having ‘Living Skillfully’ as a segment within Youth Local has been really good.”

For Darcy, another one of the participants, podcasting has opened doors to new experiences and skills. “I’ve loved podcasting; it’s been an amazing opportunity. Not only do I get to meet awesome people, but I also get to try out new things every week and explore topics that I’m really passionate about.”

Darcy’s enthusiasm for the creative freedom that podcasting offers is infectious, and it’s clear that this program is more than just a hobby – it’s a pathway to a potential future career. “It’s got me inspired to actually explore this as a career path,” Darcy added, reflecting the broader impact of the initiative.

Claire, another dedicated podcaster, shared how the program has helped her grow in ways she didn’t expect. “Podcasting has been an amazing experience because I’ve gotten to meet new people and learn more about our local area and some strange facts that I did not know before.”

The group of podcasters shared the skills they were learning along the way including: planning, communication with peers and others outside the community, patience and listening skills, as well as technical skills like editing and using the deck.

These quotes aren’t just words; they are a testament to the value of giving youth a voice. As Jasper aptly put it, “I’ve learned that everyone is a little bit goofy in their own way doing this podcast,” and, “It allows you to be who you want to be.”

This program isn’t just about teaching technical skills – it’s about creating a safe space for self-expression, community engagement and personal growth. In a world where youth voices are often underrepresented, this podcast has become a powerful tool for empowerment. It serves as a reminder that when young people are given the tools and the platform, their voices can be both insightful and impactful. It leaves us with a thought-provoking question: what other untapped potential lies within our youth, just waiting for the right opportunity to be unleashed?