Safe Space supports community connection in Castlemaine

Community stories: 22 October 2024

Through two In a Good Place (IAGP) grants, FRRR has helped support the establishment of the Castlemaine Safe Space – a peer-supported community drop-in space where locals can access mental health support and connect with others.

The first IAGP grant for $20,000 was awarded in 2021 to Castlemaine Community House to develop a pilot program, accessible to anyone with a desire to talk about mental health issues with a trained peer worker who has experienced mental health issues themselves. The funding supported the establishment and running of the space for a couple of sessions a week.

Despite several changes of venue, the pilot was very successful and proved the level of need in the community. The organisation – Castlemaine Safe Space – became an incorporated entity registered with the ACNC, and gained DGR1 status. It is now enjoying strong relationships with local health services.

Castlemaine Safe Space received a second IAGP grant of $13,000 in 2023 to help them strengthen and grow the service. The funding enabled them to employ a part-time project worker responsible for coordinating training for new volunteers, preparing shift rosters, arranging outreach and resourcing efforts, and developing new evaluation tools for the Safe Space. The grant was also used to purchase sensory equipment to support people experiencing heightened anxiety, and develop a communications plan to take advantage of local promotional opportunities so more locals knew about their service.

Castlemaine Safe Space proudly celebrated its second birthday in July 2024, and since becoming established, they’ve welcomed over 560 guests, trained nearly 40 peer volunteers and received more than 4,000 generous volunteer hours from community members.

They wrote that their experience with FRRR was excellent.

“We have found FRRR to be our most loyal supporter, with our initial grant allowing us to open our Safe Space two years ago, and this second grant allowing us to remain sustainable, provide training to our working group and peer volunteers, food and therapeutic resources for our guests and employ our Peer Volunteer Coordinator.

“We have found FRRR to be very easy to work with and undemanding in terms of restrictions and obligations to be met with our grants. We will always acknowledge FRRR as the organisation that helped us get up and running and provide ongoing support for our initiatives.

“FRRR has helped us provide a safe, calm and welcoming environment for local residents, reducing loneliness and isolation, providing a free, stigma-free place for those in emotional distress to go to, and subsequently reducing the factors that lead to suicidal thoughts and acts.

“Thank you FRRR for supporting us in our journey from the beginning up to now, when we have just secured a semi-permanent rental property allowing us to reduce the demands on our peer volunteers and feel more secure in the near future.”