Cycling trails bring back tourists, encourage local recreation

Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Community stories: 22 October 2024

With NSW Forestry Corporation’s approval, Cycle Tumbarumba created a mountain bike trail network on Mason’s Hill, approximately 3km west of Tumbarumba, NSW. However, while separate bike paths got cyclists to within 500m of the entrance to Mason’s Hill, the last stretch forced riders, including children, onto the busy Wagga Road, presenting a safety issue.

After the Black Summer Bushfires impacted the local area, the group knew that by creating a separate off-road path on the final 500 metres, they could make it safer for everyone and encourage people to get back out riding and connecting. They also saw an opportunity to construct a short children’s mountain bike trail, which would help attract local families and visitors alike.

Thanks to the support of a $10,000 grant from FRRR, via the Visy Tumut Region Recovery Fund, the group was able to not only build the short loop for children but also add in a table, shelter, bike stand, workstand, tools and a pump. This has made it a great location for children’s birthday parties, club social events and club social races. The funding also allowed for the purchase of some additional maintenance and safety equipment, which means that volunteers maintaining the trails no longer need to bring their own equipment. They even stretched the funding to include some additional planning and concept work that will hopefully be implemented in future.

This is a great example of a relatively small amount of funding having a big impact – bringing a community together, increasing recreation and strengthening the social fabric, while also having economic benefits.