News - Media releases

Young people take over Mildura in May

Media releases: 19 May 2023

More than 30 school-aged students will ‘takeover’ Mildura from 22 May to 26 May to share their stories as part of the ABC’s Takeover Youth Summit.

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Grants to boost community spirit

Media releases: 15 May 2023

In partnership with The Yulgilbar Foundation, FRRR has awarded $785,794 in grants to 23 local groups for community projects designed to strengthen community capacity and resilience in the Clarence Valley and surrounding region.

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Funds begin to flow to rural communities to prepare for drought

Media releases: 9 May 2023

FRRR and ARLF are pleased to announce the first 15 organisations to receive funding through the Future Drought Fund’s Helping Regional Communities Prepare for Drought Initiative.

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IMAGE: ABC Heywire presentation event in the theatre at the Australian Parliament House, Canberra. HEADING: Empowering and addressing issues that matter to rural youth

Empowering and addressing issues that matter to rural youth

Media releases: 17 April 2023

Grants of up to $10,000 are now available to fund community-led projects, developed by young people, to respond to the six issues identified at this year’s ABC Heywire Youth Summit, including mental health, accessibility, youth voices, addressing costs of living and creating safe spaces - all issues that concern youth.

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IMAGE: ABC Heywire presentation event in the theatre at the Australian Parliament House, Canberra. HEADING: Empowering and addressing issues that matter to rural youth

$250,000 available for community-led mental health projects

Media releases: 12 April 2023

Remote, rural and regional communities across Australia can apply now for grants up to $20,000 for community-driven mental health and wellbeing projects, through FRRR’s In a Good Place (IAGP) program.

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IRCF Bega Valley workshop a success with local leaders

Media releases: 4 April 2023

FRRR and Bega Shire Council recently announced that a new initiative was being rolled out in Bega Valley, called Investing in Rural Community Futures (IRCF) Bega Valley – Resilience Connection and Place Project.

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Bega Valley and Shoalhaven’s not-for-profits to benefit from boost in leadership capacity to drive bushfire recovery

Media releases: 3 April 2023

Leaders of local not-for-profit organisations in the Bega Valley and Shoalhaven region are invited to apply for locally-delivered leadership development programs, Regenerate Bega Valley and Regenerate Shoalhaven, designed to build capacity to help with ongoing bushfire recovery and response.

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IMAGE: Kinder aged child exploring a puddle. HEADING: Rural groups awarded a record-breaking $2.3 million

Rural groups awarded a record-breaking $2.3 million

Media releases: 29 March 2023

FRRR has awarded $2,309,331 in grants to 176 community projects across remote, rural and regional Australia as part of the Strengthening Rural Communities (SRC) program.

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IMAGE: Community Hall with boxes of food lining the space. HEADING: Vital funding already supporting flood-affected Victorian communities

Vital funding already supporting flood-affected Victorian communities

Media releases: 27 March 2023

FRRR has awarded 23 ‘quick response’ grants to community groups and not-for-profit (NFP) organisations in flood-affected areas of Victoria thanks to a generous $250,000 donation from the Pratt Foundation.

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FRRR welcomes William Myer to the Board

Media releases: 6 March 2023

FRRR has announced the appointment of William Myer to its Board. William is the representative of the Sidney Myer Fund, one of the founding partners of FRRR, alongside the Australian Government.

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