News - Community stories

Child crouched on ground drawing with chalk on concrete.

Fun in the sun on the Cox Peninsula

Community stories: 30 August 2023

Wagait Shire Council received a $6,000 SRC grant to help establish a youth program that focused on building more opportunities in the community for young people.

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People sitting on the ground with a sign in front of them.

Northern Rivers Community Healing Hub in action

Community stories Disaster recovery stories: 30 August 2023

Northern Rivers Community Healing Hub received a grant for $24,570 through the Rebuilding Futures program to help strengthen their organisational capacity.

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Men attending a mental health workshop in Quorn

Creating connections in Quorn

Community stories: 30 August 2023

The Quorn Community Sporting Association used a $9,000 grant from FRRR's In a Good Place program, funded by CCI Giving, to run mental health workshops.

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Group of youths standing together wearing blue shirts.

Gulf Youth in Ag’s ‘Paddock to Plate’

Community stories: 30 August 2023

Gulf Youth in Ag received a Heywire grant for $9,979 to deliver a series of Paddock to Plate microdocumentaries to illustrate why we need farmers..

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Flooded streets in Lismore, NSW

Supporting disaster recovery in the Northern Rivers

Community stories Disaster recovery stories: 27 July 2023

NRCF holds a Fundraising Account with FRRR to attract tax-deductible donations, enabling them work together to build resilience across the community.

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Building drought resilience in Qld’s Northern Gulf

Community stories: 24 July 2023

Providing opportunities for community connection helps build preparedness for, and resilience to, the impacts of drought. Through the Future Drought Fund’s Networks to Build Drought Resilience program, Northern Gulf Resource Management Group Ltd received $49,700 funded by the Australian Government to deliver three drought awareness and networking events across regional QLD.

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Building connection by improving food security

Community stories: 24 July 2023

Geeveston Community Centre in Tasmania is Australia’s southernmost Neighbourhood House and works closely with the community to address local needs. In 2021 they received a $9,419 Strengthening Rural Communities grant, funded by the Bertalli Family Foundation, to improve community food security by growing more local produce.

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Expanding capacity of the Cobargo Wellness Group

Community stories: 24 July 2023

The Cobargo Wellness Group (CWG) supports local community to thrive through education, wellbeing, and creative projects after crisis and beyond. CWG received a $10,000 grant through the Investing in Not-for-Profit Capacity in Regional NSW program to develop capacity to meet increased need for its services across the region.

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Growing the bush resource industry in the Kimberley

Community stories: 24 July 2023

Environs Kimberley (EK) seeks to build capacity for First Nations people to engage in and lead a Kimberley native plant resource industry. In 2020 they received a $24,995 SRC grant funded by John T Reid Charitable Trusts to support one of their initiatives.

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Marama Community Hall Revival

Community stories: 6 July 2023

Marama Community Incorporated pulled together and with the help of a large grant they embarked on a project to renew the hall and once again provide a central place for activities to be held.

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