Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR)

The small community of Bowen, on the north Queensland coast, is economically diverse, boasting agriculture, tourism, fishing and mining. Despite this, it experiences high levels of youth unemployment.

PCYC Bowen branch manager Sergeant Michelle O’Regan explains that having high youth unemployment does not necessarily mean a high youth crime rate, as some might assume, but it does present challenges for the community.

“We take a proactive approach by giving young people leadership and building their employability skills. We tap into local resources and connect schools with businesses to build that sense of community. They say it takes a village to raise a child, so our customer is the whole community – it’s about working together and opening up opportunities for both sides to connect,” said Sergeant O’Regan.

Seed funding

PCYC Queensland’s Greener Futures program aimed to support ten students from Bowen State High School gain hands-on experience in the horticulture industry and assist them to become more employable.

Four years ago, PCYC Queensland received $8,000 through FRRR’s ANZ Seeds of Renewal program to buy some basic equipment for the initiative.

“Without that initial funding, we would have never have got the program off the ground. While the program has evolved over time, looking back [the grant] was pivotal to where we are now,” Sergeant O’Regan explains.

She says that the long-term plan for Greener Futures was two-pronged; to expand quality employment opportunities in local industries for young people facing barriers in the labour market, and to strengthen the economic vitality of the local sector through strategic support and consumer education.

Sergeant O’Regan goes on to say that the initial funds were a catalyst for attracting further support and gave credibility to the initiative and what we were trying to achieve.

“The initial pilot program was a successful partnership between the high school, Stackelroth Farms, and Prospect Agriculture, with in-kind support from other local businesses and organisations that ensured the program’s success.

“This program morphed into the Resilience for life (R4L) program, which focussed on more the psychological wellbeing of our youth and attracted funds from Perpetual. From there R4L eventually became our now hugely successful WORKFit program. We received $20,000 in funds from the Queensland Government, which enabled us to employ a community development officer.

“But without the initial injection of funding from ANZ and support from FRRR, we would have struggled to get the pilot program up and running and, therefore, we would not have ended up with the program we are delivering now.

“All I know, when you build a house you need first the foundation. Small grants – five or six years later we look back and see that those funds were really pivotal to where we are now. We could never have pre-planned that.”

“There are multiple layers – from small things big things can grow. For example, if we don’t have a working kitchen, we can’t hold community events or run mental health awareness programs. A bus, even, can really make a big difference to a small community.”

The role of Philanthropy

Sergeant O’Regan believes that communities need to help themselves rather than being entirely reliant on money.

“The role of philanthropy is about giving that a bit of a boost. That confidence that what they are working towards is going to be beneficial.

“It should be a hand-up, not a hand-out. Some communities are reliant on money coming in from outside, rather than working together. If you want something, you have got to work towards it. Whether it is a raffle or something else. Our young people have put in around 5,000 hours – they really want to be part of what we do.”

Sergeant O’Regan explains that people want to help, but they don’t always know how. Corporates may not have the time or the connection within the community to initiate support, but by spending time with a group, they can often work out where they can help best.

“It’s not always about money. Support can be in time and expertise. For example, I would love to be able to connect with a good business mentor, who would give up a bit of their time, so I can share my vision and ideas.

“It is about working in partnership. Come and have a look, philanthropists – see for yourselves. Let’s work together.”

Grants awarded to initiatives tackling long-term impacts of 2009 Black Saturday bushfires

FRRR has awarded $414,927 in grants to 12 community groups and local not-for-profits through its Grants for Resilience & Wellness (GR&W) Kinglake program. This program is designed to provide communities in the Kinglake Ranges area with the resources they need to reconnect and recover from the long-term impacts of the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires.

GRANTS FOR RESILIENCE & WELLNESS, Kinglake Ranges, Over $410,000 in grants awarded to Kinglake Ranges communities

The grants are possible thanks to the Victorian Bushfire Fund Appeal and funds that were raised by the general public following the bushfires 13 years ago. To date, 44 projects have shared in $1,297,840 in grants through the GR&W Kinglake program, which is now in its fourth year.

The grants being awarded in this round range from $4,000 to $120,749. The initiatives being funded focus largely on boosting community connectedness through upgrading community facilities and infrastructure that will make community amenities more accessible and undertaking cultural activities.

Nina O’Brien, Disaster and Recovery Lead at FRRR, said that it’s important that the people in these communities have the facilities and amenities to come together as a community.

“Thirteen years on from the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires, the community groups of Kinglake Ranges are still as determined as ever to build back better and bring people together, which is so crucial for the long-term recovery of areas that have been impacted by natural disasters.

“Despite the fact that so many years have passed, the people living in these communities have a shared experiences that make them uniquely qualified to understand what the region needs in order to continue moving forward and building their capacity for the future.

“In this round of applications, we saw that community members still need places where they can come together, connect and share stories, whether that be at a community hub, a workshop, a historical centre, a BMX track for kids or a youth space. That sense of community is what enables these disaster-impacted places to continue growing stronger,” Ms O’Brien said.

Some of the projects funded in this round include:

  • Flowerdale Community House Inc – $17,139 – Flowerdale – Foster community connectedness and enhance disaster preparedness by upgrading facilities at a key community hub.
  • Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House Inc – $53,604.10 – Kinglake – Strengthen community connectedness and sense of place through the inclusion of First Nations artwork on the Dindi Arts Trail.
  • Kinglake West Mechanics Institute and Reserves Committee Inc – $21,320 – Kinglake West – Strengthen community connectedness to local history and place by installing a disability access ramp at Kinglake West Historical Centre.
  • Toolangi District Community House Inc – $60,844 – Toolangi – Foster broad community participation and wellbeing through upgrading a community hub.

FRRR will continue to work closely with the community to allocate the remainder of funding available in line with program intent.

The full list of grant recipients and their projects are below.

Flowerdale Hall Reserve Committee of ManagementFoster community connectedness and enhance disaster preparedness by upgrading facilities at a key community hub.Flowerdale$17,139
Flowerdale Community House IncEnhance wellbeing and resilience of children and young people by supporting a feasibility study for BMX track in the Ranges.Flowerdale$54,870
Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House IncStrengthen community recovery and improve social wellbeing outcomes and connection through expanding creative workshop space at a community hub.Kinglake$120,749
Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House Kinglake Ranges ArtStrengthen community connectedness and sense of place through the inclusion of First Nations artwork on the Dindi Arts Trail.Kinglake$53,604
Kinglake Trust Reserve IncorporatedEnhance the facilities of a community asset to promote connectedness, by improving the acoustics of the Ellimatta Centre.Kinglake$13,547
Lions Club of Kinglake IncStrengthening community connectedness and community identity through the relocation and preservation of historical infrastructure.Kinglake$4,000
Kinglake Ranges Aquatic Centre IncBuild capacity for the future by engaging a consultant to support planning and advocacy for a local aquatic facility in the Kinglake Ranges, promoting health, wellbeing and community resilience.Kinglake$19,316
Middle Kinglake Primary School
Middle Kinglake Parents & Friends Association
Strengthen community connectedness, sense of place and resilience of children and young people through a mural at Middle Kinglake Primary School celebrating local identity.Kinglake$13,858
Kinglake West Mechanics Institute and Reserves Committee Inc
Kinglake Historical Society
Strengthen community connectedness to local history and place by installing a disability access ramp at Kinglake West Historical Centre.Kinglake West$21,320
Toolangi District Community House Inc
Foster broad community participation and wellbeing through upgrading a community hub.Toolangi$60,844
Toolangi District Community House Inc
Toolangi-Castella History Group

Strengthen community connectedness to local culture and heritage through securely archiving and sharing historic materials.

Toolangi-Castella Men’s Shed Strengthen the capacity of local people to connect and respond to community need by upgrading equipment at a Men’s Shed.Toolangi$16,136

In this quarter’s update for FRRR’s donor partners, read about:

  • Connecting with Communities
  • Progress Report
  • Insights from the bush
  • Donor spotlight: Nutrien Ag Solutions
  • Community partner spotlight: Housing Matters Action Group Inc (HMAG)

Nineteen grassroots initiatives across remote, rural and regional Australia will share in $172,069 in grants through the FRRR ABC Heywire Youth Innovation Grants program.

Riverland Youth Theatre member wearing a rainbow feather boa. There's someone else standing behind them with a rainbow umbrella.
Riverland Youth Theatre in Renmark, South Australia received a $10,000 grant through this program last year to empower youth to explore their identity through performance art and costume design to image their best, bravest future self.

This year, the program took ideas generated by young Australians at the ABC Takeover Shepparton Summit and offered rural community organisations the opportunity to apply for a grant that would bring one of the six ideas to life. This year’s ideas for change centred around the themes of LGBTQIA+ allyship; hands on learning for young people; promoting healthier communities; supporting people in need; cultural awareness; and homelessness.

These 19 grants will mean that community organisations will have the support and resources they need to help address some of the issues that matter most to young people.

Deb Samuels, FRRR’s People Portfolio Lead, said that this program is so important because it gives young people a say and prepares them for future leadership roles within their communities.

“This program not only gives young Australians a platform to champion the causes that matter to them but, more importantly, it puts their thoughts and ideas into action. Young people are the future and the initiatives being funded are a great example of how they can have a direct and positive impact on regional Australia.

“The young people who participate in this program – either in developing the ideas or helping them come to life in their community – often go on to do great things in their communities and beyond. For the last couple of years, due to COVID we’ve had to adapt the way the ideas are generated, yet young people have continued to step up and show their dedication to working towards a better future for regional Australia,” Ms Samuels said.

Deakin, one of the young people who attended this year’s 2022 Takeover Shepparton Summit, run by the ABC in partnership with VicHealth, said it is so exciting to see that communities are going to adapt and adopt the ideas they were part of developing.

“Participating in Takeover this year was an amazing experience. Having the opportunity to get together with likeminded young people who are passionate about improving the future of regional Australia was really empowering.

“The conversations we had were really productive and, now, seeing the ideas we came up with turn into real initiatives and projects is amazing. I’m proud to think that the ideas we came up will reach so many communities,” said Deakin.

The FRRR Program Advisory Committee, which recommends the applications to be supported to the FRRR Board, is also made up of ABC Heywire alumni. This ensures young people to have an input in each step of the program, giving them a say in which initiatives best align with the issues affecting young people. The Committee role means they also gain valuable insight into the world of philanthropy and see just what’s involved in assessing and validating the applications, under the guidance of FRRR Directors and staff.

The Board endorsed 19 projects, some of which are highlighted below:

  • The Scouts of the 1st Burrill-Ulladulla Sea Scout Group in Ulladulla NSW, received $2,782 to develop the Humanity Helping Homelessness idea by reducing food insecurity with the installation and promotion of a community food pantry and vegetable gardens.
  • Melaleuca Refugee Centre Torture & Trauma Survivor’s Service of the Northern Territory Inc in Darwin, NT, received $10,000 to develop the Fusion Festival idea and encourage cultural inclusivity, by running a multicultural festival featuring food, workshops and live performances that provides an opportunity for migrants and former refugees to share their culture with the community and explore business opportunities to utilise their culture and skill set.
  • RoboCoast Sunshine Coast Robotics Association in Bamaga, QLD, received $10,000 to develop the Hands On Learning idea by providing youth throughout remote Australia with a hands-on opportunity to learn about Robotics.
  • Roxby Downs Community Board in Roxby Downs, SA, received $6,393 to develop the Take Care idea by empowering youth with the skills to recognise and respond to a friend experiencing a mental health problem or a crisis situation through Mental Health First Aid training at Roxby Downs Area School.
  • Launceston Hazara Community in Launceston, TAS, received $10,000 to develop the Supporting People In Need idea by supporting upskilling and social opportunities for youth in the Hazara community through a program of culturally safe and supportive social opportunities.
  • Greater Shepparton Lighthouse Ltd in Shepparton, VIC, received $10,000 to develop the Hands On Learning idea by expanding the use of the current ‘Pit Stop’ program with a series of workshops for youth focusing on hands-on projects such as woodwork, car maintenance and push bike refurbishment.
  • City of Albany in Albany, WA, received $4,664 to develop The Allies Project by highlighting the stories of what it means to be a LGBTQIA+ ally in the Albany community through the production of The Ally Podcast.

A full list of the projects funded can be found on FRRR’s website.

These grants are possible thanks to the generous support of the Sally Foundation, Findex Community Fund, David Mactaggart Foundation and The Collie Foundation, Greater Shepparton Foundation as well as several private donors.

Eden Community Access Centre IncHands on Learning
Engage youth in disaster preparedness and resilience through a youth designed and developed game.
Farm it Forward IncHands on Learning
Support Farm it Forward with the installation of a greenhouse to enable future youth workshops and employment pathways.
Heal.ed Tribe LtdSupporting People in Need
Empower youth with the skills and knowledge to overcome mental health challenges with a peer-led reconnect program.
The Scouts of the 1st Burrill-Ulladulla Sea Scout GroupTriple H
Reduce food insecurity with the installation and promotion of a community food pantry and vegetable gardens.
Melaleuca Refugee Centre Torture & Trauma Survivor's Service of the Northern Territory IncFusion Festival
Develop a multicultural festival of food, workshops, and live performances that provides an opportunity for migrants and former refugees to share their culture with the community and explore business opportunities to utilise their culture and skill set.
Corrugated Iron Youth Arts IncHands On Learning
Support performing youth with the teaching skills to become teachers to the next generation.
Uprising of the People LtdSupporting People In Need
Encourage youth to connect with their community and elders with regular youth events.
RoboCoast Sunshine Coast Robotics AssociationHands On Learning
Provide youth throughout remote Australia with a hands on opportunity to learn about Robotics.
Kimba Mental Health and Wellbeing Group IncFusion Festival
Foster cultural awareness in the local community through a youth led festival of storytelling, dance and activities showcasing the cultural makeup of the Kimba community.
District Council of Karoonda East MurrayHands On Learning
Empower youth with the skills, equipment and mentoring to establish and run a coffee business.
Riverland Youth TheatreThe Allies Project
Help youth identify LGBTQIA+ allies and identify safe spaces within their community by developing The Ally Awards.
Roxby Downs Community Board IncTake Care
Empower youth with the skills to recognise and respond to a friend experiencing a mental health problem or a crisis situation through Mental Health First Aid training at Roxby Downs Area School.
Roxby Downs$6,393
Nature Foundation LtdHands on Learning
Provide the future generation with the skills and knowledge of caring for country and future employment pathways.
Launceston Hazara Community IncSupporting People in Need
Encourage the development of skills and social opportunities for youth in the Hazara community with a program of culturally safe and supportive social opportunities.
REACH FoundationSupporting People in Need
Improve youth mental health with the delivery of youth-led workshops that equip young people with the tools to set goals, deal with conflict and build emotional resilience.
Greater Shepparton Lighthouse LtdHands on Learning
Expand the use of the current ‘Pit Stop’ program with a series of workshops for youth focusing on hands on projects such as woodwork, car maintenance and push bike refurbishment.
The Foyer SheppartonTriple H
Support youth experiencing homelessness in Shepparton through the development of free and accessible video resources relating to affordable housing.
The Bridge Youth Service IncTriple H
Build on The Bridge’s current work in youth homelessness, with a program of initiatives to support youth experiencing housing insecurity including information and education sessions and an event to raise awareness of homelessness issues.
City of AlbanyThe Allies Project
Highlight the stories of what it means to be a LGBTQIA+ ally in the Albany community through the production of The Ally Podcast.

The Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal today welcomed the expansion of the place-based Investing in Rural Community Futures (IRCF) program to the Bega Valley, thanks to an injection of $1.3 million through the Australian Government’s Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Program.

IRCF is a grassroots program aimed at building and supporting the capacity of not-for-profits so they in turn can support social, economic and built environment recovery. By working locally over the next two years, it aims to strengthen local not-for-profit (NFP) organisations and ultimately enable them to thrive, which in turn will have a positive impact on community wellbeing and sustainability. It is based on a mix of local on-the-ground support, access to workshops and training and collaboration with local community groups.

The IRCF Bega Valley – Resilience Connection and Place Project builds on the Investing in Not-for-Profit Capacity program, which FRRR has been running in Bega over the last 18 months.

The investment will allow for two community development project officers to be appointed – one full time, one part-time – in partnership with the Bega Valley Shire Council. They will work closely with local NFP organisations and community groups, including the three Local Aboriginal Land Councils (LALC’s).

An important part of the program will be to develop a ‘roadmap’ for the local not-for-profit and community sector, to identify common areas of interest, shared assets and needs for capacity building. Once these needs are identified, the IRCF Community Development Project Officers will develop relevant resources and help facilitate training and other support to help NFP’s to maximise the impact of their work. They will also provide support in accessing other grant funding for the various groups that get involved.

The program will also deliver leadership training into the community, thanks to a partnership with the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation.

FRRR’s People Programs Portfolio Lead Deb Samuels says that this really is a collaborative, community-driven program.

“FRRR has worked hand in hand with community groups over the last 20 plus years, so we know that locals are best placed to know what they really need. Our role is simply to help facilitate the support that they need – and that’s exactly what this program is going to do.

“We’ve rolled out this model successfully now in seven other locations across NSW, so we know that this approach of bringing local NFPs and community groups together really works, especially when you combine it with on-the-ground facilitators. Together, they can identify common issues and opportunities and collectively prioritise where investment is needed, and what form it should take – including paying particular attention to ensuring it’s inclusive and culturally appropriate – to build their capacity as a sector.

“We’ve seen some fantastic spin-off investment and leveraging of resources and we fully expect the same to happen in Bega Valley communities. We’re really excited to get started!” Ms Samuels said.

Applications are now also open for the two facilitator roles, with details on the Bega Valley Shire Council site.

Designing and tailoring the IRCF program is a highly collaborative process. The next step is for FRRR, Bega Valley Shire Council and Australian Rural Leadership Foundation to meet with some key local leaders and start to map out how to harness this opportunity to build on what is already happening in the Bega Valley.

To find out more about the IRCF program or to get involved, visit or contact FRRR Carolyn Ardler, IRCF Program Coordinator – South Coast on 1800 170 020.

Plus workshops scheduled re fundraising for NFPs and strengthening local connections

The Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal today shared that a $1.3 million funding boost for the Shoalhaven region to further enhance the capacity of local not-for-profit organisations to support their communities has already started to roll out.

The funding is thanks to a partnership with the Australian Government, through the Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Program.

The additional investment means that even more of the ideas and initiatives identified through the Investing in Rural Community Futures (IRCF) program to continue the ongoing recovery following the Black Summer bushfires can be implemented across the Shoalhaven region. Thanks to support from The Snow Foundation and more recently Bendigo Bank through their Community Enterprise Foundation, FRRR has been working with communities in the Shoalhaven and South Coast area since 2020.

FRRR People Programs Portfolio Lead Deb Samuels says that this funding will benefit communities across the Shoalhaven region, all of which were impacted by the 2019/20 Black Summer Bushfires.

“This generous funding means that FRRR and our partners can continue to work with local community groups and not-for-profits to enhance their capacity to support their communities. We’ve already started by reviewing the roadmaps that were created previously and refreshing them in light of the bushfires and more recently flooding and the ongoing impacts of COVID.

“Practically, it means that FRRR can keep our facilitators on the ground in the Shoalhaven, so they can work directly with community groups to maintain the momentum that has built up over recent years through the IRCF program. They will continue to bring the community together and to implement the roadmaps identified for each of the participating communities.

“Perhaps most excitingly, it means that we have also been able to expand our support to Kangaroo Valley and Lake Conjola – again, two areas that were significantly affected by the fires.

“We recently funded 20 places at the Art of Hosting and Harvesting Conversations that matter in Bundanon. This three-day training session has equipped more local people with the skills to facilitate conversations that can lead to coordinated action and positive change. We will be further supporting local not-for-profit leaders the opportunity to attend Art of Hosting in the Southern Shoalhaven on 8–10 February 2023.

“Each of the initiatives that will be supported in future address issues or opportunities that local groups have already identified and prioritised. For example, in partnership with the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation, we’ll be delivering a tailored year-long leadership program to 24 participants from across the community, thereby strengthening the leadership base for the future.

“All of these initiatives are designed to help local community groups to better support their communities and so we are extremely grateful for this additional support through NEMA,” Ms Samuels explained.

The Art of Hosting workshop certainly made an impact on participants. In one of the closing sessions, in response to a question about what they are taking from the event, one person said “Excitement & hope we can continue to collaborate in the Shoalhaven to nourish our communities”, while another commented “Feelings of respect and admiration for all, different expressions of experience and life stories, strengthened by sharing in the collective”. This additional funding will hopefully mean more of these sorts of sessions.

Registrations are also currently open for two more workshops that respond to local priorities – namely around fundraising, and building and strengthening connections and networking across not-for-profit. Representatives from any not-for-profit or community group are welcome to attend, but registration is required:

Ulladulla Session – Wednesday 23 November, 9-12 pm, Ulladulla Civic Centre –

Nowra Session – Thursday 24 November, 9-12 pm, Nowra School of Arts –

To find out more about the IRCF program in your community or to get involved, visit or contact FRRR on 1800 170 020.

Final round of funding announced

Applications are now open for The Yulgilbar Foundation Fund grant program, which is run by the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR). Community groups and local not-for-profit organisations (NFPs) in and around Clarence Valley can apply for grants of up to $50,000 to fund projects that strengthen their capacity and resilience in response to the 2019/20 bushfires, flooding and continued challenges across the region.

This is the final round of funding from this program, offering $2 million across the region through a mix of multi-year and one-off grants depending on the needs of local groups.

The Fund focuses on supporting projects that leverage artistic endeavours, boost educational participation, support locally-led environmental sustainability initiatives or build capacity for communities to respond to bushfires, drought, floods or other events like COVID.

Natalie Egleton, FRRR’s CEO, said that The Yulgilbar Foundation shares FRRR’s passion for community-led recovery and resilience.

“The people in this region have dealt with a lot the last few years between drought, then the 2019-20 bushfires, COVID restrictions and most recently, flooding. At FRRR, we know that local organisations are led by community members who are best placed to know and really understand what the community needs to recover and also to thrive into the future.

“The Yulgilbar Foundation takes the same approach, which is why this grant program was created in the first place. We have a strong history of partnering and it’s been great to work alongside them on this program strengthening the communities of the Clarence Valley and surrounding regions,” said Ms Egleton.

Community groups and NFPs can apply for the grants before 5pm AEDT, 21 February 2023.

More details, including the program guidelines and EOI form, are available on FRRR’s website –

Eleven not-for-profits (NFPs) in Junee, Leeton and Nambucca Valley will share in $444,063 in grants. The funding is thanks to FRRR, in partnership with Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation (VFFF), through the Investing in Rural Community Futures (IRCF) program.

Investing in rural communities futures, Junee, Leeton and Nambucca Valley NFPs given $450,000 boost

IRCF is a five-year program initially designed to support local NFPs in Junee, Leeton and Nambucca Valley. The goal is to support and build the capacity of locally-led organisations, so that they’re better equipped to deliver on their purpose and serve their communities.

As part of the program, FRRR works with community groups and leaders to create a roadmap that will help local organisations to work together towards achieving their goals and filling in the existing gaps within their communities. Program participants are offered a range of supports under the IRCF model, including access to a facilitator, grants, participatory planning processes, skill development, and external resources.

Natalie Egleton, FRRR CEO, said that the IRCF program in Junee, Leeton and Nambucca Valley is now in its fourth year and its success highlights how important it is to have place-based grant programs that focus on specific communities and their needs.

“This program is quite unique in the sense that it has operated over a number of years. This means that we get to go on a journey with these organisations, addressing issues they identify and working towards achieving the goals outlined in the road mapping process on what’s almost a step-by-step basis.

“At this stage of the program, the majority of the local NFPs being funded have previously received a grant through the program and are consolidating their efforts or building capacity to engage in more collaborative projects. The ongoing support and resources provided by this program give these communities consistency and the ability to plan for the long-term, both of which are crucial for creating sustainability and self-sufficiency in the future, once the program comes to a close,” Ms Egleton said.

“In this round, we clearly saw an emphasis on financial sustainability by the local organisations in these three communities. Program participants are working towards revenue diversification, improving financial systems and amplifying their value proposition, all of which are really important considerations for NFPs in remote, rural and regional Australia given the economic uncertainty we’re currently facing,” Ms Egleton said.

The full list of grant recipients and their projects are below:

Junee Community Centre IncFinancial Sustainability and Responding to Community Needs
Improve sustainability through focused activity to strengthen financial systems, enable land acquisition and scoping towards the development of a Community Hub.
Junee Business & Trades IncorporatedRevitalisation Strategy
Revitalising Junee Business and Trades Inc through the development of strategic and marketing plans and improved financial management.
Cooinda Court Aged Care LtdIndependent Living Study
Boosting financial sustainability and organisational efficiencies through a feasibility study to explore revenue diversification and the consolidation of client information systems including the enhancement of a compatible finance program.
Junee Show Society IncorporatedStrategic Planning for Junee Showgrounds
Creating a Strategic Plan for the Junee Showgrounds in collaboration with User Groups, to enhance coordination and the venue to be compatible with modern needs.
Leeton JumpstartThe Transformation of Leeton JumpStart Fund
Operationalizing strategy, diversifying revenue, and upskilling volunteers to future proof the Leeton Jumpstart Fund.
Leeton Connect IncGrants Support Coordinator and Collaboration Consultant
Consolidating strategic objectives and symmetries across the Leeton NFP sector to inform grants support coordination and future partnerships.
Leeton Business Chamber IncorporatedBuilding Capacity of the Volunteer Base to Ensure Sustainability and Business Continuity
Strengthening Leeton Business Chamber through supported coordination of the new Leeton digital hub, volunteer training, governance enhancements and maintaining partnerships.
Shoretrack LtdYP Connect Tech
Building connections and understanding between ShoreTrack young people and the NFP sector through collaborative multi-media workshops and work experience opportunities.
Miimi Aboriginal CorporationThe Leadership Growth Project
Revitalising Miimi Aboriginal Corporation through additional human resourcing to support wellbeing, cultural leadership, social enterprise development and operationalizing a new strategic plan.
Mujaay Ganma Foundation Aboriginal CorporationMujaay Ganma Nyanggana
Embedding succession planning and financial sustainability through building cultural knowledge and skills in youth trainees.
Bowraville Communication Technology Centre IncorporatedCommunity Printing Services and Volunteer Support Training
Rejuvenating volunteer efforts and service delivery through equipment upgrades and First Aid training.

FRRR, a one-of-a-kind Australian charity, has granted a record amount of $19.8 million to remote, rural and regional Australia during a year when rural communities have dealt with the ongoing impacts of COVID, the legacy of bushfires and drought and some of the worst flood events on record.

FRRR reports record-breaking year, granting nearly $20 million to rural Australia_Little Pocket Community Group

Having operated for 22 years, FRRR is the only national foundation specifically focused on ensuring social and economic strength in rural Australia. Their aim is to ensure that community groups and local not-for-profit organisations in these areas have the resources and tools they need to create sustainable, vibrant remote, rural and regional communities.

As reported in their recently released 2021/22 annual review, last financial year, FRRR awarded 991 grants to projects in 526 unique locations across Australia. Of the total $19.8 million granted, more than $12.3 million went to communities that were either recovering from or preparing for natural disasters like flooding, cyclones, drought and bushfires.

Another notable statistic is that for every $1 donated by FRRR, an additional $1.54 was generated in-kind or in cash, meaning that the total value of projects supported was more than $50 million.

FRRR CEO Natalie Egleton said that it was inspiring to be able to support so many community groups serving their communities during such a tough year.

“The last financial year brought a lot of disruption and hardship for remote, rural and regional communities across the country. From pandemic restrictions and floods to cyclones and the devastating fallout from bushfires, each community grappled with its own unique set of challenges, yet we saw common themes in each and every community we worked alongside during the last year. Generosity, agility and strength.

“To see locals and community leaders rallying together and continually stepping up to the plate to serve their communities truly is inspiring – particularly after the last couple of years,” said Ms Egleton.

Ms Egleton also spoke about the generous support of FRRR’s donor partners and supporters who helped to make their work possible this year.

“At FRRR, we work with an incredible network of organisations and philanthropic leaders who share our vision for a more vibrant, resilient and revitalised remote, rural and regional Australia and we are honoured that these organisations and philanthropic leaders continue to put their trust in FRRR. The past 12 months have been difficult for businesses and organisations of all shapes and sizes, yet the way our corporate and philanthropic partners continue to show up and show their support for rural Australia speaks volumes about the spirit of generosity and charity that’s embedded in our culture.

“This year saw the introduction of some new partnerships as well as the renewal of some long-standing partnerships. In particular, this year marked the 20-year anniversary of our partnerships with ANZ and Gardiner Dairy Foundation, both of which were major milestones,” Ms Egleton concluded.

You will find FRRR’s FY2020/21 Annual Review at

Huon Valley council acknowledges Traditional Custodians of the South East Nation, the Melukerdee people of the Huon River and the Lyluequonny people of the Far South.

Following a number of suicides in the Huon Valley in southwest Tasmania, the community indicated an interest in learning more about mental health and how to best support a family member, friend or colleague who may be struggling with their mental health.

With the help of a $9,255 grant through the In a Good Place program, supported by CCI Giving, the Mental Health Community Response project was initiated. Its goal was to build capacity in the Huon Valley to respond to and prevent suicide and promote mental health through the delivery of mental health first aid training to community members and groups. By providing the tools, community members could better understand and support members of the local community who may be self-harming or suicidal.

The Huon Valley Council took on a project coordination role, working closely with the Rural Alive and Well program, to reduce the stigma of suicide by promoting events widely across the community, encouraging conversations about mental health. They also ran three 12-hour Mental Health First Aid programs across some of the smaller communities in the Huon Valley, as well as delivering two self-injury focused workshops to community members struggling to support family members who self-harm.

The Huon Valley Council’s contribution was significant, as participants appreciated being able to complete the training at an affordable cost and within their own local community. COVID posed several challenges, with the delivery of training delayed, as it was agreed that face-to-face sessions were important, given the nature of the training.

Communities and individuals in the Huon Valley are now better equipped to support each other, their community, family members and colleagues dealing with serious mental health issues such as self-harm or suicidal ideation. Community networks were built and reinforced by the project. At the completion of the project, participants had the confidence and resilience to share stories and have conversations in a secure and inclusive environment, to further reduce barriers associated with discussing mental health and suicide.

For more inspiring stories like this, head to our FY 2021/22 Annual Review.