Community stories: 25 July 2022
Currie Park, Euroa’s retirement village, is run by the Old Colonist’s Association of Victoria (OCAV), which was established in 1896 to care for older Victorians in need. OCAV provides access to quality accommodation and care for people who could not otherwise afford it.
They received a $40,000 Caring for Ageing Rural Australians grant funded by the Ian Rollo Currie Estate Foundation to renovate and upgrade the facilities in five residential units in Euroa. The units were originally constructed in 1977, and were no longer fit-for-purpose, with the facilities being functionally out-dated and presenting a number of safety hazards.
Residents at Currie Park are aged between 68 and 92, and all suffer some form of physical illness, with many affected by arthritis and associated mobility issues. The conversion of bathrooms into wet rooms has meant that residents can now walk into the shower without having to step over the bulkhead. For those residents requiring assistance, there is now greater space for shower aids and attendants. The addition of non-slip vinyl flooring has increased the safety for residents like Ken, who had previously suffered a fall in the bathroom, but now feels much more confident navigating his surroundings.
The kitchens too also received a makeover, with the flooring also being replaced, along with new cooktops, and disability-friendly sink mixers replacing the old tapware. Shelley Calopa from OCAV commented that the renovation of units at Currie Park has directly benefited the families and care staff of the five residents whose units were refurbished, as well as the wider community, as local suppliers and tradespeople were utilised wherever possible. It is estimated that these renovations will benefit at least 25 residents in the future.