Insights from the bush

Insights: 26 September 2024

Our team spends plenty of time connecting with grantseekers and community groups – on the phone, over email and face-to-face in communities. This summary highlights the current challenges and insights the FRRR team has observed in their interactions, as well as the proactive and positive steps communities are taking to address them.

Cultural engagement

  • Cultural engagement has been a recurring theme in IRCF communities on the South Coast, particularly following the referendum.
  • There’s a strong desire to understand and support First Nations communities, with many eager to learn about cultural services and the history of their areas.

Reconnecting post-COVID

  • The pandemic continues to impact older generations, with many not returning to volunteering.
  • There’s a noticeable impact on social connections, with a need for more opportunities to foster these connections.
  • In some of the more rural, isolated areas, groups are just beginning to re-emerge, and gaining traction around places for social engagement.

Healthcare access

  • Anxiety about the pressured healthcare system is prevalent, especially in remote areas where access is limited.
  • People in these regions often miss out on healthcare services due to the inability to afford travel.

Digital divide

  • A significant issue is the digital exclusion, which affects all aspects of life in rural, remote, and regional communities and exacerbates socio-economic challenges.
  • There is a pressing need to view digital inclusion as a human right and to understand the broader impacts of digital exclusion on these communities.
  • Programs like Telstra’s Connected Communities Grant Program promote digital inclusion and create momentum in working to close this gap. FRRR is working to respond to the high need we’re seeing through numbers of applications in this space.

Over-consultation and inaction

  • Communities are experiencing fatigue from frequent consultations.
  • There’s a growing emphasis on turning consultations into tangible actions, ensuring communities see real results from their feedback.

Disaster preparedness

  • There’s a focus on pathways to preparedness for disasters, emphasizing the importance of feeling empowered and connected.
  • Even small weather events can trigger anxiety, particularly in areas like the Northern Rivers, and mental health discussions are becoming more prevalent,

Mental health awareness

  • Mental health awareness is growing, but people are less likely to engage in events unless they are practical and actionable.
  • The challenge is to find relevant and engaging ways to connect and encourage participation.

Fostering optimism and resilience

  • Positive examples of resilience, such as “Just a Farmer” screenings, are inspiring hope.
  • Youth-focused initiatives like the One Vision MPOWER app and Corangamite Youth Art Therapy program are driving optimism and resilience.
  • Engagement with First Nations culture, nature, and art is promoting healing and a positive outlook.

There is much more that we could share, so if you’d like to know more about any of these comments, or are interested in a particular geography or issue, please get in touch via